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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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Any news you get wont suffice. This is the sentiment i would take from the thousands of pages of post here.


Then you must be skimming, and not see the specific unaswered questions we are wanting addressed:



  • Will same-gender relationships be available with current companions?
  • If so, with which?
  • Will same-gender relationships be available for all eight classes?
  • If not, with which?
  • Will new relationship options be available to characters who have already fully progressed companion stories?
  • Is the awaited same-gender content on the schedule to be released with Makeb?
  • Are we still on track to see that content this year?
  • Will same-gender romance require an in-game credit or cartel coin (or any other similar) expense to unlock?


As I have said as often as I have listed these, answers to any would be appreciated. Answering all would suffice for the purposes of this thread.


Now go troll the chat bubble or secret space mission or barber shop or paid transfer people, 'kay? Thanks. Bye.

Edited by Uluain
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At this point, I'm on the verge of starting a thread demanding some info, reposting it once they close the first, and reposting it again once they close the second if need be. This lack of info is getting to be quite ridiculous.


Prior to coming back to this thread, I was willing to defend BioWare as much as reasonably possible. The mood and attitude of the posters in here, coupled with the lack of any information from anyone in-the-know (and has been posted, there have to have been people in-the-know even by the pre-launch point in development), has put me in a position of being just as willing to criticize as the rest of the people posting here regularly.


Even after F2P goes live, I intend to continue my subscription. Why? Because I hate some the F2P restrictions quite frankly, but more importantly because I love this game. I anxiously awaited this game for 3 years, didn't even care about Christmas last year because this game's launch day may as well have been my Christmas (thank you, BioWare <3), and to this day I continue to defend it against haters and doubters, and continue to enjoy this game almost as much as I was on day 1. I doubt I'm the only person in this game's player base that feels this way. So why are loyal gamers and subscribers like us still being left in the dark on such a highly demanded aspect of the game, one that's been included in past BW games and will likely make it into future ones at launch?


Many of us are sick of waiting, and your silence isn't helping defend you from any possible perspective, BioWare. Might not be a bad idea to let us know something significant to this topic before you cause irreparable damage to your reputation as one of the best game developers out there. At least in the eyes of the LGBT community, plus any additional gamers that would advocate for them.

Edited by Noremacv
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Just a quickie before I head off to my bed - there is a mod for Kotor that allows male Revan to romance Carth - I can't remember the exact name of the mod but a quick Google should find it relatively easily.


Speaking of DA2, I accidentally, erm procured Serendipity's services at the Rose with my completely ladies only Lady Hawke. I head-canon it so they sit around and play cards for a few hours - Serendipity gets the night off and Lady Hawke gets to keep Isabela guessing hehe.


As an addendum to that - the player's visit to the rose is actually the cause of the now infamous 'Awkward' line at Serendipity's presence in the Assassin DLC. That line was only supposed to trigger if Hawke had, um, befriended many of the Rose's workers - including Serendipity herself. Serendipity then says how they're 'all looking forward to seeing Hawke again soon' or some such hence Talis' 'Awkward'. lt related to Talis being privy to Hawke's personal business, not the presence of Serendipity.

The writer was mortified when the scene played out the way it did without the correct trigger - purely a slip-up in crafting the dialogue tree not meant as any slight on serendipity as a character. And really, with the DA team's track record when it comes to LGBT characters,I never even suspected it was anything but a mistake, but totally understand how distressing it was at the time for many people.


Aand since I've had to re-write every other word, I really should go to bed now :cool:

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Then you must be skimming, and not see the specific unaswered questions we are wanting addressed:



  • Will same-gender relationships be available with current companions?
  • If so, with which?
  • Will same-gender relationships be available for all eight classes?
  • If not, with which?
  • Will new relationship options be available to characters who have already fully progressed companion stories?
  • Is the awaited same-gender content on the schedule to be released with Makeb?
  • Are we still on track to see that content this year?
  • Will same-gender romance require an in-game credit or cartel coin (or any other similar) expense to unlock?


As I have said as often as I have listed these, answers to any would be appreciated. Answering all would suffice for the purposes of this thread.


Now go troll the chat bubble or secret space mission or barber shop or paid transfer people, 'kay? Thanks. Bye.

Kind of sad the only attention we get is to clear away the trolls.






Damn I'm just tired of it all. Grats BW you wore me down, at least for today. That's an accomplishment considering what a stubborn {bleep} I am. I don't even feel like logging on at all.

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At this point, I'm on the verge of starting a thread demanding some info, reposting it once they close the first, and reposting it again once they close the second if need be. This lack of info is getting to be quite ridiculous.


Go for it.


As long as they decline to close every redundant thread on every popular topic and penalize the person who next opens a thread on that topic, I don't see how they can stop us from posting where we like without running afoul of their own guidelines against harrasment or discriminatory behavior.


Do be aware, however, that re-posting a closed topic can earn an infraction. If you feel that is a reasonable consequence and choose to post anyway, that's your call, and Henry David Thoreau would salute you.


I have no problem with policies applied evenly and fairly. Policies applied selectively to some topics and not to others are, of course, something quite different, and I think the Community Support team needs to think very carefully about that.

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The mood and attitude of the posters in here...


You know, I often worry if I'm being overly negative about this subject and towards Bioware. If I'm ever causing a bad atmosphere around this thread, please feel free to slap me with a cold, wet fish and tell me to shut up and have a cup of tea. It's hard to maintain the pretense of a positive attitude, especially in the face of what feels like overwhelming disapproval from Bioware for daring to question them, but it's something that needs to be done. It's far too easy to fall into a little pit of hate, after all.

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I can feel your anger. It give you focus, makes you stronger! ;)


Take your anger, focus and hone it on your blade. Release that rage into your enemy. All the annoyances, all the stress, loose it into your foe. This frees you to feel all the other emotions of life.


It also means you won't scare the kids when you come home at night.


~ Lord Vizloch, to Lord Naught, on what it is to be a Sith and have a family



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No, so long as one is able to use it constructively.


On another note, yet another member of the player community who had no idea this thread existed has started one on General Discussion asking about the status of same-gender content.


It being the weekend, it should last a while before anyone is around to lock it, so I encourage everyone to speak up there as well. If that thread is closed and re-directed, I'll make a formal complaint.

Edited by Uluain
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Thank you Tatile, Uluain, Natashina and any others I may of missed for keeping up with this topic.


I checked over on that new thread someone posted in general, and seeing the "only teenage boys would want this, so why waste the devs time on it" while expected, doesn't make it any less disappointing to see. Makes me wonder if they are intentionally taking the mick, or if they really do believe that there aren't LGBT adults that want SGR in the game.

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We see that a lot. Also suppositions that only LGBT players have any interest in this and that it is therefore insignificant. We also see a lot of people who don't know this thread is here, and people who don't know that same-gender romantic content is in development for future inclusion.


I have in the past asked that this thread therefore be moved to General Discussion, to no avail. So a lot of folks really have no clue this is coming at all, and as much as BW may want to avoid the controversy now, they will have to face it at some point.


I don't think restricting discussion to this thread is effective, and I don't think it is fair. So yes, I encourage others to speak up there. It will be most helpful if we can avoid engaging the more hostile posts directly, as it will a.) show us in a more reasonable light and b.) give the Community Support team less reason to lock the thread.


On the other hand, I think it is not necessarily a bad thing to give those hostile to the content a venue in which to show that in whatever terms, so that they can in time be culled from the forum discussions entirely if they can't learn to express themselves politely.

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I'm about to make a pre-written anti-troll post about SGRs, I swear.


New favorite: "Well, Bugs X and Y haven't been fixed, and this game is just going downhill, so don't expect it."


The guy posts how much he enjoys running dungeons, favorite quotes, ect. He just came in to be a negative jerk. :mad:


Here's a list of popular reasons why some people think SGRs aren't going to happen:


1) ToR is dying, and they have to cut that content.

2) Only 13 yr old perverted boys want SGRs.

3) It's too expensive to write VAs

4) Lucas is against gay rights.

5) Don't you know, EA is the debil!

6) SGRs are anti-canon in Star Wars EU.

7) Omgz the kids!


Did I miss anything?


<points to herself> Oh Ms. Bitter, your table is ready. :rolleyes:

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Did I miss anything?


"It only caters to a tiny minority."

"This should in no way take priority over [X content I want]."

"Stop trying to normalize your freakish perversion".

"They'll have to add relationships with Tauntauns, too."

"I play this game to escape RL issues so I don't want your agenda here."


I can probably think of more, given time.


Edit – oh! How could I forget the classic "They can't do it because the ESRB would rate it M."

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"It only caters to a tiny minority."

"This should in no way take priority over [X content I want]."

"Stop trying to normalize your freakish perversion".

"They'll have to add relationships with Tauntauns, too."

"I play this game to escape RL issues so I don't want your agenda here."


I can probably think of more, given time.


Edit – oh! How could I forget the classic "They can't do it because the ESRB would rate it M."


Hold the phone...TAUNTAUNS? :eek:


So the old homosexuality = animal lover (the proper term is censored lol) comparison is alive and well on the forums eh? Wonder how I missed that one. I'm glad I did. :mad:


I shouldn't be surprised by this, but sometimes the ignorance that can be inherent to human nature takes me off guard. It really shouldn't by now, but that's what I get for maintaining some faith in humanity.


Oh well, at least the trolls are amusing.


I do want to go, "Seriously, are you reading the words coming off of your fingers? Do you really believe that?" I know I don't want the answer to that one though.


Edit: Forgot to add the expression of the week. "I'm not against SGRs, but I wouldn't hold my breath."


Three times in three threads this week alone getting told that very sentence. Yeesh. :rolleyes:

Edited by natashina
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On a much lighter note, I had a really weird dream last night.


Ixum was posting from the PTS, telling us about how the male Imperial Agent was getting two male romance options, one of which was Vector and the other was some unnamed entity who I specifically remember wasn't Lokin. So I dream-scrolled through the dream-thread, skipping over someone who had posted all the dialogue of one of the romances with another companion. I'm pretty sure it was Torian.


And that's what happens when I go to bed late after staying up and discussing SGRA's in Star Wars. Whoo.


(At least I'm not dreaming about work anymore.)

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Just had a look at the thread in general, lets just say I'm staying well away for the sake of what remains of my sanity - I tend to type first then think later and don't want to get culled again (such a sad end for words to be destroyed like that, but I digress).


I'm currently playing on the Test Server, mainly because I wanted y to play a smuggler again (she's such a snarky one, almost as fun as snarkyHawke in DA2), also wanted to see what shinies I might get with my free cartel coins - which appear to have adopted the nickname 'cacos' over there.


Am at the last level of Coruscant now, hopefully will get to Tatooine before I lose internet in a week or so (moving house, new internet not going on until 6 December, Can use the shared on in the pub downstairs, but not exactly conducive to safe surfing or game playing), to be able to get pics of the female ftb there. Still kicking myself that I turned her down on live >< Well, how was I to know she'd go through with it?


Anyhoo, not sure what the point of this post was, but hiya anyway:D

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The vast amounts of idiocy, immature behaviour and outright ignorance displayed on these forums isn't just shameful, it makes me lose all hope for humanity.


Reminds of the big flame-war over the Star trek DS9 episode where what's-her-name was revealed to be romantically involved with another woman, the trekkies went absolutely ballistic, they instantaneously went from the hope for peace and co-operation to just another group of hate-filled bible spouters, it was that moment when I stopped watching Star trek all together because I knew we'd never get over our differences and our only future will be some form of holocaust because we are a ludicrously childish race and we'll never amount to anything, because no matter how far science comes along we still be filled with discriminatory imbeciles who will end up wrecking all the achievements we make as a race due to idiotic semi-idols in power.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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The vast amounts of idiocy, immature behaviour and outright ignorance displayed on these forums isn't just shameful, it makes me lose all hope for humanity.


Reminds of the big flame-war over the Star trek DS9 episode where what's-her-name was revealed to be romantically involved with another woman, the trekkies went absolutely ballistic, they instantaneously went from the hope for peace and co-operation to just another group of hate-filled bible spouters, it was that moment when I stopped watching Star trek all together because I knew we'd never get over our differences and our only future will be some form of holocaust because we are a ludicrously childish race and we'll never amount to anything, because no matter how far science comes along we still be filled with discriminatory imbeciles who will end up wrecking all the achievements we make as a race due to idiotic semi-idols in power.


Agreed. Though I lost all faith some time ago, but every now and then something wonderful happens and I get a little bit back, before it vanishes just as quickly as it appeared.


Just because our technology improves over time, doesn't mean society will improve with it.

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Looking at the homophobic whargle-bargle (and I include the "I'm not homophobic, but" responses in that) makes me really glad that we could roll female characters at launch. I dread to think of what misogynistic hate would spill forth onto the forums if we were asking for the option to play as a woman - because we all know MMO players are men and playing as a character not of your sex is just another "freakish perversion".


I still like to think that education would enlighten people as to the fundamental equality of human beings, in spite of all evidence to the contrary. I'm cursed to be forever optimistic about our vile little species.

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