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Free Character Transfers Now Available On Select Servers


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BW really needs a VIce President of common sense. Every decision you make is like this. I get you want to be precise about your measures of how many people go where. But as you funnel everyone to the fatman, your first pvp east destination server, those of us on the likely 2nd destination servers are more and more aware of how we are getting the short shaft. Morale falls... the fatman will be a thriving server and the rest of us will be forced to unsub because the few remaining dregs we get dont bring us nearly to the fatman's pop and people continue to fall away leaving us ... at best... as a half dead 2nd sister. 20 pvp east servers remaining. I am on the 2nd highest pvp east server after fatman and we get 30 people on repub fleet if we are lucky at primetime. Regardless of where the rest of us dregs wind up, if its not the fatman, that puts us, at best, at 3-400 on fleet .... aka what the fatman was PRE-TRANSFERSand a mere fraction of what it will be post transfers. the only way this works for the remainders is if we all wind up on fatman... something that seems pretty unlikely.


The Twin Spears is one of those 20 left we have 40-60 on fleet in primetime, but our rep side is 20-30. Have faith, there's more servers out there with ok populations.

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Thats the last straw bioware why the heck isn't The Razor transferred. If it isn't in the next wave I will quit


Im guessing for the same reason the other 60 or however many are left NA servers haven't transferred. As a fellow Razorite, I sympathize, but suggest you heed your own sig.

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Still waiting on word for Tarro Bloods status. Really would love to know if it will be a Origin or Destination server...



Have your status:


He was left for dead in a prison cell on a republic cruiser in my bh story last time I player


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Im guessing for the same reason the other 60 or however many are left NA servers haven't transferred. As a fellow Razorite, I sympathize, but suggest you heed your own sig.


just read his sig, priceless! :D

Edited by RedFox
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The Twin Spears is one of those 20 left we have 40-60 on fleet in primetime, but our rep side is 20-30. Have faith, there's more servers out there with ok populations.


Right 20.30 on repub.... so slightly less than my server, as I said. Agreeing with my premise does not cause magic optimism and we are all fresh out of faith here.

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This is the kind of desicion making that made you guys lose 400.000 subscribers, and you are going to lose much more than that if you continue acting like this.


Give your customers on RP-PVP the ability to transfer like everyone else!




Very strange decision. The only reasonable explanation I can come up with is that they decided to sacrifice our small community (around 1500+ players ?) for what they believe is a greater good for the game.



Edited by Rogoo
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Yea 60 sounds pretty good.


Are you not getting a transfer then? -Because that's why we were asking about Calypho - we dont know if there is any solution in the near future for us or not!


Just because some servers are in horrible shape, doesn't make other bad servers good.

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Regarding East Coast RP-PvE servers: As of this morning, Rubat Crystal and Lord Adraas are still up in the air. All the others have been sent to The Ebon Hawk. LA is bigger, so my guess is that either (a) both RC and LA will be sent to TEH, or (b) RC will be sent to LA. The first seems more likely to me, one big happy Hawkie. If it's (b), well, as a Rubatnik, let me be the first to salute my new Adrassian (over)lords!


Looks like we have our answer...

Lord Adraas --> The Ebon Hawk

Rubat Crystal --> The Ebon Hawk

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I have a very simple question is shadowhand ever going to be made a origin or a destination server?


Thats all i realy need to know i have no problem waiting till my servers turn. But i would realy like to know if i am waiting in vain or if its going to happen for my server .


Could a dev chime in and let me know. Not asking for exact time or anything just a yes or no will do fine.

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