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Confirmed: SWTOR to have micro-transactions/in-game purchases


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I will not pay for new content patches that aren't full-blown retail expansions.


You probably want to expand on this and detail what you consider to be a new content patch that isn't worthy of being a full-blown retail expansion... because realistically they are both the same thing and only depend on how EA/BioWare chooses to release them.

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You probably want to expand on this and detail what you consider to be a new content patch that isn't worthy of being a full-blown retail expansion... because realistically they are both the same thing and only depend on how EA/BioWare chooses to release them.


1.2 for example. I wouldn't have paid for patch 1.2.

Edited by King_Cashio
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There is a very big chance what they mean is the paid character transfers service and some other services of the kind (cosmetic revamp of your character etc etc)


However there is a chance a full fledged in-game shop will happen, i hope this isnt the case though.

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It will NEVER EVER last! EVER! I'm sure it'll start out as "cosmetic" and "vanity", but it will NOT stay that way. Not in a game that has plummeted as quickly as this one has.


I dont get how you think the game doing poorly= pay 2 win cash shop. P2W would be the one thing that they could do that would guarantee this game was a total failure and would show that the devs think the game is unsavable.


From what they have said and more importantly from what they have shown us is coming proves that the devs are trying to save it and it has a very good chance to recover. Rift is doing it right now, it released without alot of the features it should have had too, they added them all in and kept content comming at a rapid pace and stopped people from abbandoning the game, now with its new pvp system and expansion on the horizon rift is on the up swing.


Swtor can easily do the same thing, and while they dont seem to have the experienced devs rift has yet they have two things rift does not have that can easily bring a ton of people back, #1 its Star wars, #2 3d space expansion. Those two things are extremely powerful tools to bring players back that no other mmo has anything to rival right now.


Everyone who is experienced with other mmos and has paid attention to them knows they all have microtransactions, Wow does, Rift does and they all knew Swtor would.


If they decide to move to a p2w model it wont matter because it will mean swtor has died and the devs have given up on it.

Edited by Mallorik
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So, where is source? I mean real source, with EA words that they're expecting profit from microtransactions in SWTOR, that were said during E3, not some random site with info that doesn't appear anywhere else.
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See BW, another thread were your fan boys give false info and build false hopes of the player base using ZERO FACTs but just rumors they heard on the web. You guys don't communicate but let everyone else fill in the gaps, it's no wonder this community flips so often .


I have seen so many fake stories on yahoo it's not even funny, I have tried finding a more legit reference to micro-transactions and there are none, yet fan boys in this thread have done said it was already decided, it will be only vanity items only and even go on to list what will probably be in the cash shop. This is what causes allot of QQ, people believe the fan boys like they have some kind of special info no one else has (they act like this as well), you guys moderate the wrong post.


If this game turns to micro-transactions it will be the death of it, BW is a good company , EA can't be trusted they will turn a cash shop into something that makes Runes of Magic seem like a good deal:D

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Really not surprised by this at all. The entire legacy system was just a set up for future micro transactions. I will likely keep my sub. I certainly don't want a bunch of micro restrictions on my gameplay. It will bring a whole lot more people to the game though.
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I guess yahoo is lying then... some people are still delusional

Unsub now and it will be f2p in a few months or maybe weeks.


This is the first 15 levels to play free. This is not DDO- or LOTRO where you can play the whole game free and buy what you want along the way. This is the same as WoW, first 20? levels free.


Most people who play these other FTP games still have a monthly subscription to the game. They only purchase cosmetic things. DDO LOTRO are both FTP, and I paid 15 bucks a month to play them.

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This is the first 15 levels to play free. This is not DDO- or LOTRO where you can play the whole game free and buy what you want along the way. This is the same as WoW, first 20? levels free.


Most people who play these other FTP games still have a monthly subscription to the game. They only purchase cosmetic things. DDO LOTRO are both FTP, and I paid 15 bucks a month to play them.


that's not true, if memory serves correct those games offer more than cosmetic, i know for a fact ddo does, pretty sure lotro is the same

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It will be just mounts and pets and such... stupid little trinkets that won't affect anything.


See that's the problem, that mentality drives the company to take this motto to the extreme. I seen it with EQ2. While I was playing, they never really put anything game changing in the market. However, over time they not only spammed the crap out of the market, but put anything cosmetic worth getting in it.


Because it's simply cosmetic, fanboys will defend it and bash people who want that stuff, but what they don't realize is the cosmetic stuff is part of the game play. Back in old school MMO's, the coolest looking gear came with the best stats. When you saw someone with incredible looking armor, you knew he was a solid player and in a top guild.


Once the marketplace opens, any joe shmoe can look as cool as the guy who invested countless hours into his character. I know instant reaction will be "As long as it doesn't make him a better player" but anyone who's been in a top guild back in the day can relate to the feeling of walking up to a bunch of noobs and having them inspect you because of your cool looking gear.

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that's not true, if memory serves correct those games offer more than cosmetic, i know for a fact ddo does, pretty sure lotro is the same


While I quit lotro a while back (well, I got lifetime sub so quiting is relative), I do remember some of the best potions were in the store only. I did not find it dramatic but you saw the same outrage.."they promised only cosmetics, not p2win!" etc

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It seems they do. I mean, Yahoo! was far from the only news group present at any EA presentation at E3. Yet, they are the only one reporting a suggested micro transaction future.


Yahoo is not the author. The author is some analyst or PR person at Zacks Investment Research. It just happens to be hosted at Yahoo Finance.


If you think of the statement as a paid advertising for Zacks to try to lure customers to buy its research reports, the situaiton is put in better perspective.

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What do you mean you do not trust yahoo finance? EA told them this in order to get them to recommend the stock. If you dont trust them you wont trust any source. They are quoting a release from EA which was handed to them at E3.


They were quoting reuters, and I just went to the rueters site and did a search for the old republic. The most recent article was on june 4th, and mentions nothing about micro transactions. I would say this is an unconfirmed leak. I believe that microtransactions are coming but I wouldn't call this confirmation just yet.

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that's not true, if memory serves correct those games offer more than cosmetic, i know for a fact ddo does, pretty sure lotro is the same


Your right, they do, but to play the game like normal you pay $15 a month, if you like spending extra cash on chaff that really does nothing at all then you pay more, there are no REAL advantages to the things you can buy. Its not like you can pay $100 for full end game gear. Most is mounts, xp boosts, stims, things like that....


The process is still the same.

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They were quoting reuters, and I just went to the rueters site and did a search for the old republic. The most recent article was on june 4th, and mentions nothing about micro transactions. I would say this is an unconfirmed leak. I believe that microtransactions are coming but I wouldn't call this confirmation just yet.


its not a leak, its not even true, its just to drive traffic to their website. They said a "reuters news feed" guess what, theres nothing in the reuters news feed even relating to F2P or Micro-Transactions.


CONFIRMED: I have a bridge for sale in San Francisco if anyones interested. Serious offers only

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Quote: Originally Posted by Leggomy

What do you mean you do not trust yahoo finance? EA told them this in order to get them to recommend the stock. If you dont trust them you wont trust any source. They are quoting a release from EA which was handed to them at E3.


Personally if it had come from a reputable gaming source i would believe it more, yahoo is not the pinnacle of gaming info, in fact there has been no other info anywhere from anybody that confirms this....


To believe this is like listening to sky sports news for the latest movie release's. ???

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that's not true, if memory serves correct those games offer more than cosmetic, i know for a fact ddo does, pretty sure lotro is the same


You are correct. LOTRO offers items to replace legacies you don't like on your legendary weapons as well as items that increase the legacies tier. In other words you can pay to make your weapon have Three (possibly four, can't remember) tier 6 major legacies of your choice and and the remaining ones tier 6 minor legacies of your choice. You can also buy xp pots that increase xp gain, pots that increase your crafting faster, crafting recipes, etc, etc. There is actually quite a bit of pay to play stuff.

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Your right, they do, but to play the game like normal you pay $15 a month, if you like spending extra cash on chaff that really does nothing at all then you pay more, there are no REAL advantages to the things you can buy. Its not like you can pay $100 for full end game gear. Most is mounts, xp boosts, stims, things like that....


The process is still the same.


Now here comes the philosophical discussion of ingame advantages or fluff-only - do you remember the rage prior/during the time lotro went f2p?

I don't think anyone really has a problem with a store that 100% only sells fluff items but when they introduced potions in the store that were better than what you could get ingame (or was it that they had a seperate CD? been a while) the forums burned.

Yes, its not a BIG advantage and I personally did not care but any attached store will always be in some shade of grey, never "no advantage whatsover" or "buy max char with all gear" (ok, the later may be possible in some of the asian mmos, not sure)

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