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Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll


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Just as a note, the Falleen aren't Near-Human, their Humanoid reptilians with certain humanic characteristics...


I realize that I am borrowing terms from canon without using them canonically. For the purposes of this poll, near-human is equated to another human recolour with small details added. Humanoid aligns with a species that would require new entirely new assets to be developed for the head or other details while maintaining the ability to utilize existing armour items, otherwise. Extreme humanoids are those that could, potentially, use a minor amount of the existing assets. Lastly, non-humanoid requires entirely new assets to be developed.


For the most part, my definitions and those of the canon will generally align. But I'm not going to toss Voss or Falleen alongside Kel Dor and Rodian, given that the former would require drastically less effort than the latter to be implemented.

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Official Statements Regarding New Playable Species:



For the interest of those who share my enthusiasm for this topic, I thought I'd add a few developer quotes:


- Directly addressing the "Chewie/Leia" quote, a year or so before release, if I recall:



- From Darth Hater, E3 2012



- From the Community Q&A








Hello, fellow forumites. With the announcement of a new playable species coming to grace our beloved SW:TOR, I've decided to put together a rather structured and clutter-free poll to aid BioWare in seeing which species the community desires more, and which are most likely to be a fit for SW:TOR. What makes this poll different from the dozens that have come and gone? Three aspects:


1. Every person gets three votes. In order you vote, you must list your desired species in descending order. Example, my vote:


1. Kel Dor

2. Nautolan

3. Mon Calamari


Here's the interesting part - going by my example, Kel Dor gets three votes, Nautolan gets two, and Mon Cals get a single vote. This ensures that species that people have an interest in, even if it isn't their primary favourite, will still be accounted for in this poll. And no voting for the same species more than once.


2. Species will be segregated by type. Near-humans (ie. Kiffar, Zeltron), humanoids (ie. Kel Dor, Nautolan), extreme humanoids (ie. Jawas, Wookiees), and non-humanoids (ie. Ithorians, Chevin) will all get their own category. Going by BioWare's statements and the current species selection, we can be assured that they will give preference to the former in that list rather than the latter, for better or worse. Thus, these categories will be visually separated. Note that I will only count near-humans and humanoids for the top five - the other categories will still be tracked for reference, but BioWare has shown an inclination towards the most humanlike species and these species can easily utilize existing assets.


Note: Species that would be problematic if they were to be implemented, due to canon or the rules governing it, will be marked with a red asterisk (*). Likewise, if a species cannot plausibly utilize the current class voiceovers, they will be marked with a yellow asterisk (*).


3. A species requires five separate posters to vote for it to be listed. Again, this will ensure that this list is as free from clutter as possible. A lot of people have a soft spot for an obscure species, but in order for them to be implemented, they need to have a wide range appeal. If everyone can simply toss their obscure reference on the list, its usefulness is diminished.


Overall Top Five


1. Nautolan

2. Togruta

3. Kel Dor

4. Voss

5. Mon Calamari




95 - Voss

52 - Zeltron

15 - Falleen

6 - Echani




200 - Nautolan

199 - Togruta

130 - Kel Dor

87 - Mon Calamari

86 - Rodian

63 - Bothan

57 - Kaleesh

37 - Devaronian

32 - Weequay

27 - Selkath

16 - Duros

14 - Chagrian

14 - Nikto

13 - Sullustan



Extreme Humanoid


138 - Wookiee**

124 - Jawa**

72 - Trandoshan

26 - Yoda's species*

16 - Ewok**




84 - Droid

40 - Ithorian

11 - Selonian

12 - Shistavanen



Pending More Votes



1 Ongree (2)

3 Talz (3)

4 Quarren (8)

4 Gand (6)

3 Gran (8)

3 Ugnaught (6)

4 Hutt (4)

2 Anzati (3)

1 Squib (1)

1 Noghr (3)

1 Yuuzan Vong (2)

2 Arkanian Offshoot (6)

3 Arkanian (4)

1 Defel (3)

1 Celegian (2)

1 Askajian (1)

2 Tchuukthai (3)

4 Bith (7)

3 Muun (4)

1 Rakata (1)

1 Odenji (1)

2 Gormak (6)

4 Gamorrean (8)

1 Sarkhai (1)

1 Kaleesh cyborg (2)

2 Dug (4)

2 Taung (4)

1 Original creation (1)

1 Geonosian (1)

1 Dashade (2)

1 Aqualish (1)

1 Omwati (3)

1 Rishii (1)

1 Thisspiasian (1)

1 Jinda (3)

1 Neimoidian (1)

1 Omwati (1)

1 Tusken Raider (2)

2 Gungan (5)

1 Verpine (3)

1 Givin (2)

1 Cerean (2)

1 Skakoan (2)

1 Pau'an (1)

1 Ortolan (3)

1 "More machine, now, than man" Cyborg (2)

1 Aleena (3)

1 Wizard of the Night Spririt (2)

1 Kiffar (3)

1 Sarlaac (1)






1. Trandoshan

2. Kaleesh

3. Wookiee

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I think it's weak BioWare is shoving aside the most well known and popular races from the movies to support their love of Thundercats (yes, I loved them too, but c'mon... this isn't Elder Scrolls). In order to hopefully prevent the follow-up racial addition from being pandas, I'll vote:


1. Rodian

2. Trandoshan

3. Mon Calamari


Edit: Doh! Totally forgot about Kel Dor. Ah well... ;)

Edited by InnerPieces
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Yes but in the context of the statement - We’d like to open the selection of future species to the community as a whole with clear positives and negatives provided for each selection. That way we can go a bit further afield in our species selection.



What are the negatives of adding any species? Go afield -Sith can be Republic, so whats the bother with holding back any species?


Positives of any species are they add variety, and potentially draw more people into the game, as well as keep players paying to play as they make new characters.


Negative - none, except for the design team, because they have to do work to implement :rolleyes:


Be aware that Sith can be Republic through legacy for your personal rp story. While I too feel Cathar not being a SI, BH, and/or IA on the Empire side is silly, A Sith Pureblood being gated by legacy helps limit them and make them a reward.


As for the positives: Do you like the variations from standard human-esque races? Do you like the fur? Do you like the eyes? Do you like the customization options? These could be pros and cons so they recognize what the community wants them to focus on most. I have a feeling it is going to be less human-esque races with the most customization options but it is good they are polling it to probably see how specific and particular the community is on this.

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