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Regarding server queues


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7:30 AM PST, 110 person queue, "10 minute wait..." 7:45 AM PST, 60 person queue, "10 minute wait..."


I just want to queue some crafts up before I catch my train, Beedubs. This is ridiculous. Lock the EGA servers. Yes, new folks want to find their friends. Let them find them in two weeks. I'm looking at a screen full of light pop servers no one is going to use unless you make them. So get with the making.

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"This thread was started ON A WEEKEND. Anyone that knows corporate structure KNOWS you're not going to see anything done on a weekend. They'll fix it when they can, but they're NOT going to break out and fix it over the weekend. No way, no how." - TomWhiting



Actually it was started Wednesday. It has been split twice now due to growing to large and once to turn it into a sticky.



Edit: We are on page 504 now.


When you run a server based company there is no such thing as weekends. So paying costumers are just supposed to wait till it suits them to fix it?!


There is no excuse for neglegt, and this borderlines neglegt! They should have thought about this when they assigned guilds to servers. This i a problem they created by stuffing more guilds on servers that allready where full. They should have made it so we could move our chars to other servers free of charge the first month. That would balance things out.

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Goodness, I don't know how many times I've had to change servers because of queues.. and now I'll have to do it again. :(

Why can't servers just be temporarily locked? Or perhaps you can offer a server transfer service so that we don't lose our progress.

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BW sneaks in the 'greater-than' symbol in their server queue times - so <10.00m can be an hour wait and it is technically correct.


Lame launch - risks artificially filling up the light pop servers which will be abandoned and barren once they fix this disaster.



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Ah, don't worry they are looking into it and it will all be fixxed on release day..opps. I will not reroll thats fail. BIOWARE should have been able to release the game with out 4 hour queues and a buggy game. WOW, EQ2 and LOTRO all had better releases and were years ago. Ill be that guy...Long live WOW!



On WoW release day, the account management page could not handle the crowd (which was way smaller than what's going on nowadays), and majority of player were not able to even register their game till very late evening, queues were present as well, and they were just as long.


That however doesn't exactly excuse the fact servers that were already having long queues, now have them at even worse levels. I mean, before launch day I could at least log in freely at early morning. Today had a lovely 300 people queue at 10am CET on PvE-RP server. If only half of those people where actually planning to RP....

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The following is a brief statement from Jeff Hickman, Executive Producer, Live Services:


"We know there have been questions about the queues on the servers, so we wanted to take a moment to give you some insight.


In order to ensure that the service would be smooth and stable, we staged how we brought people into the Early Game Access program, adding people in waves. As you know, there are a lot of folks who want to play the game right now and we want to make sure they have lots of people to play with. Balancing this with figuring out when to bring new servers online to help alleviate the size of the queues is part art and part science. On one hand, you do not want people to wait too long – on the other hand, you want to make sure that people have a dynamic, engaging community to play with for long after launch. Either way, we have one clear objective – to make sure folks have fun.


While we can’t promise that there won’t ever be queues, we can promise you that we are taking this matter seriously and constantly reviewing them to make sure that they are manageable and reasonable."


Either offer server transfers, or get better hardware. Queues at 11am EST/8am PST is just obnoxious and reeks of ignorant planning. I get that the game just launched, but you've also had three years for infrastructure planning, over a year of beta omgwtfstresstesting or however you want to spin, and a week of EGA to adjust accordingly and to sort out systems properly.


Get it together already.

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Sorry, If this problem won't be fixed soon, I donate my gametime and go back to the other big MMORPG fantasystyle.. At least there, I can actually play, when I really want to.. And dont have to waste 40% of my actual playtime in the evening on waiting .. Sorry Bioware.. you see how many people are fed up with it.. DO STH.. Tell us sth.. or this will be the biggest Bioware disaster e v e r
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Okay I agree this isn't working. I'm very patient but at this point... even on a morning during the week we're in queue? So it's getting worse?


My whole guild was placed on this server and now this is happening?


We'll help balance over servers since folks seem to insist in hammering full servers while others are "LIGHT".


Give us guild/character transfers. That would let the community help balance things for you because whatver your doing isn't working.



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BW sneaks in the 'greater-than' symbol in their server queue times - so <10.00m can be an hour wait and it is technically correct.


Lame launch - risks artificially filling up the light pop servers which will be abandoned and barren once they fix this disaster.




That is a LESS THAN symbol meaning LESS THAN 10 minutes.

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I'm frankly disappointed. I realized there may be queues during early access due to server population restriction to control stability. However, in a game I pay time to play for, I absolutely do not want to sit in a queue.


I know that I may choose to only play the game a couple hours a week, and the dollars spent per hour are high. However, when half of my available time to play is spent in a queue, why would I pay anything for this game. I expected server populations to be larger come launch day to accommodate for the exponential growth.


All I am asking for is a one-time free server transfer (or better a guild transfer), to a low population server so I can enjoy the game a pay to play. As loyal fans, we have waited a long time, please help us with wait times.

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When you run a server based company there is no such thing as weekends. So paying costumers are just supposed to wait till it suits them to fix it?!

Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine, whine and more whine.

EA is a corporation. They're not going to get JACK done on a weekend, period. Everything must go through the proper channels and in this case, that does not happen on a weekend. Sorry, but that's the case. WoW is the same way, every major company is the same, exact way. Deal with it.

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Well right now it is neccesary... Simply opening new servers doesnt work i have no intention in starting over on a new server and why should i. I really really hope they know what theyre doing otherwise a lot of people are going to be very disappointed. Me included.


They have to see how it pans out when the masses come in, so it might be a couple of days before there is even talk of increasing server caps.


Patience is the key to MMO launches, it's the way it has always been.

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Well got up today drove to work did what I had to do there came back home decided ok it's a slow day let's play. Saw a queue avg time 10 min I was aww not bad. Walked the dogs fed the cats ate got a shower folded some laundry watch some tv that was an hour ago oh and I have a turkey in the oven yummy turkey. Good news is I started at over 200 in queue now at 97. They probably have the new intern running around town trying to buy new blades for their servers. Edited by Rykian
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I know it's frustrating... I know it shouldn't be... But let me give you a new point of view...


I just was able to log on my server... And I realized one thing...


Dromund Kaas... only 50 players online... Different instances ? NOPE only 1 today...


I think they didn't lied... Just don'T know how to say it so people really understands...


I think they REALLY did put the Threshold to LOW so there is not many people logging in ... And sending new people (without friends playing right now) to new servers...


I think we'll have to wait and see... BUt I sure hope i'm right...

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Ah, don't worry they are looking into it and it will all be fixxed on release day..opps. I will not reroll thats fail. BIOWARE should have been able to release the game with out 4 hour queues and a buggy game. WOW, EQ2 and LOTRO all had better releases and were years ago. Ill be that guy...Long live WOW!


You obviously didn't play WOW at release ... :rolleyes: Can't speak for EQ2 or LOTOR




Is BW throttling servers? The zones are huge. I was on Krayt Dragon this morning. At 7:30am there were only 19 people on Caroline, but the server was heavily populated. I know its not a starter planet, but doing Heroic quests is a pain when there is no one on.

Edited by Distressor
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They have to see how it pans out when the masses come in, so it might be a couple of days before there is even talk of increasing server caps.


Patience is the key to MMO launches, it's the way it has always been.


But they are adding more servers?

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11am on a tuesday morning...35 minute Q time? How about you allow more concurrent players...or I dont know...lock servers at a reasonable amount? I can see a 30 minute Q in PRIMETIME EST...but last time I checked 11AM is NOT primetime.
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There are now 15 to 90 minutes queues IN THE MORNING (EST)!!!


What the **** Bioware? You didn't even change the servers cap yesterday during that downtime didn't you?


Oh sure, I am gonna change server... FOR THE FOURTH TIME! I am very tired of doing the first 10 levels over and over again! TRYING TO FIND A SERVER!


If this isn't sort out in the next few weeks, I am out.

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