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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Transfers from Large to Small? No thanks. I'm done.


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Even if one of the origin servers is larger than the destination server, wouldnt you think new destination server would have more people than your original "larger" server? This assumes that a large portion of people take advantage of the xfer. Edited by Moriam
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Which is for all intents and purposes exactly what the OP wanted. A merger.


This exemplifies some players in this community: Even when they get exactly what they ask for, they are so busy complaining they don't notice.


Where did all of these bitter people come from?

Edited by Kthx
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They ruined my server. Ajunta Pall had a really high population. Last night before the server shutdowns there were over 75 people in the Imperial Fleet and that wasn't even peak hours. Now a lot of people moved to Jung Ma and I question why. If a server is healthy why ruin it? Ajunta Pall was one of the few servers that was often in "standard" status.


75 people as much as you want to admit it IS NOT HEALTHY.

Bioware has the statistics that you aren't even aware of.


Fatman is a HEALTHY server,

thats how Bioware is trying to get every server to be.

Edited by PunisherAS
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They ruined my server. Ajunta Pall had a really high population. Last night before the server shutdowns there were over 75 people in the Imperial Fleet and that wasn't even peak hours. Now a lot of people moved to Jung Ma and I question why. If a server is healthy why ruin it? Ajunta Pall was one of the few servers that was often in "standard" status.


I'm getting a hint of possibly being scared to have to change some character names hidden by "love" for the home server.

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So....you want server merges....but you only want the merges if they are to your server, so that you can keep your names? Since it seems like that is the only reason you are mad.


If they are transferring a bunch of servers to a low populated one, that would mean the low pop destination server would increase quiet a bit if most active players on the servers go for the transfer....pretty much a merge, minus the people that like to stay on a low populated server. Quit ur whining.

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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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