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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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I'm so f...ing fed up with these queues.... My preferred server has a queue of 1000+ and I have moved 50 places in the last 30 mins.


I did what BW asked and rolled a character on a different server so that I could at least play the f...ing game, and quess what.... that one has a long queue.


So should I change server again?


This is ridiculous...

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Odd, was in a queue, just now, that said 40 min wait time and was in after 5 minutes (Legions of Lettow, EU)


BW is upping the caps this morning, I am pretty sure, they just can't up them in all the servers at once. This is going to be the worst day, probably, because they need to check at every time if the caps are right ot not, until they balance the queues. Probably tonight the waiting time in the most heavily populated servers will be less than an hour (and that is still a lot), but we will have to wait and see.

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SO are the ques bugged as this morning I was trying to join nightmarelands.I was 87th in ques with an estimated < 15min que time.


After 20min I was in 57th position.After the next 45min of waiting I was still in 57th position in the que.


It just didn't seem right.So I restarted my computer and game and now find myself in 367th position with an estimated < 25min(joking right more like 2hrs).Well at least now the que has moved a couple spots.


As with most people I play when I have time and these que's basically narrow the limited time I have to play.I can't sit here for hrs waiting to play if I only have an hour here and there between trying to look after 2 toddlers.


The statistic's BW may look good on paper that all is running well.


But really it's not when most people can't get on to play am I not correct?


I dont think there are any real bugs in there but what do you define as a bug?

from wikipedia "A software bug is the common term used to describe an error, flaw, mistake, failure, or fault in a computer program or system that produces an incorrect or unexpected result"


When i log in to play i expect to be able to play as such waiting in a queue is an unexpected result so yes queue is a bug that they need to fix now.


I say if they don't give a response by the time this thread hits the limit (somewhere around 250 pages) we should start putting in tickets as they have no intention of reading this.

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I hope this is more or less all going by their plan:


Phase 1, Stress Test:

The capacity of the servers is tested, they're figuring out that i.e. a max. number of 10k players can play in parallel on the servers.


Phase 2, Early Access:

Servers are created and their max. players number is set to i.e. 7-8k, everything above goes into the queue. Because of the queues the players are "balanced" on all servers.


Phase 3, Launch:

New servers are created, the max. players number of the old servers is reduced to i.e. 5-6k, queues are now more likely to happen (even in the morning times) and longer. The new players are choosing the new servers because of that.


Phase 4, shortly after launch (pre-order players and normal buyers all have their chars now):

Server caps are raised to 9-10k, the number that the stress tests showed to still be fine. Queues are disappearing or much smaller.



I assume that this is their plan ... or at least i really hope so :)

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I get that long wait times happen at launch. Everyone and their mothers are trying to get on and see the game and over time (especially after the holydays) that will probably get less but I still wonder how a server can have a 20 min wait time before breakfast. Even during a holyday that is just unlikely activity as people who don't go to work tend to get up later (I just checked out of curiousity before going to work). Are many US players logging into EU servers now? (I would understand tbh; 6 hour wait times is too long even for a launch.)


Anyway; once people have leveled to a certain point I doubt they want to have to go through the same storyline yet again (it gets tedious after a few time and I for one didn't pick my class for the story but for the role and I have RL friend on my current server so I realy don't want to move and they don't want to leave their pre-launch guilds whic is also understandable) so many probably stick. Especially when they have friends on that server. I realy think that free migrations would help but only once enough server capacity is available (and people stop advertising to people to claim a server as a specific language server even when it's already full; come on, socialise outside the world you know and expand your horizons)

Edited by Kernunno
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Hi BW, please, open the migration please!!! you dont fix nothing if only open new servers, the ppl that are in full servers continues with the problem. Let the ppl move.


Agree'd more and more people coming today onto Servers that are Full already, let us move our characters to Light Servers so we dont have to start over again.


Also im a Digital Deluxe player myself. So this isnt for me but, I do think CE players should get Que jumping privilages. :p

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Queues just got worse today, 20th december (launch day).. 11.50am cet, 557 in queue on Hex Droid (EU). (Estimated wait 35min) - I'm down to 400 after 20min.


I am really hoping to see some actions being made on this matter, no promises have been given, though many solutions have been made by the community, please make this a priority BW.


Solutions like:

- Lock the ability to create more characters on certain servers. (seen in other mmo's)

- Let us migrate entire guilds. For those of us who've already build a community in the past 7 days.

- Give us paid server transfer. So we can handle it ourselves, if the above is not doable.

- I've heard talk, abeit probably rumors, about increasing server capacity. Maybe combine this with the first option i listed.


It is truly ruining the gaming experience for many of us, that in order to actually play the game we have to wait in queues, that are not only too long, but also horribly estimated. 35min estimate means roughly 2hours.

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They simply need to increase server capacity; they told us about 80-100 thousands peoples for server. Where are they? I dont think, that right now on eu on every server with queue playing 10k+ or 5k+...


They just have increased the server capacity.

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This is completely ridiculous - "estimated wait time 20 mins"


Been queuing now for over an hour - at 10am in the morning!


I could see this happening from the start of EGA - why they didn't bring the servers on all at once at that time to spread guilds and groups with friends more evenly is beyond me is beyond me.


40+ people in the guild at levels between 20 and 40 - cant all re-roll now on a "light to standard" server.


Wont be subscribing if Bioware can't organise better than this

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Does anyone of you know, why my server got a yellow flag at the guild tab in the server window?


Because you have said that you are part of a particular guild, and that guild has been created on the server with the yellow flag.


You are not forced to start there... that is just where the guild is located.

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Agree'd more and more people coming today onto Servers that are Full already, let us move our characters to Light Servers so we dont have to start over again.


Also im a Digital Deluxe player myself. So this isnt for me but, I do think CE players should get Que jumping privilages. :p


true that, personally saying because I have a CE

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Well the game has been officially released now, and there's still server queues.


Strangely, with the early guild deployment scheme, my guild was initially placed on the now highest population server. I think something went wrong with deciding which server to shove guilds. I would have thought sprinkling them around equally would have been better. Instead of stockpiling them.


It's currently 11 am on a working day and I am position 600 on the queue into Bloodworthy.



Queues are a major problem. For starters, they discourage people wanting to play the game as they are unable to. As it's a subscription ran game, this is serious. Players do not wish to pay £8.99 a month (or however expensive it is) just to sit in a 3 hour queue. This is a lot of business Bioware is going to lose. This can potentially kill the MMO. The launch of this MMO has been smooth compared to other MMOs.The queue times are severally crippling it at the moment. I got an impression that Bioware have tried having a grace-period to iron out any potential problems with the launch; early client download, early access play period. I would have thought because of these strategies, that they'd have a solution in place to solve the obvious issue of server overwhelming.


My solution is to offer free server transfers on all servers/high population servers to low. Rift has free character server transfers, why can't SWTOR. WAR had server transfers within a week of launch for high population servers.


Don't disable new players creating characters on full servers. You have communities of players who played early access with friends who didn't play early access. You're just going to put players in a tough choice; abandon their friend (which they never will if they're true friends) or abandon their character who'll be level 15->50.



Bioware needs to solve this problem now, or risk severely destroying their launch of a new MMO. WoW doesn't have queues...

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