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Bioware Please Nerf Me


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I play a DPS sage and my magnetic pull towards those who use force jump is way to over powered. No matter where I am in the warzone I seem to automatically get 2 or 3 Warrior / Knights who immediately are magnetically pulled to my location. So please nerf my magnetic pull. my only other option is to stop attacking opposing teams healer and to not actually play the objectives.


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I think I found your problem.


All classes that can have a dps spec should have equal viability to do so. There may be imbalance at the moment, but that does not mean it should not be fixed, or that a person should abandon any hope of it ever being fixed.

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I play a DPS sage and my magnetic pull towards those who use force jump is way to over powered. No matter where I am in the warzone I seem to automatically get 2 or 3 Warrior / Knights who immediately are magnetically pulled to my location. So please nerf my magnetic pull. my only other option is to stop attacking opposing teams healer and to not actually play the objectives.



Unfortunately the problem is that you're a sage and that means that most people will just automatically assume that you're a healer and start focusing you. If you were a sorc at least people who look up from their castbars would be more likely to know you are DPS due to lightning constantly shooting from your hands, but since you can only throw pebbles you can't distinguish yourself from a healing sage that much. Sorry :(

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Three words: Positioning, positioning, positioning. I know how annoying it can be to get destroyed by melee, but in this case, the only thing you can really do about it is to make sure to always have a large distance or something solid in between you and whatever wants to kill you, and pop out from safety just long enough to do damage to them without them doing damage to you. In this case, you'll have to satisfy with just doing damage to whatever you can reach and leaving the healers for your teammates. Remember that even if you're not killing the healer, doing damage to their allies will still put pressure on them, and with the help of your teammates, someone will eventually die anyway.
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My sorcerer's "energized pull" beats your "magnetic pull" any day. I believe there is still a short delay with the sage's pull, but mine works more like an instant teleport. If anything, they need to make yours as powerful as mine. At least we don't get that lonely feeling a lot.
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I too play a Sage and agree that they need to be nerfed. I am capable of keeping opposing DPS players occupied for at least 3 seconds, that's 3 whole seconds that I am preventing them from otherwise contributing to their teams efforts.


I'm so OP, i have opponents taking the time in game to complain with /yell saying things like "LOL", "thnks 4 easy kill", etc. Some even express their rage with emotes such as /kiss, /dance, /wave, and so on.


I think it's pretty obvious Sages need a nerf!

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All I can say...

If you suck at it. Don't play it.

Sages are fine for thoses who know how to kite and avoid damage.


When what the OP says happens to me, I do my counter(which you can figure out on your own), and they run away with their tails between their legs 9 times out of 10.

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Three words: Positioning, positioning, positioning. I know how annoying it can be to get destroyed by melee, but in this case, the only thing you can really do about it is to make sure to always have a large distance or something solid in between you and whatever wants to kill you, and pop out from safety just long enough to do damage to them without them doing damage to you. In this case, you'll have to satisfy with just doing damage to whatever you can reach and leaving the healers for your teammates. Remember that even if you're not killing the healer, doing damage to their allies will still put pressure on them, and with the help of your teammates, someone will eventually die anyway.


its not about being destroyed by them, i kill many 1 vs 1. It just be nice if i wasnt such an attractive location to jump to :)

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All I can say...

If you suck at it. Don't play it.

Sages are fine for thoses who know how to kite and avoid damage.


lol who said anything about sucking, not me. i truly am over powered. I get why they jump to me. cause if they dont everyone on there team will be dotted (which makes me extremely hard to kill) And Im sorry but I dont need to kite to kill something in front of me. Kiting takes me away from where i want to be, and thats killing other teams healer and capping nodes. Im a Battle Sage (not one of those hit and run pansies) Cause while your dumb marauders are wailing on me my healer is healing hassle free. So keep jumping to me. And when match is over and my team won, ask yourself was it really worth killing me 5 times. This topic was a light hearted joke. I actually love when they jump to me, cause I enjoy nothing more then watching them burn every cooldown they have to try and kill a lonely Balance Sage.

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its not about being destroyed by them, i kill many 1 vs 1. It just be nice if i wasnt such an attractive location to jump to :)


Oh, seems I interpreted your sarcasm as annoyment, rather than as a more joking complaint. Sorry about that. In my defense, your post didn't really contain any hints that it wasn't just bitter criticism conveyed through sarcasm, so I'll use that as an excuse to say that my interpretation could have been valid. :)


Anyway, the things I said still stand; people will try to jump you as a sorc/sage, but if you play well, you'll know how to counter it.

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All classes that can have a dps spec should have equal viability to do so. There may be imbalance at the moment, but that does not mean it should not be fixed, or that a person should abandon any hope of it ever being fixed.


Not every spec is going to be best for pvp. Some will favor PvE. The OP didn't specify what his spec was but my suggestion would be to adapt or reroll. There that wasn't so tough was it?


p.s. I play a balance sage in pvp and its awesome. I can't believe all the FOTM'ers qq'ing so hard then rerolled but then I guess thats what they do?

Edited by Kumakichi
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Please Bioware this man speaks the truth. Sage's passive global taunt is stupidly Overpowered and is ruining the game.


It's game breaking that a Sith Warrior auto charges any sage within range. They even somehow are forced to charge when charge is on cooldown!


These sages are abusing this taunt by surrounding themselves with stealthed teams of Smugglers who stunlock any poor Warrior who is forced to charge them. They are forcing them to unsubscribe!


Fix this now plz.

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When what the OP says happens to me, I do my counter(which you can figure out on your own), and they run away with their tails between their legs 9 times out of 10.


OMG!!! Not your super secret counter that makes 90% of people run from you in fear!!!! I read about it in a blog, but thought it was just a myth.... But it's true, you must be the chosen one!


Nah, just kidding, but I did here that the worst player on each server, does get the super secret counter that they sign an NDA to receive. Congratulations. You secret squirrel sage.

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