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What percentage of the time does republic win?


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There is one thing that is 100% guaranteed, the republic will win because there is no Sith Empire in the movies.


Lol, the movies...


You do realize that George Lucas lost his mind after Episode 6 (even a little bit in episode 6, with the Ewoks.), so anything he did after that you can't take seriously? ;)

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On Tarro Blood I've had the weekly to win 9 warzones for over a month. Empire is so grossly over populated on the server they're either in BM/War Hero or being carried by the 4-5 who are. Republic has 5 people on it's whole side who have WH gear that I ever see play. So if that tells you anything right there...
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Rep wins maybe 60% or a little more than half. I'll say this though, server transfers made pvp on fatman suck. The WZs went from good competitive pvp to utter chaos. I understand these people came from low pop servers but wow the transferees are extremely poor pvp'ers. And not any good at PvE either.
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  • 8 months later...

On the Harbinger republic is slightly better, because they usually play better classes. Its like every imp now is rolling a merc or s sorc dps. Republic is heavy on knights and shadows. The mix was completely different 2-3 month ago. I still have like 55-60% win rate, but it used to be like 75% to 80% two month ago, since allies were better.


In my experience on the Harbinger, republic players on avg. are better, but imps have a lot of premades and elite players, which can sway games significantly.

Edited by Ottoattack
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On the Harbinger republic is slightly better, because they usually play better classes. Its like every imp now is rolling a merc or s sorc dps. Republic is heavy on knights and shadows. The mix was completely different 2-3 month ago. I still have like 55-60% win rate, but it used to be like 75% to 80% two month ago, since allies were better.


In my experience on the Harbinger, republic players on avg. are better, but imps have a lot of premades and elite players, which can sway games significantly.


I'm by no means a great pvper, but Harbinger seems to depend on the time of day quite a bit too. US MTS during the later evenings imps roll the reps quite often.

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I'm by no means a great pvper, but Harbinger seems to depend on the time of day quite a bit too. US MTS during the later evenings imps roll the reps quite often.


This. On Harbinger level 50 PvP when I play solo, I seem to have my best luck with Rep side during the middle of the day. At night it can get pretty ugly with Empire dominating the majority of the matches. It seems to be that Empire tends to have more healers, where you're lucky if you get more than 1 with Repubic. Lowbie can often go either way.

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I tallied my wins and losses yesterday, because I was curious about this as well.


Imps won 7, lost 9. One of the matches was a pretty even Huttball (4-3), the rest were facerolls on either side, where the premade rolled over the enemy team. There was one AH which was Imp premade vs Republic premade, which the Imps ended up winning by a very comfortable margin.

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I keep a spreadsheet recording my wins/losses for all my Scrapper's level 50 WZs including time of day, date, duration, # of premades, etc. I have been recording since December and there are now 510 WZs recorded in all. If ever i leave a WZ (in all the dataset I have left only 12), I record it as a loss. If I ever join a warzone that started late and we are winning, I don't record it at all. If the backlogged warzone is losing, I leave and don't record it.


My overall win percentage is at 57%. It is highest for Civil War (62%, N = 111) and Voidstar (60%, N = 109). Novare is next (53%, N = 92), followed by Huttball (52%, N = 101), and then Hypergate (50%, N = 92).


As a final comment, the number one most important determinant of whether an imp/pub team wins or loses is whether you have a premade on your side and whether your opponent has a premade. Here are some quick percentages from my experience. These are all pub win %


Pub Pug vs. Imp Pug: 72%

Pub Pug vs Imp Premade: 25%


Pub Premade vs Imp Pug: 96%

Pub Premades vs Imp Premade: 63%


and the imp win percentages (inversed from above)


Imp Pug vs Pub Pug: 28%

Imp Pug vs. Pub Premade: 4%


Imp Premades vs. Pub Pug: 76%

Imp Premade vs. Pub Premade: 37%


MORAL OF THE STORY: Being in a pug is awful. Being in an Imp pug is even worse.

Edited by ktkenshinx
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It seems like the republic characters or players are way worse on average. Why is republic so hopeless and bad?

I play both factions, and it usually is fairly even. Both get awful derp pugs from hell, both get amazing cohesion from time to time.

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I keep a spreadsheet...


Pub Pug vs. Imp Pug: 72%

Pub Pug vs Imp Premade: 25%


Pub Premade vs Imp Pug: 96%

Pub Premades vs Imp Premade: 63%


and the imp win percentages (inversed from above)


Imp Pug vs Pub Pug: 28%

Imp Pug vs. Pub Premade: 4%


Imp Premades vs. Pub Pug: 76%

Imp Premade vs. Pub Premade: 37%


MORAL OF THE STORY: Being in a pug is awful. Being in an Imp pug is even worse.


Impressive record-keeping. I wish I had the diligence to do this.

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On my Server (Jarkai Sword, German pvp), most top pvp guilds are Republic. There are so many Rep PVP gulids, that you as an Imp rarely encounter entire Rep PUGs at all, but mostly run into Rep premades of 3+ people.


Some Imp Guilds have actually rerolled to Rep because of this, further increasing the gap.


Reps often tend to have more healers and more vanguards/powertechs (easy damage spam).


Consequently, the Republic wins about a good 2/3 (estimated) of the matches across the board.

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I've newly started pvp just as a change to levelling my 11th-14th characters. Mostly republic. My experience so far is that its around 40/60 in imp favour.


My early thoughts are:


There are some people who turn up on a wz and just 'defend', it really doesn't matter what the losing margin becomes, they don't budge. It can depend how many each team has.


All it can take is someone suggesting a tactic and the start and then the willingness of the group to carry it out (and be responsive to 'incoming' - although this largely seems common sense, your other node will be under attack pretty soon if 7 of you have capped a new one).

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on the red eclipse it depends on the hour you are playing: morning afternoon reps and evening night are the imps' pvp guilds territory.. it takes 2-3 days with at least one hour per day in WZ to catch the weekly for me on rep side..10-12 matches with imp
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On P05, anytime past dinner (5pm - midnight EST) the empire wins almost every. single. WZ.


During the daylight hours (8am - 5pm) the rep and empire usually split it.


I'm not joking about the evening hour either. I have had nights where the reps lost 10, 11, 12 in a row (that I was able to join).


When that is happening I log off and play Hawken.

Edited by Arkerus
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On P05, anytime past dinner (5pm - midnight EST) the empire wins almost every. single. WZ.


During the daylight hours (8am - 5pm) the rep and empire usually split it.


I'm not joking about the evening hour either. I have had nights where the reps lost 10, 11, 12 in a row (that I was able to join).

My dataset and experiences give a different picture of this, or at least a less sensational one.


Here are my win percentages at all different hours of the day. These percentages probably vary by day itself (e.g. pubs win less on Friday evenings than they do on Tuesday evenings), but they are a good place to start for now. Again, these are Republic win percentages at the time. I don't have detailed time data on 200 of my data points because when I started the spreadsheet in December I hadn't thought to add time. So the total N for this group is 297. Some of the hours do not have enough data points to really get conclusions from, but I offer them anyway.


Times with most Republic wins: (Republic win% shown)

1:00 PM – 3:00 PM (80%) and 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM (73%)


Time with most Imp wins: (Republic win% shown)

10:00 PM – 1:00 AM (40%)




12:00 AM – 1:00 AM: 42% (n=24)

1:00 AM – 2:00 AM: 50% (n=20)

2:00 AM – 3:00 AM: 70% (n=10)

3:00 AM – 4:00 AM: 0% (n=2)

4:00 AM – 5:00 AM: 67% (n=3)

5:00 AM – 9:00 AM: no data available

9:00 AM – 10:00 AM: 50% (n=2)

10:00 AM – 11:00 AM: 50% (n=10)

11:00 AM – 12:00 PM: 60% (n=40)

12:00 PM – 1:00 PM: 51% (n=35)

1:00 PM – 2:00 PM: 76% (n=21)

2:00 PM – 3:00 PM: 83% (n=18)

3:00 PM – 4:00 PM: 52% (n=21)

4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: 56% (n=9)

5:00 PM – 6:00 PM: 60% (n=10)

6:00 PM – 7:00 PM: 50% (n=6)

7:00 PM – 8:00 PM: 33% (n=3)

8:00 PM – 9:00 PM: 57% (n=7)

9:00 PM – 10:00 PM: 92% (n=12)

10:00 PM – 11:00 PM: 32% (n=19)

11:00 PM – 12:00 AM: 48% (n=25)


Lots of information here, so I tried to pull out the most "important" times above. Premade prevalence is absolutely a factor in these games, but I would need to look over that variable in a more rigorous analysis to make any stab at conclusions.

Edited by ktkenshinx
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Being in a premade or not does not affect the overall percentage of wins for the Empire or Republic.


It affects your own rate, but both sides have premades, solo queues, noobs, pros, etc. With such a huge amount of warzones going on, how can the percentage be anything but a win rate of 40-60% for either side?


There's got to be (on average) maybe 2 instances of each map going....for 8 total WZs per server at any given time. I find it very hard to believe that either (randomly composed) faction could completely dominate over any given course of time. Its just too random.


I also feel that due to random team composition, when you solo queue, your win rate may seem to drop. I would define this drop in win rate by assigning everyone on the team a value. Lets say you are undergeared, or you are lacking for whatever reason. Your value on the team is only equal to 2/3's of a regular toon. Assuming your opposite player on the other team is a full 3/3's, you are shorting your team 1/3 of a toon. Or 1/24 of the team's total value. Assuming all other 7 players on each team will balance out due to randomness....your win rate is 1/24 less than normal (if undergeared, etc)...assuming all other factors are completely random.


So according to my random logic, hard to follow math.....solo queueing should only drop your win rate by roughly 5%. Its not really solo queuing that hurts (since you will frequently be grouped with premades). Its the randomly assigned teammates that hurt. And this affects both sides equally.


Yes I pulled that out of my arse. If you say I'm wrong, I won't argue

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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