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SWTOR "looking at free-to-play"?


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Yep. So those who think MMO Champ looked foolish for posting the quote about the interview on TOR going FTP are not looking so smart now. :D Serously, MMO Champ down the years have been very good about posting accurate info.


I didn't. For once I been saying for months how horrible the game is doing ans has gotten which is all true. Aka major server merges. Anyone could easily tell how horrible the game was doing unless you were a blind fanboy. But yeah mmo champ has on a number of times posted accurate information on games very early.

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Seems it's pretty much been confirmed by the EA boss it's going f2p, just a question of when.


Massively News Post


Ah, well.. guess that's it then. I'm sure that statement will make them lose more subs then anything else they've done (or not done) so far :rod_tongue_g:

Edited by Lundli
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Yep. So those who think MMO Champ looked foolish for posting the quote about the interview on TOR going FTP are not looking so smart now. :D Serously, MMO Champ down the years have been very good about posting accurate info.


"I don't think subscriptions ever go away" Ea boss


We are going to see swtor premium for subscription and swtor standard for ftp.

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So, I take it, then, that none of the "Ha! I told you" types have noticed yet that the original article claiming this has been removed from the site making this claim? I don't mean the article by IGN that the OP linked; I mean the actual original article that IGN referenced in their story.


EA spiking the article doesn't give me assurances, especially when a EA boss came out in support of FTP for SWTOR already.

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Making sure people see this.


"We're going to be in the business from a long-term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model,"


He also states that "...WoW is a free download that you pay a subscription to after a period of time. We're cognizant - we see that".


Their idea of F2P is a bit different than what everyone here is claiming doom and gloom over. In fact, the entire source article is more about wanting to give players ways of trying the game out first though things like the free trial (level 1-15 being free). That's hardly F2P.

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This is starting to become a broken record from me, I see.


Did you bother to read the original article? You know, the one on gameindustry.biz that had such interesting quotes like, "Gibeau stressed that EA will continue to evaluate the business around Star Wars and implement changes as needed, so free-to-play isn't out of the question at all (indeed, BioWare recently said as much too)", or "We're going to be in the business from a long term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model. It's all a matter of timing and thinking things through. We have a great business right now and we're not looking to make any abrupt changes," or "So really the strategy right now is about opening up the funnel at the top so we can acquire more customers who are interested in Star Wars who perhaps aren't ready to pay the full price," or "The advent of free-to-play is certainly a change in the dynamic of the PC market. I don't think subscriptions ever go away, but when you have an IP as broad as Star Wars, we're definitely going to look at opportunities to grow that business and look at different ways of bringing customers in and serving them?"


Or did you just look at the truncated article and form your opinion from that?


I meant what I said without regard to the article, once the game is F2P(if ever), ill gladly play it for free and use the sub money I wouldve been spending on it on another sub based game. Never said I would do it right this instant, just sooner than expected since I was prepared to stay subbed with ToR until i finished all the class storylines THEN quit >.<

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Or did you just look at the truncated article and form your opinion from that?


I formed mine from long experience of BS statements made by suits. It's gonna go free to play once they can figure out the most effective ways of sucking every dime from people, code the cash shop in and implement artificial gates into planets that require a token to enter that costs money.

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EA spiking the article doesn't give me assurances, especially when a EA boss came out in support of FTP for SWTOR already.


No, he didn't. But again, that would require people to actually read the original article with the full interview with the EA boss, and not rely on the two paragraph article everyone is refering to.

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This is starting to become a broken record from me, I see.


Did you bother to read the original article? You know, the one on gameindustry.biz that had such interesting quotes like, "Gibeau stressed that EA will continue to evaluate the business around Star Wars and implement changes as needed, so free-to-play isn't out of the question at all (indeed, BioWare recently said as much too)", or "We're going to be in the business from a long term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model. It's all a matter of timing and thinking things through. We have a great business right now and we're not looking to make any abrupt changes," or "So really the strategy right now is about opening up the funnel at the top so we can acquire more customers who are interested in Star Wars who perhaps aren't ready to pay the full price," or "The advent of free-to-play is certainly a change in the dynamic of the PC market. I don't think subscriptions ever go away, but when you have an IP as broad as Star Wars, we're definitely going to look at opportunities to grow that business and look at different ways of bringing customers in and serving them?"


Or did you just look at the truncated article and form your opinion from that?


I read the whole article and it makes it clear they are considering FTP and it is not a question of if, but when they do. So the BioWare employee was absolutely correct in his interview from that original article posted in this thread. The EA boss's comments are clearly indicative of a FTP model coming to TOR.

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Are you joking? LOTRO is doing very well. They at least have players, unlike this game, not to mention the fact that they're earning money instead of losing it.


Oh, so you work for both companies to know this? Yeah, I think not.

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LOL! I love hoe the guys says "some day" and yet people here are saying stuff like "Im gon cancel until FTP!", like it's actually going to happen some time next week or something. :rolleyes:



Either way, once it does, if ever, I'm out. Maybe it will be long after I finish all 8 class stories so I can leave without having to pay 20 bucks each to play through the remaining ones.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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"We're going to be in the business from a long-term standpoint so absolutely we're going to embrace free access, free trial, ultimately some day we can move in and embrace that model,"


He also states that "...WoW is a free download that you pay a subscription to after a period of time. We're cognizant - we see that".


Their idea of F2P is a bit different than what everyone here is claiming doom and gloom over. In fact, the entire source article is more about wanting to give players ways of trying the game out first though things like the free trial (level 1-15 being free). That's hardly F2P.


You sure that isn't just some false hoping? ;)

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More like, free trial period, ala WoW.


They allready posted that about the 7 day free trial of TOR. A week or more ago? This is new info about a FTP model for TOR. Which I see as a absolute thing coming. Sure there will continue to be the sub model along with the FTP one. Atleast this is my opinion what I have read. :cool:

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Are you joking? LOTRO is doing very well. They at least have players, unlike this game, not to mention the fact that they're earning money instead of losing it.


From a business stand-point, they are doing well. From a player standpoint, not so much. I've been playing the game since release (lifetime subscription from back in the day) and the game has barely moved since Mines of Moria. Yes, there have been more players since the F2P change, but they're all of a low "quality". They play for 10, maybe 20 levels, then never come back.

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LOL! I love hoe the guys says "some day" and yet people here are saying stuff like "Im gon cancel until FTP!", like it's actually going to happen some time next week or something. :rolleyes:



Either way, once it does, if ever, I'm out. Maybe it will be long after I finish all 8 class stories so I can leave without having to pay 20 bucks each to play through the remaining ones.


Sadly. I suggest you get use to the idea. That way you may not be as disappointed when it does. :)

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They allready posted that about the 7 day free trial of TOR. A week or more ago? This is new info about a FTP model for TOR. Which I see as a absolute thing coming. Sure there will continue to be the sub model along with the FTP one. Atleast this is my opinion what I have read. :cool:



Or, you know, he's referring about people being able to download the game for free and play the first 15 levels. You know.. that thing that was just recently announced?

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I wouldnt mind the f2p trial being extended all the way to the end of chapter 1. Unlock a legacy and oooooo you have to pay for this game.


or even a new p2p model where I pay for my hours instead of monthly subscription.

pay2win is where the nickel and diming comes from, but pay for fluff is fine and fun because its optional.


having to pay for pieces of content would bother and annoy me.

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Or, you know, he's referring about people being able to download the game for free and play the first 15 levels. You know.. that thing that was just recently announced?


Yeah cause "embracing a free model" means a free trial... Not.

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I could point that statement back at you as well.


You could and that's very nice. But I am actually hoping it doesn't because of the money I already sunk in to this game. Why I am having a good laugh though is because all of the fanboys that claimed how good the game is doing or how amazingly successful it's done already will be very amusing when the f2p happens.

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No, he didn't. But again, that would require people to actually read the original article with the full interview with the EA boss, and not rely on the two paragraph article everyone is refering to.




Let them officially come out then, but between all the news the last month or so, this is all adding up that the game is dying and I'm no longer paying for on faith. They've had my faith for over 6 months. They've lost it.


I'm not even sure if I can post anymore after my sub is done, but it's over on 06/23

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Or, you know, he's referring about people being able to download the game for free and play the first 15 levels. You know.. that thing that was just recently announced?


Well..according to the date of the article....just saying. And the free limited trial is not a FTP model at all. Allmost every MMO has the free trial thingies. That was something everyone knew would be happening.

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