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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Looking at the transfers that have occured, it seems like they're only sorting out the 'absolute emergency' cases - servers that are nearly 100% dead... Moving them to the highest pop servers like Fatman.

In that case, middle of the road servers like Luka Sene will be left to die... because middle of the road servers are as good as dead now, too.


Am I wrong?


If any BW folks read this, surely your stats tell you that it's impossible to PvP or do endgame group content with the servers the way they currently are. Helping out the worst off servers is a good start, but Luka Sene is about half-way up the list of Eur servers for population, and it's so so dead! I think I saw 40 people on the Imp Fleet at peak time today. I couldn't get a group together to run a hard mode. I couldn't get into a single PvP match.


TL;DR - I hope the 'average pop' servers don't get neglected, because right now, the 'average pop' servers are totally dead.

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I've been waiting for this feature for months. Ever since having to reroll in another region thanks to increasing lag issues and deadish server.

After only seeing inter region transfers I sent an e-mail to support.

According to their reply there are no cross region transfers planned period, and if they ever happen it will most likely be for a fee.


I can almost understand limitations, but this should be possible in case of proven technical issues or a physical move etc at the very least.

Edited by RenderB
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Totally ruined this game for me. I know i shouldnt be upset and like all of you we pay to play but losing my toons name and having to remane him cause this game is dying sucks... just lost a sub


Good for you. I'll be right behind you if it happens to me.

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Question to BW.. I got all my toons except 1 moved over, now the server is unavailable. will i be able to move it at least at a later date. Also most my guild was left behind, are they going to be able to transfer to same server. Or are we outta luck and just lost the majority of our guild we spent 4 months building?
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Still no word on this so I ask again BioWare.


Please consider multiple destinations for origin servers so players have a West AND East coast option to transfer too. I'm on a low pop West server (that has inexplicably ... to me... not been chosen yet) and have moved, so I'd like to play on an East server. I'd like to be able to help you guys balance the servers if you can add in this minor tweak.


I'd like to hear your opinion on that. I think it is a clear win-win for everyone involved.

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Firaxan Shark needs to be a destination server. We're not that bad off yet, and it can be fixed. A couple hundred more on top of what we have now would suit us well.


Fixed that for ya, thanks.


Still no word on this so I ask again BioWare.


Please consider multiple destinations for origin servers so players have a West AND East coast option to transfer too. I'm on a low pop West server (that has inexplicably ... to me... not been chosen yet) and have moved, so I'd like to play on an East server. I'd like to be able to help you guys balance the servers if you can add in this minor tweak.


I'd like to hear your opinion on that. I think it is a clear win-win for everyone involved.


No problem ... when they begin the Paid transfer phase of the system. It's already been indicated that this free phase is limited to what we have already seen.



Edited by BJWyler
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Well I got my 2 50's transferred to Prophecy of the Five. Wanted to go to the Fatman as my guild originally moved there, and we already had people hitting 50 on Fatman, but the guild leader decided that it would be better if we took advantage of the free transfer and transfer to Prophecy, and wait till paid transfers to transfer any characters we want from the fatman over to prophecy. I think it worked out. :jawa_biggrin:
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I'm curious that after the server transfers, if we haven't moved our characters, what will happen to the server?

Will we get an email telling us if our server will be merged? Will we be offered one last oppertunity to move our characters to the destination server?

Will there be a list telling us which servers are getting merged?

Edited by Vitas
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Sith Wyrm needs to be a destination server. We're not that bad off yet, and it can be fixed. A couple hundred more on top of what we have now would suit us well.


I agree, I do hope that Sith Wyrm becomes an destination server, I guess if it comes down to the point that we have to move to another server, then it happens. I will welcome it with a positive additude. I'm glad to see this happening as well. A good move by Bioware.



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Thx BW right where i did not want to go so im gone. Great game nothing to say on that, but your population management his ******** i did not have a word to say on where my character would be transfer i dont know a living thing on the server you have sent me my native language his not english so thx im really *** right here. I wont transfer them there sorry.

sorry for the english.


I don't believe they are transfering any french or german servers to english ones, so if they are transfering to an english server you were already on one.

Edited by Artthen
language in quote
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I feel a little deceived when the advertisement for this was always about getting all your characters on one server or moving to a server with all your friends.


This is what was "advertised" on June 6th


"We understand that some of you may be looking to consolidate characters from a variety of origin servers onto one server, and others may be anxious to move to a specific server to be with friends. With the restrictions of this initial service, that may not be possible. We still believe that you will enjoy playing on a higher population server and hope you'll take advantage of the service, but you won't be forced to transfer. Future versions of the Character Transfer Service may allow more options in your choice of destination servers and may require a transfer fee. While we do not have a scheduled time frame for the launch of such a service, we are committed to making improvements to the Character Transfer Service over time to provide players with a great gameplay experience."


So, not sure where the deception is.

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All I know is, the paid transfers better be cheap, and come soon. I have 3 different servers, due to no populations forcing me to reroll on different servers. Now I still have 3 severs and one hasn't been transferred yet.


All I want is my characters on the same server, and one that is my choice. Why is this so hard? Paid transfers? I pay every month, why isn't that enough?

It's very simple logic Bioware. People pay you to play your game. Let them play where they want.

Here is a corollary for you. When I want to go out to eat dinner, I go to the restaurant of my choosing, eat the food I want, and I pay for it. The restaurant gets to stay in business by giving me choices that I feel are worth paying for.

Get it? Simple.


You can blame the first reroll on BW, but 2nd and 3rd were either your fault for not researching servers populations, or just servers dying off naturally as servers sometimes do. This free transfer is to give you a chance to play on populated servers, which everyone deserves, any more specific needs you have (consolidation, friends on other servers) you most likely will need to pay for. And theres nothing wrong with that. Do you expect to order a meal at a restaurant and get a dessert for free?

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