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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So, How Many Names Did You Lose?


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I make original names. So I lost 1 out of 4. Retained Legacy name (I had also reserved my main's name a few days ago)


Changed the one name that was already taken by changing one of the vowels from an a to á. Sucks for a split second for my guild leader who has to copy paste my name in chat now,. Apart from that I think I'll probably get over it.

Edited by AesirUesugi
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How are people complaining this is gamebreaking? 0_o And none since i havent moved yet :3


For some people it is. A name can be a very fundamental thing... if you think of your characters as characters, rather than extensions of yourself, then sudden name swaps can upset the entire basis you'd mentally constructed the character around. It's like getting halfway through the story & then suddenly having announced that Luke Skywalker will now be known as John Groundrunner. It'd be kinda jarring.


IMO it really depends whether you think about your character is an avatar of yourself or as a character in a story (who you happen to control). It's easier to mentally rename yourself - it's just a different nickname - than it is to mentally rename a third party character.


Based on how most players react to the idea of having opposite gender characters, I suspect the majority probably think of characters as avatars-of-themselves rather than characters-in-a-story tho.

Edited by Lakhesis
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I transferred five characters; none lost their names. I also kept my legacy name.


I'm surprised at the legacy one, since 'mockingbird' is kind of an obvious pick for a surname. The other ones aren't so surprising, though I'd have expected to lose at least one name. .-.

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My republic server was allowed to transfer today and by dumb luck I managed to get all 6 of my names. Thankfully I had toyed with the idea of re-rolling on what turned out to be my destination server. I decided against it but kept all my characters there since there wasn't much of a point in deleting them. My girlfriend managed to lose all 3 of her character names, but special characters got us around that.


My big concern now is that my imperial server is going to end up getting transferred to the same place as my republic server. Losing character names is crappy enough, losing characters is ridiculous.

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In my books, if a name is already taken, it was unoriginal and therefore lame :p


This is not necessarily true. I'm not entirely sure if BioWare does this, but other MMOs would save the names of characters and put them in the random generator.

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Haven't gotten my server up for transfers yet, but I checked the two possible servers my server may end up going to and none of my names were taken. Too bad since I wanted to change some of my names. So going to have to do that myself by creating characters first to force a name change.


Not to be a jerk or anything, but this certainly shows how creative (or lack there of) people can be. Those who are more creative kept their names over those that took more common names. Hamsolo, Bobbafeet, Dorthvador, etc of course are going to be taken. This also applies to legacy names. Skywaker, Fet, Organna, etc of course are going to be taken. And getting upset over losing a name is pretty childish. It's a name attached to some pixels. It's not like someone committed identity theft against you and stole your real name, birthday, social secuirity number, etc, then proceeded to destroy your life. If you really really really wanted to keep a name, you could've tested if it was taken by making a character on the destination server first. If it was taken, then you could've just not transferred and waited until transfers opened up and let you go anywhere. This may be a hint to people to try to be more creative in the future. And there are many baby name websites as well as name generators to help people who just can't be creative.

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I've lost four character names so far. Sadist, Goldeneye, Mauser, and Luxuria. I have not lost a legacy name.


Only one of those names I really regret losing is Mauser because I named the character after my deceased grandfather's favorite hunting rifle.

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0 loss.


I didn't transfer and if I did I make completely unique names that no one else could think of let alone be able to pronounce at times.


What's funny is I thought I did the same thing, yet I still lost the name of my main character. The alts whom it would be no big deal to make adjustments to the name were fine, of course.

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Haven't gotten my server up for transfers yet, but I checked the two possible servers my server may end up going to and none of my names were taken. Too bad since I wanted to change some of my names. So going to have to do that myself by creating characters first to force a name change.


Not to be a jerk or anything, but this certainly shows how creative (or lack there of) people can be. Those who are more creative kept their names over those that took more common names. Hamsolo, Bobbafeet, Dorthvador, etc of course are going to be taken. This also applies to legacy names. Skywaker, Fet, Organna, etc of course are going to be taken. And getting upset over losing a name is pretty childish. It's a name attached to some pixels. It's not like someone committed identity theft against you and stole your real name, birthday, social secuirity number, etc, then proceeded to destroy your life. If you really really really wanted to keep a name, you could've tested if it was taken by making a character on the destination server first. If it was taken, then you could've just not transferred and waited until transfers opened up and let you go anywhere. This may be a hint to people to try to be more creative in the future. And there are many baby name websites as well as name generators to help people who just can't be creative.


I lost Jaela, Savannah and Althea.


Althea, yeah, wasn't original there. Deserved to lose that.


Savannah, well, I haven't seen that name used in fiction, though it is a (rareish) RL name, so I'm not suprised I lost it.


Jaela, though, I had never seen nor heard of in fiction or RL. It was an entirely original name that I had invented. That doesn't mean it didn't exist beforehand.


People (not you specifically) need to get off their high-horse about original names. If you've come up with a name that has never been uttered in the history of mankind, well, it's a horrible, unpronouncable name.


Just because it's original to you, doesn't mean that it is original in relation to the rest of humanity.

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No first names lost, since I used the Neverwinter Nights random name generator for all of my character names. I lost my primary legacy name but was able to keep my secondary legacy name (i was playing on two servers, one for republic, one for empire).
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Well I am one of ones that got screwed in both naming of my characters and legacy. The names fit for my characters and now, its just getting me to not want to play SWTOR as I lost the "character" and feel of playing my toons. Why names are not just account bound (like in STO) is baffling. After seeing that I lost the toons I really wanted to play because I have to come up with a name just to play makes a person want to just unsub. Its just frustrating.
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I lost one, my smuggler, which is pretty good considering I transferred seven. Having a commonly named character on Lord Adraas was pretty cool though. Still, I got to keep my main's name and recovered my Legacy name. When the box popped up to choose said legacy name I have to admit the possibility of choosing something new was sort of tempting, but in the end didn't feel like going back through and changing everything I've written if I didn't have to.


So we can change our Legacy name even if it's available?

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Lost only two 2 of 11 characters transferred. And I didn't like them much anyway. Kept my old legacy name.


In my books, if a name is already taken, it was unoriginal and therefore lame :p


I lost the only one I wanted to keep... "Twinkletoes". When I made the toon I wanted the dumbest name ever... and it seems, to my amazement, someone either saw it on Koonda Malitia and liked it or theres more than one idoit like me. :eek:


P.S. I named him Tvvinkletoes (2 V's instead of a W).. that was my main and when i run into the fool named Twinkletoes I will go insane on him. :rak_04:

Edited by Senecal
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