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Fear of loseing a name


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Simply put, Nobody should have to change names because bioware screwed up. The fact that bioware flat-out assigned me to the server I'm on just makes it about 10 times worse.


The simple fact is, I've been using that name for over 10 years on many, many games. I don't have any possible alternates I can use without major modifications to the character that aren't allowed period, let alone as part of the transfer.


There are plenty of ways to solve the problem without breaking their system, one of which should've been implemented before doing transfers.


Simple fact is, if I were rolling on that server now, I'd just mess with the character so I could use a different name. Because of the fact that they messed up and waited this long to do anything about it... I shouldn't suffer because of that.


And if he is early access, he hasn't played that character since, or so. Level 12? Either it's someone brand new, a mule, or an abandoned character.


I'm sorry for you but:


first, you weren't forced to create your character on your origin server, BW just gave you an option. You with your guild, allies and enemies could have choose to create your characters on another server.


2nd, the fact that you used that character name in previous game doesn't mean it's your name. BW could have choose to name a NPC with that name and you would have never be able to use it.


3rd, saying there's plenty of ways to fix the problem without breaking anything is pure BS. Any way that involve someone losing a name will screw someone and is not fair. Any way that involve making names unique (whatever the method) involves recoding some systems that would have lead to delay even more the transfers.


4th, I have lvl 10-11 characters I didn't leveled yet but that I will, you're assuming again you have better reason than someone else to use a name.


5th, I lost the names of my first 2 characters, I lost my legacy name I had chosen to go with thoses 2 names, yet it's still the same characters, they still have the same background and as I enjoy the game, I still play them.


I can't not think that some people aren't honest and are just looking for an excuse because really, nobody was ever sure to be able to use the name they wanted.

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I'm sorry for you but:


first, you weren't forced to create your character on your origin server, BW just gave you an option. You with your guild, allies and enemies could have choose to create your characters on another server.


2nd, the fact that you used that character name in previous game doesn't mean it's your name. BW could have choose to name a NPC with that name and you would have never be able to use it.


3rd, saying there's plenty of ways to fix the problem without breaking anything is pure BS. Any way that involve someone losing a name will screw someone and is not fair. Any way that involve making names unique (whatever the method) involves recoding some systems that would have lead to delay even more the transfers.


4th, I have lvl 10-11 characters I didn't leveled yet but that I will, you're assuming again you have better reason than someone else to use a name.


5th, I lost the names of my first 2 characters, I lost my legacy name I had chosen to go with thoses 2 names, yet it's still the same characters, they still have the same background and as I enjoy the game, I still play them.


I can't not think that some people aren't honest and are just looking for an excuse because really, nobody was ever sure to be able to use the name they wanted.


You must be on a destination server, or not on the list yet to feel that way about it.


And the simple fact is, I don't feel I have better reasons than someone else to use a particular name. I feel that I shouldn't be forced to change my name because bioware opened too many servers at launch.


And yes, for all intents and purposes I did have to roll on the server I'm on, because I was not going to roll on any other server except the one that the guild I've been in for 13 years was on.


And here's another one for you: I worked my butt off back in Dec/Jan to get a high enough level to claim the legacy name I wanted before someone else did. It's taken on the destination server.


What I'm saying, flat out, is that it is NOT acceptable for ANY customer to get screwed out of a name because Bioware doesn't know what the heck they're doing.


And frankly, it doesn't matter how you feel about that, because anyone who feels differently has both every right to complain AND every right to cancel their account as a result.


SImply put, there is no valid excuse for this situation to have arisen and then for bioware to simply expect their customers to deal with the problems rather than fixing them properly.

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Throughout all this bickering, I have not heard of one example of where a company actually did what you all are proposing, so I would like to know of one game where the company allowed the removal of one persons name to cater to someone who is transfering over.


Sony Online Entertainment.


FIrst with Everquest, and then again with DC Universe Online Legends (the only two games I was actively playing at the time it happened). When server populations emptied out, they assigned their merges (X server will be emptied, they will move to Y). My Everquest characters, for example, were moved from Tholuxe Palles to Bertoxullos.


In both instances, SOE approached it with the most logical, rational attitude possible.


First priority went to active subscribers. If one of the two contested names isn't actually playing the game, there is no evidence that is suggesting they will be guarunteed to return, and if the name is going to be grounds for quitting, it is better to see the person who already quit stay gone than to lose them both when the active one quits as well so they can cater to the inactive.


Second priority was level. In Everquest, characters under level 20 were not considered 'vested' in the game. It was generally considered inappropriate to strip the name from a level 80 character in the top planar gear so that the name could be retained by somebody else's level 1 Broker Mule. For DCUO, it takes all of 1 day to level to the cap of level 30. Characters under level 30 were not considered vested in the game, and preference was given to the people who had actually played the character, rather than the players who had made the character but not actually played them any significant amount of time.


Third priority, assuming both were of active subscribers and both were far enough along with their character to reflect an actual interest in playing them, SOE diverged. In Everquest, they went with character creation date. Whoever had had the name longer in that case was given preference. In DCUO, they went with total play time. Whoever had used the character more was given preference. In the end, both worked towards a similar goal though; find the player who's put the most effort into the character, and allow them to keep it.


The SWTOR approach has been to take the name of a character made on launch day, a character that has been leveled to 50, in full raid gear, with a level 100 Legacy, and strip the name from that character because another player made a character with the same name 3 hours ago as a placeholder on the destination server.


You wanted an example of another gaming company that handled it better? I gave you one. We understand that in the event of contested names, somebody will have to change. We just believe that the decision should be made based upon facts and common sense, rather than Dumb Luck. And the whole equation of what servers died while others thrived, or what your randomly assigned destination server is (as other destinations might actually have the name still available), really just amounts to Dumb Luck.

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You wanted an example of another gaming company that handled it better? I gave you one. We understand that in the event of contested names, somebody will have to change. We just believe that the decision should be made based upon facts and common sense, rather than Dumb Luck. And the whole equation of what servers died while others thrived, or what your randomly assigned destination server is (as other destinations might actually have the name still available), really just amounts to Dumb Luck.


That's just exactly the point: Why are people on origin servers being treated as if they have a lesser right to their character's names just because our servers didn't do as well as others? It's not related to anything we've done, not our fault or responsibility in any way, shape or form imaginable, and yet it makes us less entitled than someone else who's server did better?


And here's another one for you: Cryptic, the crappy little company that they are with their crappy little MMOs, have had a system in place since day 1 that allows any number of people to share character names: It uses your account name as the unique factor instead.

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I feel we earned our legacy names, to have to change them is like them taking away something I worked for. Might as well be deleting levels I earned.


True, but you cant expect to keep names such as Skywalker etc.


This problem is no different if youre name was taken at launch but right now it just seems to happend for so many at one time it is making lots of ppl unhappy when they actually should be happy about finally being transfered of ghost servers.


Personally my name is what means the most to my characters. Its what they are as role i named them after.

I have to name change all of my chars aswell and it just feels like youre a whole different person. I know i will take some time reckonizing ppl is talking to me to my new nick name lol :o


Bioware should have just let Legacy name be the unique part and let names be tied to that. Its a delicate system.


GL to you OP :)

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And here's another one for you: Cryptic, the crappy little company that they are with their crappy little MMOs, have had a system in place since day 1 that allows any number of people to share character names: It uses your account name as the unique factor instead.

I'd prefer such an approach, too. To be honest, almost everything would be better than Bioware's crappy "highlander solution"...

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While a good example, and an interesting approach, I think that most people would prefer others didn't get done out of the name just so they could get it.


Looking at names in total combination would be a strongly preferable solution (e.g. Bob Smith and Bob Jones and John Smith all being acceptable), or linking them to the forum account name (e.g. @Lakhesis for all my toons).


Doubles of names do have a mild element of confusion, but it's not that horrible provided there is a way to differentiate them.


Many moons ago I went to school with two unrelated people both called David Thomas plus some other guys who were identical twins... it's not as convenient as obviously different names/appearances, but humans are used to dealing with it provided there are some minor clues (e.g. in swtor's case: legacy, account, class, faction, etc).

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This problem is no different if youre name was taken at launch but right now it just seems to happend for so many at one time it is making lots of ppl unhappy when they actually should be happy about finally being transfered of ghost servers.


It *IS* different, because we're being forced to CHANGE our names because of something that is NOT OUR FAULT.


And personally? I'd rather stay on my server the way it is now than lose my name on a higher population server.


I get neither though, because now my server really IS going to be a ghost server, and I basically won't be able to play at all.

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Simply put, Nobody should have to change names because bioware screwed up. The fact that bioware flat-out assigned me to the server I'm on just makes it about 10 times worse.


The simple fact is, I've been using that name for over 10 years on many, many games. I don't have any possible alternates I can use without major modifications to the character that aren't allowed period, let alone as part of the transfer.


There are plenty of ways to solve the problem without breaking their system, one of which should've been implemented before doing transfers.


Simple fact is, if I were rolling on that server now, I'd just mess with the character so I could use a different name. Because of the fact that they messed up and waited this long to do anything about it... I shouldn't suffer because of that.


And if he is early access, he hasn't played that character since, or so. Level 12? Either it's someone brand new, a mule, or an abandoned character.


I am quite active, i have a level 15 that i do not play currently due to the fact that i got absorbed in the other story line of my other character..it by no means says that i am abandoned my character or that i dont or wont play it and i had early access as well. id be pissed if they took my characters name away because you happened to have a higher level character than me... bt well.. people want everything and they simply cant have it.. im sorry you wont get your name. you could always stick around your primary srever and wait for paid transgfers and move then

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It *IS* different, because we're being forced to CHANGE our names because of something that is NOT OUR FAULT.


And personally? I'd rather stay on my server the way it is now than lose my name on a higher population server.


I get neither though, because now my server really IS going to be a ghost server, and I basically won't be able to play at all.


as much as a ghos server as your old one would be.. no one is forcing you to switch if you are that dedicated to your name..wait and get a transfer to a server that has that name avaliable later

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Sony Online Entertainment.


FIrst with Everquest, and then again with DC Universe Online Legends (the only two games I was actively playing at the time it happened). When server populations emptied out, they assigned their merges (X server will be emptied, they will move to Y). My Everquest characters, for example, were moved from Tholuxe Palles to Bertoxullos.


In both instances, SOE approached it with the most logical, rational attitude possible.


First priority went to active subscribers. If one of the two contested names isn't actually playing the game, there is no evidence that is suggesting they will be guarunteed to return, and if the name is going to be grounds for quitting, it is better to see the person who already quit stay gone than to lose them both when the active one quits as well so they can cater to the inactive.


Second priority was level. In Everquest, characters under level 20 were not considered 'vested' in the game. It was generally considered inappropriate to strip the name from a level 80 character in the top planar gear so that the name could be retained by somebody else's level 1 Broker Mule. For DCUO, it takes all of 1 day to level to the cap of level 30. Characters under level 30 were not considered vested in the game, and preference was given to the people who had actually played the character, rather than the players who had made the character but not actually played them any significant amount of time.


Third priority, assuming both were of active subscribers and both were far enough along with their character to reflect an actual interest in playing them, SOE diverged. In Everquest, they went with character creation date. Whoever had had the name longer in that case was given preference. In DCUO, they went with total play time. Whoever had used the character more was given preference. In the end, both worked towards a similar goal though; find the player who's put the most effort into the character, and allow them to keep it.


The SWTOR approach has been to take the name of a character made on launch day, a character that has been leveled to 50, in full raid gear, with a level 100 Legacy, and strip the name from that character because another player made a character with the same name 3 hours ago as a placeholder on the destination server.


You wanted an example of another gaming company that handled it better? I gave you one. We understand that in the event of contested names, somebody will have to change. We just believe that the decision should be made based upon facts and common sense, rather than Dumb Luck. And the whole equation of what servers died while others thrived, or what your randomly assigned destination server is (as other destinations might actually have the name still available), really just amounts to Dumb Luck.



I would fully agree on either character creation date, OR the date the person signed up for the game.. early access granting basically..


if you go by early access, then it really is no different than allowing everyone to 'rechoose' their names like when we first created the game.. the earlier you gained access then the more preference you have now sort a thing.

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as much as a ghos server as your old one would be.. no one is forcing you to switch if you are that dedicated to your name..wait and get a transfer to a server that has that name avaliable later


Yeah well, if my name wasn't taken, I'd still be waiting to see what the rest of my guild was doing before I transferred anyway.


Basically if I transfer or not isn't really up to me, since I will only play on the same server they're on. I've been with them for 13 years, I'm not gonna go to a different server than they're on.


And given that I'm primarily a PvPer, there almost certainly aren't going to be enough people left to start matches if I don't transfer, so I'm kinda screwed either way.

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Yeah well, if my name wasn't taken, I'd still be waiting to see what the rest of my guild was doing before I transferred anyway.


Basically if I transfer or not isn't really up to me, since I will only play on the same server they're on. I've been with them for 13 years, I'm not gonna go to a different server than they're on.


And given that I'm primarily a PvPer, there almost certainly aren't going to be enough people left to start matches if I don't transfer, so I'm kinda screwed either way.


Ok you are screwed, but one alternative is you can't play at all and the other is you can play with your friends and a new name, is that name really that important for the huge difference between thoses 2 cases ?

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Yeah well, if my name wasn't taken, I'd still be waiting to see what the rest of my guild was doing before I transferred anyway.


Basically if I transfer or not isn't really up to me, since I will only play on the same server they're on. I've been with them for 13 years, I'm not gonna go to a different server than they're on.


And given that I'm primarily a PvPer, there almost certainly aren't going to be enough people left to start matches if I don't transfer, so I'm kinda screwed either way.


but its a choice You CAN make.. and if you want to join your guild then change your name.. accept it as a pain in the *** that bioware caused you to do. learn from the mistake of trusting bioware and go back and enjoy playing with your friends..


on a side note however.. why in the world do you think your guild wouldnt transfer over? you said yourself in order to pvp theyd need to.. you seem to be graspign at reasons to complain about this already ****** situation

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Ok you are screwed, but one alternative is you can't play at all and the other is you can play with your friends and a new name, is that name really that important for the huge difference between thoses 2 cases ?


I might, might have been able to deal with just the character name. I would've been angry but I could've dealt with it. But the legacy I worked my butt off grinding to get back in Jan? That's too far.

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I might, might have been able to deal with just the character name. I would've been angry but I could've dealt with it. But the legacy I worked my butt off grinding to get back in Jan? That's too far.


the other guy who has that legacy name.. did he work any less hard?

did bioware just GIVE him hsi legacy name??


consider it from a less selfish point of view.. and you will see you are being unreasonable

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but its a choice You CAN make.. and if you want to join your guild then change your name.. accept it as a pain in the *** that bioware caused you to do. learn from the mistake of trusting bioware and go back and enjoy playing with your friends..


on a side note however.. why in the world do you think your guild wouldnt transfer over? you said yourself in order to pvp theyd need to.. you seem to be graspign at reasons to complain about this already ****** situation


I'm a Serious PvPer. Pretty much the only one in the guild: Most of the rest of them either do it casually or not at all. We've been together for 13 years, we're not together because we all do the same thing, we're together because we're friends.

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I'm a Serious PvPer. Pretty much the only one in the guild: Most of the rest of them either do it casually or not at all. We've been together for 13 years, we're not together because we all do the same thing, we're together because we're friends.


and you 'friends' wont be friends with you if you have a differnt name???



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the other guy who has that legacy name.. did he work any less hard?

did bioware just GIVE him hsi legacy name??


consider it from a less selfish point of view.. and you will see you are being unreasonable


I'm not being unreasonable: As you said yourself, did he work any less hard? How the heck do I know? Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, doesn't really matter. It goes both ways: if my work is not more valuable than his, then his is also not more valuable than mine.


It is not right for anyone to be penalized because Bioware messed up, and it is especially not right for the determination of who gets screwed to be based purely on what servers ended up with what population.


He's worth more than I am just because more people stayed on his server than mine?


That's pretty much what you, and Bioware, are saying. And I'm saying if that's the case, they better be happy with keeping him because they're not keeping me.

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I'm not being unreasonable: As you said yourself, did he work any less hard? How the heck do I know? Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, doesn't really matter. It goes both ways: if my work is not more valuable than his, then his is also not more valuable than mine.


It is not right for anyone to be penalized because Bioware messed up, and it is especially not right for the determination of who gets screwed to be based purely on what servers ended up with what population.


He's worth more than I am just because more people stayed on his server than mine?


That's pretty much what you, and Bioware, are saying. And I'm saying if that's the case, they better be happy with keeping him because they're not keeping me.


itsi mpossible for someone to work less hard to get the legacy.. and yes.. i said it sucks.. really badly but the case is .. someoen has to change his name and you drew the short straw..it sucks alot.


either you wait and transfer out and miss out playing with your friends who wont be friends with you if you have a new name...or you transfer with a new name and hope your friends arent silly enough to ignore you for having a new name..or you unsub.


either way. its nothing that is going to affect me.. but i think you are being unreasonable, not because you dont want to change names.. but because you cant see that it was a roll of the dice and you lost....im betting you arent a gambling man... you gambled when you switched servers.. a completely optional thing to do.. .and you rolled craps.. now you want the guy who won the lottery to give you all his money..


the world sadly doesnt work that way..

wish it did. because i am sure i will lose all of my characters names, as well as legacy name.. and i am not happy about it , but it is the way the dice rolled.

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itsi mpossible for someone to work less hard to get the legacy.. and yes.. i said it sucks.. really badly but the case is .. someoen has to change his name and you drew the short straw..it sucks alot.


either you wait and transfer out and miss out playing with your friends who wont be friends with you if you have a new name...or you transfer with a new name and hope your friends arent silly enough to ignore you for having a new name..or you unsub.


either way. its nothing that is going to affect me.. but i think you are being unreasonable, not because you dont want to change names.. but because you cant see that it was a roll of the dice and you lost....im betting you arent a gambling man... you gambled when you switched servers.. a completely optional thing to do.. .and you rolled craps.. now you want the guy who won the lottery to give you all his money..


the world sadly doesnt work that way..

wish it did. because i am sure i will lose all of my characters names, as well as legacy name.. and i am not happy about it , but it is the way the dice rolled.


I already unsubbed. and of course they'd still be my friends if I changed names, that's not the point. The point is Bioware treating their customers badly because they screwed up.


I quit World of Warcraft 2 years before my guild did because of Blizzard being jerks, it's no different here.


I'm saying, quite simply, that I do not accept 'a roll of the dice' being the determinant of if I get to keep my names or not, and that I expect them to do better as a condition of my continuing to patronize them.

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I already unsubbed. and of course they'd still be my friends if I changed names, that's not the point. The point is Bioware treating their customers badly because they screwed up.


I quit World of Warcraft 2 years before my guild did because of Blizzard being jerks, it's no different here.


I'm saying, quite simply, that I do not accept 'a roll of the dice' being the determinant of if I get to keep my names or not, and that I expect them to do better as a condition of my continuing to patronize them.


I never asked you to stay subbed.. i refuse to do that.. i believe that the moment you hate playing the game is the moment you shouldnt log in.. apparently your name is so important to you that it means more than having that connection with your friends.. which is your right compeltely.. however.. if you accept the roll of the dice or not.. thats the situation and something you have to deal with..its called real life.


when i was in the military i didnt want to nearly completely destory my shoulder and lose my military career.. b ut it happened, roll of the dice. I didnt want one of my friends to be shot in the head.. roll of the dice. it sucks, but life isnt pretty. life isnt easy.. and if renaming yoru character is the easiest way for you to learn that life isnt going to always land your way and in your lap.. then you are one lucky man.. alot of people learned it alot harder ways.



i hope wherever you go you find a game you enjoy and it meets up with your standards and requirements.. eveyrone should be happy with something they pay for. good luck and have fun.

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when i was in the military i didnt want to nearly completely destory my shoulder and lose my military career.. b ut it happened, roll of the dice. I didnt want one of my friends to be shot in the head.. roll of the dice. it sucks, but life isnt pretty. life isnt easy.. and if renaming yoru character is the easiest way for you to learn that life isnt going to always land your way and in your lap.. then you are one lucky man.. alot of people learned it alot harder ways.


As unfortunate as that is and as much as I wish you'd never had to experience those things, there's a key difference between that and this: You, and your friend, both made the choice to risk those things happening, fully aware of what could happen. You hoped it wouldn't, but you knew it could.


We didn't have the chance to make that choice, informed or otherwise: Not only was my guild assigned to the server I'm on, it was one of the first servers open and had massive queues at launch (one of the reasons too many servers were opened). As such, even had Character Transfers been anticipated at the time, I would've expected us to be a destination, not an origin.


i hope wherever you go you find a game you enjoy and it meets up with your standards and requirements.. eveyrone should be happy with something they pay for. good luck and have fun.


The *game* meets my standards just fine. It's the way the *company* is treating me that is not. I do appreciate your understanding as far as being happy with what I'm paying for, though.

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