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Current Transfer Servers


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I'm not saying I am sure this will be the case, but personally.. I see a path like this in the future:


Now, 9%

Tomorrow, 18%

Day 3, 27%

Day 4, 45%

Day 5. 72%

Day 6, everyone.


This is all guesstimates, but think again. 217 servers. And you're doubling it each day, instead of adding 9.5% each day. That would be 11 days, not 6.


I don't know how many RP and unaffected servers there are, but let's get rid of the 17 to make it an even 200 for origin and destination.


Right now, 10 origin, 10 destination. But didn't Bioware mention that some destination servers would have multiple origin servers? May be 3 to 1 ratio? There are a lot of DEAD servers out there.


So after this initial 20, and with the 17 we took off the top, that's 180 servers left. With 3 to 1 ratio, that's...


135 origin servers --> 45 destination servers.


If 10 origin servers a day. It was 1:1 ratio because I assume these destination servers are high pop ones?


Today: 10 --> 10

Tomorrow: 10 --> 5

Thu: 10 --> 3

Fri: 10 --> 3

Sat: 10 --> 3


Sun: 10 --> 3

Mon: 10 --> 3

Tue: 10 --> 3

Wed: 10 --> 3

Thu: 10 --> 3

Fri: 10 --> 3

Sat: 10 --> 3


Sun: 10 --> 3

Mon: 10 --> 3

Tue: 7 --> 2


Hopefully they're transfer more than 10 origin servers a day. At that pace it would be a long time until everyone is moved.

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Now the question I'd like answered is this.


If you move with a group of players to a server and the inevitable happens and many have to rename their characters how can everyone find everyone else, if there's no been no attempt to give each character a unique ID regardless of name, so that a players friend list is preserved, and each character on it on the same server is preserved, regadless of name.


Thats what a guild website is for.. so you can actually post important info like this.. and chat when not playing a game..

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Hmm........no. It's not Bioware's fault that these people are too simple-minded to comprehend a staggered transfer process.


..and it's not the players fault that the transfer service was needed 4 months ago..



What came first? the chicken or the egg?

Edited by Ignicity
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No they aren't. 90% of all the people i play with were just hanging out and waiting the last 2 months. It isnt like the wait starts NOW. It's been too much already. No matter how you call this, it is another fail in the row of fails.

And i am so sad, this game had a chance once upon a time.


They waited 2 months. They can wait another day or two.

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This is Trayus Academy (europe server). It's 16:13 PM, we don't have priority for this service?





LOL 15 people?? I would KILL to see 15 people on my server!! I haven't seen more than 3 in a MONTH




Your server may be dead by but no means is it a Ghost Town... I'd say on my server at peak times you'd be lucky to see 6 people online, and non at any other times

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They obviously are going to start slow in case there are bugs they didn't find.


"Swtor loses 50% of their characters in transfers!" Would not be a good thing.


Just more proof that no effort was made, during development, to produce a good test bed for database tools and administration. For a program that is expected to be huge, that is a major fail. More evidence that EA hired total noobs.

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Do you know the population of the server that was listed that went to Fatman (my server)? About 20-30 people. Are they going to point multiple servers to one server? If this question is not a yes....then this game is done.


Stop ************, and wait. They don't want/have to give you any info. They have always been vague about what is going on.


Go play outside, it's a nice day.



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we cannot deny this is a crucial stage they must handle correctly, post haste.


It doesn't matter how correct BioWare handles it, people will still complain. That is the only certainty in regards to character transfers.

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Wow, this thread is really embarrassing to read.


I personally am glad that they are finally moving ahead with transfers, and look forward to my server being given that option hopefully in the near future.




It's good to know there are still intelligent people left in the galaxy.

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This is 100% exactly what they thought, they had no server transfer system in place as they thought the game would be that successful, transfers would not be needed this early on in the game.


They had no system in place and this is why we have waited this long, complete arrogance from BW thinking the game would not need transfers 6 months down the line.


WoW didn't even have server transfers for what, 3 years? And you want BW to have it in place at launch for a game that had every server full to the brim? Come on, man.

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200 servers and 10 get chosen hahahhahahahahaha. That's just pathetic. I had a feeling something like this would happen. And what does "the list will be updated regularly" mean? Every 2 hours? Every 12 hours? Once a day? Once a week? Once a month? Hell, with the way BioWare has been screwing us over for the past 3 years I'd be happy if it was once a year.
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/sigh. It's so disturbing to read this thread and figuring out that (most) people are huge drama queens without any patience.


No patience? Really? I think waiting for months and months on dead servers is about as patient as a customer can get. You're obviously another one of those people already on a busy server just posting to fan the flames of discontent.

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LOL 15 people?? I would KILL to see 15 people on my server!! I haven't seen more than 3 in a MONTH




Your server may be dead by but no means is it a Ghost Town... I'd say on my server at peak times you'd be lucky to see 6 people online, and non at any other times



It's not dead jim.. its just going thru Kohlinar

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So many people are saying that others have no patience. When you pay for a service, patience isn't what you're paying for. You're paying for action. If this was a free to play game then by all means, keep your griped to yourself. But since we are paying to play and a lot of us can't get a decent experience because of low server populations there will be an out cry. Server transfers might be premature.


They should've started with mergers and then once the populations balanced out, offer transfers. But at any cost vague information like "soon", "eventually" and "gradually" are very helpful. At the very least they could've given a list of the future server transfer lists with estimated dates would, I believe, quiet some of the out cry.


Just my thoughts.

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LOL 15 people?? I would KILL to see 15 people on my server!! I haven't seen more than 3 in a MONTH




Your server may be dead by but no means is it a Ghost Town... I'd say on my server at peak times you'd be lucky to see 6 people online, and non at any other times


Why didn't you reroll like...5 months ago or something.....??

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/sigh. It's so disturbing to read this thread and figuring out that (most) people are huge drama queens without any long-term memory.


We needed transfers months ago.




Most of these "Fanboys" apparently have Alzheimers and don't seem to remember these type of poorly thought out


ideas from Bioware are NOT uncommon. I told a friend in game that I wouldn't be surprised if Bioware did the transfers in a very terrible way.


He loves this game and of course defended the game, now look.


In a way, I respect people that can't see just how BAD Bioware is at maintaining this game.


They are probably the ideal lackey employee most companies love to hire.

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They are not raising server caps so no matter how many more people they put on it full is the same as full back 5 months ago.


How do you know that they are not adjusting server caps in conjunction with the transfers?

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Take your time BW with this. My guild hasn't raided in 3 weeks cause people just decided we'd cleared the content and didn't wanna do it anymore. Let us know when you decide to have a server with enough people to play again.


BTW, Diablo 3 Inferno is hard!


I miss SWTOR, but playing by yourself aint fun in an MMO.


I'd like to get it over with, too. I'd just like to know where I'm going to be. Not only that, but there are 6-7 of us who will be leaving (maybe) and some of us *really* care about our names. (Again... bioware? Let us put spaces in the names, & this wouldn't be an issue)


And I have my wizard boy in Inferno - what I really hate is that every mob has the same random spells. Wasps or dragonflies or whatever they are, bubbling themselves & linking. (If they did this in real life, I'd be off the planet *so* fast.) Those nasty, spitting frog things... I'm really sick of the same story over & over & over. The auction house is questionable at best. I've never once gotten a drop I could use - I've gotten very few worth selling. But most of all, when they made General Chat automatic, I just quit. The second I log in, I get gold seller spammed, in ALL SCREAMING CAPS. I do /leave General, & it will be back next time I log in. My most paranoid suspicions about the free ranging gold seller population don't seem so paranoid anymore. (and with so many people hacked, you wonder if you're buying your own stuff back.) It hasn't happened to me, but oddly, I found my authenticator turned off on the account page - i had to turn it back on, for myself & 3 children. Anyway, I found Diablo 3 just 'eh, ok,' with some incredibly annoying features that wouldn't let it into my top 20 games. (GW2, however, looks great.)

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