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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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We're not done with opening up server transfers. In one of my previous posts, I said:


What this means is that, while we will open up more origin servers today, you're going to see fewer opening up this week and into the next.


We opened up many servers at the beginning of this process and only a few remain to be opened up for transfers. You will see us opening more up tomorrow and into next week. We understand that everyone is excited to transfer, but we do have to see how each day's transfers affect server populations in order to open up more origin servers each day.



So basically we at nightmare lands are just stuck at the mercy of devs. The server is dead we cant play anymore , but sure just take your time its not like we are paying for this game anyway. Just to help your "metrics" we have to do flash points with no healers and using companions now , had to do BT HM 2 ppl for 3 days now because there is no one to group with.

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While trying to find an answer to how long the free transfers are going to be available, I found this on their site:


Free character transfer between selected servers will remain available for as long as it is needed to help balance server populations.



Now noticed the wording of "help balance server populations". Well, the transfers made them more unbalanced unless the originating servers are about to go boom soon and all that will be left are the destination servers. Either Bioware is shutting down the originating servers or that free transfer will be here forever since they are even more unbalanced after herding everyone to the select few destination servers.


source link: http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/5298

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While trying to find an answer to how long the free transfers are going to be available, I found this on their site:


Free character transfer between selected servers will remain available for as long as it is needed to help balance server populations.



Now noticed the wording of "help balance server populations". Well, the transfers made them more unbalanced unless the originating servers are about to go boom soon and all that will be left are the destination servers. Either Bioware is shutting down the originating servers or that free transfer will be here forever since they are even more unbalanced after herding everyone to the select few destination servers.


source link: http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/5298


Its because character transfer means server merger.

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My only complaint with the process, is the requirement to disband the old guild in order to get the guild bank reinstated on the new server. There are always members away for a few days at a time, and now instead of a mostly empty guild roster and a MOTD stating what happened; they will be greeted with the dreaded 'grey tabard'.


I would think that it would be possible to instead 'destroy' the old bank and then be given a replacement on the new server. I get that 'transferring' the bank didn't fit with what they wanted or were able to do, but I dislike that some of my guild mates might get misplaced, or at least suffer an unnecessary fright.

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While waiting to see if my server will be an origin or destination server, I decided to check the availability of my name on the potential places I might end up. The following list is comprised of the PVE West Coast Servers that have not been touched yet, and the 2 servers that have been offered as destination servers thus far. Feel confident these are accurate lists, but I'm sure someone will let me know if I'm mistaken. Cheers!


PVE West Coast servers not included yet

Darth Sion

Hyperspace Cannon

Space Slug

The Jekk'Jekk Tarr

Veeboo Lunx


Zakkeg Beast


PVE West Coast server destinations so far

Drooga's Pleasure Barge

The Harbinger

Edited by Jennasydal
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So what's the deal then. I'm on Krayt Dragon, my guild is in Jedi Covenant, I decided to wait till transfers instead of starting from scratch. Now it looks like I can't transfer my toons to where my guild is and in the frequently asked questions it sounds like I won't be able to either in the near future.


"At this time we do not have a scheduled time frame for launch of a potential paid Character Transfer Service"


So my only choice now is to stay on a dead server because people have been transfering out, or transfer out and loose my character name which is open on the server my guild is on. Why can't we pay to transfer to the server we want to transfer to in order to be with friends and guildmates?

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Why can't we pay to transfer to the server we want to transfer to in order to be with friends and guildmates?


Because the nuts and bolts of how that would work need to be sorted. Which this transfer is going to give BW a lot of data on. And seeing as how we're not even done with the process...

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So what's the deal then. I'm on Krayt Dragon, my guild is in Jedi Covenant, I decided to wait till transfers instead of starting from scratch. Now it looks like I can't transfer my toons to where my guild is and in the frequently asked questions it sounds like I won't be able to either in the near future.


"At this time we do not have a scheduled time frame for launch of a potential paid Character Transfer Service"


So my only choice now is to stay on a dead server because people have been transfering out, or transfer out and loose my character name which is open on the server my guild is on. Why can't we pay to transfer to the server we want to transfer to in order to be with friends and guildmates?


You could make a mock toon on the server you wish to eventually transfer to with the name you want to reserve and just leave it there as a placeholder. Then delete it just prior to transfering your toon when paid services become available.

Edited by Jennasydal
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Any chance for Hidden Beks to Red Eclipse today, been waiting agessss, couldnt get a pvp match last night


The Republican Knights also wants Red Eclipse but we would settle for Dune Bantha. Would like to be moved today and not ignored like the EU pve servers were yesterday...:)

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Because the nuts and bolts of how that would work need to be sorted. Which this transfer is going to give BW a lot of data on. And seeing as how we're not even done with the process...


I don't think it would be that hard. I don't think it would be hard for Bioware to make a commitment to their playerbase and tell us that as soon as they can they will offer this as a service to their players for free, maybe with time limits like only free for 1 month or only 1 transfer per week per account. I think they can have this implemented within 2 weeks after the last server is offered a transfer, and I think they can tell us that they will be committed to making this happen in that timeframe. Furthermore, I think if they miss the timeframe and tell us why, people like me would forgive them without ragequitting.

I also think if Bioware was forced to either make that commitment or watch 200,000 people quit, they would rather sit back and watch 200,000 people quit.

These are only my opinions. Maybe Bioware will let us know which decision they would make.

Edited by curtkram
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Dune Bantha to Red Eclipse? maybe? please?

Not happening. If anything Dune Bantha will become an alternative destination to The Red Eclipse since it's the 2nd largest EU PvE server. Personally I'm hoping my server Sith'ari will be transferred to Dune Bantha since The Red Eclipse is getting ridiculously full to the point where you cannot do anything except instanced content.

Edited by RangerRobEU
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Not happening. If anything Dune Bantha will become an alternative destination to The Red Eclipse since it's the 2nd largest EU PvE server. Personally I'm hoping my server Sith'ari will be transferred to Dune Bantha since The Red Eclipse is getting ridiculously full to the point where you cannot do anything except instanced content.


That can happen. But will probably not happen untill next week. I think they will monitor the Red Eclipse this weekend and beginning of next week to see how the fall in users will be.

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I'm fully aware of what was said, I've been parked in this thread for three days thank you very much.


This does not prohibit me from loudly stating that this would be a mistake, in my own, humble opinion.


Nobody has prohibit you....Just given you information.

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I'm also assuming that red eclipse will stop taking transfers and dune bantha will get the rest of the EU servers, shame as I have alts on red eclipse but as long as they start the transfers quick smart you wont here me whining.
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Not happening. If anything Dune Bantha will become an alternative destination to The Red Eclipse since it's the 2nd largest EU PvE server. Personally I'm hoping my server Sith'ari will be transferred to Dune Bantha since The Red Eclipse is getting ridiculously full to the point where you cannot do anything except instanced content.


What? Bacca's Blade has more people than Dune Bantha, and don't tell me it is not happening as if you know at all what BiOWare is thinking, for all we know, EU PvE servers might all get crammed onto TRE, like the PvPs on Freedon Nadd.

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That can happen. But will probably not happen untill next week. I think they will monitor the Red Eclipse this weekend and beginning of next week to see how the fall in users will be.


I can't believe they'd leave the population of ten servers out in the cold like that, left watching the people who were on the other 10 having a great weekend of gaming. Oh wait...

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Thank you very much!!So much more fun and the way i imagined all these planets and cities to be like on the server i moved to since there are lots of people on there :D Edited by Tarubus
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