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Confirmed: SWTOR to have micro-transactions/in-game purchases


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Buying raid gear IS a pay to win model. It would be buying a piece of gear that gave you an advantage. No MMO curently does that and I don't imagine this one will be any different. If you can buy gear at all it would probably purely cosmetic, certainly without stats.


UMM yes thay do have the pay to win model. STO sells the best ships at the C-Store, and Battlestar Galactica online is all about selling cubits so you can upgrade. I've seen people spend thousands in BGO. Big Point has the micro transaction art mastered....more like macro transactions there.


I just hope that if EA does this its limited to fluff.

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I checked Yahoo's sources. This isn't credible.


The guy who wrote the article was citing an investment report dated 3/10/2010. That was more than 2 years ago, and in terms of the source of the information, the report was created by an outside company.


None of his other sources support the claims made, although I don't doubt that there will be some form of micro-transactions in the future.


Take the article with a grain of salt.


Par for the course, unfortunately. Some news services do repackage news drawing from old sources. Not a huge deal, but to the hypersensitive contingent here? Earth shattering.


Also, I'd like to add that press releases of any type aren't necessarily indicative of the final outcome. Let me be clear, I'm not saying they are blatant lies based on the companies own self interest. I am saying that they have a goal in mind with the press release and those goals can and do change. While a cash shop may have made sense with the game was the darling of the discriminate gamer, it may not make sense now.

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UMM yes thay do have the pay to win model. STO sells the best ships at the C-Store, and Battlestar Galactica online is all about selling cubits so you can upgrade. I've seen people spend thousands in BGO. Big Point has the micro transaction art mastered....more like macro transactions there.


I just hope that if EA does this its limited to fluff.


I can agree with the STO part, what peeved me off was the one sided way cryptic did it ( yes i was KDF) but i would say based on other EA mt's it will only be fluff if they ever even do this. I see this stuff on here only being Recruit a friend items like the new mount and micro trans like char slots and possibly races and server xfers.

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So you have the official figures do you or are you guestimating, and fatman is the entire game is it. And this is a lucas arts EA game, if this ends up with 500k subscribers it will have an epic expantion, you just have to look at the stuff thats come from patchs to see that.


And EA is a bigger fish then just bioware, everyone has layed off staff including blizzard. And if you want to look for warning signs from anywhere look at no blizzcon and vivienda considering selling blizzard activision.


You just watch the numbers. We used to have 230 as good number on fleet,


Then it got to the point where we never broke 170 which was about when I stopped play, Even thought we were contantly getting people talking about how they just re-rolled to our surver, We should have been going up with the amount of people comming over to our server if we were stable.


On xfire SW:ToR used to have about 15% of the total play time for MMOs, They now have 5% in a given day.


The numbers are not exzact but sighns point to a pretty big drop

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Par for the course, unfortunately. Some news services do repackage news drawing from old sources. Not a huge deal, but to the hypersensitive contingent here? Earth shattering.


Also, I'd like to add that press releases of any type aren't necessarily indicative of the final outcome. Let me be clear, I'm not saying they are blatant lies based on the companies own self interest. I am saying that they have a goal in mind with the press release and those goals can and do change. While a cash shop may have made sense with the game was the darling of the discriminate gamer, it may not make sense now.


Omg again with this. How the heck is this from 2010 when #1 this game didnt even exist then. #2 how did they know somehow at E3 they would announce f2p? How would they know anything about E3 2012. For pete's sake read the article my good man.

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You just watch the numbers. We used to have 230 as good number on fleet,


Then it got to the point where we never broke 170 which was about when I stopped play, Even thought we were contantly getting people talking about how they just re-rolled to our surver, We should have been going up with the amount of people comming over.


On xfire SW:ToR used to have about 15% of the total play time for MMOs, They now have 5% in a given day.


The numbers are not exzact but sighns point to a pretty big drop


Lets look at this from this perspective shall we, we all know that people came to the game and wanted specific features and left until those were in, some others left simply to wait for more content like ranked pvp. The main features people wanted were group finder, xfers and ranked pvp and those are coming.


So without those features the active played hours will have dropped as its quality of life people were wanting, nothing todo with quality of the game just the access they had within it.


There is another sect of people who came from swg and want to have the sandbox feeling they had there and whilst they might not have it now there is every chance they will have in the future even if not to the full degree they want.


But lets look at the market, WoW is putting all its eggs on pandas and the new talents system, now alot of people dont like the talents but are willing to try it simply because they are locked into annual subs and the fact they have so many years investied into wow. Then we have the whole real money market which no one knows how you pay tax on it which should scare everyone.


Add to this D3 has been majorly hacked to the point where on the phone support it has its own section and department to sort it out. With this vivienda considering selling blizzard, thats not just wow, thats starcraft, diablo and the secret titan project which doesnt say alot about the new titan project.

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Omg again with this. How the heck is this from 2010 when #1 this game didnt even exist then. #2 how did they know somehow at E3 they would announce f2p? How would they know anything about E3 2012. For pete's sake read the article my good man.


People were still talking about the game in 2010, and as mentioned many times, this information about the MT's has been out there...since 2010.


The article is not from 2010, but the info about MT's is. And then they are combining that info with the info about the f2p TRIAL (needs to be said, since you keep alluding to the whole game going f2p) in the article written in 2012.


Why is that so hard for you to understand?

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I don't seem to recall wow going to f2p to 20 until what, 5+ years into it's life?


Small difference, but it's ok, you're good at ignoring things.


I don't think we should be comparing this game to WoW, in any way, unless we're also willing to point out the fact that this game is on par with wow from 2006. Which wasn't f2p to 20 I might add. And also wasn't busy transmerging.


You're right about one thing though, delusional is all over this piece.


Didn't ignore it, Chief. It's not relevant. They both do it. However, wow had the scroll of resurrection, free 10 day trail during Vanilla. It's become SOP. It is called, a loss leader. Its the same principle utilized in retail sales.


OIne certainly can compare the game to wow, same industry, same genre. Wow is the largest and most successful game in the business. Of course it will be the bench mark by which other games are compared.


Really now. Someone takes a single news release about vanity items and free trials and extrapolates that to free to play situation? We have moved well beyond nonsense.

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I don't remember them ever saying anything about micro-transactions or an in-game store. And this isn't going free to play more like a extended demo as you can play the full game until your character reaches lvl 15 at which point you have to pay the subscription fee to continue leveling your character.


This is what I took from the article as well.

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Lets look at this from this perspective shall we, we all know that people came to the game and wanted specific features and left until those were in, some others left simply to wait for more content like ranked pvp. The main features people wanted were group finder, xfers and ranked pvp and those are coming.


So without those features the active played hours will have dropped as it quality of life people were wanting, nothing todo with quality of the game just the access they had within it.


There is another sect of people who came from swg and want to have the sandbox feeling they had there and whilst they might not have it now there is every chance they will have in the future even if not to the full degree they want.


But lets look at the market, WoW is putting all its eggs on pandas and the new talents system, now alot of people dont like the talents but are willing to try it simply because they are locked into annual subs and the fact they have so many years investied into wow. Then we have the whole real money market which no one knows how you pay tax on it which should scare everyone.


Add to this D3 has been majorly hacked to the point where on the phone support it has its own section and department to sort it out. With this vivienda considering selling blizzard, thats not just wow, thats starcraft, diable and the secret titan project which doesnt say alot about the new titan project.


I'm pretty sure blizzard is fine.


They have the number 1 played MMO

They number 1 played action RPG Diablo

They have the numer 1 played RTS star craft.


Even if WoW loses 1/2 it's players it still has more players then this and it requires less resources to maintain No VO, No cuteses


If they are in trouble no one is safe.



They are just slowing trying to add features to this game that WoW already has to make the game playable here. They need content to make people drool over, Not features the most MMOs already have,

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Here you go, an article from 2008 about SWTOR being MT based:




"Instead, the title will be gain revenue from a microtransactional model. Shacknews reports this surprising tidbit from a conference call held by the mega-publisher earlier today. Said CEO John Riccitiello, "The Star Wars online MMO [is a] mid-session game, microtransaction-based. You'll be hearing more about those in the February [conference] call."

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If they ever start selling more than vanity pets (that should also be available in CE/VIP shops), character slots, character renames/recustomize/refaction, and character transfers I will be leaving faster than you can say "P2W."


STO started off offering vanity items that just changed looks but then came the +1 vanity ships with "special" abilities and it quickly turned into P2W. I won't stand for that here.

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I checked Yahoo's sources. This isn't credible.


The guy who wrote the article was citing an investment report dated 3/10/2010. That was more than 2 years ago, and in terms of the source of the information, the report was created by an outside company.


None of his other sources support the claims made, although I don't doubt that there will be some form of micro-transactions in the future.


Take the article with a grain of salt.


There ya go, Chief.


Next time don't be so gullible. ;p

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why is this thread still running? Seriously close it bioware. You people do realize that paid servertransfers and character re customizations are microtransactions right? Both of these things are common in every mmo.


They never said they were going F2P. I mean seriously this is like complaining about grapes in a thread about apples.

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People were still talking about the game in 2010, and as mentioned many times, this information about the MT's has been out there...since 2010.


The article is not from 2010, but the info about MT's is. And then they are combining that info with the info about the f2p TRIAL (needs to be said, since you keep alluding to the whole game going f2p) in the article written in 2012.


Why is that so hard for you to understand?


The stuff is from E3 how hard is that for you to understand? Its a simple press release man you guys are in a serious state of denial.

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I'm pretty sure blizzard is fine.


They have the number 1 played MMO

They number 1 played action RPG Diablo

They have the numer 1 played RTS star craft.


Even if WoW loses 1/2 it's players it still has more players then this and it requires less resources to maintain No VO, No cuteses


If they are in trouble no one is safe.



They are just slowing trying to add features to this game that WoW already has to make the game playable here. They need content to make people drool over, Not features the most MMOs already have,



Wow does have the number 1 mmo at this time correct, i would have to ask for source on number one played rpg and rts though. And its not about if bliz loses its playerbase, its have they hit there absolute peak of the best is here and vivienda are cashing out before what they know and we dont happens.


As for wow using less resources your spot on there, they should get a green badge for recycling and allowing the playerbase to create features they cant be bothered to via add ons. And its not a case of if they are in trouble everyone be worried, no one stays ontop of the pile for all time, even rome fell.


As for content to make people drool, i think they do already in the story part of this game. They could do with expanding zones alot more and mixing areas alot better as you level so republic and imperial cross paths and share zones alot more.


But with the thing you say about not adding features others have but there own, they are giving the playerbase what the playerbase is asking for, that doesnt mean they arnt going to add things of there own does it.

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According to a RECENT news feed from Reuters, EA is planning to offer at least 15 levels (from July) of its magnum opus, Star Wars: Old Republic for free to play. The company expects that this free offering will boost its dwindling subscriber base going forward. EA lost approximately 400K subscribers in the fiscal fourth quarter. EA expects to earn significant revenue from additional features and through micro-transactions by selling in-game based items.


I bolded the part where it says recent. Id also love to know how they knew in 2010 they would loose 400k subs and know the exact date they are going f2p. Are you guys saying Reuters is also not reliable? Someone needs to learn to read. It also announces a bunch of other new games that noone knew about in 2010.


Also in game based items removes all doubt it will be simply transfers or character slots.

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The stuff is from E3 how hard is that for you to understand? Its a simple press release man you guys are in a serious state of denial.


Have you even read that article?


"According to a recent news feed from Reuters, EA is planning to offer at least 15 levels (from July) of its magnum opus, Star Wars: Old Republic for free to play. "


So even according the the article you keep claiming is from E3, it isn't.

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Have you even read that article?


"According to a recent news feed from Reuters, EA is planning to offer at least 15 levels (from July) of its magnum opus, Star Wars: Old Republic for free to play. "


So even according the the article you keep claiming is from E3, it isn't.


OMG the news is from E3 as reported by Reuters. Wow just wow lol.


The very FIRST LINE:


Video game developer and publisher, Electronic Arts Inc. (EA) recently announced a number of new games from some of its acclaimed studios that will be showcased at the ongoing Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3).
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Wow does have the number 1 mmo at this time correct, i would have to ask for source on number one played rpg and rts though. And its not about if bliz loses its playerbase, its have they hit there absolute peak of the best is here and vivienda are cashing out before what they know and we dont happens.


As for wow using less resources your spot on there, they should get a green badge for recycling and allowing the playerbase to create features they cant be bothered to via add ons. And its not a case of if they are in trouble everyone be worried, no one stays ontop of the pile for all time, even rome fell.


As for content to make people drool, i think they do already in the story part of this game. They could do with expanding zones alot more and mixing areas alot better as you level so republic and imperial cross paths and share zones alot more.


But with the thing you say about not adding features others have but there own, they are giving the playerbase what the playerbase is asking for, that doesnt mean they arnt going to add things of there own does it.


D3 was one of the fastest selling game ever.

Starcraft is be far the most popular RTS right now if you follow the genere, There isn't anything else that comes close. Actual there is on game that comes close, Which is warcraft 3, but they own that one as well, then company of heros comes next but it's way behind the number 1 and 2 slots

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Sorry but what, WOW has current content which isnt alot and anything old isnt touched.


SWTOR isnt bleeding subs anymore then wow is on % so that doesnt fly, its holding up alot stronger then other mmos, It doesnt have a large unhappy playerbase either, it has a very vocal very very minor minority on the forums made up mainly of blizzard and guildawars fans who since beta have charmed on about this game is going to die.


Microtransactions have never once been mentioned by Bioware, there is no signs of MTs and EA say alot of things of which most doesnt come to pass, speculators cant even tell whats going on in the markets there trained to watch so i wouldnt put much stock in what they say about the mmo market that is fluid even more then markets.


I would very much disagree, swtor lost almost half its initial player base and is dropping. thats allot of unhappy people. if you pay attention to gaming sites alot of people are very disappointed in this game even members of swtor fansites no longer play and have not been happy with the direction of the game lately. You even have the gaming industry saying allot of negative things about tor. it may be a vocal minority but it is a huge minority then


as for wows content I meant more in the way of achievements and rare items not just raids that you out level so even with sparkle ponies you still have alot of mounts and rare items to go after that the microtransactions won't take away from. if microtransactions launch before 2013 I dont think this game will have anything worth getting that doesnt have a better version to buy. I think this will hurt the game and cause people to not want to log in to go after that rare item.


and swtor does not stand on its own, it lacks basic features and technology the devs seem to be having problems with [i'm not very good with technology but I can tell something is wrong] if it wasnt starwars it wouldnt of launched in my opinion. the content is getting better and that is why I stay around, I am willing to pay for unfinished content and stick it out because I have hope that bioware will turn it around once they get settled in to this neww mmo space. I have full faith that bioware has the talent to make the best game on the market including upcoming releases but they have to start thinking smart and about a long term hardcore player base not a quick fix like microtransactions that cheapen the game but put a quick buck in you pocket.


I dont see microtransactions as the answer. I think they need a hardcore player base like wow and they will not get it through gouging for a quick buck for items they should be putting in game and coming up with fun ways to get them in game to get people playing. blizzard may have been able to pull it off but swtor need to separate themselves from the wow clone model and prove they are different and worth a sub.


they threw tons of money at this game and look what it got them, another rift or warhammer with good sales and a exodus of players. more money will not save this game, long term decisions that improve the game and P.R. to bring back players and combat all the negative press and reputation swtor has given itself [cough ilum] is what I believe will save this game. microtransactions will equal negative press and push the image that the game is failing. gamers are sheep, if they think the game is dead or failing they will jump ship or not even give it a try. make the game better and let word of mouth get around if people start playing and having fun and putting out videos and cool community stuff i think players will come back. thats what I think was wows success was, people were playing it and having fun that gets around look at all the sheep drooling over dayz right now

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OMG the news is from E3 as reported by Reuters. Wow just wow lol.


The very FIRST LINE:


Does the very first line you quoted say anything about Reuters? Does it say anything about SWTOR?


When does it mention Reuters? When they talk about SWTOR!


Wow is right.


I'm done with this senseless conversation. Sorry Leggomy, as proven, this info has been out there for a while. Sorry you weren't aware of it. I hope next time you'll argue about something actually important, other then when info was released.

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