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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[BUG] Camera Distance Keeps Resetting


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  • 1 month later...
Yes, all the time, and it's so annoying it infuriates me.


Please fix this Bioware, playing this game is supposed to be a restful, not a stressing experience :-)




Anytime you enter a smaller 'ceiling' area it resets to that zoom distance as well. Mind you, its better than having your character blocked out by whatever is at that draw distance (tree, wall, ceiling, cave) but it needs to go back to the level it was before.

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Hi ! I read the forums a lot and this is my first time posting, because this "bug" irritates me a LOT, to the point where it makes me rage bad lol :mad: Especially in PvP. Camera does reset but it's painfully slow, you have to spam mousewheel to zoom out manually every 10 seconds to get camera view back to the max distance you set in options. And it resets every time you zone and take taxi too.


I tried the instant max camera distance keybind, but it doesn't work either, it just resets it the DEFAULT max distance, and not the one you set in options. So you still have to spam the zoom out manually.


When I talk about that problem to my guildies, most of them don't understand what we mean, because half of them didn't set a custom max distance or not using the zoom out at all. But to other people, that problem is very irritating. I hope they fix this!

Edited by McLOVINs
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Happens to me when I zone, when I take a shuttle, when I run down a hallway (of which there are MANY in this game), if I get to close to a wall or other part of the environment... Yes, I can (and do) just scroll back out. No, that's not terribly difficult. But it is annoying and something that I should not have to do.


Bioware needs to fix all the stupid little bugs in this game. Each one by themselves is easy to overlook, but as there are so many of them it's all starting to add up into one big headache. I don't think I should pay $15 a month for something that gives me a headache...

Edited by Nymaeria
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