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  1. Anything to change the current system. And I'm not bitter over not having gear. It's exactly other way around. I have both my main spec set and off-spec set on 5/5, 3 mainhand tokens, 2 wrist tokens and 2 boot tokens spare laying in my bank. My friend who I'm doing WZs with still doesn't even have 1 full set. Luck factor is all fine and dandy when it comes to PvE drops, because quite often there will be someone around who can use the drop, but in PVP, when only I'm able to open the bag, and I'm not able to trade the contents with other players it just creates another layer of imbalance between the players. The whole system as it is was badly implemented allowing some people to skip first tier (Centurion) of gear with first few lucky bags, while others may grind up all the way to rank 60, and still not have full Champion set. Personally I'd prefer if the daily/weekly PVP quests instead choice between bags would simply give us choice between commendations, and each tier up in commendations would require higher valor rank. (Centurion - none or 10, Champion 30 or 40, Battlemaster 60). That way everyone would get what they currently need, rather than the frustration of 10-15 "empty" bags in row.
  2. That's the one thing I do not get. On character creation screen, when You pick Jedi Knight, the models are displayed in not bad looking robe+heavy armour set, furthermore, on Corellia, You meet plenty of Jedi dressed in that exact same armour model. Why is it exactly that the set itself doesn't seem to be obtainable by players? As a Guardian, tank specced JK I'm running in medium armour just because it's the only thing that looks relatively fine without putting a hood over my head. Only other option are trooper armours, but they do make me look kind of silly. Either let us obtain that character creation set, allow social clothing to scale to armour class, or make hoods down with headgear display disabled so we can all be happy <.< (Also Miraluka + Jedi Heavy Armour headpieces - clipping galore due to blindfold)
  3. What I'd really like to see on my JK is a short defensive cooldown, that would boost the shield chance to reasonable (as in big chance to proc) chance for a hit or two. Currently bulk of my survivability comes from a fellow healer that will put a bubble on me or spam heals, and apart from 3 min cool down toys I'd rather have read for really "oh shi-" moments, there is very little I can do. The Blade Storm proc, while nice, with harder hitting bosses just doesn't make enough of a difference and lack of mitigation against both Tech and Force powers (other than internal/kinetic resistances) makes some encounters way more painful than They should be. Sure, HUGE BUFF is overdoing it, but small fixes might go long way of making tanking more enjoyable.
  4. We all know the ideal solution... And that's end game content constructed in a way that takes the whole idea of "gear progression" out of quotation. If encounters weren't designed around DPS being able to do X damage in Y time, or tank being able to take Z damage in single/two quick blows we wouldn't even have to have this argument in every "traditional" MMO of last years. Sadly it's easier said than done, and generally too much work for single encounter to make it worthwhile I suppose. As it stands, a a "top" crafter needs access to raid recipes. It's all fine. But same time, what''s not fine, is the materials required being Bind on Pickup. When things are BoE rich crafter that doesn't raid can eventually buy all he needs and be happy without raiding. Win-Win.
  5. Because those 5 people wont be fighting in 5 1v1 duels. They will work as a team, use designated targets for burst and CCs. If You balance the game around 1v1 viability it becomes "who gets the first hit in" assuming equal "skill" level. It won't matter who You attack or who You CC, it won't matter how You deal with specific compositions because suddenly everything is "same". The ideal of rock-paper-scissors approach is when classes have slight advantages over another, making certain 1v1 situations easier for one side, but not impossible for the other (assuming equal gear). That way, in Your 5v5 scenario, the team composition suddenly may lead to completely different tactics depending on what You are dealing with. Classes should supplement each other rather than everyone be 1 man army. If Your class has a certain weakness against another, team up with someone that can fill that gap and make sure that You 2 beat the 2 of their class. Simple as that.
  6. Those are not PvPers, those are casual Warzoners. While the balance surely could use some tweaks here and there, there is not enough data around to really make calls now. PEople should wait for lvl 50 PvP. The issue seems to be in fact that in warzones 10-49 we are all bunched together, which means people who have 30+ talents spent and all the fancy spells fight people who have 2-3 talent points and lack majority of class defining skills. It's pretty obvious all the people with few talent points will see "unbalance" when someone with full spec runs into them.
  7. On WoW release day, the account management page could not handle the crowd (which was way smaller than what's going on nowadays), and majority of player were not able to even register their game till very late evening, queues were present as well, and they were just as long. That however doesn't exactly excuse the fact servers that were already having long queues, now have them at even worse levels. I mean, before launch day I could at least log in freely at early morning. Today had a lovely 300 people queue at 10am CET on PvE-RP server. If only half of those people where actually planning to RP....
  8. It's not that hard to get some medals around as healer - slap few dots, keep Your shock ready for killing blow and zap around whenever You don't have to heal. I do wish however, people would use MVP more. It's such a waste when 80% of team doesn't even bother to click. If You don't know who to click, just pick a stat that You consider valuable and reward someone. Help people around You and They will help You. It's easy.
  9. Same issue with Khem for Sith Inquisitor and his AoE. It keeps resetting each time he "phases" out (death, using speeder, sending him on crew mission, etc.), oddly enough all other skill are not affected by this, just the AoE.
  10. Because I by default do not pre-order games I am not sure I will play, especially when it comes to MMOs. Since I did not get into beta until 25th November I was not willing to potentially "waste" money. I'm the kind of customer that companies hate, because I do not blindly buy everything that has flashy adverts. I patiently waited since Feb 2010 for beta to see whenever I will commit to the game or not. Those few days now waiting for Early Access/Official Launch don't really seem all that much.
  11. Yes please. Makes many things so much easier if we can communicate directly with community on the server we play on without having to browse through topics with no relevance to us.
  12. I just hope, that by the time the game launches officially both maintenance and Operation reset times will be adjusted to GMT or CET times for Europe so we don't end up with those happening in middle of our playtimes. Invites, I do not care about all that much, it's just Early Access and frankly, any level difference will be meaningless in matter of following weeks, but if we will have to suffer through 4-5 hour maintenance period at 3-4 pm our time it will be bad. Very bad.
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