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Which gender for each class?


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The ones that jump out at me:


Agent - Male by a landslide. The male voice is better sounding and far better acted. Either gender can wear trenchcoats but men look better in the uniform jackets.


Consular - Female easily. JC gear is very feminine (all pastel, lace and bonnets) and looks silly on men.

Jedi Knight - Male for the same reason as Consulars. The Obi-Wan bathrobes and armor plate are mannish and unflattering on most females. Oddly, I do not find the same true of Inquisitors or Warriors. The devs seem to have applied a certain degree of gender bias into Republic-side costume design that doesn't exist in the Imperial ones.


Trooper - Hrrm. I have trouble believing a tiny female Trooper as leader of Havok Squad. Yes, I know that's sexist. Sorry, it's the social programming. Yes, I'm female.

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The ones that jump out at me:


Agent - Male by a landslide. The male voice is better sounding and far better acted. Either gender can wear trenchcoats but men look better in the uniform jackets.


Consular - Female easily. JC gear is very feminine (all pastel, lace and bonnets) and looks silly on men.

Jedi Knight - Male for the same reason as Consulars. The Obi-Wan bathrobes and armor plate are mannish and unflattering on most females. Oddly, I do not find the same true of Inquisitors or Warriors. The devs seem to have applied a certain degree of gender bias into Republic-side costume design that doesn't exist in the Imperial ones.


Trooper - Hrrm. I have trouble believing a tiny female Trooper as leader of Havok Squad. Yes, I know that's sexist. Sorry, it's the social programming. Yes, I'm female.


The most jarring thing ever, to me anyways is the female trooper is voiced by Jennifer Hale and I can only thing of the female Commander Shepard....


I've only played an Agent all the way through and currently leveling a Consular. For the Agent, both Male and Female are very well voiced, I like the voice of the male, he's cool, calm and collected, even when his pissed, fits perfectly with the character.


I actually like the Male Consular voice quite a bit (it's Nolan North, who voices Nathan Drake, Desmond Miles, and like a million other video game characters.) And I disagree that most Consular Robes are feminine, there are a quite a few that look pretty good.


In my opinion, the Empire classes faired better in regards to the voice acting, any of them are really good.

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I picked Female agent purely because it's Jo Wyatt voice. I loved her work ever since I first heard her do Dragon age 2.


I picked character gender from the Voice actor... so I made a few characters (empire) and played a few lvls of each, 1 female, 1 male and then picked 4. Female Agent was a no brainer, the male voice annoyed me, I knew that from videos I've seen, Female SI was the only one I didn't pick because of the voice actor, but she's brilliant none the less. I wanted that character to be female. Male bounty hunter and male warrior, because I thought they sounded better.


since then, I have made male SI and female SW as well.


the male Agent doesn't annoy me as much as it did in the start, he does sound like a cool costumer, but Jo Wyatt, very few beat her in the VO department.


Sorry Jennifer, I still like you :)

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Trooper - Hrrm. I have trouble believing a tiny female Trooper as leader of Havok Squad. Yes, I know that's sexist. Sorry, it's the social programming. Yes, I'm female.


So don't be tiny. Body type 3 is just as huge for the female as the male ;).


I mostly go by voice actors. I quickly discovered that I found the voice actor for the male consular insufferable, and I'm a big fan of Jennifer Hale, who voices the female Trooper, so that played a big part for me. I'll echo Flaminica in saying that the male Agent has fantastic voice acting, particularly if you like snide/sarcastic responses (my favorite so far: "You know, normal people don't have this problem.").

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My female jedi looks sexy in her sentinel clothes. I could see that maybe guardian in heavy armor might not look so great. Heavy armor in general doesn't look good on females. Poor Kaliyo, I wish I could turn her head slot off. She looks awful. She's thin so that heavy armor is horrible on her. That heavy armor look is why I keep deleting my female bounty hunter.


Otherwise, I think male for IA. It's the only male toon I've ever played and I'm so glad I did. Bertie Carvel voice is awsome. He has that husky tone when he's being a b*stard. I love the actor just based on his voice. LOL. But then I'm female and I'm a sucker for that type of voice.


I've been playing a male and a female smuggler on and off and not sure which I like better. I need to make a choice at some point.


I have a female inquisitor, she works well. I also have a female sith warrior, but I'm wondering if a male toon would be better for that.

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So don't be tiny. Body type 3 is just as huge for the female as the male ;).


Really because I find that Male Body type 3 is still quite bigger than the female type 3. The female type 3 seems to be on par with male type 2 :/


Or maybe its just me?


That heavy armor look is why I keep deleting my female bounty hunter.


Lol heavy armor is a part of the reason I went female on my BH. But I will agree with you that Kaylio looks terrible in some of he armor that they have for her.




Warrior - Male to me just fits so well, we've all seen Malgus and his raw rage of display as he cuts through battle. To me it just makes so much sense to be a male warrior since in my mind it fits better with the raw, brutal rage that warriors embody. The voice of the male to me was just brilliant and helped give this sense of underlying threats in his words.


IA - Both female and male to me sounded great. Personally I went with male however as his voice was always calm cool and collected, even when he was angry, which to me is what agents are all about. More of a calm sociopath sort of thing.


SI - I went female for this character, a female rattataki to be specific, since in my mind it fit much better with the story line. I do admit that the male voice was a bit better in my mind by of well such is life.


BH - I went a body type 3 female as I was inspired by some NPCs that had this look going and figured it fit best with a person who was living in a world where strength and physical fitness helps out a lot. That and I felt that from an RP perspective we have a well established list of successful female bounty hunters so this didn't fell out of place. Also also it may just be me but I felt the female voice actor conveyed sarcasm in her speech *better* than the male, at least as far as I could tell.

Edited by SmileMoar
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On the subject of female sith warriors, I found an orange skirt and orange chest, both red, while in balmora, looks fine and "evil sexy". The female sw storyline is also really good if you pursue your romance options.


elsewhere I am coming to think I made a mistake by rolling all female chars, the lack of casual dating/flirting while missoning is annoying: there I said it men get all the "action" in this game P

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Really because I find that Male Body type 3 is still quite bigger than the female type 3. The female type 3 seems to be on par with male type 2 :/


Or maybe its just me?

I'll admit I haven't done a side by side comparison, but they looked pretty close to me in the character creation screen, and at the very least the female type 3 is more than large enough to not feel like a fragile flower in the middle of a battlefield. Personally, I went female type 2 on my Vanguard and never felt like I was too small to sell the role (might have been different if I was carting around an assault cannon...).
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I'll admit I haven't done a side by side comparison, but they looked pretty close to me in the character creation screen, and at the very least the female type 3 is more than large enough to not feel like a fragile flower in the middle of a battlefield. Personally, I went female type 2 on my Vanguard and never felt like I was too small to sell the role (might have been different if I was carting around an assault cannon...).


Yeah it's not too small I was just wondering out loud I guess how the sizes compared since I found my BH staring at the chests of body type 3 males, particularly certain NPCs. Not really a big issue was just messing with my role playing (being a smart a**/I'm here for the credits sort of thing) a bit since people were literally talking down to me.


I agree with you though about type 2 (and type 3 on the whole) being big enough size wise depending on the character class, my sorcerer is a body type 2 female and I fell it fits since force powers are not proportional to physical size.

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JK-either really...







Just my opinion on classes best gender. My trooper is a male and just has that hardcore factor to him (body type 1 and leetist soldier around XD) A female smuggler is just plain hot (bad girls are hot yes?) JC and SI as mirror classes and fall into either the "caster" or "agile warrior" archtype so I say its better for women. JK I really cant pin down either way. You see such fine examples of both genders in the JK world. When I think of SW, I think of Darth Bane (my personal fav) and its just gotta be male. Raw power, pure strength, intimidating as hell. I wouldn't find a female BH very scary so I had to give that to male. IA.......well, I think seduction is a beautiful art for any agent, and women pull that off WAY better. Just my opinions =)

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Personally, I don't remember voice actor names too well... so that gets thrown out of the window, right away.


Female Counsular over male, hands down.

Female Trooper, male sounds WAY too cliche. She actually has spunk, plus she actually sounds like she has power.

Not yet tried male smuggler, so I'll reserve judgement.

Female Knight, she sneaks a little sas in there... which seems lacking otherwise.


Male Sith warrior. I don't mind the Female, but the acting for the male beats her.

Female Inquistor. Not even a competition. Whoever voiced the male needs to do an overhaul of his general choice of voice - I kid you not.

Agent, can go either way... but I do like the tone of the male.

Not yet tried a male bounty hunter... but I'm loving the female voice actor.


If anyone disputes the female inquistor, shut up. lol. She has so much... sarcasm. Subtlety(sp) ... so evil. Granted, a few lines when she's on the ship she needs shooting. But otherwise, a flawless role.


"There will be no Survivors"... my favourite commonly used line by the class.

The male sounds bored and quite bluntly, crap.

Whereas the female one... oozes vicious intent.

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Well in my personal head canon the class genders are


Male guardian

Female shadow

male scoundrel

Female commando


Male marauder

Female sorcerer

Male powertech

male sniper


Oh and yes body type 3 on a female trooper just 'works' to put it simply.

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  • 10 months later...

I was going to write a long list before I realized that I was going to write "probably female" to everything with the exeption of smuggler.

List of reasons:

- Jk, I have both and like the female one much better for some reason.

- JC, you get a lot of dresses.

- Trooper, might be affected by the fact that my female trooper makes a much better leader than my male trooper because of their personalities, but I also prefer the voice of the female trooper.

- SW, female, reason: Quinn.

- SI, female, again, a lot of dresses, and I also prefer the female voice.

- IA, female. Reason: Aristocra Saganu. Though if someone makes a male because of Kaliyo, I won't blame them.

- BH, female, the voice acting of male sounds just a little...predictable. It's not bad, but there's something wrong in is, and I just can't put my finger on it...


Smuggler gets male because the voice acting of the male is absolutely fantastic.

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Agent - strictly male; voice acting is great, plus I absolutely cannot stomach female VA's voice.


Warrior - female; again, voice (my favourite voice along with male Agent's) plus Quinn as well, although I guess for more extravagant reasons (Warrior-Quinn romance is textbook sexual harassment and I love when bad things happen to Quinn. Also he writes great love letters).


Consular - male voice acting is extremely dull, so I say female's better, although romance with Nadia gives some insight into Jedi family and attachment issues. Still, not worthy a gameplay of snoozy voice.


Inquisitor - played male, liked the voice acting, but from the samples female sounds just fine as well. Lore-wise I see not much difference.


Trooper was my goof off build - type 1 body, Gothic Lolita hair, heavy makeup, was fun to see her lug that cannon twice her size, but all I could hear was commander Shepard. Vote male, since Steve Blum has better range.


Bounty Hunter - male voice started to seriously grate on my ears towards the end. Made a female, much better. Again, story-wise I don't see much difference.


Smuggler - liked male better. Female's voice a bit too bubbly innocent for the archetype, 'sides, romances are mile better.


Knight - works both ways, IMO. Unless you deem romances important, then Kira >>> Doc.

Edited by krakadyla
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knight:strictly male,the female sounds like a 12 years old on her school crush

trooper:male,the female just doens't fit,such a role should be held by an strict man with leadership to sell

smuggler:meh,both,male's better tho.

consular:the female voice actor sounds like she has a cold,so male


warrior:male,the female sounds like a 60 years old.

inquisitor:fits a male better but i like the female voice actor too,a female would fit a light sided role. (i can't really imagine a lady being evil or sadist)

agent:male,i can't stand the female's voice,too much emotion for an imperial agent.

bounty hunter:both,probably more female,the male voice is...well...weird,it pretty much only works on body type 3 and i don't like body type 3,so i think that female works better.

Edited by _biddan_
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Playing both genders and all classes - some classes I played both genders just to see the difference in voice acting and "feel". Here are my observations.


Jedi Knight - both fit really well. Clothing aside (you can look the way you want to with moddable and adaptive gear), Guardian animations really sat well with a female character (less so than Sentinel, because of the way they tilt their torso around during attacks - looks awkward) - very clean, technical, graceful and efficient. Male can look awkward with bigger body types due to the abundance of jumps and flips in non-tank specs.

Voice acting-wise, the male is pretty much a mix of Obi-Wan and Luke - calm voice, light-hearted attitude, and a bit of dry wit. The female Knight is your Lady Paladin "silk-hiding-steel" type. Polite, measured speech with a soft trans-Atlantic accent.


Both seem natural in their roles and the overall story.


Jedi Consular - both fit well, in my opinion. Male voice seems a bit bland, at times, but is very suitable if you make your character with a monk in mind (Mine's a bald Miraluka Shadow with sleek shades for mask, wears War Hero brown chest+pants). Female Consular sounds amazing, in my opinion. Not a lot of room for the VA to spread her wings, but in the space given to her, she did very, very well.


As far as the story goes, both genders seem equally fitting.


Smuggler - I'll have to go with Male on that one. I played my Scoundrel DS and he gave off the exact "charming, ruthless thug" vibe as I planned. And, just like another person in this thread said, men look better in trenchcoats in this game :)

However, I also have a female GS, and she's the flirty, daring rogue type, and I can't say that it feels awkward or unnatural. I just liked the way that the guy played more.


Trooper - Male. Body type3 (2 is still fine), thickest armour you can find and you have a durasteel-clad god of war in front of you. No contest, really. A lot of Trooper moves and equipment look like they take a lot of physical strength, and animations look best with males because of the way they put their weight into stock strikes, heft those gigantic assault cannons, etc. Sure, you can male a body type3 female, but they look awkward, at least in my opinion.

And I think Hale is way overrated - especially in her FemShepard role. And I think she fails to convey what a combat officer should be sounding like. She's too cheesy to my tastes. Not enough steel and authority in her voice, too much "I'm so awesome and assertive", no real discipline behind it. At least in my opinion. Male Trooper sounded way more authentic.

That said, I still have a female Commando, and I love the way she looks in medium weight-looking armour with that big gun of hers.


Sith Warrior - Male all the way. The voice sounds better, deeper, more rich, and the animations seem to be very male-biased.


Sith Inquisitor -going to go with female. The voicework is simply amazing, and I think Zash is a great role model for her. Pleasant, somewhat flirty and very, very calculating. A darker "silk-hiding-steel" female character. But of course there's the psychotic witch variant with full Dark Side, but that's just not classy. Got a DS Male Socrerer for that, and I must say he does fit the bill.


Agent - played both and loved both. Both give off the cold professional feel, both do their job in their individual capacities.


Bounty Hunter - would say male if male BH voicework was better. As it is now, he's trying to hard to sound gruff and bad-arse. The lady BH captures the whole "gruff freelancer" feel better, in my opinion. She sounds more open when she's laughing, furious or considering to punch a Beskar-clad fist through your skull. Very natural.

The only turnoff for female BHs is bounty-hunter armour aesthetics, and romance options (the former is easily remedied, though).

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Here's what I went with, plus anything I've noted in playing them:




Jedi Knight - Male - David Hayter (Voice of Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid) voices the character, and the relationship with Kira fits the story perfectly.


Jedi Consular - Female - I havent gotten too far in, but this doesn't seem to overwhelmingly favor one over the other


Smuggler - Female - Honestly, I really should have rolled Male for this one. The female character is great, but from what I've seen the male is even better simply due to the way the story plays out (also RIsha is awesome as a romantic interest, and even Akavi is worlds better than farmboy Corso).


Trooper - Female - Jennifer Hale (Fem Shep from Mass Effect) made this a no-brainer for me. However, some people might find the nearly identical character (seriously, she's basically the same character in a different setting) jarring or off-putting.




Sith Warrior - Male - Romantic options are way better, story seems to fit a male character *slightly* better, but that may just be familiarity on my part.


Sith Inquisitor - Female - This could really go either way. Romance options are kind of lame either way (I friendzoned Andronikos right off). I feel like the female SI's relationship with her master and her first acolyte is more natural and comes off better than with a male, but that's really subjective.


Agent - Male - Honestly, this had everything to do with Kaliyo. She's a narcissistic psycho, but she's *my* narcissistic psycho. Really though, you can go either way on this one from what I understand.


Bounty Hunter - Male - The male voice is just to friggin perfect for a bounty hunter. I can't imagine *not* going male on this one, simply for his voice alone. All I can say is "One... Two... Three... *blam*".

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Well, robe appearances seem so much more appropriate for females. If they were actual robes, it would make no difference, but they are done in two parts (chest and legs) with a cinched waist that makes many of them appear to be more of a blouse & skirt, rather than a single contiguous robe. That does skew my choices for light armor wearing classes, though adaptive armor can get around that.


I look at the voice actor, the romance options, and some metagaming in the way of companion affection.


The Sith Inquisitor and Sith Warrior I strongly prefer to be Female, because Zavros and Quinn both have no Companion Gifts that grant the highest rank of affection unless they are being courted (meaning that a Male Sith is guarunteed to have one companion that will never 'Love' anything you buy them).


Trooper goes Male for the same reason; Dorne is just too picky unless you're dating her.


The Smuggler I prefer to be male, mostly because of the 'girl in every port' thing. As a Male Smuggler, he comes off as a bit sleazy, but in sort of a Captain Kirk way where he risks his life for the girl that he barely knows, then gets to nail the alien girl. The Male Smuggler seems to approach 'Fade To Black' as though it's a form of currency he accepts in the place of credits for a job well done. With the Female Smuggler, she doesn't seem to have to put the same amount of effort into winning her romance over; just flirt a bit and bat her eyes and he's jumping into bed. It makes the Female feel more like she'll just take any guy that's willing, while the Male gives off more of an impression that he is chasing after a few particular hard-to-get girls. I did a Smuggler both ways to 50, and with the female it just seemed a lot more desparate and random.


(Also, I hate Corso.)


For the rest, I tend to go with whichever gender gets their romance arc first. The Male Consular, for example, doesn't get his romance companion until Act 3. That means that all conversations are unlocked, rather than gated, so you buy her some presents and she falls in love with you the first day. It feels rushed, forced, and unconvincing. The Female Consular in contrast gets to develop hers over the course of many levels and planets, letting it have a more natural progression feel.


Bounty Hunter I prefer Female because I enjoy JYB's voice acting and have thought he was awesome even back since Power Rangers, so that was my romance of choice.


Knight and Agent both go Male because that's the earlier romance companion, and because it provides some sense of balance so I don't end up with most of my characters being female.

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I have only played male characters so far, but I have watched a few cut scenes with females just to see how they play out. Based on the feel of the story and the romance options, this is what I come up with:


Knight: Male. He and Kira definitely click more.

Smuggler: Male. There are obvious parallels to Han Solo, including the whole ending up with a princess thing. Also, from what I've seen of the female, I doubt she would end up with someone as clingy as Corso. Corso is fine as a companion for the male, they can get along and be friends and comrades, but as a female I would get tired of him really quick.

Trooper: My gut say female. Not sure why.

Consular: I think either way, but I would guess that whatever ends up being canon will have an even gender split, so I am going with female


Hunter: Male. While I could imagine the female with Torian, the male and Mako have an obvious connection.

Warrior: Female. I'm not sure why, again this is just my gut reaction.

I'm not entire sure about the other two, but since I have already made the last two imps the opposite gender of their pub counterparts, I'm going to go ahead with Male inquisitor and female agent.

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