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Does TOR still have a viable playerbase?


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As the the title says. Does TOR still have enough players to keep going? Now I'm not trying to start any arguments, I'd just be really interested to know how many ppl still play.


Take right now for example, it's around mid-day on sunday and on the top 5 eu servers there are like 10 ppl in fleet. Funneling ppl together with the coming char transfers might make the few destination servers a bit more active, but can the game keep running with the current subscriber amount?

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Yes there are still plenty of people playing, add all of the EU servers, US servers and Asiatic servers together and you have close to 500 servers. If you only have 2000 people on each server that is a million people.


How many people on fleet is only a small percentage of people playing the game.

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O great another doom and gloom thread. Will people please stop doing these they get old.


Yes SWTOR has enough people playing just too many servers 1.3 mil subs last roll call, and yes they might of gone down by now so it should be sitting either at 1mil-1.1mil.


And it will easily attract more people because there is so much you can do with the IP that is SW like pazaak, 3d space, guild capital ship, etc.

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The player base has reduced a little since the release and most servers are dead as dead can be, however they are "fixing" that by merging servers to increase the population per server.

This could make the game more fun for the people that play the game, only probably wont let players that left come back to play the game.

There is simply to much competition of other newly released games.


Best way to maximize effect from this merging of servers is by giving a week or so perhapse a few days of free play time for all account.

Also for the frozen accounts, this way the players that left can check the game again and see how the population has increased and enjoy the game again.


If they dont then this merging of servers would only help the current players on empty servers, the players that are on busy servers and are in raiding guilds wouldnt really notice much difference.

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I doubt we will ever truely know the number of active players, paying for this game. Most information that comes out is at least 3 months old. We will see what happens after the merger but currently I only do the solo content because its too much like hard work getting into a group.
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Yes there are still plenty of people playing, add all of the EU servers, US servers and Asiatic servers together and you have close to 500 servers. If you only have 2000 people on each server that is a million people.


How many people on fleet is only a small percentage of people playing the game.


Us has 100 servers and EU about 90 ...pacific what 3? so where does the rest 300 come from or cant u see all the servers on the list in the page :p great over estemating, do u work for BW ? ^^

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Server transfers (followed by merges) will hopefully help a lot. If you know there aren't that many people online, then you know it will be harder to find a group and PvP queues will take longer. So, you don't bother logging on. You not logging on causes even less people to be online and so the cycle continues with less and less people logging on.
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Yes there are still plenty of people playing, add all of the EU servers, US servers and Asiatic servers together and you have close to 500 servers. If you only have 2000 people on each server that is a million people.


How many people on fleet is only a small percentage of people playing the game.



500 servers? *lol*


We have ~ 220 servers and not 500.



We've got estimated "prime-time" activity numbers - and worldwide they are under 150.000.


For example: German Prime Time - less than ~ 12.000 people are playing ( 30 servers ).



I really doubt that SW:TOR will stay at the viable 500.000 subs by the end of the year, I suppose that it's fallen below this necessary player base right to the next financial call.

Edited by LovarBoy
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The answer to the OPs question is yes.


TOR's last call was well over a million. Don't believe what others here say that call the death of the game because of ghost servers. WOW has ghost servers...this is why Bioware is trying to get people off of the servers that are dying but the servers that are alive are alive and well.


The game is alive and well. I wouldn't believe people's 'guesstimates' that fly around here.

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The answer to the OPs question is yes.


TOR's last call was well over a million. Don't believe what others here say that call the death of the game because of ghost servers. WOW has ghost servers...this is why Bioware is trying to get people off of the servers that are dying but the servers that are alive are alive and well.


The game is alive and well. I wouldn't believe people's 'guesstimates' that fly around here.


Wow sure does. When I left there were about 16 players in org at prime time on the proudmoore server.

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The answer to the OPs question is yes.


TOR's last call was well over a million. Don't believe what others here say that call the death of the game because of ghost servers. WOW has ghost servers...this is why Bioware is trying to get people off of the servers that are dying but the servers that are alive are alive and well.


The game is alive and well. I wouldn't believe people's 'guesstimates' that fly around here.



These "guesstimates" will come to the surface when the free 30 day period ends - in a week.


Do you really think SW:TOR had 1,3 million "active" players when the financial call has been published?


From summarized ~ 100.000-150.000 players in the prime time ( for sure there are people that were not counted ), how do you think there can be +1 million active subscribers? ;)


These population-counting-threads are quite good indicators of the prime-time population - and it's astonishingly sparse.

Edited by LovarBoy
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As the the title says. Does TOR still have enough players to keep going? Now I'm not trying to start any arguments, I'd just be really interested to know how many ppl still play.


Take right now for example, it's around mid-day on sunday and on the top 5 eu servers there are like 10 ppl in fleet. Funneling ppl together with the coming char transfers might make the few destination servers a bit more active, but can the game keep running with the current subscriber amount?


Has me worried there till i logged in. I see 83 people on the fleet on Red Eclipse. What 5 top eu servers are u talking about?

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As the the title says. Does TOR still have enough players to keep going? Now I'm not trying to start any arguments, I'd just be really interested to know how many ppl still play.


Take right now for example, it's around mid-day on sunday and on the top 5 eu servers there are like 10 ppl in fleet. Funneling ppl together with the coming char transfers might make the few destination servers a bit more active, but can the game keep running with the current subscriber amount?


The game is viable. It has been demonstrated. The game will remain in action. It has been confirmed.

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These "guesstimates" will come to the surface when the free 30 day period ends - in a week.


Do you really think SW:TOR had 1,3 million "active" players when the financial call has been published?


From summarized ~ 100.000-150.000 players in the prime time ( for sure there are people that were not counted ), how do you think there can be +1 million active subscribers? ;)


Any one that is still playing right now is less likely to leave. The large drop off MMOs receive is usually in the 3 month period. When hundreds of thousands left the game (btw, it's a testament to this game that it had hundreds of thousands to lose. It lost about more players than most other MMOs not named WOW have ever had.)


Yes I do, because companies don't just lie about numbers like that. The debate should be how much they have loss and if that is just a small number or if there was another drop. If the game still has around 1,000,000 subs I hate to tell you then that is likely the sub base of the game...


100,000 players in primetime, if that is the number that is a good number. You do know that not all of the players get on at the same time? It's also nearly impossible to get the numbers of concurrent users, there is way too many variables there.

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These "guesstimates" will come to the surface when the free 30 day period ends - in a week.

For many, yes..but for the 6 month subscription buyers, we still have : "You have 67 days of play time remaining". So it'll take over 2 months before those drops off the list...


In 3 months, you can get a better idea of actual subscriber numbers.. which is probably after the next quarterly EA report even.

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Any one that is still playing right now is less likely to leave. The large drop off MMOs receive is usually in the 3 month period. When hundreds of thousands left the game (btw, it's a testament to this game that it had hundreds of thousands to lose. It lost about more players than most other MMOs not named WOW have ever had.)


Yes I do, because companies don't just lie about numbers like that. The debate should be how much they have loss and if that is just a small number or if there was another drop. If the game still has around 1,000,000 subs I hate to tell you then that is likely the sub base of the game...


100,000 players in primetime, if that is the number that is a good number. You do know that not all of the players get on at the same time? It's also nearly impossible to get the numbers of concurrent users, there is way too many variables there.


I think we just should wait for the next financial call in August - that may be the most important "subscriber-information" SW:TOR ever had. Except they give 95% of the player base a free month again just to falsify the truth about active subscribers.


Remember: 1.2 went live and many many players were full of hope for that patch - just one week after the Rakghoul event ended the activity collapsed and the players left the game in a tremendous amount - still having an active subscription. And then BW gave us free 30 days. And then the financial call came. Think about it. :)

Edited by LovarBoy
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I think this thread should be an example of just how much the community does not know about the sub levels of this game..


lets take this whole thing as a lesson in futility in trying to estimate the number of people playing this game...and just stop.it makes us all appear far less intelligent


we have in this thread alone...


someone who says we have over 1 million people still..and someoen who estimates under 100k..



come on..really? both of those seem silly to me..


lets just stop estimating something that we as a community have no ability to estimate accurately.

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I think we just should wait for the next financial call in August - that may be the most important "subscriber-information" SW:TOR ever had. Except they give 95% of the player base a free month again just to falsify the truth about active subscribers.


Remember: 1.2 went live and many many players were full of hope for that patch - just one week after the Rakghoul event ended the activity collapsed and the players left the game in a tremendous amount - still having an active subscription. And then BW gave us free 30 days. And then the financial call came. Think about it. :)


Activity is always highest around a big patch though. Also the companies always (the smart ones) give players a incentive to come back (free weeks and what not) how do you know that the free 30 days that were given didn't help with dropping sub numbers?


We really just don't know outside of what we feel. I know some feel "My server is dead, game is dying." but for others on a more busy server it's not like that at all. Dead Servers happen to the best of MMOs though so it's not really a indication of anything, because we find out the server load for these servers initially may have been small to begin with and also that they opened up one too many servers to deal with the launch day load.


Personally, going off this game having 1.3 million subs no matter how they got it is pretty amazing when you think that most other MMOs not named WoW barely break the 1 million mark. That's a huge accomplishment and going off their last reports it's hard to believe that the player base is not 'viable'

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I think this thread should be an example of just how much the community does not know about the sub levels of this game..


lets take this whole thing as a lesson in futility in trying to estimate the number of people playing this game...and just stop.it makes us all appear far less intelligent


we have in this thread alone...


someone who says we have over 1 million people still..and someoen who estimates under 100k..



come on..really? both of those seem silly to me..


lets just stop estimating something that we as a community have no ability to estimate accurately.


If you are talking about me I never said the game had over 1,000,000 subs. I said that was what was last reported and I am going by that.


It's the others trying to guesstimate that the subs have fallen off another 700k or so.


I highly doubt that, that would have put Bioware in panic mode and with how casual they are taking releasing stuff they don't seem to be in emergency mode right now heh.

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If you are talking about me I never said the game had over 1,000,000 subs. I said that was what was last reported and I am going by that.


It's the others trying to guesstimate that the subs have fallen off another 700k or so.


I highly doubt that, that would have put Bioware in panic mode and with how casual they are taking releasing stuff they don't seem to be in emergency mode right now heh.


last reported was long enough that subs have dropped again and yes. i doubt 1 million is correct at all. however .. i think everyone needs to stop estimating anything and just let the transfers go and see if it fixes the problems.



fatman is proof that even with low sub numbers the game is fun when there are people on the server to play..


i dont see why we all need to be financial estimaters who now realize and know everything there is about the financial status of a game that hasnt had an offical report released in a while and the last time it was 1 million and since then even bioware admitted a drop..


so everyone please stop estimating something you dont have the ability to estimate. it will make your enjoyment of the game all that better.

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500 servers? *lol*


We have ~ 220 servers and not 500.



We've got estimated "prime-time" activity numbers - and worldwide they are under 150.000.


For example: German Prime Time - less than ~ 12.000 people are playing ( 30 servers ).



I really doubt that SW:TOR will stay at the viable 500.000 subs by the end of the year, I suppose that it's fallen below this necessary player base right to the next financial call.


No, we have 226 severs with an average concurrent use of 346 per server.


That's 78,196 concurrent. That's very high. For reference WoW's concurrent in NA is about 200k-250k.

Edited by metalgearyoda
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