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Everything posted by SemperDie

  1. Please improve the capabilities of the Group Finder. I know this has been asked before, but it really needs to have happened by now. Specifically, you should be able to queue for any FP/TFP/Op despite level. However, only the level appropriate content gives you the bonus group finder comms reward. Just add a extra button, next to the select all button, to select the level appropriate content to enable the daily reward. This would allow groups and ops for form faster, and allow people to experience more of the content, or at least clear their quest logs. Thanks
  2. During Battle of Rishi TFP, on the Revanite Grounds map in the top right corner (NorthEast) there is a bunker. You can mouse over the controls, but I can't open the door. Anyone know what this bunker is for and how to get access?
  3. This would seriously help with organizing and passing gear to and from my characters. /signed
  4. OMG Yes! My friend and I were just complaining about this the other day. /signed
  5. Same on Mind Trick. Message says to check the forums, but I don't see anything about it. Update: Thanks for the link above.
  6. I was all excited to get off work early today and get a little TOR time in. There is already a queue on my server, even in the middle of the day. The estimate said 5 minutes, so no big deal right? Except that I've been in queue now for over 20 minutes and only moved ten spots. Thanks for opening the new servers, now is there any chance of opening character transfers?
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