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No more transfers until next week


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so what is bioware going to do when they find out over the weekend that there are to many people per server. the server ques are to long? what is bioware going to do then? sure they wont add OUR servers to those long que waitings.. but i bet you they will simply raise the max allowed per server to accomodate the extra players during the weekends.


how the hell does that affect any of the servers that havent been transfered yet? it doesnt.. its not like bioware cant load us into the server they planned on it, then raise the server caps to accomodate the people...the same thing they will have to do for the other servers this weekend..


the servers they are monitoring to determine the new server caps..


thats why it bothers me...it seems like what they are waiting to find out is simply a matter of adding higher server pops....


I am sure if it was really as easy as you make it seem then we wouldn't have had to go through all of this to begin with. Clearly that is not the case. It's unfortunate that people have to wait 3 days to transfer, but that is how BioWare decided it was best to handle it. I was on a extremely dead server for over a month. I know how bad being on a server like that sucks, but really 3 days and you will get a server that can best handle the load. I think that is reasonable.

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The only thing they should be doing this weekend is making sure resumes are up to date and getting ready for the next big batch of layoffs. No matter how many fan boys come defending her, she's going down. Edited by Sireene
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Ok this might be off by 1 or 2 since they are transferring from west to east on at least one occasions.


From a total of 217 servers 6 servers can't transfer anyway because they are the only one existing in that category (asia/pacific and euro rp-pvp).

21 servers have been selected as destination servers. 150 servers have been selected as origen servers.


Only 40 servers are left that have not been selected yet. 18 euro, 15 east and 7 west.

Is it really that hard to select a destination for those servers?


Like i already said in europe i assume there will be two more destination servers.

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I am sure if it was really as easy as you make it seem then we wouldn't have had to go through all of this to begin with. Clearly that is not the case. It's unfortunate that people have to wait 3 days to transfer, but that is how BioWare decided it was best to handle it. I was on a extremely dead server for over a month. I know how bad being on a server like that sucks, but really 3 days and you will get a server that can best handle the load. I think that is reasonable.


it IS reasonable..but three EXTRA days??? is that reasonable?? would you be willing to log into your old server for three days? honestly.? i am betting you will say you arent.


3 days isnt a long time, but three days more than everyone else is unacceptable.. I will wait of course, because i like the game enough.. But it doesnt mean i have to be accepting of biowares consideration that the remaining servers are ok to wait 3 extra days

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.. but really 3 days and you will get a server that can best handle the load. I think that is reasonable.


No one at BW has ever said it will be only 3 days. It could be multiple weekend "monitoring" for all you or anyone knows.

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Really? They scrap rated wz's with 1.2 AFTER people resubbed based on the promise it would be there..


And you think we're going overboard when we see the EXACT same thing with Xfers? They already said yesterday that there would be xfers today, first thing today, they retract that.


What's to convince us that on Monday, after a lot of people have let them hit their card for $15 they don't come back and say "Metrics show pops good, xfers done for now, come back in a month for paid xfers?".


BioWare does NOT have a good track record with this right now. When I unsub after getting back home, I will specifically mention the 15% of players whose money isn't worth as much as the other 85% of players.


Thankfully, my sub doesn't end until Tuesday. Of course, if I'm not happy by Monday night, it'll stay ended. I already quit the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series thanks to stupid decisions - so BioWare, this is your last chance at my wallet. Your move.

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Quote: Originally Posted by baturcotte

A question for all those defending Bioware in this thread:


Have you transferred your characters to your destination servers (or were you on a server designated as a destination server), and if so, are you willing to go back to your old server or roll a new character on one of the 20% of the servers that have not been transferred this weekend?


If the answers is yes and no, then you really have no business telling us to continue waiting.


I've already been tranfered and yes... I could go through the weekend and not play SWTOR at all if I needed to... I'd trade my tranfer previlages to all of you if it would calm you down...


I'd laugh, and be upset, but I wouldn't cry over spilt milk. It's a video game... one that you could still play it solo for a couple of days.

Edited by Sireene
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I have been looking into that game myself. Got offered into closed beta but didnt play because i love this game. But really getting sick and tired of being treated like dirt by Bioware.


Today made up my mind. I unsubbed. I see no value in waiting for my server to be transferred when the Bioware response is "be patient, it will happen SOMETIME next week" but the deciding factor for me was the email I received at 12:23 pm CST from Bioware informing me that I have characters eligible for transfer only to find I still have no characters for transfer. That was just a slap in the face.

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and please, dont take the last 7 empty pve west servers and create a half assed semi populated server of pissed people just waiting around for paid transfers.


Yes PLEASE DO create another west coast PVE server!

Squeezing more people into Harbinger and DPB is ridicolous. I had 10-min wait time 2 days ago when I reserved my names on those servers and Hutta and Korriban were already laggy with 70+ people on there.


When 1.3. is released and players are returning, this will become a 1h wait?


So I'll go from waiting for warzone pops to waiting out login limits - great choices. :mad:


But most importantly, let the players on the remaining servers know what you are planning to do with them, even IF you cannot/will not move them rightaway.

That way, we can go on with our lives and don't have to check the stupid website multiple times a day. :(

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This has nothing to do with monitoring populations, It's all about 1.3. They promised us that 1.3 would launch shortly after transfers, I can bet you 1 mill credits that they forgot something important. To keep their promise they are going to delay the transfers just in time to fix their secret problem, When it's "fixed" they'll resume transfers and launch 1.3 shortly after.


I agree that it's all about 1.3. However, I think the reason they've been RUSHING the transfers as badly as they have been is because 1.3 is coming out next week or the week after, and they need to get the transfers done before that. They would be perfectly able to delay 1.3 all they want w/o delaying transfers to cover for it, since they haven't ever really released a concrete date for 1.3. However pushing the transfers past 1.3? That they couldn't do. We DO have a "deadline" for transfers of before 1.3. (now, granted, they could probably have pushed BOTH back, but that would have certainly created issues of messed up internal scheduling/retention of subs)


Considering how overpopulated many of the destination servers are, (and it isn't even the weekend yet) I'd have to say they went WAY too fast. They should have done FAR less servers, given people ~a week to transfer, seen where pops are, THEN done more transfers.


It's just as frustrating to not be able to transfer as it is to not be able to play because of server queues. I am sure there are still a lot of people that will transfer this weekend and BioWare wants to see where best to stick the remaining servers.


I have to disagree. It's FAR more frustrating to not be able to play at all because of server queues (assuming they get excessive, and I rather expect they will be) than to not be able to play the small fraction of the content that actually requires other people due to a low pop server.


And long run, it'll be FAR more frustrating to deal with lag from a seriously overcrowded server than to wait a few days (or even what should have been weeks) so they could accurately populate the servers well.

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Yes PLEASE DO create another west coast PVE server!

Squeezing more people into Harbinger and DPB is ridicolous. I had 10-min wait time 2 days ago when I reserved my names on those servers and Hutta and Korriban were already laggy with 70+ people on there.


When 1.3. is released and players are returning, this will become a 1h wait?


So I'll go from waiting for warzone pops to waiting out login limits - great choices. :mad:


^This. There will be more people raging that they have to wait to play the game period than people that are raging because they can't PvP or do endgame. I'm not looking forward to server queues just to play. That is the reason we are in this position to begin with and with the limited time I do get to play a night. Spending an hour in queue... no thanks.

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I am sincerely sorry to everyone who has not been able to transfer off of a low pop server yet, I know how frustrating seeing 7 people on fleet at a tme can be. That being said, there was no way for BW to anticipate server populations prior to transfers and they really do need to take time to evaluate before overloading servers. I have seen people on The Fatman from Hedarr Soongh that I haven't seen in 2 or 3 months that resubbed with transfers. I realize that I can't completely empathize with you since my server has already transferred, but if you truly enjoy this game and intend to play for a while to come, then I would expect you'd rather wait a few days to let things settle down and ensure that server pop isn't totally messed up which could ruin the game for much longer than a weekend. I know people have been wary to trust BW based on actions like ranked WZs in 1.2, but this transfer process has been extremely smooth and quick so far. Just get some of your low level toons out of the way over the weekend before you hit tython/korriban/ord mantell/hutta with 150 people on them.
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Yes PLEASE DO create another west coast PVE server!

Squeezing more people into Harbinger and DPB is ridicolous. I had 10-min wait time 2 days ago when I reserved my names on those servers and Hutta and Korriban were already laggy with 70+ people on there.


When 1.3. is released and players are returning, this will become a 1h wait?


So I'll go from waiting for warzone pops to waiting out login limits - great choices. :mad:


But most importantly, let the players on the remaining servers know what you are planning to do with them, even IF you cannot/will not move them rightaway.

That way, we can go on with our lives and don't have to check the stupid website multiple times a day. :(


im pretty certain if they was to do this there would not be any problems at all, i know that The Jekk'Jekk Tarr has a decent population at peak times, adding another 6 servers to this 1 (or any other) would only be good things, and it makes no sense just to leave us till over the weekend twidling our thumbs praying for a transfer

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Belgoth's Beacon resident here.


I have barely been able to play any group content ever since the Rakghoul event. I'm eager to get back into it. I understand the need to release transfers in waves, but looking at the servers who have already been taken care of versus the fraction of ones that are left, you can't convince me that there was no room for us to be given the same privileges on a typical weekday.


My faith in the developers is being all the more shaken. Are they this afraid of queue times on full servers? Seriously? I'd gladly sit through a queue if I can actually play the game to the full extent in which I'm paying for. Otherwise, there's other places my money can go; and I never thought I'd say that about the game I've been stoked about for years.

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Fail BioWare is fail!


Making other people wait 4 more days than the others before they get transfers like we aren't paying them the same amount as the other already transferred servers.


So transferred people get to enjoy this weekend while us on the other hand suffers another weekend of crappy population!


WTB a working brain for BW!

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What would people raging about not transferring yet be doing this weekend if there were no server transfers *at all* this week? You'd be playing with the same 20 people you played with last week.
thats the point

were anoyed because most have been able to transfer and now play on a populated server with actual people while we walk around and group with the tumble weed.

if no transfers had gone on this week then at least it would be fair game all round.

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Back on topic, waiting sucks. However they explained the need for the wait and that reason makes perfect sense to me.


It's the 'I can't wait anymore...open up more servers now' crowd that caused BW to relent and....open up too many servers on Dec 17-20. Impatience led to too many servers being opened. The impatient, like children, should be seen and not heard :w_cool:


Seriously though it's a few more days. Deep breath and come back monday!


P.S. I'm also waiting for my server transfer status to be announced. I'm just patient enough to wait til next week before dusting off the pitchfork.

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You know what, it's not fair, but life's not fair. Somebody had to go first, and somebody had to be last, the people going last thinks that Bioware is out to screw them, but that's not the case, they are going last because BiOWare doesn't do weekends..



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how the hell does that affect any of the servers that havent been transfered yet? it doesnt.. its not like bioware cant load us into the server they planned on it, then raise the server caps to accomodate the people...the same thing they will have to do for the other servers this weekend..


the servers they are monitoring to determine the new server caps..


thats why it bothers me...it seems like what they are waiting to find out is simply a matter of adding higher server pops....


Are you really that ignorant? Do you think the server caps are just some arbitrary number they plug in just to piss people off? As the population *approaches* the cap, the experience degrades. (lag, disconnects, etc.) The cap is the "cutoff" point. The point at which the developers feel that any more players would overload the servers so much that the game either locks up, or lag/etc. becomes so bad that it becomes completely "unfun".


Now sure, they may be able to optimize the code better or whatever that may result in them being able to increase the server caps. But considering how laggy gameplay has gotten since the massive influx, the caps are probably bordering on too high already... and as you've said, they probably have already "screwed the pooch" on the existing servers. They SHOULD have been more deliberate/analytical in their transfers.


If it wasn't that all the whiners would screw me over even moreso, I'd be tempted to say Bioware should give them what they want. Transfer them all now and to heck with server stability. Be careful what you wish for and all that.

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Back on topic, waiting sucks. However they explained the need for the wait and that reason makes perfect sense to me.


It's the 'I can't wait anymore...open up more servers now' crowd that caused BW to relent and....open up too many servers on Dec 17-20. Impatience led to too many servers being opened. The impatient, like children, should be seen and not heard :w_cool:


Seriously though it's a few more days. Deep breath and come back monday!


i work in customer service and i can tell you that their excuse would be considerd unactable.

also the fact that bioware has yet to respond in this thread is a poor example of customer service and if i acted like they did id be fired in a heatbeat.

then again the fact that they fired stephem ried the only one i saw who seemed to try and help shows really poor decistion making.

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Are you really that ignorant? Do you think the server caps are just some arbitrary number they plug in just to piss people off? As the population *approaches* the cap, the experience degrades. (lag, disconnects, etc.) The cap is the "cutoff" point. The point at which the developers feel that any more players would overload the servers so much that the game either locks up, or lag/etc. becomes so bad that it becomes completely "unfun".


Now sure, they may be able to optimize the code better or whatever that may result in them being able to increase the server caps. But considering how laggy gameplay has gotten since the massive influx, the caps are probably bordering on too high already... and as you've said, they probably have already "screwed the pooch" on the existing servers. They SHOULD have been more deliberate/analytical in their transfers.


If it wasn't that all the whiners would screw me over even moreso, I'd be tempted to say Bioware should give them what they want. Transfer them all now and to heck with server stability. Be careful what you wish for and all that.



if bioware was a good company, they would keep the cap intentially very very low.. ino rder to allow for periodic increases in their caps in order to deal with situations like this... i am not daft for using logic and understanding that redundancies are built into systems like this to allow for expansion..unless of course bioware is a ****** company that has no clue how to run a server base.


the cap is an arbitrary number that is set WELL below the actual max number. ( or it should be) so yes.. i expect them to be able to raise it whenever they want..


in the miltiary i ran military DWAN based servers for the army. we intentially kept the numbers of computers on the servers below the threshhold in order to incrase stability but also to allow for growth if required..


any company would be stupid not to

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Are you really that ignorant? Do you think the server caps are just some arbitrary number they plug in just to piss people off? As the population *approaches* the cap, the experience degrades. (lag, disconnects, etc.) The cap is the "cutoff" point. The point at which the developers feel that any more players would overload the servers so much that the game either locks up, or lag/etc. becomes so bad that it becomes completely "unfun".


Now sure, they may be able to optimize the code better or whatever that may result in them being able to increase the server caps. But considering how laggy gameplay has gotten since the massive influx, the caps are probably bordering on too high already... and as you've said, they probably have already "screwed the pooch" on the existing servers. They SHOULD have been more deliberate/analytical in their transfers.


If it wasn't that all the whiners would screw me over even moreso, I'd be tempted to say Bioware should give them what they want. Transfer them all now and to heck with server stability. Be careful what you wish for and all that.


slightly off topic, but having done a bunch of planet stuff and then gone to fleet... most of the lag is graphics related. They might need to tweak a bit with the number of people per "instance" of an area. There are also settings in the client that can help with that.

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