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Regarding server queues


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Hoping to buy the game on Tuesday when it officially launches however am thinking best wait to see if these incredulous queues gets addressed.


If this is fixed on Tuesday it demonstrates a very disappointing position from the SWTOR management that they are prepared to waste many hours of their most ardent fans (those that that have early access) time for very spurious reasons.


If its not fixed then this MMO's launch will be a big fail.


Lastly i have noted very little info from BW comms on an ETA to fix it.


I really hope this games issues gets fixed soon as I want to be a paying happy customer...if not I just wait for GW2 and hope they learn from this.

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And even once you log in, with only 90 people in area, the game is chopping, not responsive, and otherwise lags excessively, even with a latency of around 27 ms.

I've never seen as low as 90 people in an area. Right now Taris has around 180, and that's pretty low for what I've seen it as.


Yes, the FPS leaves a bit to be desired, but you can dumb down graphics to get rid of that. I had no problem with doing that, and I'm back up way over what I expected after doing so.

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Yes, let's just flood all servers with insane requests and population just so that you can play with your "friends". My god, can you BE any more greedy or selfish? You're JUST as bad as the people cheating to stay in the game.


The solution to these queues has been posted numerous times now. ROLL ON A NEW SERVER. Seriously, just choose a new lighter server and create a new char. Will your guildies be there? No, but BFD. Will your "friends" be there? No, but again, BFD. Are you THAT elitist that you will never, ever make any new friends? Are you THAT stuck up that you can't socialize with people outside of your guild/friends list? Just looking through the server list, you can find at LEAST one server at all times that's NOT full. Pick it, roll a new toon, and wait.



You're NOT entitled to play where you want, when you want, how you want. Nobody, but NOBODY ever said you could. If the server you want is full, or has a queue that is insane, just roll onto a new server. It's NOT that hard to do.


sure .. so the guild deployment program was just a joke i guess .. maybe you don't care about playing with long time friends, because you just don't have any ? justm2cent

Edited by Woozeranto
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Yes, let's just flood all servers with insane requests and population just so that you can play with your "friends". My god, can you BE any more greedy or selfish? You're JUST as bad as the people cheating to stay in the game.


The solution to these queues has been posted numerous times now. ROLL ON A NEW SERVER. Seriously, just choose a new lighter server and create a new char. Will your guildies be there? No, but BFD. Will your "friends" be there? No, but again, BFD. Are you THAT elitist that you will never, ever make any new friends? Are you THAT stuck up that you can't socialize with people outside of your guild/friends list? Just looking through the server list, you can find at LEAST one server at all times that's NOT full. Pick it, roll a new toon, and wait.



You're NOT entitled to play where you want, when you want, how you want. Nobody, but NOBODY ever said you could. If the server you want is full, or has a queue that is insane, just roll onto a new server. It's NOT that hard to do.


I have tried your solution several times. I sort the list from lowest to highest population and then I choose the first East Coast PVP server. I play for several hours and then log off. Just now I come back and now that server has a 20 minute wait! I now have 4 characters on 4 different servers and only one of them is above level 10 b/c of these ridiculous wait times. I have played EQ, EQ2, WoW, FF11 etc and have never seen anything like this.

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Just another anecdote for the pile.


Happily questing along all day helping guild lowbies.. finally done, hopped a shuttle to Fleet to get back to work... comp freeze to hard boot. Back of the 1k player line.


+1 for grace period. Please.

Edited by ekaikaforge
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As a noob mmo player, I have to ask. Is this normal for other mmo's like WoW for instance?


There hasn't been very many at all that were smooth and free of queues for a while after launch. It eventually evens out, servers open up and people spread out. There are a lot of reasons this could be happening, it's just unfortunate that it is at all.

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sure .. so the guild deplyoment program was just a joke i guess .. maybe you don't care about playning with long time friends, because you just don't have any ? justm2cent


The guilds were deployed as they could be. Yeah, it probably was a joke, and should have been phased out once the game actually got released, but it is what it is. People would be whining then:

where's my guild, waaah, waaah, waaah

As far as the comments about my friends, that is unnecessary. I have some of the best friends around, but my life doesn't revolve around playing with them. Hell, everyone I know left WoW to play this game, and while I enjoy their company, I'll get there when I can.


Unlike the whining, demanding little children in this thread (and the past ones), I'm not impatient. I'll play where I can, when I can, and use the experience to guide my final toons wherever I roll them. Maturity, it's a good thing to have in life.

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Well just **** Bioware. I only have a couple of hours during a day to play. If I spend 33% of that time waiting in a *********** queue, where is the fun?


The "Deal with it" answer is just a loser's answer. Even if you say "It happens in every damn MMO launch dude!!"... the fact that somebody else failed in one aspect doesn't mean everybody has to fail. It's pretty much what "evolution" means.


Moreover, for those of you who think "the game isn't launched yet"... well it is. We are pretty much a benchtest for Bioware, in order to figure out how pissed they can get their customers before doing something. That early access is great for them, because they can "test" some stuff that they couldn't test in the beta phase... things such as "customer satisfaction".


Increasing server limits isn't THAT difficult, yet they don't do it, cause they are "testing" stuff.


And I wouldn't bother writing that crap on the forum if it weren'T for the fact that I am IN A *********** 2 HOURS QUEUE!

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I have tried your solution several times. I sort the list from lowest to highest population and then I choose the first East Coast PVP server. I play for several hours and then log off. Just now I come back and now that server has a 20 minute wait! I now have 4 characters on 4 different servers and only one of them is above level 10 b/c of these ridiculous wait times.

Funny that, I've never, ever run into an extremely long queue. Started on server 1 Thursday night, played for close to 36 hours now (that's played, not cheated by running into walls, etc), never once have I hit a long queue. I think the longest was 15 minutes, all on the same server


I have played EQ, EQ2, WoW, FF11 etc and have never seen anything like this.

It all depends on WHEN you play them, not if you've played them.

Back in the day, Vanilla WoW had 30-45 minute queues, and sometimes longer. They still have them, with every single expansion. I can't remember my queues for EQ or EQ2.


This is a growth thing, they'll get there

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Yes, let's just flood all servers with insane requests and population just so that you can play with your "friends". My god, can you BE any more greedy or selfish? You're JUST as bad as the people cheating to stay in the game.


The solution to these queues has been posted numerous times now. ROLL ON A NEW SERVER. Seriously, just choose a new lighter server and create a new char. Will your guildies be there? No, but BFD. Will your "friends" be there? No, but again, BFD. Are you THAT elitist that you will never, ever make any new friends? Are you THAT stuck up that you can't socialize with people outside of your guild/friends list? Just looking through the server list, you can find at LEAST one server at all times that's NOT full. Pick it, roll a new toon, and wait.



You're NOT entitled to play where you want, when you want, how you want. Nobody, but NOBODY ever said you could. If the server you want is full, or has a queue that is insane, just roll onto a new server. It's NOT that hard to do.


I don't know who YOU think you are, but the money I threw into this game makes me as damn entitled to no ques as I want. I have a lvl 20, 14 and 10 on black reaper. I put DAYS into those characters so why the **** would I re-roll. Your logic is balls and I don't know where you get off telling people what to do after they've spent hard earned money. Also, if you haven't noticed THE POPULATION ON ALMOST ALL SERVERS IS RIDICULOUS. You're asking people to stop giving feedback. Your judgement is misplaced. Re-roll a new life so I don't have to embarrass you again.

Edited by DragoRuun
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My problem with this is that we did not choose this server. You chose this server for us (The Fatman), which has hour+ queues all weekend long.


I love this game, but you can't expect us to start new characters after 5 days of hard play because YOU failed to properly balance the servers when you had the chance.


There was no way we could have known that this would be the case from the first few days of early access, and after that its simply too late.


This problem needs to go away. 30 minutes tops is all that we should have to wait to play, and even that is a major inconvenience.

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These posts I am sure give us something to do in the queues. So I add mine after being dc'd by the game freezing crossing a bridge and even though I relog in right away I am back in the waiting game. Yes it sucks. Yes we all want to play. However the reduced server caps will aid the balancing of populations in the coming week so after launch the experience will be better. Do I feel cheated? Yes, a little, since I wanted the head start 5 days I was promised. Is it a game breaker and am I gonna throw a tantrum and storm off and quit. No.

There should have been more servers to start and existing guilds should have been spread out more but in truth a lot of non-guilded people are still marching into the already heavy and full servers so the general gaming population is causing the issue themselves. I still can not fathom as to why anyone specifically picks a server that clearly says full with a wait time to start on. As to some previous comments about unable to find groups, that on Shadow Hand hasn't been an issue. Lots of people and grouping all the time. Even Balmorra which was scantly populated during Beta most times is active. All in all keep the faith and given time this will work itself out.

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Queued for the first time tonight. I took vacation time this past week so I could spend a few days just hanging out at home with the family and playing SWTOR.


I don't threaten to quit over every little thing but come tomorrow it's back to work for me. After tonight I'll only have a few hours here and there to play. If I have to wait in a queue for 45 minutes to play for 90 then yeah... I'll for sure quit. I won't even sub. Sorry :(

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I was gonna complain about the wait times to get in game but I was like screw it, everyone has to, but after tonight, I think its safe to say this is stupid. I mean really 55 mins, you cant be serious. And I know everyone is saying just make a toon on another server but, EVERY SERVER IS FULL, and all my toons are on AH server. must be something that can be done?? I'll move if you want me to! lol
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Well, I have had to wait in que for alot of Game starts, I have never had to wait as long as I do in this game. And once all the kids who didn't pre-order open their gifts on christmas, I fear the wait will only get worse. This is a very quick way to have people stop playing before the game even gets off the ground. A person shoudn't have to log in two or more hours early to play a game. My opinions out now so ill leave it at that.
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