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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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Can we expect a 13h update? or we'll have to wait for 14h :confused:


If you mean 13th im sure there will be more updates today. If you're a weirdo European referring to 13 o'clock (weirdos) then I'd guess you will probably have to wait till 14 o'clock (weirdos). ;)

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Holy spitting venom, Batman. The people on Lord Adraas are soooo not happy about this.


We all expected to be a destination server.


Honestly, I think Sith Wyrm people also expected to be a destination server. As of today's population update, that server now looks grim.

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The Bastion as a destination seems kinda random?!?!

all the other NA destinations are right in line with the highest population servers, except The Bastion which is a light server


(NA Destination / # of sources)

The Fatman / 4

Jedi Covenant / 2

Drooga's Pleasure Barge / 2

The Harbinger / 2

Canderous Ordo / 4

The Ebon Hawk / 2


The Bastion / 2

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Well personally i can certinatly wait a day or two more, since i've allready waited this long - but extending it further then that, meanwhile we sit and watch every other server sparkle with life, will not yield a very profitable result for neither us nor you i think..




^^This too. It's not like I want to quit this game. It's more like Bioware is making me do it. o.O If I wanted to quit I would be long gone from these forums.

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I have a very simple question is shadowhand ever going to be made a origin or a destination server?


Thats all i realy need to know i have no problem waiting till my servers turn. But i would realy like to know if i am waiting in vain or if its going to happen for my server .


Could a dev chime in and let me know. Not asking for exact time or anything just a yes or no will do fine.


I'm not a dev, but they have answered this elsewhere. Yes.

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Man I hope they address Saber of Exar Kun soon... I'm heading out to visit family tomorrow evening and won't get my internet back until Monday >.>


Complain as you will, but I can't think of many things that would suck more than totally missing out on this event.


On a positive note; keep it up BioWare; Looks like you guys have been hauling to catch up for lost time; please be careful though!


You wont miss out, they are allowing the transfers to happen for a while, I fully expect they won't close them until well after the release of 1.3 (or even 1.4) to allow people who resub to transfer as well.

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I'm not a dev, but they have answered this elsewhere. Yes.


Cool thanks for the reply i havnt been able to find a dev response on it ( and i did search ) lol.


But again thanks for the info do you happen to know witch threadf it was in so i can search it up?

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"The Old Republic ‏@SWTOR

We have not announced we are finished. Keep an eye on the thread: http://bit.ly/LzfhSa Thanks! ^JJ"


Why do they always do this. Instead of simply saying "Yes there will be more at some point today." they say things like this. This doesnt say anything about if there will be or not. Only they havent announced anything.

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Holy spitting venom, Batman. The people on Lord Adraas are soooo not happy about this.


We all expected to be a destination server.


While I do understand the concern and disappointment, I do hope you have an easy transfer and all your names are free, etc.


We do look forward to seeing many of you on the Hawk.

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The Bastion as a destination seems kinda random?!?!

all the other NA destinations are right in line with the highest population servers, except The Bastion which is a light server


(NA Destination / # of sources)

The Fatman / 4

Jedi Covenant / 2

Drooga's Pleasure Barge / 2

The Harbinger / 2

Canderous Ordo / 4

The Ebon Hawk / 2


The Bastion / 2


Bation's up to 5. Check here for a better breakdown : http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=479470

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Why do they always do this. Instead of simply saying "Yes there will be more at some point today." they say things like this. This doesnt say anything about if there will be or not. Only they havent announced anything.


Yes there will be its only 13:07:15 CDT

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A Message from Dreshdae Cantina:


"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

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If you mean 13th im sure there will be more updates today. If you're a weirdo European referring to 13 o'clock (weirdos) then I'd guess you will probably have to wait till 14 o'clock (weirdos). ;)


sry...i'm a weirdo french canadian

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Cool thanks for the reply i havnt been able to find a dev response on it ( and i did search ) lol.


But again thanks for the info do you happen to know witch threadf it was in so i can search it up?


They didn't specifically say your server, but they said every server would be a either a destination or origin excepting some of the Euro RP servers. And no I'm not sure what thread, sorry.

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Why do they always do this. Instead of simply saying "Yes there will be more at some point today." they say things like this. This doesnt say anything about if there will be or not. Only they havent announced anything.


To leave themselves room if a bug like the one that showed up yesterday crops up.


You learn to read PR language and interpret it ;) Basically what I hear them saying is, probably yes unless something blows up and they have to scramble to fix it.

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1:08pm in Austin now.


And the server transfers has been standing still for a while. (no new servers added)

I wonder if they're done for the day and will continue tomorrow. :(

Edited by Xarox
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I just read a comment that implied that people on an east coast server might have the option of transfering to a west coast server. Is this a possibility?


I do not want that since I'm in EU, the latency would be even worse if I had to transfer to the west coast.

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Man, my server is neither a destination nor an origin server yet. But the servers I DO see, I DON'T want my server to go to. I wanted my own to be a destination server. We already have like 100+ on each side. Give us some more. I don't want CROWDED server to have to fight people for resources. *facepalm*


I mean, good job, Bioware. You guys are doing an awesome job, but PLEASE make The Razor a destination server and NOT an origin. *begs on knees*

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