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A Guide to Group Finder


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I would imagine that the currently long queues on PTS have little to do with the tech, and more to do with the fact that it's probably not as populated.


What I'd like to know is if anything is being done about players who queue up as healer/tank (Vanguard, Commando, Guardian, Scoundrel, Sage, Shadow, and their Imperial counterparts) fully intending to only play DPS just to get in quicker. I suppose kicking and adding them to the ignore list is the solution. I'd kind of like to see the option when kicking someone from a group, to automatically add them to my ignore list, or at least a pop-up that asks me if I'd like to add them to my ignore list.


And I'm glad the tool will not be cross-server. This is a great way to meet potential guildies.


I'm not sure it's needed for the origin planets, though. Tython has one 2+ Heroic that is easily soloable once you've got your companion, and the Heroics on the other planets, though fun, aren't really all that important. The only thing you can get with starter world commendations is the one chest-piece.


The PTS is pretty populated during the content update roll-outs - more than many live servers. The queue times are a bit worrisome - I was queued a couple of days ago with many other people for a specific FP and it never popped, even though there were clearly enough players to form 2-3 groups. Part of that is the role issue - queuing as DPS certainly won't get you in faster - I think it is the lack of a healer role that may be part of the problem.


Non-cross server is a good choice at this point - with the transfers beefing up Pops it makes X-server redundant at this point.


I do think they are needed on the origin worlds - this is an MMO after all, so while true the all origin world content can be soloed, many of us would like to find groups to do stuff and having the LFG would make that easier at a lower level.


They also need to remove the upper level cap on the various entries - I have a character on Taris now, but because he is 1-2 levels above the recommended for the planet, he cannot queue for the planet. Another character can queue for Taris, but she doesn't even have her ship yet, so can't get there. I don't see any reason to prevent higher level characters from queuing for the lower level content as long as there is a system in place that others queuing for that content have the choice to accept the higher level into the group or not. I know I don't care, and it will help out many players who have been stuck on low pop servers and had to skip a lot of those FPs and all because they couldn't group for it.



Edited by BJWyler
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I think if you could queue for content with more than one of your characters on a server that would be a valuable addition to the tool.

Especially for the planetary missions. Why run past all those other missions and social on the way to the Heroic?

I'd like to at least duo most of the time.

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What I'd like to know is if anything is being done about players who queue up as healer/tank (Vanguard, Commando, Guardian, Scoundrel, Sage, Shadow, and their Imperial counterparts) fully intending to only play DPS just to get in quicker. I suppose kicking and adding them to the ignore list is the solution. I'd kind of like to see the option when kicking someone from a group, to automatically add them to my ignore list, or at least a pop-up that asks me if I'd like to add them to my ignore list.


I do hope you find out whether they checked both, intentionally doing that is an ignorable offense, but I'm sure there are some simple cases of mistaken roledentity. Does the Group Finder tell you what role you entered the group as?

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Please BW. Don't give us the "cross-server LFG tools promote bad playing habits" crap as an excuse. Just say you need more time to develop it. Own up every once in a while. Nothing wrong with being honest and admitting that you need more time. But treating your users like clueless you-dont-know-whats-good-for-you people is not really cool.
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Great post, i wish it was made months ago.


I still dont agree with the reasons he gave for not having cross server, not that they arent true, its just that i think this game does so many other things that are much more destructive to an mmo community. And the examples he gave are easily remedied by tools like game wide /ignore and /kicking people from group.


If they get these "mega servers" up and running soon enough and they are large enough they may be able to pull it off. But i just dont think a same server lfg tool is going to provide acceptable que times on a "full" server we have now at ny time except a few hours during prime time.


And for people talking about que times on the pts, yes there isnt a huge population on the pts usualy, but you have to realize that a very large majority of the people that are on pts are there to use the lfg tool and get their two titles.

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Please BW. Don't give us the "cross-server LFG tools promote bad playing habits" crap as an excuse. Just say you need more time to develop it. Own up every once in a while. Nothing wrong with being honest and admitting that you need more time. But treating your users like clueless you-dont-know-whats-good-for-you people is not really cool.


Or it's honestly a combination of both, like they stated.


(also, sorry for double-post)

Edited by psi_overtake
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I believe so. The two of you will have to party up first, then the party leader will queue your semi-group in the LFG, and then off you go to rain forth pixelated mayhem with two brand new friends! :D


This is true. I have done this several times in the PTS server and it works quite nicely.

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Great post, i wish it was made months ago.


I still dont agree with the reasons he gave for not having cross server, not that they arent true, its just that i think this game does so many other things that are much more destructive to an mmo community. And the examples he gave are easily remedied by tools like game wide /ignore and /kicking people from group.


If they get these "mega servers" up and running soon enough and they are large enough they may be able to pull it off. But i just dont think a same server lfg tool is going to provide acceptable que times on a "full" server we have now at ny time except a few hours during prime time.


And for people talking about que times on the pts, yes there isnt a huge population on the pts usualy, but you have to realize that a very large majority of the people that are on pts are there to use the lfg tool and get their two titles.


I spent several long days on the PTS testing whatever I could... yes there are a very large number of people on the PTS testing the lfg tool (relatively speaking, really not a _large_ number but enough)... however almost all of them for whatever freak of nature brought over their DPS.


Every time people were polled in fleet about who was queued up for what the lack of pop was due to a missing type (usually tank or heal) that no one had of the appropriate level.

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It's already been broken! Queue problems were present when it was on PTS. It didn't even show our role icons correctly. WOW, these devs really are out of touch. rofl.


Clearly the TEST part of PTS has escaped you...


That being said... the part about not letting you queue up for content that is too hard for you... simply is not true. There are no restrictions currently on the tool that prevent you from rolling into HM LI in level 40 blues on your fresh 50 preventing the group from completing it.

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Clearly the TEST part of PTS has escaped you...


That being said... the part about not letting you queue up for content that is too hard for you... simply is not true. There are no restrictions currently on the tool that prevent you from rolling into HM LI in level 40 blues on your fresh 50 preventing the group from completing it.


Its not false, its just not comprehensive. There is something preventing you from rolling into HM LI as a level 40. Same with rolling into say Hammer Station in your newly hatched level 12. They do have some restrictions, but they have admitted in a post in the test forum that they are aware more needs to be done and are evaluating ways to do it for the future.

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This feature is a very good idea. It has proven its worth in other MMOs.


I particularly like the emphasis on same-server grouping. Even if you eventually enable cross-server grouping, you should at least design the system to always prioritise same-server matches (ie, don't open it up to other servers unless the wait will be more than ten minutes, or something like that).

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I strongly disagree with the "not-cross server" mentality within this in that community "quality" goes down as a result. Frankly, it minimizes the potential of group finder and limits it to the server itself, meaning low-population servers suffer and the chances of finding a group with it diminish during off-peak hours. It may help the issue, but certainly won't fix it.
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Here's hoping they change their mind on cross server.


On a high population server, it won't matter one bit as the server has a very large number to draw from. On a low population server (LIke mine), getting a queue to pop even at peak periods would be hard. The Warzone queue system already proves this fact. Do you currently wait 9 hours in the warzone queue only to get a bad group? Now you're going to be waiting 9 hours in a LFG queue only to get a bad group. :(

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In regards to the lack of cross server functionality, I can understand the desires of the development team and given that the free transfer service will bolster the communities, the lack of cross server grouping may not be an issue in the short term; however, I would strongly encourage the developers to immediately begin the groundwork for cross server functionality. A proactive approach to address potential issues is the philosophy needed for the game now, not reactionary measures that will leave your most ardent fans wanting.


Thank you!

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On the vote kick, please require filling in a reason "Why?" before enabling the vote button:


Person was disruptive to the team

[ ] Voted Need Constantly (This is the persons fault)

[ ] Was Rude (This is the persons fault)

[ ] Caused team to wipe more than once (This is the persons fault)


Other Reasons

[ ] Too Low of Level (Bug not the persons fault)

[ ] Lacking Sufficient Gear (Can't be helped, some will and some will not carry a team mate)



In this way people who truly are a disruption to the community can be put on a block list custom for grouping.. The "Other Reasons" do not count against the persons account rather notify the developers that their base group level filtering needs to be tweaked more.


Then on the Find group option, the team leader (or solo players) filters would determine which repeat offenders won't show up.


[X] No Ninjas

[X] No Jerks

[X] No Jokers


[ ] No Lowbies

[ ] No Gimps


[X] Legacy Mode Enabled (Overrides legacy settings and puts it to visible as title by default for the duration of this team. This is intended to deter people from using alts with legacy hidden to grief others)



By putting this on both sides you can minimize your chaos. People who get too many vote kicks for being rude simply will not be teamed with people that have a short patience for childishness. And of course. Any one who gets vote kicked for ninja'ing other class loot can also be prevented from joining most regular players games.


Also, Those who don't mind carrying a lowbie or a gimp can allow them in their team, while those who specifically intend to kick that person just seconds after they join anyway can block them from joining by enabling a stricter rule set for match making of player level/gear level averages.


If you do not make such a filter system understand the "chaos" will be great as the group finder tries to mash people together for large group ranged content. Lowbies will get kicked, gimps will get kicked and that will leave them with a bad experience since they really did nothing wrong. While people who repeatedly ninja other class loot will still have a new group to prey on coming up real soon. Same with people who get their kicks from upsetting others they will also know that one kick just means another group incoming.. Sure keeping it limited to server does sort of help these a little.. but believe me when I tell you not nearly as much as it should.

Edited by Aethyrprime
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This seems like the best group finder tool in mmo's currently in terms of design. Glad to see they put alot of thought into it and didnt just slap it together. With the server transfers there really isnt a need at least currently to make it xserver. Also i cant see a pug being able to clear anything past story/normal ops anyways
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I've been waiting for a group finder since launch, and this looks to be pretty awesome.


I am all for adding hard and nightmare modes to the group finder, although I think it would need to be tweaked a little. To my knowledge, gear isn't taken into account when determining what content you can expect to clear. Maybe some sort of invisible gearscore-like system could be added it could be done. You wouldn't even have to do it for all gear, level is a pretty good way to determine this before 50, so maybe just end game gear would have it.


It is just an idea on how to sort out those that are able to complete certain content at endgame. The groupfinder might just be able to use mainstat instead of some sort of gearscore. Whatever way it is done, I think that adding this to the groupfinder would be awesome, but would need to take gear into account in some way.


EDIT: I don't know how much work that would take, but alternatively recommended mainstat and/or gear sets could be added to the HM flashpoint / operation parts of the groupfinder. I don't think many people would intentionally go into a group under geared, but I don't think everyone knows what kind of gear is needed. I know that when I first started doing HM flashpoints I had no idea if I was geared enough or not.

Edited by MoobooMagoo
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We did Island HC for fun in Tionese gear we had on our pets, no problem there its just a little harder not to hit enrage in the 2nd phase of the last boss:D


No Gear Checks via Groupfinder are nice:o


Its only bad if someone wears pvp equip, then you know he can´t play pve;)

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