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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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I managed to transfer all (3) my characters to a new server and it is great!! :D 300 people on fleet. Love the game BioWare. Dont mind the moaners, they are a very small minority.


You're probably right, but a huge number of people just unsubbed without saying a word. I wonder why that up to a million people didn't like the game as much as you, hmmm?

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I waited for this game to come out for years, and its been one fail after another with this company. Now after waiting so long to make my characters and get first pickens on names i get screwed again by you people and my names are all taken!!!!!!!!!! on the new server i have to go to because theres not enough players on my server. You people made WAY to many servers! so i have to loose my identity names that i had to sit and wait for to get for years and be on all day really early waiting for the first wave of people that were allowed to even get on the game for first purchases of your game exactly when it came out. Names are important to people on mmo's. Anyone that debates my post is a troll, screw this game Edited by LexiCazam
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Seriously, especially considering the lack of foresight given to this process and its relation to things like legacies.


Especially after hearing things like this:


Well, if you notice he didnt say "hurry up and transfer you opposite faction toons, he said GET WORKING on those legacy characters. So, if you don't already have an opposite faction toon in your legacy (same server), get working.

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I waited for this game to come out for years, and its been one fail after another with this company. Now after waiting so long to make my characters and get first pickens on names i get screwed again by you people and my names are all taken!!!!!!!!!! on the new server i have to go to because theres not enough players on my server. You people made WAY to many servers! so i have to loose my identity names that i had to sit and wait for to get for years and be on all day really early waiting for the first wave of people that were allowed to even get on the game for first purchases of your game exactly when it came out. Names are important to people on mmo's. Anyone that debates my post is a troll, screw this game


I like your conviction. You keep being you.

Edited by LexiCazam
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I waited for this game to come out for years, and its been one fail after another with this company. Now after waiting so long to make my characters and get first pickens on names i get screwed again by you people and my names are all taken!!!!!!!!!! on the new server i have to go to because theres not enough players on my server. You people made WAY to many servers! so i have to loose my identity names that i had to sit and wait for to get for years and be on all day really early waiting for the first wave of people that were allowed to even get on the game for first purchases of your game exactly when it came out. Names are important to people on mmo's. Anyone that debates my post is a troll, screw this game


Wow, you waited for years? I hope you at least ate something while you waited?

Edited by LexiCazam
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Here's the list of destination server transfers as of 10 minutes ago (12:14 pm 6/18/2012).


Shadow Hand is the *only* server without a transfer option that is likely to get one.



  • Dalborra PvE No change likely
  • Master Dar'Nala PvP No change likely
  • Gav Daragon RP PvE No change likely



EUR English

  • Nightmare Lands PvE Destination for: Bacca's Blade, Bao-Dur, Dune Bantha, Frostclaw, Hidden Beks, Hydian Way, Peragus Mining Facility, Sith'ari
  • The Red Eclipse PvE Destination for: Dxun Battle Circle, Eye of Ashlanae, Flames of the Crucible, Goluud Corridor, Kellian Jarro, Ludo Kressh, Rogue Moon, Sluis Shipyards, The Arkanian Legacy, Luka Sene
  • Tomb of Freedon Nadd PvP Destination for: Ahto City, Chuundar, Hex Droid, Kai-kan, Niman,Scepter of Ragnos, Senator Contispex, Starstorm One, Tassaa Bareesh, The Exile's Crystal, The Kumumgah, The Ravager, The Shadow Runner, Tott Doneeta, Trayus Academy, Ula Vii, Uthar Wynn, Basilisk Droid, Bloodworthy, Legions of Lettow
  • The Progenitor RP PvE Destination for: Shaltin Tunnels, Trask Ulgo
  • Lord Calypho RP PvP No change likely


EUR French

  • Mantle of the Force PvE Destination for: Hssiss, Kissai Caste, Phateem Halls of Knowledge, Vodo-Siosk Baas,
  • Darth Nihilus PvP Destination for: Atris, Baron Deathmark, Dol Grenn, Hrakert Rift, Mecrosa Order, Princess Galia, Star Map
  • Battle Meditation RP PvE Destination for: Kessel Run
  • Huntmaster RP PvP No change likely


EUR German

  • T3-M4 PvE Destination for: Darth Andeddu, Exar Kun, Force Harvester, Lenico Gargantuan, Odacer-Faustin Academy, Sith Triumvirate, Supreme Commander Stantorrs
  • The Jedi Tower PvE Destination for: Dreypa's Oubliette, Handmaidens of Atris, Murakami Orchid, Opila Crystal, Stereb Cities, The Cinzia
  • Jar'Kai Sword PvP Destination for: The Restoration Zone, Blotus the Hutt, Brianna, Darth Revan's Mask, Darth Traya, Exis Station, Gnawer's Roost, Loramarr, Pius Dea, The Krath Enchanter
  • Vanjervalis Chain RP PvE Destination for: Cassus Fett, Zayne Carrick
  • Jen'jidai RP PvP No change likely


US East

  • Canderous Ordo PvE Destination for: Assassins of Sion, Juyo, Kaas City, Kathol Rift, Krayiss Obelisk, Master Dorak, The Constant, The Corsair, The Courageous, Whitebeam Run, Zez-Kai Ell
  • Corellian Run PvE Destination for: Anturi Reach, Colonel Tobin, Crevasse City, Darth Bandon, Firaxan Shark, ICE Breaker, Mind Trick, Sith Wyrm, Tarro Blood, Thana Vesh
  • Jedi Covenant PvE Destination for: Axial Park, Eidolon Security, Fort Garnik, Hanharr, Keetael, Keller's Void, Khoonda Militia, Ki-Ta Kren, Nathema, Sedyn Kyne, Telos Restoration Project, The Defenestrator, Shii-Cho
  • Shadow Hand PvE Not yet transferred.
  • The Shadowlands PvE Destination for: Dreshdae Cantina, Elysium, Giradda the Hutt, Grand Master Zym, Krayt Dragon, Sith Meditation Sphere, The Razor
  • Prophecy of the Five PvP Destination for: Bondar Crystal, Davik's Estate, Death Wind Corridor, Gardens of Talla, Infinity Gate, Iron Citadel, Naddist Rebels, Saber of Exar Kun, Sword of Ajunta Pall, Terentatek, The Twin Spears, Veela, Anchorhead, Helm of Graush, Port Nowhere, Vulkar Highway
  • The Fatman PvP Destination for: Cho Mai, Firkrann Crystal, Hedarr Soongh, Kinrath Spider, Rwookrrorro, The Deadweight, Thendys Noori, Belgoth's Beacon, Darth Malak
  • The Ebon Hawk RP PvE Destination for: Kath Hound, Lord Adraas, Rubat Crystal, Sanctum of the Exalted, Shien
  • Jung Ma RP PvP Destination for: Ajunta Pall, Ven Zallow



US West

  • Drooga's Pleasure Barge PvE Destination for: Darth Xedrix, Fa'athra, Lord Praven, Mask of Nihilus, Master Gnost-Dural, Master Zhar Lestin, Perlemian Trade Route, Darth Sion, Hyperspace Cannon, Veeboo Lunx, Zakkeg Beast
  • The Harbinger PvE Destination for: Empress Teta, Gauntlet of Kressh, Kaiburr Crystal, Krath, Namadii Corridor, Soresu, Wall of Light, Zaalbar, Space Slug, The Jekk'Jekk Tarr, Vornskr
  • The Bastion PvP Destination for: Black Vulkars, Daragon Trail, Dark Reaper, Infinite Empire, Mandalore the Indomitable, Nadd's Sarcophagus, Rakata Mind Prison, Shadowtown, The Crucible Pits, The Maw, Destination for: The Swiftsure, Warriors of the Shadow, Wound in the Force
  • Begeren Colony RP PvE Destination for: Lord Ieldis, Vrook Lamar

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Considering that many of the servers that have become desitnation servers and have hit Heavy to Full during peak times? My answer is Yes


Yeah right, red eclipse for example may have reached full status for like 30 minutes, on sunday at peak time... and it was just because many ppl who transfered are just playing during weekends. Give it 1 more week, and you won't see that server reaching FULL status anytime soon.


Anyway, if you had what you expected from server transfers, good for you. Hundreds of players didn't.

Don't care ? Don't post.

Edited by Wassawp
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Oh, bother.


I had 8 toons on Sedyn Kyne, and 8 on Shii-Cho. When SK was opened for transfers to Jedi Covenant, I moved all 8 toons. Now, Shii-Cho has been targeted to Jedi Covenant as well.


Looks like I'll have to wait for the next iteration of server moves to evacuate Shii-Cho.

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I'm on Shadowlands and it's booming right now. Yesterday during the afternoon there was 240+ on the Republic Fleet. We have excellent guilds on the Republic side as well.


In my limited experience on as a newbie on Shadowlands over the weekend, Imp and Pub seemed fairly balanced, saw similar numbers both on fleet and on planets I was leveling my lowbies on. Generally, 250+ on fleet, and 50-65 on planets at peak times, 35-50 on planets at off peak but reasonable times, and 25-35 on planets at WAY off peak times.

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Here's the list of destination server transfers as of 10 minutes ago (12:14 pm 6/18/2012).


Shadow Hand is the *only* server without a transfer option that is likely to get one.


Shadow Hand did get a transfer option to Shadowlands.

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Here's the list of destination server transfers as of 10 minutes ago (12:14 pm 6/18/2012).


Shadow Hand is the *only* server without a transfer option that is likely to get one.





Very nice list, tho FYI, Shadow Hand was transferred to Shadowlands as a late addition.

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So... seeing as how we still have no word on Lord Calypho on our own thread I'll ask here.


*** Bio hurry up and an answer us, so many form our server have already canceled their sub over this and it's only getting worse, pretty soon therre will be no complaint about server transfers because none of use will be playing anymore.

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Or BW should just get unlimited free transfers out already :/


Fixed it for you. I can't see why people EVER should pay extra for a basic service like that in a subscription based game. And "WoW did it too" isn't a good excuse either. People usually use server transfers out of desperation, it's hardly a vanity feature.

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Okay so after being screwed over by free transfer, can we have paid transfers now please?


Hehe, this. Ok, free transfers are done, or should be by the end of the day. Could we have paid now so I can consolidate the characters I begrudgingly left behind when I restarted on another server as opposed to abandoning the game altogether? /sigh

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Well, if you notice he didnt say "hurry up and transfer you opposite faction toons, he said GET WORKING on those legacy characters. So, if you don't already have an opposite faction toon in your legacy (same server), get working.


Yes because good customer service is asking your customer to redo work because you didn't provide enough information the first time. :rolleyes:

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Fixed it for you. I can't see why people EVER should pay extra for a basic service like that in a subscription based game. And "WoW did it too" isn't a good excuse either. People usually use server transfers out of desperation, it's hardly a vanity feature.


As all servers are populated now, theres no longer any reason for desperation transfers, hence all transfers would be for vanity/convenience. And yes, I would consider consolidating characters onto one server vanity, playing on a server with someone you know from real life I would consider convenience tho why you didn't roll on the same server as them to begin with IDK.

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Yes because good customer service is asking your customer to redo work because you didn't provide enough information the first time. :rolleyes:


Work? I thought we were playing a game here. If you find it to be work, perhaps you should play something else.


Not to mention, HK-51 is basically one step above a vanity pet. Whatever kind of companion he is (tank, dps, etc), you already have one. Hes just a new skin. Its not legit content, its a frilly extra, if you care to have it, you'll do whats necessary, but its not "content" you'll be missing out on if you don't feel like whats required is too much.

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So finally my Belgoth's Beacon character is allowed to transfer, and it is to the Fatman. Of course, this is not the same server as my other PVP player was transferred to. So I had a 50% chance and have bad luck. What I want to know is, when the next round of transfers happen (that MAY have a fee based on the FAQ), is it more likely to have a fee going from Belgoth to my other server, or from the Fatman to my other server. I'm wondering if Bioware would more likely allow a free transfer in the second phase coming from a low pop or a high pop. I only want to transfer to a server I'm already on, so I won't be adding to the population at all. Just let me put my characters on the same server for free, that isn't too much to ask. I will happily pay my monthly subscription if that were the case.
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As all servers are populated now, theres no longer any reason for desperation transfers, hence all transfers would be for vanity/convenience. And yes, I would consider consolidating characters onto one server vanity, playing on a server with someone you know from real life I would consider convenience tho why you didn't roll on the same server as them to begin with IDK.


Reasons to have not put all of your characters on one server or been on the right server to begin with.


Some servers were full after the head start program.

You didn't know your real life friend was on server X until later.

Because of the "Allies and Enemies" portion of the guild registry your guild was led to believe faction would play a bigger role in the game so you choose to separate characters by faction to different servers.

Because of poor communications about legacies and what would in fact be unlocked, you wanted to have different legacy names and not have your characters of different species/factions share one name.

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