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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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I'm impressed been queue's all day on nightmare lands, that have only been growing bigger. Congratulations BW now taking my money to sit in a queue.


Reroll on a different server i hear you say, well i don't fancy having to start again now i'm at lvl 31, and when i choose this server on day 2 i made sure i went into a low pop server.


Maybe just maybe if there was more servers at the start ( i'm sure you had some figure's on just the pre-orders) then there might have been a bit more flexability now launch day has come.

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I'd bet not many of us.


The difference is we're not charging people for a product with flaws such as this that have been solved successfully many times over in the past decade of MMO development.


If it was an indie game, maybe I'd expect some serious bumps, but it really feels like there's just an onslaught of poor decisions and amateur mistakes tied to the relase of this game.




Had it never happened in an MMO release before we probably wouldn't be so vocal, but seeing as it has happened, and keeps happening, we have a right to complain. That's especially true as pre-sales figures have been available for ages, it isn't as though they didn't know how many were coming.

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So who here knows how to develop MMO Infrastructure to support thousands of players online at once on a single sever?


If you can do a better job, I suggest you go and make your own MMO and stop ya ************


fanboy alert!!!


well they could ask CCP how they manage thousands of people on 1 server (clustering?!)

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Well running down the server list of euro english speaking ones most are light except about 6 that have ques and surprise surprise the onw my guild was deployed onto in early access has one of the highest ques and this is spose to be off peak time to god help us at peak time please EA sort it out peeps.
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How reasonable is it to create just ONE Rp-PvP English sever and the same number of French and German RP-PvP servers for the whole Europe?

Don't tell me there's as many French or German speaking people in Europe as English speaking...


This is absolutely absurd and another English RP-PvP server should be added...

(the queue aint THAT bad - 300 people right now which translates to around 30 minutes... not half as bad as the person who waited 5.5 hours :S)


Well actually on my server list there is a lightly loaded english rp-pve server. The question is how do we get the new people to roll there instead of these more full servers. Could those heavy-full servers somehow be blocked from the view or dropped to the bottom or something?:confused:


And I am on place 270 for the progenitor server.

Edited by Bainwen
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I have to queue every single time I login, this is not cool. I get a limited amount of "free" time to play and I have to waste it waiting to login.


This is by far my biggest problem, I know this is another QQ about servers queues and I know bioware are obviously working to try and resolve them but I have to kill some time while waiting so....


Bioware you have 30 Days, if after 30 days I still have to queue to login to the server that you assigned our Guild I will not be renewing. I can live with queues for the first few days (maybe a week) after all, all new MMO's seem to have this but after that I will refuse to pay monthly and spend time waiting to login.

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Well running down the server list of euro english speaking ones most are light except about 6 that have ques and surprise surprise the onw my guild was deployed onto in early access has one of the highest ques and this is spose to be off peak time to god help us at peak time please EA sort it out peeps.


Just our luck isnt it :(

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well i guess adding of new severs didnt help everyone still conecting to high populated server how about increasing the cap on the servers so we dont have to sit in a que for an hour to get on our servers 350 ppl in my que atm and its 12 pm not good. can you plz up the player limit on the servers with que times
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During Early Access the queues weren't too bad for Trask Ulgo. Most there was only a queue during prime time, and only a 10 minute queue at that. Today there's a 20 minute queue at 11:00 GMT. That a little weird especially since an RP server was opened up.


Now, I am not going to complain. By and large I think early access and the roll-out has been a terrific success, especially when Bioware improved their communication and information output regarding early access after day 1, kudos for that.


What I do find puzzling is that apparently people can still create characters on servers that are full. Now, if these are people who signed up with a guild before release, that's great and should be possible, but my feeling is that new arrivals without any relation to a server should be redirected for a while at least until server populations becomes more stable across the board. Should ensure the new servers are populated and keep queueing times in check.


Just my 2 cents. :)

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I like the idea of Bioware blocking access to the highest populated shards for a week and forcing ppl to reroll on the lower shards, server caps do need to be upped a fair bit, but alot of these problems would be resolved with a better distribution of players.



Edited by Tectonics
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Well actually on my server list there is a lightly loaded english rp-pve server. The question is how do we get the new people to roll there instead of these more full servers. Could those heavy-full servers somehow be blocked from the view or dropped to the bottom or something?:confused:


And I am on place 270 for the progenitor server.

Well RP only yeah


But RP-*PvP* - only ONE English server

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Sweet.. Remote desktop home from my phone.. Started the game, 600 or so in line.. Think I'll just leave it like that the 3 hours thats left before i quit.. Just log back on a couple of times and make sure I'm still in line.. If in game, just log in and move around a bit.. Sweet. :p
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Riight, so I went to another server to start again and after playing maybe an hour and listening to the Spanish spam in general chat I thought to check server status, only to notice that the new server I was on already had a Queue!!! getting back in. FFS. :mad::mad::mad:
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Come on youst start som kind of server chance thing it sucks that i get home from work at 1 and then i try to log in to a server that was low when i made my char is now like 800 in ques... and now my supscription begins i whon to be able to get to another server or be able to get in the game after like max 30 min not 1½ hour... youst move my char to a light server plz youst whon to play this game not whait in ques:S
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Sweet.. Remote desktop home from my phone.. Started the game, 600 or so in line.. Think I'll just leave it like that the 3 hours thats left before i quit.. Just log back on a couple of times and make sure I'm still in line.. If in game, just log in and move around a bit.. Sweet. :p


haha nice

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Can we please get an update on this issue BioWare? 2,5K replies and not a official word?


Are you closing your eyes and hoping the problem will go away, together with your bills, that WE pay? :cool:


Give us feedback, other than "we are aware of the issue" - You have been aware for quite some time now and I sincerly hope that you actually HAVE thought something out and that the silence isn´t because you just don´t know what do to with the problem..

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Can we please get an update on this issue BioWare? 2,5K replies and not a official word?


Are you closing your eyes and hoping the problem will go away, together with your bills, that WE pay? :cool:


Give us feedback, other than "we are aware of the issue" - You have been aware for quite some time now and I sincerly hope that you actually HAVE thought something out and that the silence isn´t because you just don´t know what do to with the problem..


The problem solves itself, just bioware needs to implement it. More servers, much higher server caps and Character/guild transfers. Do those three things (done the first one admittedly) and the queue situation will resolve itself to a more managable level like nothing :)

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Game was released, Early just gone.


This is inacceptable. We deserve to know how full are our servers and not this crap. If Bioware/EA wanna continue with testing and filling up servers...blablabla, is ok but this must be a free service til then. We are paying for this crap.

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Can we please get an update on this issue BioWare? 2,5K replies and not a official word?


Are you closing your eyes and hoping the problem will go away, together with your bills, that WE pay? :cool:


Give us feedback, other than "we are aware of the issue" - You have been aware for quite some time now and I sincerly hope that you actually HAVE thought something out and that the silence isn´t because you just don´t know what do to with the problem..


+1 totally agree would be nice to know about queue times for a game we are now paying for

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The problem solves itself, just bioware needs to implement it. More servers, much higher server caps and Character/guild transfers. Do those three things (done the first one admittedly) and the queue situation will resolve itself to a more managable level like nothing :)


Agreed :) But they just need to DO IT! Not sit around waiting ;)

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