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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Still no neutral based relics

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Whats the deal here? its a joke.how hard is it to have some which are not aligned?


I really would like to talk with the guys that prioritize developments, a trainee could probably add 10 records in the database without the aligment restriction flag in an hour or so.

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Nope, not yet, but they are coming. Along with all kinds of neutral-only gear.


Yeah? Says who? The Devs? Neutral Gear was discussed all the way back at the Guild Conference, and yet we still don't see them in-game. The only checks they would have to add on the gear is both a Light Side and Dark Side value rather than just one or the other. Really, it can't be that complicated. Certainly not so much to take more than four months to implement.


Meanwhile, Neutral characters are at a disadvantage, both in PVE and PVP, until they reach level 50 and can afford Recruit gear or run an Op or HM to grab something decent. Not only do they lose out on the Stat boost (which, though low, is significant at the lower levels), but they also don't get the use of the abilities they have attached to them.


No, I agree it's not game-breaking. But it's just one more instance of Bioware alienating a segment of its customer base by ignoring their valid concerns.



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I really would like to talk with the guys that prioritize developments, a trainee could probably add 10 records in the database without the aligment restriction flag in an hour or so.


Well, I agree they're dragging their feet on this. But it's not quite as simple as removing the Alignment Restrictions from the items. To keep it balanced, they would need to have both alignment restrictions present. For instance, a relic that was equivalent to one requiring Dark III would need to require a player to have 2,000 points in both Light Side and Dark Side. But still, that's a far cry from completely rewriting the game to make it work...



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Choose an alignment. Don't tell me you're sentimental over the story, it's only for stats.


You play your way, I'll play mine.


And don't you tell me how to play the game, thank you very much.


Some of us do actually like the story, and it's pretty immersion-breaking to have the LS and DS points displayed for all to see for each conversation option.


I really wish all the people who dislike or care so little about the story would go find some other game to play and keep their big mouths shut on topics that have nothing to do with them. If it doesn't concern you (which clearly it doesn't), then why bother posting at all?


Opinions are like you (you figure out what that means; you can do it if you really try).



Edited by misterME
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Choose an alignment. Don't tell me you're sentimental over the story, it's only for stats.


I don't care overmuch about the relic issue, but man, don't say things like that. In this mmoRPg, I like to roleplay my characters in a way that makes sense to me and is fun. That's why my level 50 merc has been light side level 2 for ages, while my level 33 jugg is already dark side 3. Story is part of the point of this game; it's its main gimmick. And if the devs really believe in that, there should be some kind of allowance made, so people don't have to kill the Black Talon captain over and over just to get some relic.

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The stats that relics give you as you're levelling up can easily be replaced with the use of augments and you can easily fill in one relic slot with the Matrix Cube and upgrade it as you go. Unless you constantly need to use the relics effect, you shouldn't even notice the difference. Edited by SaberBladeUK
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The stats that relics give you as you're levelling up can easily be replaced with the use of augments and you can easily fill in one relic slot with the Matrix Cube and upgrade it as you go. Unless you constantly need to use the relics effect, you shouldn't even notice the difference.


Like I said, it's not game-breaking. Just ticks me off that I'm expected to break character to get a perk that any min-maxer gets for free. More evidence of our illustrious developers' lack of thinking things through.



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Choose an alignment. Don't tell me you're sentimental over the story, it's only for stats.



Awfull argument and i hope you realise that.


They said there will be more neutral items and i think the daily commentation relics have no alignment but they still need to add more.

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what all the haters seem to be missing is this...


You want to play your character to have fun, not just always click on the light/dark option even though you hate it, but you have to or else. There are shard collected relics you can easily get, but you can only have ONE. (the trick of putting your old one in hold and making another no longer works!) If you are not a BH, then think of leveling your character with one of your gear slots totally empty until you get to 50. How would that make you feel about the game? I have been doing the pre-50 flashpoints, but have NEVER seen a relic drop EVER! Torhead lists neutral relics that are pre-50 but have never been seen in the game (or at least no one has ever bothered to report where they got it)


So, you are left with 2 choices, not have fun playing because you are forced to pick certain light/dark options weather you like it or not... or not have fun playing because you feel gimped with a inventory slot perpetually empty (mocking you every time you press "c") until you get to 50.

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what all the haters seem to be missing is this...


You want to play your character to have fun, not just always click on the light/dark option even though you hate it, but you have to or else. There are shard collected relics you can easily get, but you can only have ONE. (the trick of putting your old one in hold and making another no longer works!) If you are not a BH, then think of leveling your character with one of your gear slots totally empty until you get to 50. How would that make you feel about the game? I have been doing the pre-50 flashpoints, but have NEVER seen a relic drop EVER! Torhead lists neutral relics that are pre-50 but have never been seen in the game (or at least no one has ever bothered to report where they got it)


So, you are left with 2 choices, not have fun playing because you are forced to pick certain light/dark options weather you like it or not... or not have fun playing because you feel gimped with a inventory slot perpetually empty (mocking you every time you press "c") until you get to 50.


LS/DS decisions should only effect vanity, not your actual stats. Meaning, while I understand that LS/DS relics are nifty (I guess), they're still a hinderace to people who are staying neutral.


One of the things I love about this game is the story-telling, but I also think that the story shouldn't actually effect your playstyle. If you're a DS consular, do you start flinging lightning? No. So why should my LS/DS decisions be effecting what gear I can and cannot wear leveling up? I'm making a sold effort to stay neutral, because that's how my character is. It's not easy. It's just as hard as getting to upper LS levels. So why am I penalized for it? I'm not saying take out the system. I just think there should be a system developed for Neutral characters, with levels just like LS/DS. I II III IV V? It would actually be harder, because to get to the same levels, you would have to make both LS and DS decisions.


Hell, they're going to make it so that social gear is ADAPTIVE. Meaning a tank can go into battle in a slave bikini.... Yet my neutral sniper is excluded from relics??? Yeah. That totally makes sense.

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Seriously, this feature needs to be released soon. In a game where story is suppose to be paramount, this is very important to immersion and story. It really doesn't seem that hard to just throw some gear together then toss them on a vendor on fleet.
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While they did say there would be an option to go grey currently thats just not the case. Maybe it will come in soon or they will scrap the whole light/dark side relics. Its a pain having to be light 5 or dark 5 to use most of the relics.
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Seriously, this feature needs to be released soon. In a game where story is suppose to be paramount, this is very important to immersion and story. It really doesn't seem that hard to just throw some gear together then toss them on a vendor on fleet.


I agree 100%. I do, however, think this feature will be perpetually in the 'soon' category.

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They had them in beta (along with many other items) but removed them for some reason :/


I don't see the point in having neutral conversation options when all the neutral gear got removed...

Edited by NasherUK
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