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Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll


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Does anyone else find it ironic that the race Bioware gives us isn't even on the OP's list of tallied votes?


GG again, Bioware. Always providing what their customers want...


This thread was started after that, why would anyone vote Cathar when it is already going into the game?

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I really hope the Devs take a long at this list now they have gotten the Cathar out the way.


Most the options are very good and with the exception of the Voss which would be game breaking as much of the story on Voss is learning about them would fit in with the lore.

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OK, I rescind previous comment then. My timeline was askew :)


That doesnt matter, this thread was started shortly after they announced the Cathar species and neither the Devs or the Mods have aknowledged the feedback that we're giving them, nobody wants the Cathar!


They could have stopped deveolping the Cathar and started developing the most voted spieces, and the models for those species already exist in the game! Or they could have simply asked us what we wanted instead of going with the creepy cat people, seriously who made that choice?

Edited by ChazDoit
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Nobody wants the Cathar? Do you speak for everyone now? Because I want the Cathar.


Actually I want a lot of races, and you griping about Cathar because you dislike them is kind of like me griping about ... about... I actually can't think of any Star Wars races I walk around hating, or that I'd be up in arms about them including.


Nope, still can't think of anything.

Edited by LarenDahe
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That doesnt matter, this thread was started shortly after they announced the Cathar species and neither the Devs or the Mods have aknowledged the feedback that we're giving them, nobody wants the Cathar!


They could have stopped deveolping the Cathar and started developing the most voted spieces, and the models for those species already exist in the game! Or they could have simply asked us what we wanted instead of going with the creepy cat people, seriously who made that choice?


Because EA seariously listen to the players...

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This poll has been sitting on the Forums for 2 months, no aknowledgment whatsoever, I think Bioware is disconnected from their playerbase if they think we really want the Cathar, as evidence by this poll. It doesnt matter if one guy says "but I do like the cathar" the majority of the community has voted and there are much cooler looking and iconic species they could have added to the game. Edited by ChazDoit
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This poll has been sitting on the Forums for 2 months, no aknowledgment whatsoever, I think Bioware is disconnected from their playerbase if they think we really want the Cathar. As evidence by this poll, it doesnt matter if one guy says "but I do like the cathar" the majority of the community has voted and there are much cooler looking and iconic species they could have added to the game.


Well maybe if you were paying attention you'd know that the PREVIOUS POLL had CATHAR as the winners :eek:





5 credits says we still get idiots coming in here and claiming that because this poll doesn't have Cathar its clear that Cathar aren't a desired race despite this poll being created after the announcement of Cathar. :cool:

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This poll has been sitting on the Forums for 2 months, no aknowledgment whatsoever, I think Bioware is disconnected from their playerbase if they think we really want the Cathar, as evidence by this poll. It doesnt matter if one guy says "but I do like the cathar" the majority of the community has voted and there are much cooler looking and iconic species they could have added to the game.


Bioware actually said that the new species will come from the comunity however my bet is this is just a delaying tatic so they can spend months going over polls and deciding on things to annonce the same species they have already decided on.

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Revived and updated.


Also, to the people stating that BioWare should be replying to this post, I'm sure they'd love to. The unfortunate reality of the situation is that people have attempted to sue companies who overtly state, "Good idea, we'll use that!" Even though these lawsuits rarely succeed due to the terms of service of the forums, they can and do incur legal fees.


As such, developers of virtually any game will very rarely see a suggestion they intend to use and state that they are going to use it. The company doesn't want the legal hassle. And that's why threads like this (and suggestion forums in general) are universally sparse with developer response.


Note that I'm not defending BioWare, here. I'm actually a bit disillusioned with them at the moment. But I understand why a thread such as this has not garnered anything beyond being featured in the community spotlight.


Also, you all know that if any of them voted, people would be plastering that all over the web as "confirmations" and "promises" of forthcoming species.

Edited by CelCawdro
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Note that I'm not defending BioWare, here. I'm actually a bit disillusioned with them at the moment. But I understand why a thread such as this has not garnered anything beyond being featured in the community spotlight.


If they actually plan to monotize this game with content like new species in the future, I'm astonished that they are not posting polls on the forums themselves, reaching out to the community to see what species we would like the most, instead is us the players the ones that are trying to reach out to the developers, pretty much screaming at them to tell them what we like.

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