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Lack of info is killing me


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Server transfers are starting in two days and I have NO idea where I might end up. Since guilds can't transfer together, we are relying on the ability to plan ahead to make sure we all end up at the same place. The same goes for our ally and adversary guilds. But we can't plan ahead if Bioware is so tight-lipped about the process.


If you are trying to prevent people from going on to destination servers and reserving their names, at least give us a post tomorrow night during the downtime. That way, we can have a few hours to get organized and prepare to move. Believe me, I am glad that I will soon be on a larger server. But not knowing is killing me.

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This thread is a good example of BWs communication failures: the answer to the OP is that free transfers include a single destination server, but BW spreads this (and all info) over 20 different pages and mediums so it's difficult to find.


Can't BW create a SINGLE webpage for important info? (DevTracker is spammed with unimportant crap, making it difficult to find the important announcements).

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This thread is a good example of BWs communication failures: the answer to the OP is that free transfers include a single destination server, but BW spreads this (and all info) over 20 different pages and mediums so it's difficult to find.


Can't BW create a SINGLE webpage for important info? (DevTracker is spammed with unimportant crap, making it difficult to find the important announcements).


Sorry to say this, but you are a fool for claiming they are a failures at communication, mention a method of their communication, then mock it and say it is bad, all while being extremely subjective and show a bias.


It does not take much to look through the dev tracker for important information. If scrolling past five messages that do not pertain to you is a problem for you, then learn to deal with it. In fact, most comments there is important stuff or at least provides relevant information to the topic, even if it is a topic YOU do not find important to you.


Just my personal opinion.

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If/when you're asked to merge you have to accept, if you care about playing with other people.


It's not a decision to agonize over: BW knows the most active players on all the dead servers will volunteer to move first, so offering them this merger option ensures they don't move a bunch of inactive accounts over to the new consolidated servers.

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This thread is a good example of BWs communication failures: the answer to the OP is that free transfers include a single destination server, but BW spreads this (and all info) over 20 different pages and mediums so it's difficult to find.


Can't BW create a SINGLE webpage for important info? (DevTracker is spammed with unimportant crap, making it difficult to find the important announcements).


To be fair, you can blame BW for a lot of stuff but the fact remains that there are a significant amount of people that are incapable of understanding what is being said to them even when their question is directly answered. All information from BW related to this game is not exactly difficult to source, but even if it flashed up on screen when you login it would not stop a certain percentage of the player base from clicking 'Forums' 'New thread' "blah blah wah wah". it would seem that a lot of people are far more capable of typing than they are at reading.

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This thread is a good example of BWs communication failures: the answer to the OP is that free transfers include a single destination server, but BW spreads this (and all info) over 20 different pages and mediums so it's difficult to find.


Can't BW create a SINGLE webpage for important info? (DevTracker is spammed with unimportant crap, making it difficult to find the important announcements).


OP. There is a sticky at the top of this board that has loads of info. I think it is the very first sticky and does have transfer in the title.


Cerdo I personally think that the info is easy to find, and is in no way a communication failure on the part of Bio. On of the rolls this forum is meant to play is to allow other players and biostaff to guide folks who can't find something...the OP had a question, asked it and got fairly rapid responses and answers.


Please explain how this is an example of BW having bad communication. I honestly look forward to reading your response since your experience in this example is so different than mine,I will get to see the issue of this OP from a point of view I can't currently comprehend.

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Now I'm about to sound like a complete idiot, but I thought they were giving optional server transfers and they weren't merging?


They're calling them transfers, others would use the term "soft mergers" - it is optional (for now) but you can go to one and only one destination. Obviously if you don't move your server isn't going to look too healthy after the moving period.


So yes, it's optional. Whether you want to call it a soft merger or a restricted transfer or a daffodil, it is what it is.

Edited by jgelling
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Now I'm about to sound like a complete idiot, but I thought they were giving optional server transfers and they weren't merging?


Its an optional transfer yes. You can trasnfer to the destination server they select for your origin server. You have no choice in the server you are going to. You can either stay on your server or goto the one they select for you.


The only reason its not a server merge techically is because they are not closing servers. They will let the 1-2 people who dont transfer off each server stay on that one so it looks better for them.


As I said before, once the transfers start all the people who love the game no matter what (fanboiz is an understatment for them) they will start using TORSTATUS and the thread that did data on amounts of players and came close to 1.3 million and use the same math to PROVE that there is an increase in the amount of players. Even though most of the light servers would now have 10 people on it they would still get credited for 250. Do that 150 times and thats an increase of 350-400k players, then add in the new server that were destinations that got all the transfers and thats another 500k+/- players. add them up and then amazingly the subs went back up to 2 million :rak_02:. when in reality its still would be dropping to 500k or less.

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Now I'm about to sound like a complete idiot, but I thought they were giving optional server transfers and they weren't merging?


From what we know so far, we'll have free transfers from servers A-B-C to server X.


After a while, Bioware will warn us (days ahead) before modifying the origin-destination servers list (e.g. servers A-B-C to server Y). Why they'll keep modifying the list? Because they're trying to end up with evenly distributed populations among all the remaining servers.


Also, it's limited to server type: PvP server to PvP server, PvE server to PvE server, RP-X to RP-X server.


After all the free and paid transfers, Bioware will probably export every characters who didn't transfer and close the origin servers. It wouldn't make sense to keep them running or at the least keep them all running. So, all this is a merge without being explicitely a merge, imo.


41 hours remaining! 41 hours!

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Now I'm about to sound like a complete idiot, but I thought they were giving optional server transfers and they weren't merging?


It is a server merger dressed in server "transfer" clothing. You are going to be given 1(!) destination on your server - everybody on your server will have only 1 destination to go. Your only choice is rather to go there or stay on dead server.


How the proccess is called makes difference to investors. "Server merger" might quite scare some away as of sign of sinking ship. Server transfer however sounds like a consolidation of a playerbase - beneficial to both players and devs. Windon dressing really.

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Server transfers are starting in two days and I have NO idea where I might end up. Since guilds can't transfer together, we are relying on the ability to plan ahead to make sure we all end up at the same place.


Each origin server will go to one and only one destination server.


The option to transfer to that one and only one destination server will be open for "as long as needed" so that everyone from that server who wants to move to the one and only one destination server will have the option to move and plenty of time to do it.


They will give "plenty of advanced notice" if they are going to stop the free transfers to the designated destination server.


This means that you and EVERYONE on your server will only have the option to go to one destination server so you're still going to be with the same folks from your current server IF you choose to take the free transfer.


Check the dev tracker - that's where the good info is at so you don't have to sort through 40+ pages of red rage on the thread.





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After a while, Bioware will warn us (days ahead) before modifying the origin-destination servers list (e.g. servers A-B-C to server Y). Why they'll keep modifying the list? Because they're trying to end up with evenly distributed populations among all the remaining servers.


Sammm, I'm afraid I must disagree with you.






"In order to ensure an optimal playing experience for every server, we’ll be offering direct transfers from one origin server to a pre-selected destination server. This means that the destination server will already be selected for the origin server.


Therefore, all guild members on the origin server will be eligible to transfer to the same destination server, ensuring that the guild has the opportunity to stay together.


Please note that we will not be dividing the population of an origin server onto multiple destination servers for this free character transfer process. "




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Sammm, I'm afraid I must disagree with you.






"In order to ensure an optimal playing experience for every server, we’ll be offering direct transfers from one origin server to a pre-selected destination server. This means that the destination server will already be selected for the origin server.


Therefore, all guild members on the origin server will be eligible to transfer to the same destination server, ensuring that the guild has the opportunity to stay together.


Please note that we will not be dividing the population of an origin server onto multiple destination servers for this free character transfer process. "





You are misinterpreting there Paige. Each origin server will have one destination server only at a time, however, when the destination server is at the cap that BW are happy with, a new destination server for that origin server will be designated. At least, thats how I read it anyway..

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You are misinterpreting there Paige. Each origin server will have one destination server only at a time, however, when the destination server is at the cap that BW are happy with, a new destination server for that origin server will be designated. At least, thats how I read it anyway..


A destination server reaching cap :eek:. That was a good laugh

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A destination server reaching cap :eek:. That was a good laugh


Now now, the player base isn't that low yet;) There are probably enough active players to get a slack handful of servers up to Heavy status, plus there are prob quite a few that will give it a try again if they can be on a populated server.


This is the point where i am supposed to pull a number out of my arse and state that X amount of servers will remain and present it as an Internetzzz fact. Truth be told, it could be as few as 15 or as many as 45, it just sure as hell will not be the current 217:p

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This thread is a good example of BWs communication failures: the answer to the OP is that free transfers include a single destination server, but BW spreads this (and all info) over 20 different pages and mediums so it's difficult to find.


Can't BW create a SINGLE webpage for important info? (DevTracker is spammed with unimportant crap, making it difficult to find the important announcements).


not true...the info was all in the original blog posted last week...most people just failed to read it correctly.

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not true...the info was all in the original blog posted last week...most people just failed to read it correctly.


Most people failed to read it correctly and then everyone else failed to read it at all.


I swear. Reading comprehension > SWToR forum community in it's entirety.

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