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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Dude chill out.. Its the weekend. Of all the things to quit over, my lord. I am extremely happy with how sever transfers were handled. I was on Krayt Dragon, we weren't the first batch to open but I patiently waited and eventually transfers were opened. I transferred and now there are 300 people on the fleets when there used to be only 30. It is awesome. Wait till next week, I'm sure your chance will come soon. Its only one more weekend. I hate MMO communities, everything has to happen NOW or UNSUB. Just let them do their thing and everything will be fine.


I'm sure a lot of people chilled out, just look at the number of subs from what they used to be ;). Each person is different but I would suspect that after enough kicks in the nuts you just get tired of it. It's also easy to side with Bioware once you have been transfered. Though its kind of funny that they used their typical spin to watch their ""metrics"" after already opening 82% of their servers to transfers. Would have been understandable if that number was a lot smaller.

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I've been patiently waiting for transfers, hoping that the SIberia that is Sith Wyrm was going to be escapble. Day in, day out the list grows but poor Sith Wyrm is still not selected for transfers.


Now, my sub runs out tomorrow. Why can't the Dev's allow transfers to folks with accounts that have expired? I might be willing to take the chance and resub and play on a fuller server *if* I knew that server was slated at some point for the free transfers. But with no guarantee that Sith Wyrm is either a destination or origin server, I won't drop a dime - at the very least until that server has a good population. Maybe not even then.



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I've been patiently waiting for transfers, hoping that the SIberia that is Sith Wyrm was going to be escapble. Day in, day out the list grows but poor Sith Wyrm is still not selected for transfers.


Now, my sub runs out tomorrow. Why can't the Dev's allow transfers to folks with accounts that have expired? I might be willing to take the chance and resub and play on a fuller server *if* I knew that server was slated at some point for the free transfers. But with no guarantee that Sith Wyrm is either a destination or origin server, I won't drop a dime - at the very least until that server has a good population. Maybe not even then.




Many of us are hoping that we will be a destination server.

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I agree with the sentiment that unsubbing over this newest fiasco is silly. That's why I'm glad I unsubbed long ago and am just waiting for Monday for sub to up. Waiting over an hour to get a pvp queue pop just now .. and then to have 4 people in it... was super cool while it lasted. However, I decided long ago to play a game I could... "play."



Also, for all those people who keep saying 'be patient, you'll get yours'... well, I hope reading is your only struggle. Nowhere has it been confirmed that EVERY server will be origin or destination. There is still the possibility after measuring 'metrics' that they decide they ened 3-4 (in my case) PvE West servers to fill up the destinations, leaving 3-4 to be .. near unplayable.


One super cool part is not only are the queues super long, but ingame audio (still) doesn't work properly when tabbed out. So you can't do other things while waiting for the queue... you have to sit game waiting. Oh, and don't try to quest too much.. pick the wrong planet, get a bad loading time, and OH CRAP, missed your queue.


Still holding out that small hope for a miracle Monday. Not planning on it, though... planned long ago to be done with this.

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I ended up canceling my sub today. Had to change my main characters name because a level three, that will likely never play the game again, has it. Names mean a lot to me, I use this name in every single MMO that I play. It's an even bigger deal for me in swtor because I picked my legacy name with it, named my alts with it in mind, and created my legacy family tree considering it. I just can't see myself playing swtor at all with the name my main character currently has. It's not like I can delete a rakata geared 50 and start over again, like I can with a level one.


In WoW when I wanted a name all I would have to do is contact support, they would then give me the name if the character was below level 10.

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I'm still hoping they'll allow me to transfer my mains from Sanctum of the Exalted to Jedi Covenant in the next week or two. Like many others, my server was dead so even though I had high level legacy toons with full crew skills and many recipes, I went and rerolled on a more populated server so that I could actually do flashpoints and pvp. That was back when BW said they were going to allow open transfers, basically to any server each player preferred. I created and built a successful guild on JC for rerolls from deserted servers and my character there is now in her 30s.


But I want to join my mains with my friends, as do many of my guildies; instead my only transfer opportunity atm is to Ebon Hawk. I have nothing against that server, I'm sure it's fine but it's not where my friends are. I can only play ONE character at a time, so it's not like my mains being transferred to Jedi Covenant are going to create any more stress on the server.

Thanks for listening Bioware. You're a great company and I'm sure you'll do the right thing by we players who have been devoted enough to stick around on dead servers for so long.

Saga, Borgia

The Evenstar Legacy

Here since beta and proud of it!

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To be honest names mean a lot to me too but I'd rather lose a name and be able to play on a populated server then spend my time on the fleet praying that there's enough people to PvP with.


Oh well... until wednesday.....


There is always a possible alternative. Keep the names while just using a slightly different type. I know it is annoying just having to think of that but it is an alternative.


I currently only worry about one of my characters names. The others, I would be very surprised if anyone else has. Same with legacy and guild names.


Still they should have had a system in play other then the rename game to handle collisions.

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TY BW for allowing the bottom 20% to afk this weekend. 10 people in fleet on a saturday afternoon is awesome sauce.


Sure you could have allowed us to transfer, since it seems like your new "superservers" are currently "standard", but why do that right? Someone has to suffer, why not us I say!


PS: I hope you are having fun testing the ranked WZ

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Dude chill out.. Its the weekend. Of all the things to quit over, my lord. I am extremely happy with how sever transfers were handled. I was on Krayt Dragon, we weren't the first batch to open but I patiently waited and eventually transfers were opened. I transferred and now there are 300 people on the fleets when there used to be only 30. It is awesome. Wait till next week, I'm sure your chance will come soon. Its only one more weekend. I hate MMO communities, everything has to happen NOW or UNSUB. Just let them do their thing and everything will be fine.


Am I the only one who would like people who have already been transferred and are enjoying the game to stay out of our QQ fest. We're glad your happy. We're glad that your in-exhaustible patience won out and your were transferred on day 2. We are not able to play the game. The game is a service. The service is not working. We want it fixed. If my cable goes out, I call the cable guy and get it fixed. If it takes more than a day the refund me the money for the time period it didn't work. If my cell service stops working, I call them on my landline and report the issue and they fix it. All the people are asking BW to do is to fix our issues. The majority of us are old enough that we have worked overtime when issues have arose in our company. When things are going wrong, the boss comes in a-la Office Space and let's us know we are going to be needed over the weekend. Bioware let its weekday staff go home. They have a script running pulling population totals, transfer totals, etc... Early Monday they will look at those and start transferring again. They could easily come in on Sunday and look at the script and start transfs then. Friday and Saturday are the busiest days, Sunday's population will not be higher then those days, especially since its Father's Day ( And yes I'm a father of 2 who can't play the game he wants to play on the day of the year that celebrates what I do the rest of the year, once again thanks Bioware). If my company was having issues like SWTOR is having issues, my but would be in all weekend getting things set right. I love this game, make it so I can play this game.

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I'm usually the one standing up and saying "great job Bioware", but I just can't say it this time.


Our guild made the transition last night since our Fleet became a ghost town. Average loss of names we chose 70%. A group of us who had been playing since pre-release with our primary characters ALL lost our primary characters' names and 2 lost their legacy name.


I feel like we were forced into this move and then forced to lose some things we cherished. I am very unhappy with this entirely.


What would have been a better solution? I don't think its fair that I lost my primary character's name since we were on an origin server, especially since that was the server our guild was placed on by Bioware in their pre-release guild program. Perhaps there should have been some way to protect names that had been created during pre-release and make the later character change my name. It just doesn't feel right that the group of people who aren't forced to move don't have the same threat to names that the rest of us did.. I don't have a good answer right now. I'm just unhappy. :(

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I was so hoping Crevasse City would get on the list by now. It's so dead. I wouldn't mind losing my names if I could just move already.


My husband's characters just moved from Anchor head to Prophecy of the Five but luckily, he didn't lose his legacy name or any of this character names.

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It seems odd that the 2 Dr.'s haven't chimed in as of yet. Are they even aware that 20% of their populace in SWTOR is languishing away? Gonna go look for e-mal addresses for these guys...


What are their names? I think i would like to email them as well. If you find their email addrsses, would you be kind enoug h to share?

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It seems odd that the 2 Dr.'s haven't chimed in as of yet. Are they even aware that 20% of their populace in SWTOR is languishing away? Gonna go look for e-mal addresses for these guys...


What are their names? I think i would like to email them as well. If you find their email addrsses, would you be kind enoug h to share?

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It seems odd that the 2 Dr.'s haven't chimed in as of yet. Are they even aware that 20% of their populace in SWTOR is languishing away? Gonna go look for e-mal addresses for these guys...


They are still counting their money after selling the company out to EA.

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Its easy to be happy and enjoying the game when your on a server with people. If you were left to rot on a dead server for a few more days im sure you would have a different opinion.


My server hasn't been included in the transfer process yet and I'm quite happy and enjoyng the game. t's all about the attitude.

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It is wonderful that you all are giving us server transfers but I am on the server you all picked for me for my early start with my guild. So now I am suppose to pack up shop and go to a new place lose my names to toons that may not even by on active accounts or such. How about just merging servers and having active subscriptions keep their names and in the case of two or more active account the oldest creation date for toon keeps it.


Either way I’m not moving till you evict me and I lose my names and make the call if I keep playing or you close where I am and I have no choice but stop or start over.

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It is wonderful that you all are giving us server transfers but I am on the server you all picked for me for my early start with my guild. So now I am suppose to pack up shop and go to a new place lose my names to toons that may not even by on active accounts or such. How about just merging servers and having active subscriptions keep their names and in the case of two or more active account the oldest creation date for toon keeps it.


Either way I’m not moving till you evict me and I lose my names and make the call if I keep playing or you close where I am and I have no choice but stop or start over.


Keeping the names should have been based on time invested into the characters. Not if the accounts were active or not. This way, those that rolled a character to "reserve" a name on day one and has done zero with it, would lose it as it obviously did not mean that much to them. All the while, the person who actually has time vested in their characters get to keep the names they spent so much time and effort with.


Either way, the handling...well mishandling of name collisions is a shame. Really don't think they put fourth an effort to have options in play for this other then taking the laziest route possible.

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When the transfers were first announced, it was said that people would be moved from medium/heavy servers TO light servers.


Was there a reason this didn't happen?

Only 1 PVE English speaking EU server had a decent population (The Red Eclipse) and that is the only one everyone has been moved too so far.


If EVERYONE is going to the same server was there really a need to stagger it (surely opening it to everyone at the same time would have been the fairest way to handle names)?


Not moaning (they're questions not complaints), just wondering if there was any form of reasoning behind this (I understand a small number on day one to test the transfer process, but once it was proven and the bugs were fixed open it to everyone)?

Edited by Robbydog
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You do relize all you have to do to rebuild your guild is hey, on the new server. announce to everyone if they where in your guild and vice versa, and its very simple to let someone know what your old name was. Its better then being on a dead server. and they are doing a good job so far, and their not forcing you to transfer its completely optional so stop blaming bioware cus you don't understand something, IT is a choice to transfer. you click it not them.. so stop blaming everyone but yourself.. And the reason YOU CANT choose your destanation server is to prevent over population and make sure the servers are evened out. So stop wining, theres a reason certain servers go to one so it prevents over population or unbalanced. And your really gonna complain about changing your name when you transfer, theres a reason two people dont have the same name its called code incase someon with your same name talks bad smack your the one getting blamed.. and its a name change not the end of the universe. AND you change your name if someone has it allready cus THEY where on that server way before you clicked transfer so chill out man.


like this comment...quit complaining...basically you arnt out anything. You are not a customer who feels slighted by a few things. Keep moving!!! Nothing to see here. You have paid for at least a few months of noone to play with. No big deal. The original poster had merit, to post his comments. Let me put it in another way. If I sold you a car that kept breaking and leaking gas would you bring it back or let it rust? The point being made is people have been playing a mmo in a single player only environment on some servers and are getting tired of waiting...oh, by the way, your comments above show me you dont quite understand a few things. People like their toon names, it is part of their gaming experience as much as what you like about the game is part of your experience. When a company sells a product or service their is an expectation. When that is not met, people get frustrated and no longer use the product or service. All valid points, I would think. Why does one subscriber get better service than another? I think this is a basic question that goes through the minds of many players as they see things they do not like.

Edited by Clonecak
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