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Everything posted by DeefenD

  1. The server went down with no alerts.... lol sorry that's not funny.
  2. True... but this is after 7 day "pre-launch" and should be an indicator of needing to do something. I think allowing character/guild transfers would be helpful for the community to help "balance" over the servers. I'm patient though.. I'm sure things will get better. This is a launch of the (IMHO) biggest most anticipated MMO ever!
  3. Okay I agree this isn't working. I'm very patient but at this point... even on a morning during the week we're in queue? So it's getting worse? My whole guild was placed on this server and now this is happening? We'll help balance over servers since folks seem to insist in hammering full servers while others are "LIGHT". Give us guild/character transfers. That would let the community help balance things for you because whatver your doing isn't working. Please??
  4. Right on!! Okay December folks that are in here... forget what I said about cleaning up when we leave.
  5. You will ALL be playing tonight! w00T! I think... I mean it may not be true, but it might be and feels awesome to think that right?
  6. It's getting quiet in here as the Novemberites humbly begin entering the game. I think the rest of us should be in on next wave... they must be small waves... not even body surfable.
  7. I've seen 28th and 29th folks in, and 28th and 29th folks not in but I'm still pretty confident all of November will be in... and I still have hope for the Decembers too. Hang in there guys! There's still hope for us! -- I survived SWTOR EGA... so far.
  8. Oh fine then, I'm doing that to my wife if she doesn't get in today and telling her it's your fault... and she's a red head.
  9. heh I feel ya... I'm Nov 29th and the wife is Dec 1.
  10. It's okay man... we're all here for you. This is the support group and the "Novemberites" can help you.
  11. Great thanks.. Caused me to restart the client over and over 5 times before I saw you were joking.
  12. w00t! So I don't have a problem then... I'm just a hardcore gamer. heh I feel so much better now.... but since I'm not actually in game yet I'm sorta feeling like a forum #!@#.
  13. Today was the first day of my vacation and while I could be playing some other game or bringing in the hoses from outside like my wife wants me to, I'm sitting here in this forum with all of you..... waiting to see if we get in today. So I figure this is some sort of "support group" for the late redeemers waiting for EGA so I guess I'll start.... I'm old enough to remember seeing A New Hope at the movies when it came out. Over the years I've aquired many collectables.... my wife and I plan to have a Star Wars room when our oldest kid moves out. The weekend after Thanksgiving we made the kids watch all the movies in chronological order (by the end they didn't mind). Anyway, I admit I have a problem. And it's that the little play button is still grey.
  14. /waves hand like a Jedi "You will let November in today" (And first week of December so my wife and daughter can play too) What's with all these civil and decent posts? Don't get me wrong, you all make me proud to be a "Novemberite" but all those rants were sort of entertaining.
  15. Nice post! Great to hear something positive. That "Early Access" thread totally explains why the Sith/Empire characters completely outnumber the Jedi/Republic. lol
  16. That's a thought and I do find comfort in things they "could" do. What's unfortunate if that's true is that not my whole guild joined the SWTOR guild. Only enough to get the pre-guild approval. Mostly because it won't exist after launch so really no reason for it other than the guild pre-launch.
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