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New Race you would like to see

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hey guys just thought id make a post on starwars races that players would like to be able to play as in game (star wars universe only)


personally i would like them to add the Togruta race for jedi/sith (Ashara Zavros's race), the Nautolan for all classes (master fistos race), the cathar race for all but jedi/sith (Aric jorgan's race) and the Kel dor race (the ones with the awesome breather units built into there face lol) for jedi/sith/smuggler/bounty hunter...........oh and wookies for smuggler/bounty hunter class XD (if you dont know what a wookie is you probably wont be playing this game anyways)


so let me know what race you think should be made playable and maybe bioware will take notice and we might get our wishes granted : )

Edited by AxelBlackheart
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Serious answer - Cathar for the Sith Inquis (because they are known for being slaves), Smuggler, Trooper, BH.

Togruta for Jedi (both), Trooper, BH, Sith Inquis, Sith Warrior.

Bith for Smuggler, IA.


(Cathar is coming out in next patch and this is what I think for the classes it can be.)



Not so Serious answer - Jawa, Rak Ghoul, Sarlacc (sorry if spelling error), Kaminoian (never going to happen Kamino has not been found yet), Geonosian (again never going to happen Geonosis has not been found yet), Rancor, Wampa.

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Rodians for the Jedi classes, Smuggler, Bounty Hunter, and Agent.

see i would never want a race like Rodians just as a race you can play any class with. I would want them to have their own race specific class and storyline. Same with Wookies, Trandoshians and a bunch of others.

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As cool as playing a wookie sounds, I'm not sure how well it would work to play a species that can't speak basic. I'd love to see nautolans, togruta, and - though I wouldn't play one myself probably - it would be cool to see some kel'dor. The cathar are neat, so I'm excited for that. Mostly nautolans and togruta though. As to what classes for them...dunno. Don't feel like using my brain that much atm. Also, don't know if this would be possible/canon, but seeing Yoda's species would also be really neat.
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see i would never want a race like Rodians just as a race you can play any class with. I would want them to have their own race specific class and storyline. Same with Wookies, Trandoshians and a bunch of others.


And why would they need their own class? There are already Rodian Jedi in this time period. There are already Rodian bounty hunters and smugglers. Agent makes sense as well considering the Empire would want non-human agents?


Requiring their own story would really be overthinking the species.


With Trandoshans, Bounty hunter is a no-brainer really. As is possibly Sith Warrior due to the Doshan's penchant for sheer brutality.


With Wookies...I don't think those will ever be playable, even as a legacy species for the simple fact that GL himself has stonewalled any more Wookie Force users.

Edited by Bluerodian
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Playable Classes

My Top 5:

1. Would love to see the Voss species since they already have a huge part in every class story. Would also be cool to model a healing class after them since they are known to be, "the best healers."

2. Kaleesh

3. Dashade

4. Jawa

5. Kel Dor



Would like to see eventually:


Yoda's species







Would be cool but wouldn't work:












Tusken Raider





Mon Calamari




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Tusken Raider





Mon Calamari




Hey, at least they have a standard number of limbs and can speak basic.

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Personaly I would like

1) Gran

2) Kel'dor

3) Kaleesh

4) Mon Cal

5) Trandoshan (only 5 because I doubt they will come in)


And I dont mind what initial classes they come in as because I would easily pay 1.5 million credits to unlock any of them for my new Sith Inquisitor.

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Would love to see DEFEL and the Devaronian as the next playable race option(s) as well the common trendy ones.


I feel they would easily fit great in with Sith Inq. / Jedi Cons. Bounty Hunter / Trooper and I.A. / Smugglers; their lore fits in with these classes very well and there is already way too many buff/sexy toons, even fat/large male and female characters are way attractive; it's really the time for stumpy and fugly to make it's come back.


Also the option (if you have two Lv.50s of different Races/Species for the Legacy Option) to "mix" two bloodlines (or) apperances. Would love to see a Chiss + Zabrak markings.

Edited by RangKer
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Playable Classes

My Top 5:

1. Would love to see the Voss species since they already have a huge part in every class story. Would also be cool to model a healing class after them since they are known to be, "the best healers."

2. Kaleesh

3. Dashade

4. Jawa

5. Kel Dor



Would like to see eventually:







Would be cool but wouldn't work:












Tusken Raider





Mon Calamari




Yoda's species



Fixed that for you. Yoda's species because Lucas and Chee will never allow it to happen and Ewoks because...they are freaking Ewoks,man. If they make it into the game I will make it my personal mission to butcher them all. Of course they'll probably end up being OP in PvP due to their size just like Oddjob was in Goldeneye 007.

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And why would they need their own class? There are already Rodian Jedi in this time period. There are already Rodian bounty hunters and smugglers. Agent makes sense as well considering the Empire would want non-human agents?


Requiring their own story would really be overthinking the species.


With Trandoshans, Bounty hunter is a no-brainer really. As is possibly Sith Warrior due to the Doshan's penchant for sheer brutality.


With Wookies...I don't think those will ever be playable, even as a legacy species for the simple fact that GL himself has stonewalled any more Wookie Force users.

bunch of reasons the main one being if its just a new race with no new class or race specific story then there is little point as its just a reskin. Adding a new race/class story adds a LOT more to the game then just a reskin of the same story lines.


I don't know why you think Wookies have to be force users, again just create their own story and class such as a Wookie Beserker and you got it. That way you also don't have to worry about the romance options with the existing classes.

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Deveronians and Kaleesh would be cool.


Also the option (if you have two Lv.50s of different Races/Species for the Legacy Option) to "mix" two bloodlines (or) apperances. Would love to see a Chiss + Zabrak markings.


This would rock. I would so dearly love to mix and match some of the different species things, especially the make-up/tattoos.

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Just a C/P :p





Can speak basic


They could be both factions


Could be pretty much any class seeing as legacy allowed species to be classes, that wouldn't actually fit.


They could wear clothing that a normal human could wear(save for the head, hands and feet but you could just not have them show like they do with certain companions.)



Before anyone says it, they have been around before Worgens being in ANH(so they are G-canon). Also heres some screenshots, putting them as not so weird and could be possible.


http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=622&tbm=isch&tbnid=2m7614rtadDChM:&imgrefurl=http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Shistavanen&docid=CYG0cN76WW87ZM&imgurl=http://images.wikia.com/starwars/images/6/68/Monn.jpg&w=400&h=469&ei=9dzYT-LSIYj-8ASp68zAAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=118&vpy=125&dur=392&hovh=243&hovw=207&tx=124&ty=115&sig=103489860060267219165&page=1&tbnh=134&tbnw=123&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0,i:75 - Voovif Monn, jedi master during the clone wars(is seen in the short Clone Wars animated show.)


http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=622&tbm=isch&tbnid=M83JC24iUi_HyM:&imgrefurl=http://www.imperialshipyards.net/SMF/index.php%3Ftopic%3D2229.0&docid=cZXB8a9Juy2lAM&imgurl=http://i539.photobucket.com/albums/ff353/gnomecookie/Shistavanen_NEGAS.jpg&w=438&h=552&ei=9dzYT-LSIYj-8ASp68zAAw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=249&vpy=120&dur=418&hovh=252&hovw=200&tx=129&ty=118&sig=103489860060267219165&page=1&tbnh=134&tbnw=106&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:78 (Showing that they can wear clothes, a human could. At least pants/shirt, bracers possibly seeing as Voovif could wear em.)


The only real issue here, is MAYBE their snouts but its not like Bioware could tweak them slightly and make them shorter so that romance scenes wouldn't be such a hassle. They could also trim down the fur a little bit too, I wouldn't mind that.


Last but not least, they haven't really appeared in any SW games as of yet. This could give BW the chance, to introduce a new species and make it interesting rather then the same old (twi'lek, human, chiss, etc) not to say the others aren't unique. But this could make the game more diverse with choices, in how players could look and such.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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