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Regarding server queues


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please stop defending poor planning!


Totally agree. Someone needs to say it.


Stop defending this crap.


We should be getting Subscription time added to our accounts for this kind of stuff. I can't play at all today because of the queues. I paid for the service, but it's not working right. In most industries, you get a refund for that.

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Welcome to the year 2012 in eleven days. In this late day and age of the advanced MMO industry, how in the world did you not have enough experienced staff and stress test planning to properly launch this product?!!!


"You queues, you lose!"


....sitting at 500+ queue (AGAIN) and nobody in our "pre-launch early access placed guild" wants to re-roll to another server. Great product, terribly executed service.

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***??? i gotta reroll a 3rd frikken time?? or wait hours to play?


are you guys too dumb close the choosing of a heavily populated sever from accepting fresh users?


they expected severs to be full but did a piss poor job of taking care of it. from what i read a few months back there was supposed to be a limited initial amount of accounts. how did you guys screw up so badly?

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Cancelled my subscription. Looks like they have 29 days to fix queues (at least on Prophecy of the Five) if they want my money next month.


Long queue times are preventing using the game you are paying for which seems fairly wasteful to me. We'll see if EA/Bioware listens to subscription cancellations like most other MMO companies.

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The posts in this thread are honestly pathetic. These are the same people that get mad at McDonalds because their chicken mcnuggets took more than thirty seconds.


People you are not owed anything. Bioware is giving the product you paid for. It's incredibly popular. That means that you are going to have to wait in line like everyone else. Sorry but you are not special. Everyone else has to as well.


Bioware is also not trying to screw everyone. There is no magic fix. You can't just add more servers and expect everything to be ok. There is a lot more than just one variable.


Honestly grow up people.

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Seriously... disconnected in the middle of playing and put in an hour long queue.


Dear Bioware,


1. I've NEVER been disconnected from an MMO as often as I am from this one.


2. An hour or more wait time is WRONG TO ASK OF YOUR CUSTOMERS. It is also WRONG to ask us to leave the server that YOU placed our guild on.


3. Are you telling me that you are unable to do server transfers? Seriously? What year was this MMO launched in? 2001?


4. What was the point of staggered EGA? Please, tell me again. Pissing off your customers I guess. In that case, job well done.


I really like this game. I would like to play it with my friends on the server you assigned us to. I do not have hours of time to wait staring at a queue, I just don't. Please make this possible.

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I just came come home for my 30 minute lunch break from the office (fortunately I live close to work) and wanted to log on and check my character out.. maybe do some crafting, see what's on the galactic trade network... BUT NO! 30 Minutes at least in the queue! :mad:


Absolutely rediculous. You are forcing me to resort to dodgy tactics to keep a session alive from the morning, which will only amplify the problem further.


SO instead of enjoying the sweet game it is, i'm typing words on this forum during my lunch break.. SORT THIS MESS OUT - Buy some more servers.. implement cluster NLB.. upgrade SAN... Do something with the money you are raking in and then you can rake in some more!

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***??? i gotta reroll a 3rd frikken time?? or wait hours to play?


are you guys too dumb close the choosing of a heavily populated sever from accepting fresh users?


they expected severs to be full but did a piss poor job of taking care of it. from what i read a few months back there was supposed to be a limited initial amount of accounts. how did you guys screw up so badly?


They did not screw up. They LIED. What do you expect from EA. They would kill their grandmothers if there was a dollar involved.

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queues are bad, we need to fire up this discussion


Don't let bioware win!


Please don't bump, just put in more 2c


my 2c


this is ridiculous, i am losing 50 % of my play time




Between full time work, School, Wife, kids, and other responsibilities, my free time in very limited. I hoped to play this fine game, but nooooooooo.



Whats funny is the people defending and claiming our posts are "pathetic" are the same people who have NO RESPONSIBILITIES.

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The posts in this thread are honestly pathetic. These are the same people that get mad at McDonalds because their chicken mcnuggets took more than thirty seconds.


People you are not owed anything. Bioware is giving the product you paid for. It's incredibly popular. That means that you are going to have to wait in line like everyone else. Sorry but you are not special. Everyone else has to as well.


Bioware is also not trying to screw everyone. There is no magic fix. You can't just add more servers and expect everything to be ok. There is a lot more than just one variable.


Honestly grow up people.


Ummm...no. I paid for a game not a queue. Simple as that. If they assign a guild to a server they can't just get away with those long queues. Why did they assign us to this server. Etc. the whole point of pre-launch access was supposed to avoid this crap.

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Will Bioware extend subscriptions for everyone an additional 30 days to make up for all the lost playtime? Some of us only have an hour to play at a time so when the wait is more than an hour it is no play time for that day.
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This is certainly NOT married life or casual gamer friendly. Many of us older folk only have an hour or so to play between spousal duties... shame.


I'm on the same boat, I have yet to be able to play with my guild since the 17th so I already have an alt on a dif server to lvl 14, this is rough. I won't give up on the game anytime soon but it's frustrating when some guildies are leveled to the 30s already that have time to sit in the que unlike me.

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So Bioware your strategy is to piss of the community on launch day by making them suffer 60 minute queues?


the que problem has been on goining since day 1 early access and getting worse by the hour if a word from bioware would be handy and i dont mean one of those bloody tedious standard messages

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Unfortunately, I don't have much time to play right now as it is. I definitely don't have time to sit and wait for an hour to get into the server all my friends are playing on.


I have a question - even if you could get on the same server, could you get into the same instance as your friends are on? Seeing how bad this is all starting out, I'm worried about that, too.

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Alright, I dealt with it as long as I could.... these queues are getting rediculous now. Why dont you just effing move some people and guilds to the lower populated servers to help balance it out?! At this point my ENTIRE guild is willing to switch servers. Some people have families and lives, with an hour a day to play....and you make them wait that full hour? Thats like you taking my money and then giving me nothing? Pretty sure thats called stealing. Seriously.... I love the game...just move some people for the love of Christ.
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Will Bioware extend subscriptions for everyone an additional 30 days to make up for all the lost playtime? Some of us only have an hour to play at a time so when the wait is more than an hour it is no play time for that day.




I can play from 7-9:30 at night. Guess what? I've been in the queue on Fatman since a little after 7:00. It's 9:13 now and I'm still only 170.


Same thing happened yesterday.



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the que problem has been on goining since day 1 early access and getting worse by the hour if a word from bioware would be handy and i dont mean one of those bloody tedious standard messages


Yes but, queues were OK during prelaunch because we were not paying for the game. I was happy to play at all in prelaunch cause it was free. Now I am paying for the game and I can't play it.

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Ummm...no. I paid for a game not a queue. Simple as that. If they assign a guild to a server they can't just get away with those long queues. Why did they assign us to this server. Etc. the whole point of pre-launch access was supposed to avoid this crap.


You paid for a game. So did four million other people. Bioware does not have unlimited resources. Sorry. Sometimes in life you have to be a patient. Stop complaining. Either get in queue and wait it out, reroll, or quit. Those are your options.

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