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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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People who keep telling others to have 'patience' and 'chill' and what not needs to remember that subscription time is ticking down for those people.

And if wanting to keep those people in the game; transfers need to happen sooner than later. I doubt Bioware will get many to re-sub on the potential promise of transfers.


I didn't expect Bioware to put up all servers that were marked as source servers; but putting up this handful is pitiful and shows clearly that they do not understand the scope of the situation. I understand the people complaining about it fully. It's simply bad form from Bioware to expect people to wait around for potentially weeks or more for the full list to be made public.


The only reason I can see behind this is because they need to limit the amount of transfers; because either the mechanic isn't fully automatized so they need manual work or because they're not certain it works.

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So... I think we pretty much all agree that BioWare had way too many servers to begin with (and still has). People were getting upset that their servers were dying, because low population means nobody to group with, nobody to craft the things you need, and nobody to buy your crap, either in person or through the Galactic Trade Network.


Then we got a ray of hope: BioWare announced that in addition to developing the 1.3 patch, they were working on enabling character transfers. There were few details, so speculation ran rampant, but at least it seemed that those of us who'd left characters behind on dead servers might be able to unite one or more of those toons with the toon(s) we'd re-rolled on servers WITH AN ACTUAL POPULATION. For my own part, I speculated that character transfers would cost us, although maybe, with a little luck, we'd get our first transfer free. Regardless, I continued attempting to sell all my crap via GTN on my old server (Sword of Ajunta Pall), so that if and when I could bring a toon to the new server, I could bring everything on one character.


Then, as details begin to surface, we find that while, yes, character transfers will be free (for now), it's less a matter of desired character transfer, and more like optional server merges, with "select" origin servers having the option to move to "select" destination servers, and not even a choice of which server to move to. BioWare's idea, as they put it, is to "balance" the server population, and I guess hope that their upcoming LFG tool handles the rest of the grouping complaints. Oh, yay, that's all well and good, but moving a little bit of population among "select" servers doesn't really address the problem of having no population to craft sh*t for you, or buy the sh*t you're trying to sell, and it outright SCREWS anyone who had dreams of bringing their abandoned, orphaned toons into their new, populated server's fold.


I've only got ONE level 50, had a level 21, and have a level 12, with only a level 6 legacy, on my old (deceased) server, and **I'M** upset about the state of affairs; I can't begin to imagine how it feels for someone with two, or four, or eight level 50s, with a legacy level in the 20s or 30s.


Of course, BioWare does give us the [probably false] hope that down the line, they MAY eventually allow more open character transfers. The catch? As I expected, we'll likely have to pay for it. So, BioWare throws way too many servers at us in the first place, and then THEY prove, through a game that many seem to feel lacks much of an endgame, unable to retain active subscriptions, and after months of US paying the price in gameplay terms (no one to group with, no one to craft for us, no one to buy our sh*t), we're ALSO going to have to pay the price monetarily, if we wish to salvage the work we put into characters and legacies on servers that died through no fault of our own?


Sorry, BioWare, but I've gotta give you a big, glaring "F" on this test.


This is a forum, not an essay contest, funny thing about the word abandoned is that you abandoned your toon, meaning that YOU decided it was in your best interest to roll on another server. BW doesn't owe you a thing for your impatience, as a matter of fact I almost did the same thing and re-rolled onto The Fatman, I then realized that legacy consolidation and server transfers were not guaranteed to go down the way my imagination had set it up so I just kept leveling on a dead server, getting my crafting skills up so that I would be ready to make money come server transfer time.


Your problem is that you think you are entitled to something only your imagination promised you. The gaming community is too much of an instant gratification community. I play MMOs simply because they change after release to provide the maximum enjoy-ability out of a game. BW owes you nothing, you have a right to complain as a customer but have some class. This goes for all the people that are like you too.

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Have you looked at TorStatus.net? All the servers are DEAD. We all DESERVE a thriving community. We haven't had PvP on Kinrath for weeks. No server is special.


Everyone will get their transfer soon. Those servers had to be the worst off ones, that's the only reason that I can think of that would make Bioware take them first.

But I am NOT Bioware, I don't know for sure what their motives are.

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Given the time of day on both east coast and west coast, WHY are there only 4 servers available for transfer? Are you expecting people to be waking up early, or going in to work late just because transfers are available?


And, if these are low pop servers, how many people can it possibly be? 200? 300?


I am not complaining because I can't transfer, just bringing up a point. I understand that taking this slowly will make things go much smoother, but why sooo slow?


*EDIT* Wouldn't it make more sense to open up more servers during non-peak hours. Am I seeing this wrong?

Edited by Rufcat
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If you play on Naddist Rebels. I played a few days during peek at 50. The que's for wz's where absurd. So it feels like there are 16-20 players on that server. Cause its the same 50's. Everyday. holding out. Waiting. So I am pushing on their behalf to get a good home, because they are all pretty cool. Good PvPers who deserve a server that literally in 3 days of queueing at peak with them had 1 imperial match.


Wow! You had 50 people on fleet? Kinrath hasn't had 50 people on the Imp Fleet since 1.2 came out.

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I'm not transfering any of my characters even if my server opens up. I have several high level characters with max professions on the same server for a reason and I'm keeping them together. Server mergers would have been a better fix to this mess. Then allow transfers to happen if people want to move to a specific server. Why does Bioware always put a bandaid on a gaping wound? :mad:
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I'm not transfering any of my characters even if my server opens up. I have several high level characters with max professions on the same server for a reason and I'm keeping them together. Server mergers would have been a better fix to this mess. Then allow transfers to happen if people want to move to a specific server. Why does Bioware always put a bandaid on a gaping wound? :mad:


You know that you can transfer ALL of your chars on the origin server to the destination, right? It says that in the FAQ.

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Everyone will get their transfer soon. Those servers had to be the worst off ones, that's the only reason that I can think of that would make Bioware take them first.

But I am NOT Bioware, I don't know for sure what their motives are.


Hedarr Soongh has a higher population rating then Kinrath on Torstatus.net, and they are both East Coast PvP servers...so they are definitely not worse off then us. I just can't believe they can only handle 4 servers in NA at a time. I had delusions of grandeur thinking I'd get to actually pvp tonight against new (and more) players.

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I'm not transfering any of my characters even if my server opens up. I have several high level characters with max professions on the same server for a reason and I'm keeping them together. Server mergers would have been a better fix to this mess. Then allow transfers to happen if people want to move to a specific server. Why does Bioware always put a bandaid on a gaping wound? :mad:


Its to cover the fact the game is dying so investors and gaming magazines/web sites think the game is better off then it really is. If they openly state "We are opening mergers" it clearly shows the game is dying.

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10 severs. 10?!?!

2 pr region is this a really bad joke or are you for real?


I don't understand you right now. Do you want people to quit, give up. Your really trying hard to get us to stop playing :(

Edited by Desider
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Hedarr Soongh has a higher population rating then Kinrath on Torstatus.net, and they are both East Coast PvP servers...so they are definitely not worse off then us. I just can't believe they can only handle 4 servers in NA at a time. I had delusions of grandeur thinking I'd get to actually pvp tonight against new (and more) players.


"This site is in not endorsed by or affiliated with LucasArts, BioWare, or Electronic Arts."


I'm not sure how much I can trust those numbers. I will repeat, I am NOT Bioware. I'm just logically guessing at what they could be doing.

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Nope, in that case I can´t have patience because my gametime is running out in 3 days and I´m not paying for doing this "free" transfer.


That is a predicament my friend. :( I hope for your sake your server becomes eligible before your time runs out.

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The initial character transfer service is now available, allowing qualifying characters to be transferred at no charge from selected origin servers to selected destination servers. This character transfer service will be available as long as is required to help maintain population balance across the service and create a better overall gameplay experience. Select servers will be eligible for free character transfers based on the player populations of the origin and destination servers.


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when wil more servers be availble for trnasfers how long do i have to wait?????????

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What is he not getting that he paid for? He left his first toon to re-roll that isn't anybodies fault but his own.


He left those toons because his experience was suffering due to the growing population decline. How is that his fault? His choices were: stay on a dying server and attempt to enjoy a suffering gameplay experience or move and get better value for his time and money.


Who in their right mind wouldn't look for a better value?

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This is a forum, not an essay contest, funny thing about the word abandoned is that you abandoned your toon, meaning that YOU decided it was in your best interest to roll on another server. BW doesn't owe you a thing for your impatience, as a matter of fact I almost did the same thing and re-rolled onto The Fatman, I then realized that legacy consolidation and server transfers were not guaranteed to go down the way my imagination had set it up so I just kept leveling on a dead server, getting my crafting skills up so that I would be ready to make money come server transfer time.


Your problem is that you think you are entitled to something only your imagination promised you. The gaming community is too much of an instant gratification community. I play MMOs simply because they change after release to provide the maximum enjoy-ability out of a game. BW owes you nothing, you have a right to complain as a customer but have some class. This goes for all the people that are like you too.


I gave up on SoAP long before I heard that they were actually planning on making character transfers a reality, because **I wanted to play on a server with other people,** not, as you seem to believe, because I'd heard transfers were coming, and figured I'd just move my toon(s) later. It's not my fault, nor any other player's fault, that BioWare GROSSLY overestimated their drawing power with this game, provided WAY too many servers to begin with, then gave us a game that would lose, what, about a fourth? of its subs within the first six months.


Am I entitled to something? F**k yes! For $60 up front, and an additional $15/month, I'm ENTITLED to play the MMORPG I paid for, not a glorified single-player game where you have to spam general chat for an hour if you want to do a [HEROIC 4] mission, and heaven forbid you should want to actually do OPS!


A friend suggested that if EVE Online can manage their 400k subs on one server, then why couldn't SW:TOR be hosted on just a handful of servers. Now, while I like that idea, I realize that EVE gets away with it because they've got 7500ish different star systems, with multiple planets, moons, and space stations in each system. You're not going to have the system lag of having 500 people in the same place as you at the same time. I'm not suggesting they should move the entire SW:TOR subscriber base onto a handful of servers, as my friend (and others, I'm sure) think they should, because I don't wanna fry my computer trying to zone into Imperial Fleet when there are 300 other people there already, but I don't think opening character transfer up to something a little more than "people on these 10 servers MAY transfer their toons to THESE 10, pre-determined servers, if they so desire" is going to kill the system.

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You know that you can transfer ALL of your chars on the origin server to the destination, right? It says that in the FAQ.


So they expect the players to do all of the work reforming guilds and transferring multiple characters? Merging the servers during a maintenance cycle would be faster and keep the community (even if it is small) together.

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ya while yesterday i was pretty excited for today just to log in and be disapointed by what happened with only 4 servers being able to transfer so disapointed infact i had to look at the top of the screen to make sur i was reading a page from bioware and not from Blizzard. open the transfers right up but dam dont give us a destination server let us pick where we want to go. i am getting tired of logging on in the morning and there is only 2 freaking people om in the fleet... imcluding me Darth Scion needs to go to Shadow Hand ! Edited by putrify
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really? not Starstorm one?? are you f**** kidding me? our Q times last up to 30 min's to an hour... AND THATS DURING PEAK TIME


Yup and happy to see that you aren't eligible for transfer yet. There hasn't been a 50 warzone on my server in well over a month. So sit down and wait your turn like everyone else I'm getting a little tired of people whining that still have functional pvp on their servers.

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So let me get this straight.


there are 123 servers 5 of which have a decent pop


you allow 10 servers to move to ten different servers///not one going to the same destination and you expect to fix this problem how?


This isnt a band-aid on a gaping wound its a band aid on a rotting carcASS!


I may not be renewing my subscription at this rate theres no point

Edited by ToneMarley
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Hedarr Soongh has a higher population rating then Kinrath on Torstatus.net, and they are both East Coast PvP servers...so they are definitely not worse off then us. I just can't believe they can only handle 4 servers in NA at a time. I had delusions of grandeur thinking I'd get to actually pvp tonight against new (and more) players.


This is no joke, Kinrath has been absolutely dead since 1.2. This is nothing new, from reading these forums it's clear that BW did what they could from the start, but now they need to gather data and consolidate their servers in order to make it playable as an "MMO" .


btw - ./hugs for Freia :D

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So they expect the players to do all of the work reforming guilds and transferring multiple characters? Merging the servers during a maintenance cycle would be faster and keep the community (even if it is small) together.


Reforming a guild and transferring multiple accounts is Work? It's a small price to pay for a free transfer to a better game experience.

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