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Regarding server queues


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I've quite literally spent more time in server queues every day I've played than I have playing the game. It's completely ridiculous and unacceptable. They need to give us character transfers NOW or pro-rata refunds for the time we waste in their queues. We're paying to sit twiddling our thumbs in queues!


They don't need to give us character transfers. If you're sitting in a queue you're wasting your own time. There are over a dozen servers right now with light traffic.

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The thing I think people are pointing out is the number of players that want access should have been anticipated and managed correctly by the game.


The players pay a fee based on time they purchase to access the game and sitting in a queue is not considered playing the game.


I know that quitting the game or complaining is worthless since most players are more than happy to sit in a queue to play for a few hours a day and that is what Bioware is counting on.


What is a shame is the lack of infrastructure foresight and novel software design to allow characters to be moved to the lighter servers. Oh before I hear any comments about that is complex, I developed the ticketing system used for online ticketing reservation systems such as the Olympic games in the US.

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They don't need to give us character transfers. If you're sitting in a queue you're wasting your own time. There are over a dozen servers right now with light traffic.


That is not a reasonable answer, some people have already re-rolled onto a different server and are now already experiencing the same problem. How many times are we expected to do the first few planets?


How long until these light population servers are full, before Bioware opens more, then what, reroll again?

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They don't need to give us character transfers. If you're sitting in a queue you're wasting your own time. There are over a dozen servers right now with light traffic.


And I'd Happily play my character on one of those servers - just as soon as he's transferred

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I remember there was this game called World of Warcraft. Even a year after release there would be queues on my server of sometimes over an hour during peak hours.



Patience. Rome was not built in a day. In today's entitlement and instant gratification society it is easy to lose focus on what's really important.


1.) An hour queue would be welcome. Try 4-5+ hours at off peak times.


2.) Rome wasn't built in a day, but neither was SWTOR. They've had litterally years to prepare for this scenario.


3.) It's easy to lose focus on what's important? This is entertainment and sold as such, which leads me to believe that, you know what? I am entitled to enjoy a service I've paid for.


I'm not their friend, they're not my friends. This is a business arrangement. I don't owe them sympathy, I would like to be able to make use of the service I paid for. I wouldn't get away with this in my job, and sure as hell there'd be no random stranger defending my carelessness if I ever allowed a situation like this to affect my customers.

Edited by Valkaern
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I have no doubt that this will eventually get fixed, but this isn't my idea of an ideal first impression. Game is great, but not being able to play it from launch is bad.


Time to remove my cc details from my account. Enough people do that should probably send a clear message to BW. If matters get sorted before jan 19 then all is well and I re-sub. If not, I won't have to pay for nothing.

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1.) An hour queue would be welcome. Try 4-5+ hours at off peak times.


2.) Rome wasn't built in a day, but neither was SWTOR. They've had litterally years to prepare for this scenario.


3.) It's easy to lose focus on what's important? This is entertainment and sold as such, which leads me to believe that, you know what? I am entitled to enjoy a service I've paid for.


I'm not their friend, they're not my friends. This is a business arrangement. I don't owe them sympathy, I would like to be able to make use of the service I paid for. I wouldn't get away with this in my job, and sure as hell there'd be no random stranger defending my carelessness if I ever allowed a situation like this to affect my customers.


You are incorrect, sir.

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I think if character transfers are a option it needs to be a option right away so people don't feel they are rooted into a server by friends they have made, exc. Its tempting to start over but then again I don't want to, even if my character is only level 10 or so. I don't want to have to listen to the same quest over again. Simple as that.
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They don't need to give us character transfers. If you're sitting in a queue you're wasting your own time. There are over a dozen servers right now with light traffic.


It's not my job, nor any other paying customers job, to fix their mistake. They didn't make the game to be disposable, if they did they wouldn't have tried to form a connection between you and your character as they have done, I'm not going to drop my last week of play due to their mishandling of the situation. How can people even possibly conceive that that's the answer over Bioware taking steps to correct the gaping flaws with their guild placement program?


If they were going to assign so many guilds to one server to balance the load, they shouldn't have also left it open for anyone to join aside form members of those specific guilds.


No, it's really not the customers job to fix the services flaws. No matter how it's spun.

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Ridiculous thing is they created pre launch gild program, rolled guilds on servers and basically made them full before lauch day and now they suggest to roll on less populated ones.


Some ppl bring wow or aion launches well, that was few years ago. BW cant be defended like "wow had queues so we can have them too. sucki it up and give us more your money"


We had beta stress test weekends and we had EGA. Plenty of time to prepare servers for day 1 and fix queues when new players log in

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It's not my job, nor any other paying customers job, to fix their mistake. They didn't make the game to be disposable, if they did they wouldn't have tried to form a connection between you and your character as they have done, I'm not going to drop my last week of play due to their mishandling of the situation. How can people even possibly conceive that that's the answer over Bioware taking steps to correct the gaping flaws with their guild placement program?


If they were going to assign so many guilds to one server to balance the load, they shouldn't have also left it open for anyone to join aside form members of those specific guilds.


No, it's really not the customers job to fix the services flaws. No matter how it's spun.


It's a WEEK!!!! of play in a game that's going to be around a long time.


So you have 2 options, reroll on a light server or shut up and deal.

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Bioware should lock the full Servers right now, they can be reopened after the one or two Month... our Guild already rolled a new Toon on a second Server, cause the first one was on 2h+ Queues on 3rd day now the same happens again.


THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!! Bioware do something!!!

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Free character transfers. Problem solved.


BioWare choose which servers people can transfer from and to, and monitor how many are transferred and put a stop to it when the balance between the two servers have evened out.


Rinse and repeat on other overcrowded servers.







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Ridiculous thing is they created pre launch gild program, rolled guilds on servers and basically made them full before lauch day and now they suggest to roll on less populated ones.


Some ppl bring wow or aion launches well, that was few years ago. BW cant be defended like "wow had queues so we can have them too. sucki it up and give us more your money"


We had beta stress test weekends and we had EGA. Plenty of time to prepare servers for day 1 and fix queues when new players log in


I said this is another thread. This wouldn't have been any different if they hadn't had a guild pre-launch program and i'm sick of hearing this argument. If they didn't have it you would have gotten together as a guild and picked a server and there still would have been queues.

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You are incorrect, sir.


So what you're saying is that I wouldn't welcome a one hour queue, Swtor *was* built in a day and this is not an entertainment service? And I'm the one that's incorrect?


Thanks for your input,but I'll use my sense of what's correct and incorrect if this is an example of your deductive skills.

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Then have fun waiting in queues I guess. You people are ridiculous.


How much time do some people have to play? The general idea seems to be roll a toon on a server with no queue. So you do that, and play to level 10 say, and then you log off and that server has a queue, so you start a new toon on a new server... and so on and so on...


All you people saying play on a server that hasn't got a queue, do you have level 10's dotted all over the place? Do you just want to see starter areas?


Personally I want to play the toon I have devoted time to on the server my guild and I were assigned. I don't want to replay the starter areas on 12 different servers.


Is this such an unfair request?

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It's a WEEK!!!! of play in a game that's going to be around a long time.


So you have 2 options, reroll on a light server or shut up and deal.


And what tells me that next week the same doesnt happen? I want to enjoy the game and not run through the same Content for the 3rd time. Its not fun.

For what was the early Access? i thought to spread out players on diffrent Servers?

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It is now 8:30am EST on the 20th. And once again, I'm in a server que, and have been for 17 minutes now. Yet I look at the server status list, and more than half the servers are "light".


I pre-ordered, pre-registered, participated in beta, prepaid my subscription, and brought several friends to the game with me. I tolerated ques pre-launch because it was, after all, beta testing and limited release. But now you should have all servers open and players as evenly distributed as possible. I will not tolerate having to sit and watch a que screen for 10-20 min every time I want to log on. Provide the service I've paid for, or I'm done with this game. And so are my friends.


Get it together.

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It's a WEEK!!!! of play in a game that's going to be around a long time.


So you have 2 options, reroll on a light server or shut up and deal.


There's a third option, which I'm sure they'd rather avoid. They do want our money and continued business regardless of what rambling fanboys froth on about.


If a week wasn't valuable they wouldn't charge us for four of them.

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How much time do some people have to play? The general idea seems to be roll a toon on a server with no queue. So you do that, and play to level 10 say, and then you log off and that server has a queue, so you start a new toon on a new server... and so on and so on...


Staring at a queue screen is better?

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torn between realism and disappointment.


The whole point of pre-ordering was the get that early access and get slightly ahead from the outset. At least it was for me. That is for me at least entirely wasted as I cant get onto my clan's server at all - barring a 5 hour wait, or now even onto the alternative server I chose to play on my own on.


I realise it is difficult to predict volumes and such, but it does feel a bit like a miss sell to be offered early game access if you pre-order, and then when you do the amount of hassle you have to go through to get on there makes it impossible.


I hope that I dont have to go through the prologue yet again (4th time) in order to proceed.

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