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so how do they decide


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i don't really understand it myself


my friends server the swiftsure while not great on population but much better than my own of the saber of exar kun already got a transfer, i mean i'm assuming cuz that's a west coast so there's few to transfer but still it confuses the hell outa me and really makes no sense


oh well Something will happen with my server for sure i'll just have to be patient lol


I'm playing west coast and no transfer avialable to me.. so your are wrong on the west coast thing sorry

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You know, I keep hearing the same thing over and over again. "Please have patience with Bioware, they are working to resolve the issue." "It takes time, someone has to be first and someone has to be last." "Just wait, they will get to you." I hate to say this but the game has been out for over six months. This a problem that has been on-going for 4-5 months. While I agree, we need to have patience, I must ask when do we simply stop placing patience? I am not claiming we have hit that point but I think we are getting close to it. Bioware is a great company but they need to get on the learning curve for these kinds of problems and unfortunately it is a very steep curve. So I just wonder, where is the line that we simply won't accept anymore from them?
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I like speculation as much as the next so here is my guess.


With the exception of moving some really really low pop servers to Jedi Covenant and Fatman and other high pop servers, I would pick those servers with the lowest number of reserved names. Those that have had the fewest players overall. Kind of makes sense when you consider they moved the West Coast PvP servers to Bastion. Swiftsure (for sure) and probably even my server Dark Reaper most likely had more active accounts. But then Dark Reaper kept a healthy population until the last month or two. Both of those probably had a ton of reserved names. Heck over a 125 people still showed up in my Republic guild list and a 100 or so in my Empire guild and I haven't see more than 1 or 2 people on in guild for a couple of months.


So moving to a server that has had the least number of players overall would probably mean fewer name collisions. Plus some people that tried to be proactive, like me :D, reserved names on Swiftsure because we were sure, no pun intended, that it would be the PvP destination for West coast.


This is just conjecture and I'd guess there were other considerations.


Bottom Line - I'm very pleased to be on a server with a healthy population. 3 Instances of Imperial Fleet pretty much all evening and 2-3 instances of the Republic fleet along with very nice numbers on the planets. This will be true for everyone eventually. If you choose not to wait that is your prerogative, but I think they are doing fine with the transfers so far. Until the transfer I just collected mats, leveled alts, finished up quests, etc.

Edited by Erasimus
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The Swiftsure got a transfer which had decent activity, it had standard population at times (30-60 people on the fleet at a time). My other EU server Basilisk Droid with 10 people on the fleet at a time (and sometimes 10 people on the whole server at a time) has not received a transfer yet. I'm not sure how this system works.
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I don't like how healthy servers, like the ones mentioned in this thread and kyrat dragon etc, all have sustainable populations as is before transfers, I know players on Kyrat thought we would be a destination but it seems all but 2 pve servers for the east coast are origin servers. These super servers go beyond what players asked for, no one likes playing on overcrowded servers , it's almost as bad as it being empty in many cases. I thought and many others as well, that more servers would exist after transfers than just the few we will be left with.


The way BW did this is the most advantageous way for themselves not the community/player base like they claim.

Edited by krisknife
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From "Sorting through the SWTOR server transfer mess" on Massively:


Yesterday, Star Wars: The Old Republic began its second wave of server transfers. The process started normally without too much issue: Small, nearly empty servers were given the opportunity to transfer to larger, more-populated servers.


Then about noon EDT, many well-populated servers were given the opportunity to move. Communities on PVE servers like The Swiftsure were asked to go to The Bastion. According to TORStatus.net, The Swiftsure's population out-ranked The Bastion's by several points. This was not the only case of the confusion in the population. Lord Adraas, arguably the largest roleplay community in the US, was asked to move to an equally populated server The Ebon Hawk.


Taking into account some of the comments on the official forums and on the roleplay fan site SWTOR-RP, many players are confused as to what BioWare's ultimate goal might be with these server transfers, and if the players on the origin servers don't take this opportunity to transfer now, will they have opportunity to do it again in the future? Because no communication has come from BioWare regarding fate of the origin servers, some like Vlayue on the official forum believe that the server transfers are meant to "even out server populations not just tip the entire server over and pour it into another." However, a large majority have voiced their opinions by transferring their characters and guilds to the new server because they see it as BioWare's way of killing off the origin server's population.


Unfortunately, because of the PR speak surrounding the situation, even BioWare appears to be uncertain of what's happening. On the blog addressing the transfers specifically, the team writes (emphasis ours): "This character transfer service will be available as long as is required to help maintain population balance across the service and create a better overall gameplay experience." However, a few weeks ago, Lead Designer Daniel Erickson suggested that the team was looking to make massive servers and not keep the current server landscape. "We are coming up on a huge move to servers with massively higher population caps than we have today," he told PC Gamer.


Which is it: balance across the servers or massive servers? Hopefully, BioWare will clear up this unanswered question soon so that people on origin servers are not holding on to false hope.

Edited by Urael
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