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Regarding server queues


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I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I feel it can not be brought up enough. Please allow free character transfers from full servers to low pop servers. I rerolled enough in beta, my character is 28 now and I really do want to reroll yet again just to avoid queues (which BTW, its 7:30a and there's already a 15m queue on Shadow Hand - UGH).
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Staring at a queue screen is better?


That isnt the point I'm trying to make, nor is it, I think, what others are making either.


I feel sorry for the poor buggers who have spent £100 or whatever the special sooper dooper deluxe version of this game was, so they can look at queue screens.


Your inability to at the very least acknowledge that people do have at least a right to not be happy with the situation is a shame.

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Is there any contingency plan in place to address the ongoing queuing issues? so far with over 500 post there has not been any response out of EA/Bioware. if the issue goes unresolved will there be refunds offered?


A wild stab in the dark here .. the answers are NO. Lots and lots of NO.

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This is incredible.


Since you have taken me 3 months my subscription and bioware does nothing, for you have many servers if they are full extend not going to get anything, people are not going to change the server and even more so when you have characters and high (30-40)


Bioware game I've paid and I paid as I demand that you give me dedicate yourselves or gifts not to open more servers. Amend those who are working, making them larger than in the betaweekend already tested and worked perfectly. And if you can not Put free migration to other servers.


With this and top with the game's release on today's all you get is going to lose players and lose this money.

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Its 8am and there is a que already on the server YOU assigned us??.. This isnt even close to prime time...


Hopefully this is cleared soon or a lot will be compelled to look for a refund.. I didnt pay $80 to stare at the screen and wait.... Ive played 10 or so MMO and dont ever remember waiting...

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Its 8am and there is a que already on the server YOU assigned us??.. This isnt even close to prime time...


Hopefully this is cleared soon or a lot will be compelled to look for a refund.. I didnt pay $80 to stare at the screen and wait.... Ive played 10 or so MMO and dont ever remember waiting...


y u no say its a trap?

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i just dont understand why people wanna reroll or even migrate? soon that server will face the same problem = moving the problem and not solving it.


Games have proven time and time again that free xfers from high-pop to low-pop server solve population issues. The reason is that only the extremely full servers are allowed xfers to very low pop or new servers. When there are enough of them to choose from, the folks that move away spread themselves out over those servers.

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I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I feel it can not be brought up enough. Please allow free character transfers from full servers to low pop servers. I rerolled enough in beta, my character is 28 now and I really do want to reroll yet again just to avoid queues (which BTW, its 7:30a and there's already a 15m queue on Shadow Hand - UGH).

THIS! Today at 11am (EU time) I had to wait 45 minutes, I can imagine how it is at 6pm...

Edited by karcyon
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i'm one who doesn't complain about the queue, and usually tell others to chill and give em time to fix things. i just find it funny that i have a queue at 7:30am, then again it is launch day, so we probably have an influx of new people who just happen to roll on heavy/full servers instead of lighter ones.
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The difference is, that the others were first. Bioware had a chance to do something about it. It's been proven already, that you can make a server for thousands upon thousands of players to log in without a queue and play without lags or random DCs. Bioware failed at that and as customers we're entitled to throw crap at them.


So same to you: shut up.




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