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Current Transfer Servers


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Well one thing I can say is my subscription is still cancelled and due to run out at the end of this month.


Why only 4 US servers as opposed to 6 EU is just poor decision making.


Hope the list is updated daily or twice a day, picking 4 servers a day will take almost a month to hit up every US server. A lot of people will be long gone by then if their server is at the end of the list.


Because EU has a lot more dead servers.

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The reason is because they're starting off slow to make sure everything works and the process can handle it. In order for a transfer to a low or medium pop destination server to work, it has to be multiple servers transferring there at once. But since they're not ready for that yet (give it a day or two), they went with the 1-to-1 transfers to Fatman and JC first.


It makes perfect sense, plus it gives you an idea about how big they're looking at making ALL the servers, since they're increasing their already-high pop ones.


So are you saying they have not tested this yet? They dont even know if it will work or not? Who did they hire to do this? How could it possibly not have been tested to be sure it works?

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Ya I guess 11 million people there will always be a few complainers. If the game was really bad they would have lost 25% of their base in the first 6 months.


Their game is unquestionably successful, but to claim that any MMO is immune to low population server issues is just flat out incorrect. Well.. with the possible exception of something like Eve Online.

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When they said "this process will be gradual" I expected 20 source servers with 4 destination servers per day. That would give them a week roughly to fully complete transfers.


I agree that the ratio will probably get higher, may be 3:1 or more. But so far we've only seen 10 origin servers. We don't know if that's per day or per X number of hours. Either they're testing 10 or they can only do 10 origins over a specific timeframe.


So this could be as short as a week or as long as two weeks.

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What´s all the rage about? Don´t get it...


I should rage, because my gametime runs out in 3 days and if I can´t transfer off my server, what then? I´ll be stuck on the dead server forever.


But your gametime runs out and you won't be playing anyway, so why the heck would you care where your characters that you don't play are?

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How do you know that they are not adjusting server caps in conjunction with the transfers?


What makes you think they are? You have no proof that they were even planning too. The mega servers or super servers that they talked about before was just talk. I have explained it before. They mentioned it so that people will think they might when they have no intention on doing anything but since some people start saying it then some will think its true.


Just like how they doubled the cap at launch from then almost max capacity to double :confused:.


Do a /who and you will see it works out to be the same as what it was before.

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1.) Stop insulting others.


2.) I'm not the person you were responding to.


3.) You are not being "constructive" in that post, despite you asking everyone else to do the same.


4.) Many of us already canceled our auto-renewal for subscriptions but have time left (I have until August 17th).


5.) He doesn't need to be an 'expert' in order to see that one company made Transfers work just fine (eg: Trion with Rift), and another is struggling just to do phased, one-way transfers that don't "move" guilds (eg: Bioware with TOR).


Time to take a wider view instead of the insults.


In 23 pages, there are only a handful of "constructive" posts in this entire thread. I've seen some pathetic stuff around here, but this thread (in general, not directed at your individual post) is the biggest conglomeration of shear ignorance on this entire forum, and that is saying a lot for this forum.


Oh, and on point #5, it's a good thing that all these game companies just pass their technology around to one another, like one big happy family. I mean, I'm sure Trion and Blizzard sent over some liasons to help Bioware develop the transfer technology (which they already had, but broke with Legacy...no one ever mentions that, though, do they). :rolleyes:

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I agree that the ratio will probably get higher, may be 3:1 or more. But so far we've only seen 10 origin servers. We don't know if that's per day or per X number of hours. Either they're testing 10 or they can only do 10 origins over a specific timeframe.


So this could be as short as a week or as long as two weeks.


I believe on twitter they said the next set of servers won't be out for like 3 days...this process is going to take forever.

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It has more to do with playing an MMO on a dead server, hearing about the 12th for transfers and then being let down. So, of course people are upset. The immature people are the ones antagonizing the frustrated people IMO.


They kept promising us transfers "soon". Since March they have talked about it. We anticipated the date then finally we hear June 12th. We are all excited just to get shot down by Bioware because they have no confidence in their game or their programming. Ive been waiting months for this just to be told now I can keep on waiting and to simply shut up about it.

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If they're taking the lowest pop servers and transferring characters to a certain destination server, how are they straining themselves technologically? There's probably 15 people per origin server that wish to transfer. If these are the "lowest" population servers it could be even less. They probably transferred more people at a time when the Asia Minor servers came on. I guess all that we have learned from this is what servers the devs play on.
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This is all guesstimates, but think again. 217 servers. And you're doubling it each day, instead of adding 9.5% each day. That would be 11 days, not 6.


I don't know how many RP and unaffected servers there are, but let's get rid of the 17 to make it an even 200 for origin and destination.


Right now, 10 origin, 10 destination. But didn't Bioware mention that some destination servers would have multiple origin servers? May be 3 to 1 ratio? There are a lot of DEAD servers out there.


So after this initial 20, and with the 17 we took off the top, that's 180 servers left. With 3 to 1 ratio, that's...


135 origin servers --> 45 destination servers.


If 10 origin servers a day. It was 1:1 ratio because I assume these destination servers are high pop ones?


Today: 10 --> 10

Tomorrow: 10 --> 5

Thu: 10 --> 3

Fri: 10 --> 3

Sat: 10 --> 3


Sun: 10 --> 3

Mon: 10 --> 3

Tue: 10 --> 3

Wed: 10 --> 3

Thu: 10 --> 3

Fri: 10 --> 3

Sat: 10 --> 3


Sun: 10 --> 3

Mon: 10 --> 3

Tue: 7 --> 2


Hopefully they're transfer more than 10 origin servers a day. At that pace it would be a long time until everyone is moved.


I admit my point was guesstimates, heck I say that myself (though not using the exact term)

I am just saying: I expect it to increase exponantionally, so not just 10 each update. Going deeper then I did in my admittedly simple calculation, and following your logic it would actually be (following an exponantional pace, not an even pace)

Today: 10 --> 10

Tomorrow: 20 --> 10

Thu: 30 --> 9

Fri: 40 --> 12

Sat: 47 --> 14


That is the only point I'm making. If they do it exponantional as they did with Early Game Access, the time it takes for all servers to either be a destination or an origin is a lot less than when assuming it is merely 10 a day.


And earlier experiences are a better thing to make assumptions on then doom saying.

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Let me start by saying I am not defending BW. This game is in a bad way and needs some serious population balance FAST in order to survive. It is completely BW's fault for letting it get to this state. I was not around for launch, I'm a fairly recent addition to the community. However, from what I gather, this situation was brought on by BW caving to people whining about queue times at launch. And perahps they did need to start a few new servers. But it seems like they went with serious overkill, as is generally the case when a company caves to ridiculous consumer pressure of the vocal minority and makes hasty quick fixes to sate them rather than putting together well thought out business decisions. From my count there are 123 US servers in SWTOR. WoW has a little over 200. Does this seem a bit out of balance? I don't know the exact breakdown of WoW's 10 mil + subs as to how many are in the US, but nor do I know the breakdown for SWTOR. But regardless, it seems a bit off to have more than half as many US servers as WoW when you're a fledgling MMO. Even if they were expecting to have 4 mil subs in the first year, they wouldn't need that many servers, and could roll out new servers as necessary rather than in one huge blow out. But with the actual subs being in the 1-1.5 mil range, 123 US and over 200 worldwide is just ludicrous. Add onto this the fact that it took this long to get a transfer process to work, that this will be the test run of? A transfer process, even if not available for use, should have been ready to go and tested before launch. Transfers are a sometimes necessary process in any MMO for population balance, and also something that people are going to want for other reason (whether its a paid service or not). All this adds up to an epic fail on BW's part.


But, all that being said, I think BW is handling this transfer process currently fairly well. They avoided doing mergers (even tho this is fundamentally a DIY merger process) which is good as mergers in MMOs tend to be EXTREMELY buggy and also usually a death sentence for the game. Perhaps they could give us a little more info on how soon they expect to be adding more servers to the list, but honestly, I've played several MMOs before this, and these kind of things are always left vague until they happen. The "trademarked "SOON"" is pretty much standard in this industry, so I'm not sure why you are surprised. They have made no promises other than to get the transfer process started today, which they have done. Am I disappointed my server wasn't included? Yea, but oh well, I figured the chances of that were pretty slim. I always had horrible luck in WoW where my server was one of 4 or 5 out of 200+ that needed "extended maintenance" almost every week. And I did not expect for there to be a full list of all the servers that were going to be part of the transfer process, or in what order, etc, because I would assume, if they are doing this right, that they're going to be looking at numbers as the process goes to see which servers are going to need more origin realms to transfer to them to fill it to their wanted level. Population balance is a fluid process, you can't just say ok heres the whole plan, you have to at least partially make it up as it goes along, and tweak it as you go. Now, I don't know if this process will ultimately work, but I hope so. I enjoy this game. There are many problems with it besides the population one, but the population is the most glaring and detritmental ATM, so kudos to them for working on it first over rated WZs, messed up crafting, lack of macros, LFG tool, lack of endgame content, etc. And heres to hoping they get started on those pretty quickly after. ;)

Edited by mjmcooke
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Really you transfer TO the fatman?


Also, Frostclaw needs more people, it has 30 people on average in the fleet, but I guess that's enough for Bioware's standards?


omg omg omg I would kill for 30 people one fleet!


Try Fikrann Krystal, where you have 10 on fleet, and 8 our in our guild.... :(

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Well one thing I can say is my subscription is still cancelled and due to run out at the end of this month.


Why only 4 US servers as opposed to 6 EU is just poor decision making.


Hope the list is updated daily or twice a day, picking 4 servers a day will take almost a month to hit up every US server. A lot of people will be long gone by then if their server is at the end of the list.


Why? Is the US more important than anywhere else in the world? LOL you e-mericans are hilarious.

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I believe on twitter they said the next set of servers won't be out for like 3 days...this process is going to take forever.


I've been watching the twitter account. It said nothing of the sort. Just a heads up.

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I agree that the ratio will probably get higher, may be 3:1 or more. But so far we've only seen 10 origin servers. We don't know if that's per day or per X number of hours. Either they're testing 10 or they can only do 10 origins over a specific timeframe.


So this could be as short as a week or as long as two weeks.


I'd say a month knowing BioWare.

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They kept promising us transfers "soon". Since March they have talked about it. We anticipated the date then finally we hear June 12th. We are all excited just to get shot down by Bioware because they have no confidence in their game or their programming. Ive been waiting months for this just to be told now I can keep on waiting and to simply shut up about it.


Yeah Im convinced that "Soon" is bioware's motto...only their version of soon is wait 2 months for us to totally screw up the process so we can piss off the remnants of our dwindling upset playerbase.

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Just an fyi... you see how they are picking the to and from for you and its only 1 destination for the from?:rolleyes:


Keep in mind that PAID transfers are coming out after this, so what they really care abut is your money... "free" xfer now that you have no control over at all... so that you can PAY them later to move where you want:mad:


The almighty dollar people, it runs the world even in SWTOR


That's true, im sure they are much happier about paid transfers coming out soon, more money for them.


But all-in-all, this is actually more important to them LOL. They are losing on average 5k subs a day (pretty sure about this) and this is a much more important issue even in comparison to all the $$$ they can rake in from paid transfers.



For this reason, expect paid transfers to cost at minimum 20$, to around a maximum of probably 25$-30$ per.

Edited by Gooseguy
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What? They said transfers would be June 12th. They never said only 4% would be June 12th. They most definately promised transfers on the 12th. They just didnt tell us it would be 1 east coast pve server only. If they had then I wouldnt have a problem with it. Ah well no big deal you apologists keep going hell they have already lost 400k subs we know of. I bet today they lost easily 100k more. Pretty soon you will be wondering where everyone is.


They didn't promise ALL the transfers on the 12th. They promised that the service would begin on the 12th and that it would be a gradual implementation.


Again, your fault for not reading their info correctly.

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Hello everyone,


We know that everyone is excited about the new server transfers and wants to share their thoughts, but will be closing this thread and asking that the conversation be kept to the following thread:


Awnser from a Mod, im sorry im not EXCITED BOUT TRANSFER I can't transfert at all, I already wait 3-4months to be able to transfert on the 12th of June and now... I just have to freaking wait even more this is just plain ********.

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Because people can actually reply to this one. The mods are actually pushing the other similar threads to this one. Why do people like you feel the need to constantly put people down, as if trying to help the community with info is a bad thing.


The list is on the main transfer page it is also on the sticky in the general forums it is also the first post in this thread.

How many more places do you think it needs to be posted.?

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What makes you think they are? You have no proof that they were even planning too. The mega servers or super servers that they talked about before was just talk. I have explained it before. They mentioned it so that people will think they might when they have no intention on doing anything but since some people start saying it then some will think its true.


Just like how they doubled the cap at launch from then almost max capacity to double :confused:.


Do a /who and you will see it works out to be the same as what it was before.


He has as much proof as you do with this inane drivvel you are trying to pass off as fact. You haven't explained anything, except for your own narrow view of what you "think" is going on. There is only one group of people who know that. We all know who that is.


But, by all means, keep feeding us your opinions. That is what they are, even though you may not be intelligent enough to discern the difference between opinion and fact (clearly, you do not).

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omg omg omg I would kill for 30 people one fleet!


Try Fikrann Krystal, where you have 10 on fleet, and 8 our in our guild.... :(


We broke a record and had 11 on fleet yesterday and about 30 people on imp side.

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