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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Regarding server queues


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Expecting people to recreate new chars on new servers and to just abandon their lvl25 from prelelease is just ignorant.



Sorry but once again, you are paying to access the game


thats it. sorry if it sounds fan boyish, and you're angry. But logic is logic


Game Access does not mean any specific server or character, all it means, can you pick a server and play the game? the answer is yes.



Sorry if you don't like it, but ************ about it won't solve anything. If you don't like it go play something else. end of story, for the rest of us that expect this with an MMO launch, we'll queue up and go other things we should be doing anyway.

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I know I'm going to get flamed for this but the problem is, quite frankly, that some of us remember what it's like to be on a ghost town server and don't want take the option to reroll to a less populated server because of that. Yes, if that means that I have to suffer quenes now, I will do that because eventually I want a healthy, vibrant economy, a choice of PUG's going on at all hours of the day and just to see people around in game doing stuff.


So yes, the problem is player made but it's always this way because people are smart and they learn from experience, not that they are dumb and should learn from experience. Well, i guess you could argue that if everybody collectively decided to roll on new servers then it would all work out. It doesn't work that way. Picking the server you roll on is just as important a decision as what character you play -- pick the wrong one and the toon you roll will be boned.


Hopefully Bioware has taken this into account within their proposed solution.

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Going withthe crowd here. To wait 30-40 minutes to play on the server that my guild was Pre-Assigned to (NO CHOICE!) is excessive. To make it worse, today I logged in and it put me in the queue (#16, not bad), then kicked me with the message "server is not available", so I clicked on it again and got put in the queue again (#63). Not quite as bad as the #300+ I have had before.


Being kicked from the game when you go AFK is also something I've never seen in another MMO. All I am going to have to do now is create a looping macro that moves me back and forth when I go AFK.


Wow did this


What happens when you crash? With the queues, you lose your group while they wait a half hour for you to get back into the game. Other MMO's it's a quick reboot and you're back in a couple of minutes.


Why is this happening? This is supposed to be the newest and greatest game out, and yet they've made it hard for people to play.


If MMO's have been queueless for 15+ years, why now with the improved bandwidth etc? Gotta tell you that my first impressions are not favorable.

Wow's queues at launch were horrendous


Devs - You really need to fix this. Increase the capacity of the servers, and as the previous poster said, allow server moves ESPECIALLY for the entire guild.


Read the post by the Dev's regarding the queue times


Be patient and wait or youll find yourself complaining in 6 months that there is NO ONE on the server to form a pug with because everyone transferred off

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No, but he was first. First come, first serve. Simple. He already made an account. The other should be prohibited from doing the same, because they would not only destroy their own gameplay, but also his. Simplified enough?





First come first served is far from a fair system ... it works ... but solves one problem by creating another. Could say those who have spent more time should give everyone else a turn now ... but again not fair.


I say wait for Bioware to conclude it’s as balanced out as it needs to be and then lift the artificial wait times.

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While I completely understand that you didn't want to release too many servers and then have to merge them, I think your overall strategy was flawed.


The main problem is the number of servers released during EGA. I believe your total number of servers online now is probably about right - however since they were phased in slowly, what happened is that the servers opened during EGA hit high pops even before release.


What was not considered properly, I believe, is the fact that when people joined at the official launch, they joined servers their friends/guilds were already on - and the result is that the original EGA servers are now completely overloaded, while a number of the new servers that came online with the launch have low populations. What should have been done was to release more servers during the EGA to account for this, and spread the population out earlier. If a server has queues during EGA, what do you think will happen at launch? It will have absurdly long queues (and some of the EGA servers already had absurdly long queues)


I think EA/BW needs to take a careful look at this issue to determine a solution. Perhaps offering character transfers between servers will help somewhat, so friends and guilds can transfer if they wish (for free, since this is the result of EA/BW's mistake), but I don't think that alone will solve the issue at this point.

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Sorry but once again, you are paying to access the game


thats it. sorry if it sounds fan boyish, and you're angry. But logic is logic


Game Access does not mean any specific server or character, all it means, can you pick a server and play the game? the answer is yes.



Sorry if you don't like it, but ************ about it won't solve anything. If you don't like it go play something else. end of story, for the rest of us that expect this with an MMO launch, we'll queue up and go other things we should be doing anyway.


If people aren't enjoying their experience they aren't going to pay, so yes in theory they aren't legally depriving us of anything. However the frustration of not being able to play the game is going to lead to people not subscribing.

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Be patient and wait or youll find yourself complaining in 6 months that there is NO ONE on the server to form a pug with because everyone transferred off


I have never once, in ANY MMO that I have played, had a difficulty finding a PUG if I wanted one.


Of course, I rarely want one.


Server merges suck. If I choose a light pop server, that's because I prefer it. I hate competition. I like having other people in the world, but I don't like tripping over them.

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Allow me to cry. Third time today I got booted out of the game with error 9000 since early this morning.


  • Queued for 30 minutes
  • Got booted out with error 9000
  • Back in queue for 50 minutes (***)
  • Got booted out with error 9000
  • Back in queue for an hour or so (WTFx2)
  • Got booted out with error 9000
  • Now in queue again, 700+ (will be at least 1.5 hours)

BioWare, If you take a look at the above you can clearly see that the current queue system is flawed and not working properly. Just doesn't make ANY sense whatsoever to have to be put back into the login queue as soon as you get a CTD, error or whatever...

Edited by mekwall
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No, but he was first. First come, first serve. Simple. He already made an account. The other should be prohibited from doing the same, because they would not only destroy their own gameplay, but also his. Simplified enough?





So screw all your friends who have not yet started playing yet? No one will ever be able to come join that server and play with you. They can't play on your server. Yes, this is what Bioware will do to solve this.

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But capt. fanboi! people are being penalized for preordering because they picked servers they could currently access and leveled characters. Now, to play those characters, have to wait up to 3.5 hours or more. Has nothing to do with being lazy, has everything to do with being shafted. Pull your cheeks apart and remove your head from the hole until you hear the "pop" sound!


Well if those people didn't expect to have queues on launch day of a big mmo, they are pretty stupid. No one got shafted, except for Bioware that has to sift through posts by idiots like you, that have no idea how a big corporation works, or an IT infrastructure works.



If you don't want to understand the definition of Game Access that's your problem. It's not biowares fault you want to stare at a queue, instead of playing on another server that has plenty of space.


now go back to your winter break reading little boy

Edited by Neadric
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SOOOoooo..... It is launch day. I can officially complain about queue's right since I am now paying for the game time. It is 1015 EST on a Tuesday and I have a 10 minute queue . No big deal right? Oh wait, its 10 am on a Tuesday. I dread to see what the queue will be tonight. Bioware when will you remove the server cap?
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This was something that you guys should do BEFORE the launch not after.I want to play this game not to read your excuses...

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Once I have a main server established, a queue 5 to 10 minutes, I more than likely hang around and wait. A 20+ minute wait and I am off playing another game or on to other things and eventually cancelling if I can't get in often enough. I trust they will do what they can to keep the queues to a minimum. There are always wrinkles to iron out when a new game launches.
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I do not get the whole idea why they would need that many servers.

Basically you only need one Server per Location and Servertype.

Load can be handled by creating loads and loads of instances on that one Server for people to play in.

If one region gets low on players you could reuse that instance for another region that needs more instances.


Instancing is already in.

Only reason not to do it like this is if you want to charge people for servertransfers.


Looks like the innovation of this game stopped the moment they left the voiceover and story department.


This is what I don't understand either - why the hell are there only 2 Coruscant's if there is a 90+min wait to log in?!


BIOWARE KNEW the pre-order numbers and they KNEW the number of people they were expecting. THEY filled the servers, not us. THEY assigned guilds, not us. This is 100% a complete failure on Bioware at this point. I LOVE the game...but I wont wait indefinitely for a fix to this.

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Great New EA/BioWare Game "Q"


Best game I've played in a long time. You get to sit and enjoy the "Q" 4-5 hours a day.


It'll only cost you a few $20's to buy, and $15 a month thereafter.


SPECIAL DEAL FOR SWTOR PLAYERS! No matter what server you play on or reroll on you'll all get special access to this game within a few days of joining SWTOR!


If you don't want to wait for access to "Q," please, join me on the Legions of Lettow server and get in on the action today!

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At 9:15AM CST on a TUESDAY, a day when a lot of normal people work(yes I know kids are out of school) I am over 200 in que for Kaas City. I see 5 other servers with a 15-30 minute wait and then I see about 15 servers with LIGHT population. Why don't we up server capacity by like 500 here? Or why don't we transplant some newbies or entire guilds to other servers? Measures should have been taken last night while servers were down to fix things like this.
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Just because every other MMO has had queue times doesn't make it acceptable now. It wasn't acceptable then. I work in an industry that by nature has to have 100% up-time. This is no different. We pay for a service, if the service isn't there then we have every right to be frustrated. Apologizing for them isn't going to help us, you or them and neither is telling us to re-roll.


They should've locked the new accounts after the 19th out of the high pop early access servers. Forcing them to roll elsewhere would've prevented some of this. Time is a commodity for everyone involved, regardless of stance on the issue.


Patience would've been in order last week, this week not so much. They herded us early adopters into servers that quickly filled up to having queues already. Whether you landed there by guild assignment or personal choice is irrelevant. Your time is invested and is now being wasted. Enable free transfers and start spreading us out. If you didn't plan to manage the community any better than this you shouldn't have given us the opportunity to dig in a week early just to expect us to move when something you could've prevented blew up in your face.

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Originally Posted by Wayshuba

No one has any FREE time whatsoever. 30 days of play is included in the retail price of the game. So technically, the ludicrous queues are causing a degradation of the value included in the game. The box (or digital edition) specifies 30 days of game access included with the price. If you can't get on to the servers because you don't have five hours to spare waiting, then Bioware/EA is NOT providing the game access they advertise on the box. No one is here without having purchased a product, so nothing is free at all.


Honestly, the game is great in true Bioware fashion. The MMO part of this launch has really shown Bioware's inexperience with staggered access, low pop caps and queues which will earn them a space in the MMO record books. Lastly, Bioware not addressing this isssue urgently is showing their lack of understanding of the MMO space. They need to understand people are paying for access - not a deliver a product and when we get around to fixing it we do - product.


True, that explains EVERYTHING!!!!!


I had not being able to play with my main almost cause the +5hrs cues, like i stated before, i love the game, but if i cant play for what i payed then is a no deal

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