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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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Really? Your gonna use those as examples? Yes they brought group finder but yea that's about it. None of the current 3 top mmos in the world launched with it. Aion, WoW and swtor. Neither did rift or TERA (during it's original launch in kore).


lolz AION... Aion is generally reagrded as one of the biggest flops in the industry.. if you consider it a top 3 well....

Tera didnt have it at beta launch but it had it at official launch iirc.. but not played it since beta so i cud be wrong there


But the point your making is irelevant, the fact that it has become a fairly standard features in the iindustry to me shows a lack of market research by BW ...

Anyhow you did not ask for top three you asked for MMO's that launched with group finders... which they did fact! and so have others.... but as I said SWTOR has had and still has bigger issues than its lack of basic features but to go into this would simply be derailing the thread.

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Pay to Win is joke and for people that can't handle having to earn gear. if you don't like earning your gear then go play anything other than a MMO. losers always want things to be easy cause when it gets hard they cry and quit. i bet these same people are nothing but failures in life.


if Swtor goes to anything like this i will be leaving the day its announced.

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Pay to Win is joke and for people that can't handle having to earn gear. if you don't like earning your gear then go play anything other than a MMO. losers always want things to be easy cause when it gets hard they cry and quit. i bet these same people are nothing but failures in life.


if Swtor goes to anything like this i will be leaving the day its announced.


^^ This.

I have been reading comments, articles, and posts about the whole F2P fiasco, and I wholeheartedly agree with this statement.


Nowhere in ANY of the articles forum users have been linking does it state BW is DEFINITELY going F2P. When they make that announcement I will be deleting the game from my HD... as much as I enjoy it it would fail as F2P....

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meant 1-80 cos thats the cap when i used to play, fact is i can go from 1- top level in wow alot faster then going 1-50 in swtor and i have way more fun in swtor. What content do i miss out really in wow, if no one missed content everyone would be lore master on wow and its the quality of all that content that matters. me killing 500 yetis for 6 furs doesnt equate to quality content for me.


So its swings and roundabouts. Even when the leveling offers multiple paths in the form of zones also which i see alot complaining about the path taken by 99.9% of the playerbase will be the path of least resistance making the 0.01% of players using the extra content and lands a waste of dev time. Even wow realised this thus there model for leveling since tbc.


Ill wait for you to come back, will be nice to have a debate on this without fanboi this and fanboi that being thrown at each other.


Sure. I think of content as being "stuff to do that takes time," which can include features like mini-games, provided they amount to more than STO's Dabo. In this area, I feel SWTOR is lite compared to other games (you have to compare SWTOR to its competitors as they are today). This, whether you choose to indulge in the content or not.


Ultimately we may just disagree on what constitutes meaningful content, but in this cause it would seem my standards are higher than yours. That's not a bad thing at all, but when I match up my "higher" standards against other games, I feel more satisfied elsewhere--most recently GW2. There just seems to be so much more going on in that game than there does in SWTOR.


Perhaps what SWTOR is really missing is dynamism that gives you the feeling that things are new and fresh. No matter how many times I roll a new character, I was have a sense of "been there done that" in SWTOR. So ultimately, content feels stagnant and unimpressive.

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Sure. I think of content as being "stuff to do that takes time," which can include features like mini-games, provided they amount to more than STO's Dabo. In this area, I feel SWTOR is lite compared to other games (you have to compare SWTOR to its competitors as they are today). This, whether you choose to indulge in the content or not.


Ultimately we may just disagree on what constitutes meaningful content, but in this cause it would seem my standards are higher than yours. That's not a bad thing at all, but when I match up my "higher" standards against other games, I feel more satisfied elsewhere--most recently GW2. There just seems to be so much more going on in that game than there does in SWTOR.


Perhaps what SWTOR is really missing is dynamism that gives you the feeling that things are new and fresh. No matter how many times I roll a new character, I was have a sense of "been there done that" in SWTOR. So ultimately, content feels stagnant and unimpressive.


I do understand what you mean with the 'compare to whats here now' and thats what i do, I found swtor fresh and i bought it for the story. On that note this game has fully delivered and i was never under any illusion that the story would be never ending or that every class would have a totally different leveling experience. Its unrealistic to even think that as there is no way even in a mmo that isnt so full VO'd and cutscenes to have seperate ways to level in a way thats radically different to another class on the same faction.


But as it stands the class story for each class does add that twist which i really enjoy. With the thing to dabo yes swtor could do with something like that, possible battlechess or pazzak or even both but its not something we need right now and im happy for it to come out later. And isnt what we have now for the space on rails infact a mini game all in itself.


If we had everything at launch what really would there be to look forward to and what would there be to develope and at what point would it be but they havnt given us anything new for a year, I think and i can bet others will disagree but i think this game launched with alot of content, the areas are well balanced, they gave us good battlegrounds and group instances be it flashpoints or operations, illum pvp area was a bit of a nark up but i think that was just a flaw in the basic design for it.


For me to see it work it would require a timer with an area reset and a pve objective within it that gave something like a flashpoint or operation like wows owpvp areas, but lets be brutal OPVP is run and dictated by the community, the developer can only give us the tools and within that enviroment its the playerbase that either abuse it or make it work.


With the f2p element i do not see how it can work, yes they could do it on flashpoint and operations packs but where does it stop and how much do they charge for it, would it end up costing us more to play in a f2p setting then it does on a subscription based if things like mounts, races, char slots etc all come under payed for packs. Bioware would lose more money and custom doing that then keeping to a subscription based game. And if they keep rolling out content like they have been doing with features, battlegrounds and flashpoint/operations i see no reason for them to go f2p and that will keep it fresh.

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Ur gonna have to wait a long time if that ever happens because the game keeps getting more and more content than any other MMO for free. The game isn't doing that bad, it was 2 million when at launch and the other Subs were from games that wanted everything now and very stuoid to have left because were gonna keep getting new Content.


Right now were at 1.2 Million subs which is still very good and other ppl will probably come back with 1.4.0 and with the other content like a New Planet comming probably next year. So u mine as well as other nay sayers leave the game, because it's not gonna happen unless 1.3.0 ruins all the classes, and even if they fail with that, they'll just Patch their mistakes and go on without F2P.


F2P, what a joke.


The game had 1.3 million subscribers back in March. I doubt it even has EA's minimum target of 500 000 subscribers now, looking at the state of the servers. And I, unlike the many haters on these forums, am gutted because of that.

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The only reason they call 15 levels F2P is because it attempts to draw in the pro-free stuff crowd.


Realistically, it's a trial starter period. You couldn't even get to the end of Act 1. So it's a trial-by-another-name. Just the same as World of Warcraft. Just the same as Rift.


They'd actually be unusual if they didn't offer a free-starter experience... the only sub MMO I know of that doesn't offer unlimited free trial is Eve, and that still offers a time-limited free trial. While I haven't played Eve, I don't think their "level" system would work well with time-unlimited trial considering time="levels" there rather than conventional leveling, so they're locked out of offering that style of trial.


"Try before you buy!" just doesn't sound as good as "Free to play!"

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Why make it free to play when they can reduce the fee to 10$ a month


Because if they call it "free" people will come play it and they hope spend more then $15 per month on average. Notice that I said call it "free". Since you are going be bombarded by all sorts of "reminders" about what would be for sell in the ingame store to spend REAL money. Now, some will spend less and some will pay alot more then that $15 per month. What part of that is "free"? And the company line will be that "nothing but 'fluff' will be offered in the store"....right! Not one so-called "f2p" game has ever stayed true to that so-called promise. Even if they did...why would anyone pay extra REAL MONEY for pixelated fluff? The whole free-to-play thing is no more and no less then a scam that way too many fall for.

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Once it goes F2P, I'll come back and check it out.


For the last day or so, I've played a bit, and it is cool to see so many more people on the fleet.


But the thing that bothers me most is, even with more people around, the game overall is sorta boring.


Oh well...

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only 1 FP in 5 months? what are you smoking?

There is at least what 5 level FPS. Kaion Under Seige, Lost Isand, Battle for Ilum, False Emperor and Directive 7.


You can run 3 raids in SWTOR a week too 6 if you play Story mode and hard mode, You have Eternety Vault, Karaga's Palace, and Exposive Conflict.


How is that a lack of an end game? Thats a lot of content for a game that has only been out 6 months and they intended to add a new operation and flashpoint plus a whole new planet with more levels


You failed to read my other posts. I said "one level 50 FP" . And can I solo those level 50 FP's? Being on a low pop server and not getting any response to tells about running for hours is a turnoff. Maybe you have not had any issues on your server, but donot think what you experence on yours is typical for all on some other servers. :p They are adding the LFG tool to help those who have issues finding groups...so it has been a issue for many or they would not be adding that....right?...;) But such a tool on a low pop server being only same server will not help much ..if at all.

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You failed to read my other posts. I said "one level 50 FP" . And can I solo those level 50 FP's? Being on a low pop server and not getting any response to tells about running for hours is a turnoff. Maybe you have not had any issues on your server, but donot think what you experence on yours is typical for all on some other servers. :p They are adding the LFG tool to help those who have issues finding groups...so it has been a issue for many or they would not be adding that....right?...;) But such a tool on a low pop server being only same server will not help much ..if at all.


Again thats your own doing by refusing to move to a more populated server, they arnt going to open up cross server bgs and group finder simply because you refuse to move. And any flashpoint they put out also has a lvl 50 version.

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The game had 1.3 million subscribers back in March. I doubt it even has EA's minimum target of 500 000 subscribers now, looking at the state of the servers. And I, unlike the many haters on these forums, am gutted because of that.

oh just shutup with the doubting . I am so god damn sick of people like you that say "blah blah blah..this game has no more than 400,000 subs if that"


LOL gimme a break!! If you want to keep doomsaying with these prophecies go ahead, keep being a pesimists. Did you know pesimists die earlier in life because of the negative drive onto their brains? Anyway his words were taking WAY out of context by the people that WANT IT to be ALL f2p!


He was talking about the options for free to play about the game being the free to play up to level 15 option that is coming July 1st. Don't try to spin it any other way you can. This game is never going to be all free to play. Just stop it. It will be subscription based with all content and expansions free. That's how they will do it. :) That's what James Ohlen said from the beginning.

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Once it goes F2P, I'll come back and check it out.


For the last day or so, I've played a bit, and it is cool to see so many more people on the fleet.


But the thing that bothers me most is, even with more people around, the game overall is sorta boring.


Oh well...


Then I guess you are never coming back.


By the way, he was talking about the f2p system up to 15. Not the game being f2p...

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Honestly, I see this as both a good and a bad thing. The market for this genre is moving away from subscriptions, and it has been for years. If you look at the last 5 or more years, MMO's that launch as subscription titles haven't held long term success. This is a generation of people who grew up in a tough economy, and that experience molded the way we spend our money. This is a micro-transaction era, people want to pick and choose what they spend their money on, what services they want and they want that to be customized to them. Nobody wants just another bill that you may or may not get your money's worth of that month. The argument can be made that either way, you're spending the same amount of money, and that F2P being more accessible to this generation of online gamers is silly, but it's all about perception. If a game is F2P and worth my while, I know I can play the entire game without paying a cent, however, there are usually perks to paying and if I don't want to subscribe I don't have to but the option is usually there. The "Freemium" model is what I'm referring to. The option to subscribe but I can also pick and choose what to buy from/for the game. If I want the cool outfit that costs 5 dollars, I can buy it, I want the speciality mount for 15 dollars, I can buy it and having that tangible stuff for my money is worth it to me, and to most people. Because I love this game, and I honestly believe it is a great game with a lot to offer and I *AM* surprised at the turn of events lately, I would always choose to subscribe to support BioWare and SW:TOR. I prefer subscriptions, I'm not a F2P fanboy. But it's just the direction the market is going, and I'm flexible and open minded enough to move with it. Afterall, I would rather have this game be F2P with loads of people to play with, and lot's of quality content updates, than it be subscription based and missing out on potentially huge profits thus decreasing both the quality of content, and frequency of content updates due to a severe lack of customers.


If they do go F2P, I hope that they maintain their plans for this game that they've had from the start and I really hope that they continue to put out high quality content both with the story/dialogue/voice overs, and all the other content such as massive space upgrades/content etc. And if F2P allows them to stick to their vision more than subscriptions will, then by all means I support the conversion.


sorry for the wall of text, but that's my two cents.

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lolz AION... Aion is generally reagrded as one of the biggest flops in the industry.. if you consider it a top 3 well....

Tera didnt have it at beta launch but it had it at official launch iirc.. but not played it since beta so i cud be wrong there


But the point your making is irelevant, the fact that it has become a fairly standard features in the iindustry to me shows a lack of market research by BW ...

Anyhow you did not ask for top three you asked for MMO's that launched with group finders... which they did fact! and so have others.... but as I said SWTOR has had and still has bigger issues than its lack of basic features but to go into this would simply be derailing the thread.


Aion is top 3 in the world man. It's huge in korea and retains a decent amount of subscribers in NA especially noww that it's f2p.


It's not a fairly standard feature for launch titles. Again the 3 most played mmos in the world didn't have it at launch. Neither did Rift. Neither did TERA at launch in Korea. 2 mmos that had marginal success don't count man.

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Honestly, I see this as both a good and a bad thing. The market for this genre is moving away from subscriptions, and it has been for years. If you look at the last 5 or more years, MMO's that launch as subscription titles haven't held long term success. This is a generation of people who grew up in a tough economy, and that experience molded the way we spend our money. This is a micro-transaction era, people want to pick and choose what they spend their money on, what services they want and they want that to be customized to them. Nobody wants just another bill that you may or may not get your money's worth of that month. The argument can be made that either way, you're spending the same amount of money, and that F2P being more accessible to this generation of online gamers is silly, but it's all about perception. If a game is F2P and worth my while, I know I can play the entire game without paying a cent, however, there are usually perks to paying and if I don't want to subscribe I don't have to but the option is usually there. The "Freemium" model is what I'm referring to. The option to subscribe but I can also pick and choose what to buy from/for the game. If I want the cool outfit that costs 5 dollars, I can buy it, I want the speciality mount for 15 dollars, I can buy it and having that tangible stuff for my money is worth it to me, and to most people. Because I love this game, and I honestly believe it is a great game with a lot to offer and I *AM* surprised at the turn of events lately, I would always choose to subscribe to support BioWare and SW:TOR. I prefer subscriptions, I'm not a F2P fanboy. But it's just the direction the market is going, and I'm flexible and open minded enough to move with it. Afterall, I would rather have this game be F2P with loads of people to play with, and lot's of quality content updates, than it be subscription based and missing out on potentially huge profits thus decreasing both the quality of content, and frequency of content updates due to a severe lack of customers.


If they do go F2P, I hope that they maintain their plans for this game that they've had from the start and I really hope that they continue to put out high quality content both with the story/dialogue/voice overs, and all the other content such as massive space upgrades/content etc. And if F2P allows them to stick to their vision more than subscriptions will, then by all means I support the conversion.


sorry for the wall of text, but that's my two cents.


You're not the only one shocked...well not so much shocked as disappointed :(

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Again thats your own doing by refusing to move to a more populated server, they arnt going to open up cross server bgs and group finder simply because you refuse to move. And any flashpoint they put out also has a lvl 50 version.


I will post this one more time for you guys....I know there is a lot of end game content in TOR, that is not the issue. The issue has been accessing that content in a timely manner. Granted I donot live in a basement and have tons of free time to wait for groups to form, as I have RL things to do. I said I ran one level 50 FP...not that I did not try to run some others. I cannot conjure up groups. And I know every FP there is has a hard mode for level 50's. You are not telling me anything new. And me choosing to stay on my server is my choice. If BioWare does not want to make it so those still on the low pop servers can enjoy the end game content..that is thier choice. :rolleyes:

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Even MMO-Champion deems this important enough to post it in their news. WOW players are having a field day with this:


SWTOR Going Free to Play?

It definitely isn't set in stone yet, but SWTOR might be going free to play in the future! After announcing that the game will be free to play until level 15 and allowing free server transfers, lead designer Emmanuel Lusinchi had some interesting things to say in an interview!



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I will post this one more time for you guys....I know there is a lot of end game content in TOR, that is not the issue. The issue has been accessing that content in a timely manner. Granted I donot live in a basement and have tons of free time to wait for groups to form, as I have RL things to do. I said I ran one level 50 FP...not that I did not try to run some others. I cannot conjure up groups. And I know every FP there is has a hard mode for level 50's. You are not telling me anything new. And me choosing to stay on my server is my choice. If BioWare does not want to make it so those still on the low pop servers can enjoy the end game content..that is thier choice. :rolleyes:


And again as your choice it effects that ability for you to do content due to your refusal to xfer from a dead realm. There is nothing wrong with that choice but with all choices they have effects.

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Even MMO-Champion deems this important enough to post it in their news. WOW players are having a field day with this:






well wow players need something to cheer them up i suppose, that with BiS being sold on the black market auction house and real money auction house going into it so whats the point of raiding there anymore, then the news that china/korea numbers are falling so low that they are having todo HUGE server merges. And all the f2p is going to be is the upto lvl 15 trial, wow already has upto lvl 20 trial and i see little difference in it myself.

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well wow players need something to cheer them up i suppose, that with BiS being sold on the black market auction house and real money auction house going into it so whats the point of raiding there anymore, then the news that china/korea numbers are falling so low that they are having todo HUGE server merges. And all the f2p is going to be is the upto lvl 15 trial, wow already has upto lvl 20 trial and i see little difference in it myself.


Care to link where best-in-slot items are going up on the BMAH? As far as I know, the Black Market is not a player-run auction house but rather just has randomly generated listings of rare, hard-to-aquire fluff items (like rare drop mounts) that players can bid against each other for.


Care to link where real-money auction house is going into WoW? As far as I know, that's just in D3, and there's been no mention of including it in WoW.


Granted, I could be wrong, but I could also just make a bunch of **** up because I'm feeling overly defensive when comparing my game of choice that is hemorrhaging subscribers to the current market leader that is stable for the last quarter at 10.2 million active, paying subscribers.


Now, does a ton of players equal a superior game? No, not necessarily. Does a fresh game on the market with a huge development budget need a ton of players to keep operating and improving and adding content? Most definitely. We still don't even know what the sub numbers are until we get a report that isn't conveniently released right as a free month is offered to the players.


If I was EA, I'd definitely be trying to think of ways to gouge the people that stick with this undercooked product out of some blind, misplaced loyalty to SW or BW instead of leaving for the many alternatives. F2P is a great place to start digging some claws in. I'm not saying TOR isn't fun to play -- I have a blast when I play it, but I play it for very specific reasons. When I run out of dialogue wheels and cut scenes, I see TOR for the shoddy WoW clone that it is, and I ask myself, "How can they seriously charge standard MMO subscription fees for this?" Maybe EA will see it the same way sooner or later.


WoW, Rift, TERA, TSW, GW2 -- nearly all of them can give you either more features and content for the same price, or they are unique enough in setting or mechanics to differentiate themselves from the WoW-clone-itis that plagues way too many MMOs on the market.

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Care to link where best-in-slot items are going up on the BMAH? As far as I know, the Black Market is not a player-run auction house but rather just has randomly generated listings of rare, hard-to-aquire fluff items (like rare drop mounts) that players can bid against each other for.


Care to link where real-money auction house is going into WoW? As far as I know, that's just in D3, and there's been no mention of including it in WoW.



Granted, I could be wrong, but I could also just make a bunch of **** up because I'm feeling overly defensive when comparing my game of choice that is hemorrhaging subscribers to the current market leader that is stable for the last quarter at 10.2 million active, paying subscribers.


Now, does a ton of players equal a superior game? No, not necessarily. Does a fresh game on the market with a huge development budget need a ton of players to keep operating and improving and adding content? Most definitely. We still don't even know what the sub numbers are until we get a report that isn't conveniently released right as a free month is offered to the players.


If I was EA, I'd definitely be trying to think of ways to gouge the people that stick with this undercooked product out of some blind, misplaced loyalty to SW or BW instead of looking to the many alternatives. F2P is a great place to start digging some claws in. I'm not saying TOR isn't fun to play -- I have a blast when I play it, but I play it for very specific reasons. When I run out of dialogue wheels and cut scenes, I see TOR for the shoddy WoW clone that it is, and I ask myself, "How can they seriously charge standard MMO subscription fees for this?" Maybe EA will see it the same way sooner or later.


WoW, Rift, TERA, TSW, GW2 -- nearly all of them can give you either more features and content for the same price, or they are unique enough in setting or mechanics to differentiate themselves from the WoW-clone-itis that plagues way too many MMOs on the marke



(done spolier to keep post lenght down.) Ye the black market is items put up for sale by 'NPC's', it was on gamebreaker tv, legendery. As we all know gold selling is rampent on wow so realy its p2w. As for wows numbers, well i dont put much faith in there numbers, i havnt since wow china got shut down a few years back, you remember that and they didnt aparently lose a single subscriber, funny that.


And dont get me wrong, i dont want wow to fail, please god dont let it fail, while its alive it keeps those muppets over there. As for a link to wow putting RMAH into wow, dont have one but this is blizzard we are talking about here. Them making cash of something in wow would they ever do that....................they already dabbled with the guardian cub

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Care to link where best-in-slot items are going up on the BMAH? As far as I know, the Black Market is not a player-run auction house but rather just has randomly generated listings of rare, hard-to-aquire fluff items (like rare drop mounts) that players can bid against each other for.


Care to link where real-money auction house is going into WoW? As far as I know, that's just in D3, and there's been no mention of including it in WoW.


Granted, I could be wrong, but I could also just make a bunch of **** up because I'm feeling overly defensive when comparing my game of choice that is hemorrhaging subscribers to the current market leader that is stable for the last quarter at 10.2 million active, paying subscribers.


Now, does a ton of players equal a superior game? No, not necessarily. Does a fresh game on the market with a huge development budget need a ton of players to keep operating and improving and adding content? Most definitely. We still don't even know what the sub numbers are until we get a report that isn't conveniently released right as a free month is offered to the players.


If I was EA, I'd definitely be trying to think of ways to gouge the people that stick with this undercooked product out of some blind, misplaced loyalty to SW or BW instead of looking to the many alternatives. F2P is a great place to start digging some claws in. I'm not saying TOR isn't fun to play -- I have a blast when I play it, but I play it for very specific reasons. When I run out of dialogue wheels and cut scenes, I see TOR for the shoddy WoW clone that it is, and I ask myself, "How can they seriously charge standard MMO subscription fees for this?" Maybe EA will see it the same way sooner or later.


WoW, Rift, TERA, TSW, GW2 -- nearly all of them can give you either more features and content for the same price, or they are unique enough in setting or mechanics to differentiate themselves from the WoW-clone-itis that plagues way too many MMOs on the market.

I don't know about you, but I'm probably going to end up playing TOR until (1) more important things take up my time (fiction writing, school, job etc), or (2) the game stops being developed with the current level of quality.


I prefer it to WoW, RIFT, Tera, and every other MMO I've played; the voice acting and narratives add a ton to the game in my opinion, and the PvP is surprisingly well-balanced (especially for an MMO which is only six months old). I don't know about the raid difficulty (apparently they need to make that way harder), but once they get that done it'll be more than just a quality game.


Though obviously this is just my taste, and I'm not a hardcore gamer by any means, so I'm not as interested in features as I am in the story and such. (If WoW didn't have a story I would never have played it for four years like I did - I don't think I'd've lasted four months.).

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