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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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But why they have 3 more hours and cant release more? Come on


Probably because they need time after the transfer to be able to deal with any issues that occur, and if they were to do another wave at 5:30 or 6:00 thered be no one around after it to deal with said issues.

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Another day and nothing. Just Log on a few min ago on Port nowhere, 8 playes on the fleet, and i dont even know if we will have a transfer tomorrow, this is just frustrating when you really want to play with one of your 3 50s, the same toons that u have been playing for the last 6 months and u cant because, there is not enough people.
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Why is there so much? @.@


:CRYING: I want go to sweet Red Eclipse, not "next" PVE-EU server... :(


damn you bioware :(


So ridiculous, you think this would be one of those times you actually put more than a regular days work into the update.


thanks for wasting another day with no news about my server's transfers...


At this point preordering to get into early access and get your toon names was all for nil.


You're not getting any of my money next month

Fing useless.


Wayyyyyy way too much QQ... Transfers are being done. It's free. You don't have to move if you don't want to. Your turn will come around. It's only the second day of transfers; just calm down :cool:

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You seem to equate the hour in which last do an update to the amount of work that we are all putting into this. Many weekends and extra hours have been worked in order to bring us to this point. Within the past 48 hrs, we've opened up 122 servers for character transfers in a service that has run (relatively and knock on wood) smoothly. We understand your passion and desire for a transfer, but know that we are taking many factors into account, including making sure that servers are stable.


Ok maybe we're just being selfish here.....but I think if we could have a more precise date as for our actual transfer, expectations wouldn't be so high


still, keep up the hard work

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Thank you. You guys just lost my sub why is the razor shafted and why cant in 3 hours you guys release another wave. Sad


Seriously, this is like the 4th post you have made announcing they have lost your sub.... its getting old already.

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How can Bioware put some players over other players that pay the same for there sub? Just asking.


Because for some reason they decided to pick different servers. Of course they never give a real explanation all we can do is Hope

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Quick question (I asked this in another thread too but I havent recieved an answer yet):


Let's say that I would like a new name on one of the characters I intend on transfering; Can I force a name change upon myself by first creating a "throw-away-character" with the same name on the destination server?

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You seem to equate the hour in which last do an update to the amount of work that we are all putting into this. Many weekends and extra hours have been worked in order to bring us to this point. Within the past 48 hrs, we've opened up 122 servers for character transfers in a service that has run (relatively and knock on wood) smoothly. We understand your passion and desire for a transfer, but know that we are taking many factors into account, including making sure that servers are stable.


No worries, I think most of us think you guys are handling this very well, and its going alot faster than I initially expected it would. You've just the vocal minority of snowflakes left that are still here cause there servers (like mine) haven't come up. But I think you guys are doing a great job on this, even though you've deleted like 12 of my posts today ;)

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Arggghh!! Please, please, please let us know the fate of Krayt Dragon by the end of the day today.


I'm in a big Guild there that was a founding Guild. Decisions need to be made. We've always been a medium-ish server--so we just don't know our fate.


I'm gone all day tomorrow, and if I have to transfer, its going to be hard enough to keep any of my names TODAY; if I miss most of tomorrow and a transfer is announced while I'm away, I've got no chance.


Also...I have a few toons from other servers that COULD transfer, but I don't want to take up slots for my main legacy account if the destination server for my Krayt toons ends up being the same.


Does anyone know if you can do transfers on an iPhone or iPad?

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Ok maybe we're just being selfish here.....but I think if we could have a more precise date as for our actual transfer, expectations wouldn't be so high


still, keep up the hard work


If they keep this pace should be all servers done by tomorrow, or the next day at the latest.

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You seem to equate the hour in which last do an update to the amount of work that we are all putting into this. Many weekends and extra hours have been worked in order to bring us to this point. Within the past 48 hrs, we've opened up 122 servers for character transfers in a service that has run (relatively and knock on wood) smoothly. We understand your passion and desire for a transfer, but know that we are taking many factors into account, including making sure that servers are stable.


For some the problem isn't the 122 you opened, its the one you didn't yet... namely theirs. There is a lot of "its all about me" going on. So I want to take a break from all the negative and thank you guys for putting in the extra time to get this done. You listened to your community when it asked for more servers, (which got us in this mess to begin with) and then you listened to us when we said the servers are to low so we need to transfer. As far as I am concerned in this issue, you guys have done nothing but listen and try and give us what we want/need. So bravo.

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So I get the impression that I'll be moving to Jedi Covenant, Canderous Ordo, The Ebon Hawk, The Fatman, The Harbinger, Drooga's Pleasure Barge or The Bastion. :D


Match up which one of those is the same type and same coast as yours and you should know exactly where you are going. Unless they open up new destinations tomorrow.

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So I get the impression that I'll be moving to Jedi Covenant, Canderous Ordo, The Ebon Hawk, The Fatman, The Harbinger, Drooga's Pleasure Barge or The Bastion. :D


If you look at the server type you are, and the East/West, you really are only between 2 servers....


One can hope that tomorrow they make new destination servers.

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For some the problem isn't the 122 you opened, its the one you didn't yet... namely theirs. There is a lot of "its all about me" going on. So I want to take a break from all the negative and thank you guys for putting in the extra time to get this done. You listened to your community when it asked for more servers, (which got us in this mess to begin with) and then you listened to us when we said the servers are to low so we need to transfer. As far as I am concerned in this issue, you guys have done nothing but listen and try and give us what we want/need. So bravo.


Completely agreed :D



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I'd like to say that this process is going well for the most part. The updates have been very consistent today! If this keeps up I'd hope to see my server on the list tomorrow.


Port Nowhere awaits our turn patiently. It's painful, but we can bear it.

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Quick question (I asked this in another thread too but I havent recieved an answer yet):


Let's say that I would like a new name on one of the characters I intend on transfering; Can I force a name change upon myself by first creating a "throw-away-character" with the same name on the destination server?


Yes, I think by nature that would have to work, since you couldn't transfer on top of an existing name...

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