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Dead Server and I'm not transfering?


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well eventually the server will be removed from the game. then any toons left on it will be forced onto another server. a few servers will be kept as the new trial f2p level 15 ones. this is exactly what rift did and from a business stand point it makes perfect sense. there is no reason to pay for the upkeep or renew a lease on servers not being used. so sooner or later you will be moved. where to if forced is another question but i would think it would be the same server.

Well with any luck they won't move folks to fatman, I think it is jammed packed as it is

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I'd say the #1 reason why someone would not want to transfer seems pretty simple: they want to pick their destination.


The majority of players have not remained subscribed and patiently playing on a dead server; if they had then the server wouldn't be dead. The ones who didn't quit already restarted on another server. After going through all the trouble to re-level a new character, begin a new Legacy, and setting themselves up with a new League and new friends, going back to the old character (even if slightly better geared) on a differant server (even if it's now on a high population server) seems less appealling. If we can't pick our destination, then the character is no more useful than they were on the origin server.


The naming issues? If we could pick our destination, we could check around on the high pop servers. There may be one fully playable that has the name free, but because that wasn't the randomly assigned Destination Server, they will lose a name they are attached to. Again, if they could just pick their destination, there would be no problems.


Me personally? I'm holding out for cross-region transfers. I work a nightshift job, so all my mates are Oceanic players. When the Asia Pacific servers launched, they all got to transfer over to there. I couldn't, because my billing address is in the States. So my US characters see zero gameplay while I wait for the day that I can move them over to Dalb with the rest of the League and my new characters and I have slowly started to build from scratch. Do I care about moving to a high pop US server? Nope. Because even high pop US servers are low-to-medium outside of peak hours, and the leagues there all want to schedule things during US Primetime during which time I am at work. I play at the same time as Aussie/NZ/Singapore players, and I spent a ton of money making sure my rig could handle playing on cross-the-world servers with minimal problems. I've been playing with the same League of Aussies for almost a decade over the course of several MMOs; I'm not about to throw away all my friendships and whatnots to play on some US server with a bunch of strangers just because that was my randomly assigned Destination.


Yeah. We're not all just being stubborn. Most of us who don't want to transfer, don't want to do it because they're trying to send us to the wrong place.

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So has there actually been any official word as to what happens if you don't transfer? Because I'm choosing to stay on my server as I don't want to go to ToFN. I had the chance to reroll there months ago when the servers first started dying and I chose not to.
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I'm more worried about my friends that I hope will come back one day then myself, if I leave with a free transfer, and they resub 6 months from now, will I have to reroll on their server... yet again...


I would suggest that, if they are your friends, that you contact them and get them to transfer now. They can do that. This way your not totally out of luck when they come back (don't hold your breath on that though). If you don't have the contact info for your friends, then you didn't know them very well anyway... just transfer and make new friends.

Edited by Mindsplitter
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If your on a dead server and you do not transfer what happens? The way I see it the population is already small, if people start getting free transfers off of the server the population is only going to get smaller. Will they merge servers? Will they force me to transfer?


No. you have the choice to have no one to play with.

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if your friends are silly enough to not return before the transfers and take advantage of the free transfers being offered they can always pay for a transfer later on ...consider it a perk of being subbed at the times of transfers..


i know i for one will not feel bad for anyone who returns 6 months from now and cries that they cant get a transfer for free..


They will, they won't leave characters on dead servers, any more than Warhammer Online did.

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I don't want to deal with queues to get into the server. I don't want to stand in line to kill a mob to complete a quest (Experimental Warbot at Grathen's Estate during launch anyone?).


I prefer low-med pop servers, always have and I've been geeking in MMOs since Ultima Online.


So, personally, I hope they keep a few lower pop servers around for those of us that don't want to deal with overfull servers with excessive queues and lag because of it.

I feel the same way. The only time I really do instanced content more than once a week is when a raid or flashpoint is initially released and I need them my main. Generally my main feels 'done' after 2-3 weeks usually and I'm back to questing on my alts and only doing operations and flashpoints to help out when my guild is short of healers.


Most of my time is spent doing stuff where having a lot of people around is more of a hindrance than a help.

Edited by RangerRobEU
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I decided to roll a Sith Inq alt on Ebon Hawk last night. I wanted to see what a 'full' RP server would be like.


Too many people on Korriban! Once again, standing around waiting for things to spawn, or others running past me taking the xp I would have gotten had I been the only one there, or one of a few there.


Do not like! I usually only have an hour or two at a time to play and I do not like having to wait around to complete things that shouldn't take very long to do.


Sure, Gen Chat was fun as hell to read with people actually talking in character, but overall, I prefer less people around.

Edited by MidnyteTragedy
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Sure, Gen Chat was fun as hell to read with people actually talking in character, but overall, I prefer less people around.
Clearly you didn't get the memo. You're still trying to play the game the way you enjoy playing it. You are supposed to play the game the way these other people want you to play it. Do try to keep up!
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actually with the game going f2p till 15 next month where do you think most of those poeple will be trying the game out at. Also there are people who refuse to leave a server no matter how many are actually playing unless forced i saw it in wow, everquest and other mmos ive played people can come really attached to a particular server.
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Transfers haven't opened for my server yet. Before transfers started I was of the opinion that moving to a new more populated server and building up my guild would be a good move, but looking at my most likely destination (unless they open a new one) and looking at a loss of all my names, and trying to compete with maybe up to 100k other characters for an unique name, and at them talking about free to play being possible, I'm more leaning toward just dropping my sub and waiting it out.
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I'd say the #1 reason why someone would not want to transfer seems pretty simple: they want to pick their destination.


The majority of players have not remained subscribed and patiently playing on a dead server; if they had then the server wouldn't be dead. The ones who didn't quit already restarted on another server. After going through all the trouble to re-level a new character, begin a new Legacy, and setting themselves up with a new League and new friends, going back to the old character (even if slightly better geared) on a differant server (even if it's now on a high population server) seems less appealling. If we can't pick our destination, then the character is no more useful than they were on the origin server.


The naming issues? If we could pick our destination, we could check around on the high pop servers. There may be one fully playable that has the name free, but because that wasn't the randomly assigned Destination Server, they will lose a name they are attached to. Again, if they could just pick their destination, there would be no problems.


Me personally? I'm holding out for cross-region transfers. I work a nightshift job, so all my mates are Oceanic players. When the Asia Pacific servers launched, they all got to transfer over to there. I couldn't, because my billing address is in the States. So my US characters see zero gameplay while I wait for the day that I can move them over to Dalb with the rest of the League and my new characters and I have slowly started to build from scratch. Do I care about moving to a high pop US server? Nope. Because even high pop US servers are low-to-medium outside of peak hours, and the leagues there all want to schedule things during US Primetime during which time I am at work. I play at the same time as Aussie/NZ/Singapore players, and I spent a ton of money making sure my rig could handle playing on cross-the-world servers with minimal problems. I've been playing with the same League of Aussies for almost a decade over the course of several MMOs; I'm not about to throw away all my friendships and whatnots to play on some US server with a bunch of strangers just because that was my randomly assigned Destination.


Yeah. We're not all just being stubborn. Most of us who don't want to transfer, don't want to do it because they're trying to send us to the wrong place.


That is extremely well put. I am in a similar boat, I want the choice of destination and not someone to decide for me where I should go. They are not paying me to play, it is the other way around. There's plenty of solutions to the conundrums, waiting until the choice becomes available is certainly one of them. Until then, they shall not get my money.

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At some point the income from low population servers will be less then the cost to keep them open. At that point those low population servers will most likely all be merged in to one server and the remaining servers will all be closed. If low pop server A has a monthly income of $75 and a cost of $100 a month to keep open then the time has come to force any remaining players to move.
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You have been given a chance to move to a server that will have more population than your current server. And you will not take that chance for some reason (pride? laziness? fear of losing your "unique" name? etc.)


Of course you will be left in a "dead-er than dead" server.


Make your choice.


Some people have no need to move, or see the larger population as not being incentive enough to leave a near empty server.

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Some people have no need to move, or see the larger population as not being incentive enough to leave a near empty server.


Just got my notice to move my 8 toons into another server where 3 toons are already at. Should I stay or should I delete who I'm not playing. My sub expires Jul 18, 2012. Really don't have a reason to move if i'm leaving the game in 30 days.

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You have been given a chance to move to a server that will have more population than your current server. And you will not take that chance for some reason (pride? laziness? fear of losing your "unique" name? etc.)


Of course you will be left in a "dead-er than dead" server.


Make your choice.


What choice lose all names or be alone on a server the only choice here is to put up with this **** or quit.

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I was going to use the 'Twilight Zone' reference of the guy breaking his glasses, but someone beat me to it (By a bunch).


Instead, when they close the servers, you'll either get the Matrix Online ending of a red sky and 'All is hopeless' flashing across the screen, or the fabulous Tabula Rasa ending, in which you fight a final war against your enemy to be wiped out completely.



Seriously though, I think they'll force transfer when their servers shut down.

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Just got my notice to move my 8 toons into another server where 3 toons are already at. Should I stay or should I delete who I'm not playing. My sub expires Jul 18, 2012. Really don't have a reason to move if i'm leaving the game in 30 days.


how they notifiy you?

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