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Regarding server queues


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Guys, this is getting a bit silly now. I've got characters on 3 or 4 different servers due to the queues. I don't really mind either, as I can guarantee that one of my characters can be played at any given time as I've made toons on a combo of PvP, PvE, EU and US (East) servers.


Sure, it means I wont get to 'cap' any time soon, but this game isn't about the rush to 50 and Ilum for me, its about the experience, the crafting and the STORY.


So many of you are raging because you can't log on to one server to your 'main'. Ask your guild to roll an alternate guild on a light pop server. If your main guild is Republic, roll an Empire guild or vice versa. You'll still have fun, you'll still be able to play with your friends. It's a no brianer.


A lot of the rhetoric spouted by some are direct copy and pastes of threads in WoW's forums. This isn't WoW. Don't expect it to be, be flexible and above all HAVE PATIENCE!. The game only went live yesterday....:confused:

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I just went from 800 queue to 0 in around 10 minuttes .. It jumped from 700 to login screen ..


Have you guys heard our prayers?


Death Star just destroyed Alderaan or a bit of server performance tuning. I would go for the former. :)

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Guys, this is getting a bit silly now. I've got characters on 3 or 4 different servers due to the queues. I don't really mind either, as I can guarantee that one of my characters can be played at any given time as I've made toons on a combo of PvP, PvE, EU and US (East) servers.


Sure, it means I wont get to 'cap' any time soon, but this game isn't about the rush to 50 and Ilum for me, its about the experience, the crafting and the STORY.


So many of you are raging because you can't log on to one server to your 'main'. Ask your guild to roll an alternate guild on a light pop server. If your main guild is Republic, roll an Empire guild or vice versa. You'll still have fun, you'll still be able to play with your friends. It's a no brianer.


A lot of the rhetoric spouted by some are direct copy and pastes of threads in WoW's forums. This isn't WoW. Don't expect it to be, be flexible and above all HAVE PATIENCE!. The game only went live yesterday....:confused:


I love how you tell others to HAVE PATIENCE, while you created characters on 3-4 different servers due to the queues .. :D


Cool story bro

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Ques aside its being a prettty good launch, people need to look at the long game here, bioware needs to provide servers of healthy populations, ques are majorly artificial to discourage the new unguilded players from particular servers. They will go away, an mmo is a game to be played in the longterm.


sure its annoying but it really isn't worthy of all this hot air.

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That would be understandable but most of the servers were full even BEFORE the launch.


capped not full, staged capping to encourage an evenly distributed population. biowares only failing was in the allocation of preloaded guilds too the day 1 launch servers, they should have launched day 1 with nearly all there servers with a more even guild distribution.

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...You'll still have fun...


Your idea of fun might not be the same as others. I for example want to have my characters on the one server. I don't like the idea of having them scattered around half a dozen servers. But your missing the point entirely... we shouldn't have to server hop, especially when the servers were "LIGHT" when we joined them. This is just poor management on BW's part.


The game only went live yesterday....:confused:


No it didn't, the early access people have already built up over a week's worth of play... it's unreasonable and unacceptable to be forced to ditch all that and start again. And yeah I mean forced because "you'll just have to wait 2+ hours if you don't" is total crap!

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I love how you tell others to HAVE PATIENCE, while you created characters on 3-4 different servers due to the queues .. :D


Cool story bro


Nah, you got me wrong. Only part of the reason for the multiple server solution were down to the queues. I've got mates who live in the states (West Coast) and playing on an East Coast server with them is a happy compromise. We both have some virtual miles to cover to the servers, but our latency is about the same on an East Coast server.


If I want to play on one of the busy servers, I logon remotely from home and by the time I get in I generally only have a short queue time left :p

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Just logged into Red Eclipse at 13:30 GMT and no ques whatsoever, the server list is clear on waiting time apart from a couple of servers.. luck?.


I was expecting a que and if I had been greeted with one the subscription that was setup would have been cancelled, have they addressed it or people still experiencing ques??

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sooooo....any news regarding queue's ? All enjoyment of the game has been sweept from under our feet. Some form of update on the issue from BW would be nice.

...fix free guild transfers to even out the load

...increase limits

...tbh a maximum of like 10mins is acceptable to wait, and even thats streching it.

...and for the LOVE OF GAWD fix a freaking grace period for ppl who dc, its totatly unacceptable to have to requeue if u dc ..or have to skip a flashpoint or heroic bc one in the group dc's....


I do enjoy the gameplay and more or less every aspect of the game so far. But i have spent more time in queue then ingame. I know the game has just hit live but something needs to be done to sort this pronto


*edit, play on frostclaw and hex droid eu ...both have same problem..

Edited by stillhaa
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Does anyone else find the idea of threatening to cancel their sub a bit ludicrous? It also serves to accomplish nothing imo.


So you have to put up with queues for a few weeks. How does cancelling your sub and not playing SWTOR anymore really make you any better off?


I hate queues just the same but stopping the game because of them means I don't get to play anymore at all.


It's like getting in a queue to see a movie and your solution to that queue is not going to see the movie. Makes no sense at all.


Granted yes, if things are still this bad come Feb when you actually start paying for the game, by all means take a month or two off to let it cool down but the threats of "I AM QUITTING FOREVER" are bizarre.

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I hope BW and EA ( although i dont trust EA ) will fix this stuff sooner. OPENING UP NEW SERVERS won't fix the issues related on the current server. I already rerolled due to the queue times cuz i hate waiting. Dont make me reroll the whole game, cba seeing the same story again, and no i dont want to change the class I WANT TO AND PAID FOR to play.

Increase the cloud bandwidht and server capacity and u fix it. It's that easy. cmooooooooooooon stop being greedy bastards, that ain't the way to have a successfull game.

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Does anyone else find the idea of threatening to cancel their sub a bit ludicrous? It also serves to accomplish nothing imo.


So you have to put up with queues for a few weeks. How does cancelling your sub and not playing SWTOR anymore really make you any better off?


I hate queues just the same but stopping the game because of them means I don't get to play anymore at all.


It's like getting in a queue to see a movie and your solution to that queue is not going to see the movie. Makes no sense at all.


Granted yes, if things are still this bad come Feb when you actually start paying for the game, by all means take a month or two off to let it cool down but the threats of "I AM QUITTING FOREVER" are bizarre.


I agree with you with it being totaly rediculas to threaten rage quit. But i understand where they're coming from.

But for some of us with familys and small kids and jobs, having to wait in queue for 2h means more or less no game time...well either that or no sleep at all ... (sure its not BW's fault i got a family or a job, but im still a paying customer that would like to enjoy the game)


Tho your metaphor about going to the movies is just plain wrong...and i dont even think anyone would go to the movies if they had to stand in line for 2h to get in, then desides to go to the toalett and by doing that they'd had to stand in line for 2 more hours....

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In an attempt to be productive and not destructive BW had to have some sort of idea on the number of people that were going to play this. Its hard to be patient when you know you had x number of perorder but you didnt make the server space.


1)My first thought is close servers for new charcters where people are waiting an hour plus. No one new should be signing up.


2) If there is not going to be a fix in the first week for Q times they need to begin character transfers cause you know there is going to be a wait time just to get your guy moved to low pop. server


3) Im sure BW is trying there best. They must understand that people arent going to play a game (no matter how good) where you need to wait more then 20 min just to get in.

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It's launch week, and EA and BW DO NOT CARE about your server que problems because they are FABRICATED. Its the grand opening of there new store, and ur complaining that the line is too long to get in... your solution... make the store bigger...


if you really think that the population in swtor isnt going to drop DRASTICALLY over the next few weeks then you just arent a smart person. Ive never been part of a launch before but even I understand what is happening here. if they added 100 new servers, yes there would be no ques, but in a week or so, those servers would be ghost towns.

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I have to thank you EA. My wife sends best regards :))))) Normaly i would play from 19:00 when i get home from work. Now cause of the q i start at about 22:00 :))) So now we have planty of time to spend together. I think this was intentional to have queues. The game is SOOOOO cool, that if there be none, everybody would stay in as much as possible. So your trying to saev peoples marriage.. Great job you doing :))))))))))))))
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