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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Why are they transfering (with the exception of a few) from one bad server to another?. Would have been better to move from say 5 or so origins to 1 destination .And enhance populations that way.


Instead it looks like ( again with a few exceptions). That they are just shuffling people around instead of actually building high pop servers with transfers.


I hope they open the ratio of origins to destinations ...Maybe a dev could chime in on this and let us know the plan for it?

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The quantity will very likely change as we monitor the transfer process, so I can't really give a good estimate right now. We'll be adding new origin and destination servers with the goal of ensuring that destination server populations are healthy. This may mean sending more origin servers to a destination or opening up new destinations. Because of the nature of the process, it's hard to predict how many we will during a specific timeframe.


when you say healthy, are you guys working to fill each destination server?? i would hope that your trying to fill them past standard capactity

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Why are they transfering (with the exception of a few) from one bad server to another?. Would have been better to move from say 5 or so origins to 1 destination .And enhance populations that way.


Instead it looks like ( again with a few exceptions). That they are just shuffling people around instead of actually building high pop servers with transfers.


I hope they open the ratio of origins to destinations ...Maybe a dev could chime in on this and let us know the plan for it?


Server "A" has low pop so they move server "B" to server "A" when they see what the pop then looks like on server "A" they will then select server "C" and again check, this is the process that seems to be going on and its a smart move on their part to make sure that some servers dont get over populated.

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I want to be with my friends on a specific server not some random server you guys select.

Love the game and will keep playing, just this kind of half thought out service really is a joke.


I would also like to move to a server I select, one where I have my name reserved. A name may seem like a petty thing, but mine was carefully thought out and planned, and I cannot just simply take my 49 levels of character and change her name. I cannot do it.


It is my fault for being so attached to a name, but in light of my already dead Kath Hound now having people jumping ship like it's the Titanic, I've unsubscribed. Maybe when I'm able to move to a server where I can retain my name I will bring my account back online.


Also: same sex romances. Bring them.

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Server "A" has low pop so they move server "B" to server "A" when they see what the pop then looks like on server "A" they will then select server "C" and again check, this is the process that seems to be going on and its a smart move on their part to make sure that some servers dont get over populated.


I agree it would be smart . I just hope they actualy do allow other servers to transfer to a same destination server. As so far they are simply moving from one sever to another, And none of the destination servers have more than a single origin server transfering in ATM.


And i hope they are allowing more than a standard population per destination at least go to heavy if not very heavy. Just under full.

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I agree it would be smart . I just hope they actualy do allow other servers to transfer to a same destination server. As so far they are simply moving from one sever to another, And none of the destination servers have more than a single origin server transfering in ATM.


And i hope they are allowing more than a standard population per destination at least go to heavy if not very heavy. Just under full.


I agree and I also hope they do it the way im saying, they really need to remove 40-50% of the servers we just have way to many

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I agree and I also hope they do it the way im saying, they really need to remove 40-50% of the servers we just have way to many


Im going to give it a few days and see if they open multi origins to single destinations. I figure thats the plan but i dont realy assume anything anymore where bioware is concerned.


If they dont do it that way theres going to be alot of real unhappy people tho. As it wont realy have helped anything.

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So they borked the maximum character limit on accounts now.


At release I believe there was no limit up to and including the Australian servers where I had 67 plus names reserved on my account I quit game couple weeks after Austrlian server release and came back at 1.2 I could not create a new character on any server with message saying I was at maixmium limit. So I deleted a buncha names down to 47 which I currently have before today i could still create a charaacter figuring the limit was at 50 chracters max per account. Well Today I cannot create any new characters and i get message saying I'm at maximum limit.


The ironic thing is I had deleted some names off The Bastion server and its now a transfer destination server. So me sad to lose a really unique name on Rakata Mind Prison to Bastion.


Do you see the problem with that...."cool names" will already be taken by accounts that are shut down, cuz it was fairly popular at start and now is not.


I think their choices of servers to prop up is bad, as far as west coast PvP servers if your not funneling everyone onto Ajunta Pall or The Swiftsure your asking for the same problems a few months down the road. The Bastion will not have enough of a population that people will be overjoyed with. Currently between Rakata Mind Prison and The Bastion there is simply not enough population at all.

Edited by Zero_Enna
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So they borked the maximum character limit on accounts now.


At release I believe there was no limit up to and including the Australian servers where I had 67 plus names reserved on my account I quit game couple weeks after Austrlian server release and came back at 1.2 I could not create a new character on any server with message saying I was at maixmium limit. So I deleted a buncha names down to 47 which I currently have before today i could still create a charaacter figuring the limit was at 50 chracters max per account. Well Today I cannot create any new characters and i get message saying I'm at maximum limit.


The ironic thing is I had deleted some names off The Bastion server and its now a transfer destination server. So me sad to lose a really unique name on Rakata Mind Prison to Bastion.


Do you see the problem with that...."cool names" will already be taken by accounts that are shut down, cuz it was fairly popular at start and now is not.


I think their choices of servers to prop up is bad, as far as west coast PvP servers if your not funneling everyone onto Ajunta Pall or The Swiftsure your asking for the same problems a few months down the road. The Bastion will not have enough of a population that people will be overjoyed with. Currently between Rakata Mind Prison and The Bastion there is simply not enough population at all.


It was a maximum of 8 per server to start with. Was even like that during beta. Not sure how they messed up the amount of names. Unless of course you are just referring to name collisions. In that case, they should have done something a bit better then just making people rename their characters. It should have been based on time invested into each character of which would have decided who got to keep the name.


*Just to add, those whom have issues with names that were"reserved" being collided with another character on a new server, well honestly, if you didn't cancel your accounts (in general not saying this poster) to begin with, this issue would not have occurred as the population would have still be stable on many servers. Just saying.

Edited by Rehneu
Adding to the posting.
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We do not plan on opening new servers. The origin and destination servers will be chosen from the pool of existing servers. We understand that some players do not wish to undergo a name change, and aren't requiring players to transfer.


While I understand that players aren't being required to transfer, it is noteworthy that many of us have entire guilds (and even server populations) that are tired of the low server population and are prepared to transfer as soon as the option is available. For us, the choice becomes, "Do I stay here and watch the population dwindle even more due to transfers, or do I give up the names that I was up at 6:00AM on release day to reserve?" I personally named several of my characters relatively common names, and if my server is not a destination server, I am certain that I will be forced to rename all of those characters (which I have invested a very considerable amount of time in). This is not an ideal situation.

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Well, they better make Sith Wyrm a destination server, or they're going to lose a lot of subs. We're not transferring, and will just unsubscribe.


LOOOOOL dude you need a reality check if you are threatening bioware this way.

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Well, they better make Sith Wyrm a destination server, or they're going to lose a lot of subs. We're not transferring, and will just unsubscribe.


THE NERVE OF SOME SERVERS. If you dont take the free transfer is of your own choice.

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We do not plan on opening new servers. The origin and destination servers will be chosen from the pool of existing servers. We understand that some players do not wish to undergo a name change, and aren't requiring players to transfer.


I'm sorry but this is an enormous cop-out. So players who are on a server because Bioware put them on that server as part of the pre-launch guild program now have the option of losing their names or staying on a dead server. None of this is their fault. They in good faith made characters on the servers Bioware selected for them since that was your plan to ensure a balanced population across all the servers. Bioware is the one that opened too many servers after that.


So now one of the major reasons people pre-ordered the game, to ensure they were able to select the names they wanted, goes out the window. Their 'choice' is to either give up the identities they've established for months (you know, that thing you keep stressing is so important with that whole Legacy system) or stay on a server that'll be in a death spiral since its already low population will only ever get smaller, leaving them no one to play with. This 'you don't have to transfer' stance is a coward's way out, Bioware. Handwaving away dealing with naming conflicts by claiming the transfers are 'optional' is a kick in the eye to paying customers who are now penalized because of your mistake.


Frankly, any character name on a cancelled account should be made available to paying customers who have to transfer to new servers. That doesn't mean those names are automatically wiped from those accounts, just that if someone else happens to choose it the paying customer should be able to get it. These paying customers are the ones supporting your game, not the people who cancelled. Rest assured, if you don't take that step you will lose more customers in your futile attempt to cater to people who are no longer even giving you any money.

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LOOOOOL dude you need a reality check if you are threatening bioware this way.


Going to agree here even though I too am on Sith Wyrm.


Here is my outlook on SW server. It would be foolish not to make it a destination server seeing as how it is still within the top 20 when it comes to population. I think people that are threatening to cancel if they have to move just need to grow up a bit. They are trying to kiss your feet by providing you a very good alternative to just making you reroll all together. They could just say no transfers we are shutting down server x-z if they wanted to. But instead, they are offering a service for free. At which they don't even need to offer at no cost.


I am personally glad that some of these transfers today are basically a test run. They are finding some issue and patching in the morning. I have no issues waiting to see. Other things are minor as in comparison to the amount of servers they have had and will have after the transition is complete.

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Based off of population and recent actions taken today (the dismantling of Lord Ieldis), here's my guess at Destination Servers:



-The Fatman (East)

-Anchorhead (East)

-The Bastion (West)

-The Swiftsure (West)



-Jung Ma (East)

-Ajunta Pall (West)



-Lord Adraas (East)

-The Ebon Hawk (East)

-Begeren Colony (West)

-Vrook Lamar (West)



-Jedi Covenant (East)

-Canderous Ordo (East)

-The Shadowlands (East)

-The Krayt Dragon (East)

-Mind Trick (East)


-Drooga's Pleasure Barge (West)

-The Harbringer (West)

-Veeboo Lunx (West)

-Darth Sion (West)

-Gauntlet of Kressh (West)


Probably be more PVEs than I listed.

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You can move if you want, but our guild, and ones we partner with will not. This game is not worth the headaches.


I personally do not want to move my guild. I don't know anyone in the guild that does want to move. But we are not going to cancel if they don't make us a target server. If we are not one, (again I will be surprised if they don't make us one) then our guild will discuss things and move if we need to. I would hate to do so, but if it means not staying on a server that is sinking, then so be it. We want to enjoy the game as much as anyone else.


Sith Wyrm is not dead yet. You have a valid point by saying it is not dead. But over the last couple of weeks, I have seen a massive decrease in population even on our server.

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It's not a threat, it's a fact. Many of us will leave. dude


Our server isn't dead atm.

Then I probably wouldn't worry about it. If your server is thriving, or at least has a decent enough population (read: top 15) then you're much more likely to become the destination server in order to top off your numbers a bit. Don't slap the panic button just yet. Reserve that button for MWO. It'll be much more productive there, I guarantee ;)

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Then I probably wouldn't worry about it. If your server is thriving, or at least has a decent enough population (read: top 15) then you're much more likely to become the destination server in order to top off your numbers a bit. Don't slap the panic button just yet. Reserve that button for MWO. It'll be much more productive there, I guarantee ;)


It's the 8th most populated server on the east coast when it comes to PvE. !0th most populated on all coasts PvE wise and 18th most populated from all servers with PTS 2 spots ahead of us. Chances can go either way but if they base it on server location, it has a good shot to become a destination server.

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