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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Dear Bioware,


We have all spent $50 - $150 on this game. It's an amazing game and possibly the best game your company has ever released. I love it as do many other people.


What is not loved are the ancient queues.


I would like to see some response from your Community Leaders and some assurances that something will be done about these issues. It's very frustrating for people to wait hours in queue only to be disconnected and placed back at the start.


It's even worse, when you wait in that queue, get into the game and it crashes or d/c and you're put back into the queue. I heard there was a grace period for disconnections, from experience, it places be back at spot 1 in queue and never lets me back on the server unless I cancel.


This has been a major issue both in flashpoints and grouping with guildmates in pvp and the world. People end up disconnected and wait hours to get back on the server.


Personally, I purchased a Collector's Edition. A lot of newer games have rewarded the players who spent roughly three times the money on the game with an advanced place in queue (DCU is one). This would be nice as well, but right now...


You guys need to fix these queues. It's not the fact that we have to queue. Queues/Lines/waiting are a part of life. It's losing our spot in line constantly and having to get back in line overand over.


I am also not a network programmer but even at full capacity, the servers seem very stable and not all that full....


Regards and happy holidays,


Captain Will Solo

Guild Leader of Saviour

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What do you want them to do? Do you even have a vague notion of how to fix this problem?


There are severs that are light, while others that are jammed full. Do you want Bioware to just alter the basic psychology of the apparently dim witted culture we live in? Because the only way to fix this is if people are both patient and also smart and go into servers that aren't full. Stick with them, stop jumping around, and help with stability.


Also, the only other solution is to basically say 'sorry, we're phasing launch day, so you might not get to play until next week'. Thats the only way. To phase in literally every person playing, which definitely isnt gonna happen and you dont want it either.


Finally you might say "raise the pop cap" and to which I reply: There are so many people joining raising the cap won't do much to help the congestion, meanwhile the cap has to stay where it is to encourage people to go to lighter pop servers.


Any solutions they make are literally short term marginally effective for today or this hour only kind of things. The real issue is just traffic. You gonna walk into city hall and say "Do something about this traffic, or I'm not paying my taxes", you really think that they're holding out a solution on you?


Really, if you guys stopped feeling entitled or stopped thinking entirely about YOUR situation and took a more global view of things you'd realize that this is just rush hour traffic on the New Jersey turnpike. Its impossible to fix it without culling the population.


The upswing is that in a week or two it wont be like this because there won't be people jamming to get in like today.


I'm not saying that what you're saying is incorrect. However, based on reports from people able to log on it sounds like population caps were lowered as a way to "encourage" players to join new light population servers. THAT is unacceptable to me, all they would have had to do is lock character creation on high population servers.


To everyone who jumps on this and says "well what if your friends are on X server?" So all of your friends pre ordered and either chose or got assigned to a server that you now can't get in, tough luck. It's not like pre ordering was outrageously priced, they literally took 5$ out and billed you this week for the rest. If you were that serious about the game that your experience depended on being able to get on to a server with your friends then you should have pre ordered.


I realize you can't please everybody, but the current situation is extremely frustrating to users who preordered the game whereas somebody can walk into gamespot pick up this game and start playing on a light server with no problems. EGA users being punished is just unacceptable to me, BW literally had an exact number of people who were going to be on early game access. To cap these servers so that EGA users can't play as a means of balancing server population is laughable.

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This is getting way over the limit !


Improve the afk, because people can be afk without doing anything for over 1 hour until you'll recieve error code 3.


Make AFK like all other mmo, 10min max and then you'll get kicked. Yes i know about the modification for mouse to spam commands in-game. But for those who doesn't use that cheat and for those who don't want to log ouf because of high queue, they go and take a long break and comes back to continue playing (1 hour until kick).

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I understand you want new players to choose the new servers you guys just brought up, but there has to be a better way than adding long server queues to the older servers. 45min-1hr wait right now. How long is that queue going to be tonight?
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Just give us the option to transfer characters free from over populated servers to low pop servers.

The game has gone live today for non pre-ordered customers , ive been playing for less than a week and im having to wait a minimum of 25 mins each time i want to log in. That is just unacceptable.


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I was all excited to get off work early today and get a little TOR time in. There is already a queue on my server, even in the middle of the day. The estimate said 5 minutes, so no big deal right? Except that I've been in queue now for over 20 minutes and only moved ten spots.


Thanks for opening the new servers, now is there any chance of opening character transfers?

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Past experience with WoW expansions, especially WOTLK and Rift,tells us that within a couple of weeks, the queue issues will be over. I find it a bit ridiculous myself that there are queues during non-prime time playtimes (6pm EST). But whatever the reason, this will more than likely get ironed out in 5-10 days.


Obviously that affects your playtime, and you can decide in the free 30 days whether or not you wish to continue playing. I'm sure BW has planned for "subscription casualties" during this period.


But whether you like it or not, this is to be expected. Had they closed off EGA servers to new character creation, that would have caused problems with people wanting to play with their friends/guilds. Now that they haven't done so, there are large queues on those servers.


Sometimes you just have to deal with it, and wait it out. BW knows that some won't put up with it, but those who are so put off by queues on launch day that they up and quit are not the majority, by far.

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What do you think they are doing? Do you assume there is a magic red button to fix the problem?


They said they are monitoring and we should expect queues for some time in the future. Means they are doing **** and they think it will fix itself.

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Yes, you can. Whats clogging up servers? Is it Bioware? No its people. They're choosing to jam into full servers then jump to another one and another one rerolling.


You people do realize that if you just all stuck to one server, and nobody ever rerolled, it would be visibly better right?


And they can't change the fact that people will wait in a queue to create a character, and yes people staying in a queue while they go to work is ridiculous and part of the problem again.


There are some very basic logical things here that people are ignoring like its the apocalypse and they're trying to get on the last barge out of Manhattan.


The first sensible post I have seen for a while on this forum. Finally someone with a brain. I completely agree. You can all scream and shot and QQ all you like. But listen and listen good IT IS NOT BIOWARE'S FAULT, IT'S PLAYERS CLOGGING UP THE SERVERS, IT'S PLAYER'S GOING TO WORK AND NOT GETTING DISCONNCTED, IT'S PEOPLE RUINING THE GAME FOR US ALL.

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I am with you all on this issue. I REFUSE to pay a monthly subscription for a game that I have to wait hours on both of the servers that I have toons before I can play. The first server I chose filled up several days into playing so I switched to a light server so I wouldn't have to wait and now it has queue also. It really is aggravating!!


If its like this in a month or two, then yea, you have a valid point.


This is the first 12 hours of launch day and there are over 2 million people out there trying to play this game. This is inevitable with 2 million people. They couldn't get that many people into a stadium fast enough.


Has anybody ever been to a concert? You ever waited in line with the other 15 thousand people and had to WAIT!!!!??


When you're managing this many people, this will happen. Be patient, don't keep rerolling, it'll all be alright.


Stop this constant sub cancel threat.

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I am with you all on this issue. I REFUSE to pay a monthly subscription for a game that I have to wait hours on both of the servers that I have toons before I can play. The first server I chose filled up several days into playing so I switched to a light server so I wouldn't have to wait and now it has queue also. It really is aggravating!!


Good thing you're not paying for it right now. And man, won't you feel like an *** if they announce free time to make up for this. It hasn't even been 24 hours and you all are acting like it's the end of the world. Christ all mighty kids, grow up.

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I thought they were starting to raise server caps today? Would it kill them to take a look at the servers with estimated queue times of over an hour (actual wait time = over 3 hours)?


Today has been the worst queues as expected.


What it hasn't been is dealt with. At all. Queues are still massive, new servers are added with no recommended flags, guild transfers aren't even being looked at.


I did hear that some D/C'd people arent being sent to the back of the queue but these could be isolated incidents.


Overall I'm getting used to the idea of queuing, i'd just like to have to do it for 2 hours less each day that I want to play.


One more thing, I now have 5 different characters on 4 servers. All are full. Rolling new toons is a possibility but it's massively immersion breaking to jarringly go from one characters story to another, especially as I've put a lot of time and effort into my level 32 main by this point.



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Serious isent there any any to spread out so more ppl can play on same server? more instances on each zone or someting? come home from work I get 2.5-3.5 hours play time everyday (I got wife and kids) and I get into a que that is longer then 4 hours.. (even that it says only 1 hour and 40 mins with is bs). Like alot ppl say we pay to play not to sitt in que this game will soon be known as Star que and I dont hear anyting from BW abute any way to fix it or any ETA when it will be fix. = it will not get better untill ppl stop playing? strange way to run a company imo.


Ooo well guess I will have to let this month run out and then play a game who let me play for what I payed for.


Best regards disaponted player.

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This is just sad. And a huge fckn fail :o. 316 pages full of 'mad' and/or disappointed people and Bioware, EA, Lucasarts or who gives a **** don't even talk back at us? Apologize like they should? Oh wait 'bringing up servers is part art part science' , HAHA thats seriously the most ****ed up, most sad thing I've ever heard, can stick that excuse up your ***.
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Just Give et a couple of days.


Launches are always messy. But it will be better very soon im sure. and it's not like people are surprised it has happened.


Our server had queues since 15th. They aren't fixing anything...

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What do you want them to do? Do you even have a vague notion of how to fix this problem?

The solution would have been to do away with separate servers and do a single mega server like EveOnline. But that ship has long sailed.


So plan B should have been to open more servers during EGA and spread the assigned guilds out. There shouldn't have been any full servers during EGA. As it stands, they are effectively separating all the pre-order players from the launch day players. Now you have over-crowded EGA servers with lots of pre-organized guilds, all the large guilds, and new launch day servers with no pre-organized guilds. Totally lop-sided distribution of the player base.

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They said they are monitoring and we should expect queues for some time in the future. Means they are doing **** and they think it will fix itself.


And what if the issue is to just leave it alone? You ever consider that? You ever consider that any possible 'fixes' are merely short term things that will actually not be beneficial in the long run?


Its hard for people to believe apparently, but there are times when doing nothing is the best idea. There is no magic solution to help 2 million people figure out how to log into servers without being idiots and actually not joining full ones and re rolling like nubheads.


If you think there's a solution name one, and I'm pretty sure if you can think of one i can think of a reason why it would not help.

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A 700+ queue at 11 AM on a Tuesday. Are you kidding me? (Helm of Graush)


i tried getting on at 6 am eastern time and already had a 300+queue on mindtrick,whats it going to like when i get home from work tonight and try to get on at 7 pm eastern time.


guess its a good thing i still have my eq2 account or lotro account to play

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I am really getting annoyed. I have better things to do then watch people QQ'ing like moaning little girls. And everything I say goes on deaf ears.


I will say this for the last time. Stop people abusing auto-disconnect by auto-running and the queues will fall. Players are doing this. People are ruining this game for everyone. Can you imagine how many people will be doing this? And you are shocked that the queues are so big? Come on for crying out loud. The solution is so simple, yet the majority of you cannot wrap your tiny brains around a simple concept.


Stop people who are not at their keyboard auto-running and beating the auto-dc and your problems will vanish as quick as they started.



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seen someone say people shouldnt reroll LOL and people shouldnt pick full servers to go to. when i chose my server it was light pretty much all day then the queues came do i want to play or wait Hmm let me think. So after rerolling same thing happens then they toss in 30 new servers all late yeah a lot of people are made. when it comes to the game i'd rather play on a light server where i can actually play rather than wait an hour to play but right now i just want to play on my lvl 32 character!! and the magic red button for BW to fix this is as easy as free character transfers. Or just transfer a couple big guilds the whole guild.
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It hasn't even been 24 hours and you all are acting like it's the end of the world. Christ all mighty kids, grow up.


It's been over a week, and every day the queues are getting longer as they add more players to the game. They've had ages to fix the issue, and all they've done is add more servers.


Annoying as hell when you create a character on a lower pop server, only to see it reach Full capacity as more players join, and your choice is to either endure the multiple hour waits, or re-roll on another server and waste dozens of hours getting back to where you were. Either way, Bioware are wasting our time by not dealing with this.


But hey, I get where you're coming from, I mean it's not like it's their job or anything... oh wait. YES IT IS.

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