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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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(Sectioning my post up so people can reply to the points with ease!)


I'm going to have to agree with the people who say Bioware should have been prepared. I was told that this was the highest/one of the highest ever preordered games in history by a friend who used a simple google search. I expected a queue, but 3-4 hours is beyond reasonable.


EGA provided a time for Bioware to fix the issue but now, on the day of release, still experiencing such queues means it is going into your paid time and that is embarassing for a company trying to compete with other MMOs out there. Don't get me wrong, I honestly think you've made WoW look like an indie game in alpha stage with some of the great things you've put into the game but as brilliant as the game is you can't justify the wait times.


People who are working are coming home, putting themselves in the queue and won't be on till 9pm, giving them only an hour or two before having to go to bed. You could argue "stay up later" but when you're doing a 9-5 job, not exactly viable.


Another issue is crashing and disconnects. There should definately be a 15 - 20 minute grace period for a person who has dced/crashed to reconnect. To those saying "this game isn't built for those without fast/stable internet" - I'm sorry, then why are the graphics cartoony? Because this game is trying to market for the masses. Believe it or not, you can have 30mb internet and still crash/dc.


You might be thinking "Why don't you just reroll?", but at level 33 and trying to keep up with friends in a competative way that isn't an exciting prospect. If you've hit level 25, you'll know the feeling. You just want your main to be top level so you can experience it sooner rather than later.


Adding more space to every server is obviously a necessity. This will not fix the problem though, as people will still keep joining the populated servers. It will help ease it for a while and may even cut the queue times down a bit even if the server becomes full but I only see one major solution that needs to be implimented ASAP. Free Server Transfer


Free server transfers are pretty much necessary. I chose the 'Tomb of Freedon Nadd' server because I'd heard previously it was going to be the best for pvp and followed a friend here. I'm now willing to give that up for a lesser server just for the capability to play the game. The key word being 'free'. Why? Because it isn't the players fault that the servers can't handle the onslaught of people piling into it. I was among the first batchers for EGA so I had no idea queues would fill on the 'Tomb of Freedon Nadd' and I, among many, would be willing to move server which would benefit everyone!


I understand it is launch and these things happen, but 4 hour queues is beyond any other MMOs launch and will put players off, so I'm sure (or better yet hoping) Bioware understands the immediate need to fix this issue.

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So here I am trying to play at 9 am and I have to wait for 15 minutes now (although it said 5)


This reeks of server manipulation, you're setting the cap really low to force people onto the new servers. Why did you give us a headstart if you are now trying to force us into scrapping everything we've done?


I don't mind queues when they naturally occur, but at 9 am on a Tuesday morning on a server that previously had 5 minute queues Saturday night.


Why not make the queue for people without characters existing on that server already? I feel like I am being punished by this decision

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What good is paying to get access to the game a few days early if you cant log into the game when you want to for a few days after the launch?


I have no ties to my server, so I'd like to just transfer to a lower population one. I only get a short time to play due to RL, so sitting in a queue for 45 minutes was my entire play time this morning.


Any word on transfers? I'd do a forum search but....

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im going to sum it up, your release and prelease freaking sucks. You didnt lock your servers when they got full and openned new ones. I will go down as being one of the best games and the game to look at what not to do. 8:52 am and still in a que and I was in the pre-order group.
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7:28 AM... Logged in at 6:45 AM with a queue of a couple of minutes.

Guildmate is still in the queue (has been for 10+ minutes) already.

Since the queue is up already I assume we'll be getting a 4+ hour queue later today.

Our guild mates are already angry about the fact they had to wait for hours in early access and are already seriously considering leaving the server for another because of this.


if they find out there's a queue of 10+ minutes already and try to log in later today, I'm pretty sure they'll definitely leave for another server.

Good job Bioware....

Legions of Lettow; Queue is a nightmare indeed.

Please Bioware, turn the server up so it's running at full capacity...

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I am ok with queues during prime time, and understand that the game is new and exciting. But 845 am on a Tuesday? really? I know, first day of launch, but we gotta get some fix going on soon. Free server transfers for guilds you stuck on these servers or something. You want the population spread out, which I understand, and you now have the power to do it, so do it. People will take the opportunity to move made characters if given it.
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Look at Eve Online. They have one server. 40.000 players playing simultanously. No queues. Bioware can't do it? EA can't do it? Then I'm entitled to throw crap at them. If their servers crash it's their fault not mine. I'm a customer and I don't give a damn. I pay and expect to receive the goods I ordered. It's that simple.


I have really no mercy for them in my heart, because they already knew some servers were overcrowded. Like the one I was assigned to. We had queues before the game went live. Yet they did nothing with the influx of players and they didn't stop the new players from rolling on the already overcrowded servers. Their fault. My right to throw crap.




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It is time to open up FREE Character transfers to another server. This is impossible to deal with as it is. Sure, I want to play. I admit that. That is why I bought the game. But the way this launch was implement, to me, is one of the worst in recent MMO history.

Oh, but it worked so well. Everyone got to play early. Bla Bla Bla.


Let's face reality here for a moment. Now that the game is live and we have queue upwards to 2 hours, how can this be called a successful launch? Please enable transfer so me and my guild can move to another server and actually use the little time we have to play. Some of us have jobs, life, hobbies, friends, family and other things to do. Our time is precious and when we do find the time to enjoy our gaming hobby, we would like to be able to play and not get shafted. As it stands now, out of the 3+ hours I might get to play today, the next hour is spent staring at a screen that won't let me in. FIX IT!

Edited by SarethX
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You guys all realize that the queues are there for your benefit right? They want to discourage new players from rolling on your servers but they do not want to alienate your friends from playing with you.


Alienating their customers is what this is doing.

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All I see going through this thread is people complaining about the queue issues. I don't know how many of you played any other MMOs (WoW), but when WoW started, and even after BC and LK, the queues where horrible. Only recently have they gotten better. This takes time to fix. You cant just start up 100 new servers and hope that fixes the problem. Each server has annual costs. If you are spending more money then you are making, you have a problem. What people need to grasp is patience. This is a VERY popular game and it will take time to adapt to the expanding player base. Maybe if some of the idiots in this thread stopped playing and went back to WoW, the queues would free up for players who understand the issues and are not gripping about them like raging monkeys.
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Know what funny?


Bioware staggerd to amount of players allowed on the older servers so they ALWAYS appear to be full atm.


this is to motivate newbies to join the low pop servers.


They let more people in the old server every hour.



now everyon is whining that there are ques.


ques exist to show the server is full so not every newbie rolles on that server thinking it's a new server.


expect the old servers to run at max cappasity around the time we get home from work.


cause if they didn't do it this way this mroning all servers would look "new" and the actual ammount of people on the server would be so high there would really be ques of HOURS UPPON HOURS, now it's just artificial.



but really bioware be my geust let open the flood gates of every server let everyone join the servers so that the servers really do get full and let's see the whiners cry in horror when it actually is a wait of 6 hours every night, the server crashes every 5 min.


i will laugh, really hard.



stop beeing a bunch of drama queens.

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Nowhere did I hear Trion, Blizzard or anyone else talking about the number of things they are doing to ensure their players have the best possible launch.


Limited release zones around the World.

Early Game Access

Entry based on preorder dates



And now because of the queue times on the server, their player friendly launch has failed utterly.

Edited by ChrisRandall
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Seems like a lot of peeps want to play on the RP-PVE English


why not flag a second one RP-PVE might make them roll on there


I had no option but to play on the RP-PVE one cos my guild was designated it.

unless I want to leave most of them behind.


This is what Killed Aion and Rift for me cos my last guild and friends were all on different servers unwilling to move.


No its not a QQ I just thought they would have learned form the all the mistakes other mmos have made.

Edited by Quangouk
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Obviously you know nothing of customer service. It is IMPOSSIBLE to make everyone happy. The needs of the many out way the needs of the few. Get over it and wait in line like everyone else.


So why don't they lock the full servers, I guarantee more people would be happy with that then would be sad.

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Man I pop on 7am and server already full and listed as nyumber 72. Granted only 10min wait, fell for you guys with 5 hr wait. But what sucks is buddy and I were doing mission. He loses connection (granted not anyones fault). But then I get killed and have to wait 10 minutes for him to come back online. lol


Love the game but as always waiting sucks.

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