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Same gender relationships clarifications?


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"Player-sexual" probably isn't the best phrase for it but is commonly used.


It's the idea that certain LIs can have a subjective sexuality in different playthroughs.


If you think about it, a lot of BW's LIs don't show much (or any at all) attraction to people outside of the PC. The player is free to interpret these character's sexuality anyway they wish. When I play my Agent (female), I can believe that Dr. Lokin is gay and Temple is a lesbian if I wish b/c so far I haven't ran into evidence that contradicts this. On that note, I don't see why Temple can't be available for female Agents too but if you romance her with a male Agent, you are still free to interpret her as a straight character.


Players simply have different interpretations of these characters in general because the content we experience in game can't possibly show us 100% of the characteristics that define these characters (do we know Kaliyo's favorite food? No....so that's open to interpretation).

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"Player-sexual" probably isn't the best phrase for it but is commonly used.


It's the idea that certain LIs can have a subjective sexuality in different playthroughs.


If you think about it, a lot of BW's LIs don't show much (or any at all) attraction to people outside of the PC. The player is free to interpret these character's sexuality anyway they wish. When I play my Agent (female), I can believe that Dr. Lokin is gay and Temple is a lesbian if I wish b/c so far I haven't ran into evidence that contradicts this. On that note, I don't see why Temple can't be available for female Agents too but if you romance her with a male Agent, you are still free to interpret her as a straight character.


Players simply have different interpretations of these characters in general because the content we experience in game can't possibly show us 100% of the characteristics that define these characters (do we know Kaliyo's favorite food? No....so that's open to interpretation).


Ok, thanks. :) Yeah, I see your point. Kaliiyo, on the other hand, has pretty much admitted openly that she's bi, with her comments in the letter I read where she says "young people" instead of "young men" as to who she wants to bring onboard to help her pass the time. :D

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I may be "misremembering" here, but wasn't there an explicit statement from Bioware somewhere saying that when same-gender romance is introduced, it will be with newly introduced companions?


I just figure it's worth mentioning since there's a lot of opinions floating around regarding which existing companions people'd most like to see, and which classes they want to roll as for the options. But, if it's only going to be companions we get in the next story update...then we haven't seen them yet. (Unless HK-51 is a SGR option)

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I may be "misremembering" here, but wasn't there an explicit statement from Bioware somewhere saying that when same-gender romance is introduced, it will be with newly introduced companions?


It's changed, apparently.


The latest word is that some SGRA content will be added this year in a story content patch and it will be with existing companions that they had always intended to be SGRA capable (but they didn't have time to implement it).

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As for Kaliyo, I'll just say that she can be interpreted as bisexual and most so.


Zandilar is going to disagree though XD


You guess correctly! :) I'm not confident enough in what we know to label her as bisexual, given Bioware's track record with the ME character she's the expy for (Jack), but I think I've just about exhausted myself on the "please don't label until we know 100% for sure from Kaliyo herself" (or her writer).


There are certainly hints, but there were also hints with Jack. (Bioware - Jack keeps coming up over and over again because you guys made Kaliyo her expy (<= warning, that link goes to the black hole of the internet, otherwise known as Tvtropes). There are so many parallels between them, it's very hard to have any conversation about Kaliyo without bringing up Jack.) But Jack turned out seemingly straight - Fem!Shepard couldn't romance her at all (which is the important part... I'm still trying to track down the Jack/Male!Shepard scene another poster was talking about upthread.)


Finally, I love my female!Agent, and I would be sorely disappointed if Kaliyo was the only choice of LI for her. (Because they are so not compatible, it isn't funny.)

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You guess correctly! :) I'm not confident enough in what we know to label her as bisexual, given Bioware's track record with the ME character she's the expy for (Jack), but I think I've just about exhausted myself on the "please don't label until we know 100% for sure from Kaliyo herself" (or her writer).


There are certainly hints, but there were also hints with Jack. (Bioware - Jack keeps coming up over and over again because you guys made Kaliyo her expy (<= warning, that link goes to the black hole of the internet, otherwise known as Tvtropes). There are so many parallels between them, it's very hard to have any conversation about Kaliyo without bringing up Jack.) But Jack turned out seemingly straight - Fem!Shepard couldn't romance her at all (which is the important part... I'm still trying to track down the Jack/Male!Shepard scene another poster was talking about upthread.)


Finally, I love my female!Agent, and I would be sorely disappointed if Kaliyo was the only choice of LI for her. (Because they are so not compatible, it isn't funny.)


Oh, I DEFINITELY hope Raina is available for SGRs when they come in. :D Yes, I really have it bad for Halle Berry look-a-likes. :o

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It's changed, apparently.


The latest word is that some SGRA content will be added this year in a story content patch and it will be with existing companions that they had always intended to be SGRA capable (but they didn't have time to implement it).


Oh, I hope they never forget this, it would be quite unfair if we couldn´t mate those companions we have been secretly loving for such a long time!!!!

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Oh, I DEFINITELY hope Raina is available for SGRs when they come in. :D Yes, I really have it bad for Halle Berry look-a-likes. :o


dude i'd call you two peppermint patty and marci.

there may be hope for my Mmarauder and quinn yet * squeeeeeee*

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Oh, I DEFINITELY hope Raina is available for SGRs when they come in. :D Yes, I really have it bad for Halle Berry look-a-likes. :o


Yes, she would be far more acceptable as a LI for Jan than Kaliyo. :) Shame I don't get to have her as my active companion. :( (I am pretty much locked in to taking Lokin with me, since he heals. I suppose I could respec as medic and try with Rania as my dps, but I don't like being so passive when solo'ing.)


I've decided I want to add LS Jaesa* to my list of desired LIs. Myren (my SW) has taken a real shine to her, and takes her everywhere (even though Quinn would probably be the safer choice, as the healer). She's a bit like an Empire version of Kira (not quite sure if that really conveys what I mean).


*I am aware she's not romancable by either gender right now, but that isn't stopping Myren from wanting her. ;)

Edited by Zandilar
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Yes, she would be far more acceptable as a LI for Jan than Kaliyo. :) Shame I don't get to have her as my active companion. :( (I am pretty much locked in to taking Lokin with me, since he heals. I suppose I could respec as medic and try with Rania as my dps, but I don't like being so passive when solo'ing.)


Why not try a hybrid healing/dps spec? Though, even as dps, you probably have enough healing to get by solo.


I'm a sniper so it's me and Lokin together 4 eva!


I've decided I want to add LS Jaesa* to my list of desired LIs. Myren (my SW) has taken a real shine to her, and takes her everywhere (even though Quinn would probably be the safer choice, as the healer). She's a bit like an Empire version of Kira (not quite sure if that really conveys what I mean).


I'd find it amusing if LS Jaesa is only into women.


They'd never have a female that's exclusive to women though.

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Why not? They had Traynor in ME3 (I hope this is not counted as being off topic again).


I would be crushed if I don't get to romance either Vette or Jaesa with my fem SW, I've parked her in Dromund Kas just waiting for the SGR options to open. I'd probably go for Jaesa though, if available, Vette is just too good for my SW.

With my smuggler I'm kind of open to suggestions, I'd prefer Akaavi, but Risha or a new companion would be fine as well.


For my JK I'd prefer Kira, but if a new and cool lesbian companion would be added I could accept that.


I think there are points for both making companions pc-sexual and also for making characters that show their sexual orientation openly independently from the PC.

Why not a mixture.


I just hope that when the SGR option comes, that it's a) for all classes and b) that there will be existing characters open for SGR and not just one or two new companions that would be available to all classes like the HK is suppossed to be.

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Why not? They had Traynor in ME3 (I hope this is not counted as being off topic again).


Considering that currently ALL female companions are romance options for males...I doubt they'd ever deny them one.


I just hope that when the SGR option comes, that it's a) for all classes and b) that there will be existing characters open for SGR and not just one or two new companions that would be available to all classes like the HK is suppossed to be.


I just hope lvl 50s can do them.

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Considering that currently ALL female companions are romance options for males...I doubt they'd ever deny them one.


That isn't quite true. LS Jasea is not available to either gender as a romantic interest. Which I believe may well be corrected in the future (I seem to remember reading something about that somewhere, but don't ask me where).


I just hope lvl 50s can do them.


I've decided to go through the dialogues with Jaesa as they occur, since she's not actually a LI with anyone yet. So, hopefully, that means if they do open her up as a LI, there'll be mechanisms in place for capped SWs to go back and romance her.

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It's changed, apparently.


The latest word is that some SGRA content will be added this year in a story content patch and it will be with existing companions that they had always intended to be SGRA capable (but they didn't have time to implement it).


I certainly hope this is correct. I have recently unsubscribed and will wait for the promised SGRA enabled content. If my level 50 female can't romance existing companions, or my level 30, I will be very disappointed and probably not resubscribe. I have no plans to start the game over with a new alt. I have done this already a dozen times and am tired of the existing world content. :csw_destroyer:

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That isn't quite true. LS Jasea is not available to either gender as a romantic interest. Which I believe may well be corrected in the future (I seem to remember reading something about that somewhere, but don't ask me where).


She is still possibly available in general.


There is no female companion that lacks a romance arc.

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She is still possibly available in general.


There is no female companion that lacks a romance arc.


I disagree, but I acknowledge that some people may see my reason for doing so as a little out there.


LS and DS Jaesa are VERY different. They may as well be two separate (and exclusive to one another) companions. Everything about them is different, their combat barks, their ship conversations, even their basic look.

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Considering that currently ALL female companions are romance options for males...I doubt they'd ever deny them one.


Too true! The only biologically female companion that the player can't bang is the companion that the player can choose to avoid recruiting.


I doubt we'll ever see an exclusively gay female companion. Lady companions are, by all evidence to date, designed to be accessible to all.

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Too true! The only biologically female companion that the player can't bang is the companion that the player can choose to avoid recruiting.


I doubt we'll ever see an exclusively gay female companion. Lady companions are, by all evidence to date, designed to be accessible to all.


and what do you think about the male version, oh wise one? :D



btw, I was under the impression that they got rid of the choice to .not. recruit someone... back in beta *scratches head*

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Too true! The only biologically female companion that the player can't bang is the companion that the player can choose to avoid recruiting.


I doubt we'll ever see an exclusively gay female companion. Lady companions are, by all evidence to date, designed to be accessible to all.


and what do you think about the male version, oh wise one? :D


Male version of what? A non-romanceable companion? Because we already have something like twenty-six of those. Ooh, or a male all-access companion? I wouldn't say no.


Some entirely new companion blood for this endeavor would be nice...but it's going to be hard, balancing new companions plus romance for existing companions for all eight classes, isn't it. That'd be a huge burden. Boo.


btw, I was under the impression that they got rid of the choice to .not. recruit someone... back in beta *scratches head*


I should've been more clear, I was referring to LS Jaesa. She is the only biological woman the player isn't entitled to sleep with, but if the player builds the Warrior right s/he can avoid that terrible fate and snag DS Jaesa instead. DS and LS Jaesas are the only avoidable companions in the game, but you do have to pick up one of 'em.

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I doubt we'll ever see an exclusively gay female companion. Lady companions are, by all evidence to date, designed to be accessible to all.


All males, you mean.


I don't see them adding in a SGRA path for every female in the game so they will never all be romanceable by females.

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It's changed, apparently.


The latest word is that some SGRA content will be added this year in a story content patch and it will be with existing companions that they had always intended to be SGRA capable (but they didn't have time to implement it).


I keep hearing this, but I've yet to see an actual source. Do you have one?

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All males, you mean.


I don't see them adding in a SGRA path for every female in the game so they will never all be romanceable by females.

Why wouldn't they? After how upset people were when SGRs weren't going to be in the game at launch, I think BioWare knows how upset their fans will get if they don't give SGRs the same treatment as OGRs. Five out of the eight classes have only one female companion, so hopefully BioWare won't screw any female PCs out of SGRs by not making all female companions available for SGRs. For the Smuggler, SW, and IA, it's possible that one female companion but not both will be an SGR option, but obviously, we don't know.


I have enough faith in BioWare to think we'll see each class having at least one female and one male SGR option. I'll be very, very disappointed in them if there are any classes that lack these options, because that's just not fair.


I keep hearing this, but I've yet to see an actual source. Do you have one?

Been meaning to post to correct this misconception. :o As far as I know, BioWare has never stated which companions will or won't be available for SGRs. What they said at the guild summit (see my post on the first page of this thread for a video link) was that new companion romances would be coming with the story update later this year, and that they would talk more about SGRs when they were done. However, BW also said they knew which companions they wanted to do SGRs for. This implies it'll be with existing companions, as it sounds like they're talking about currently-existing characters. It's not a confirmation, though.

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