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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Disappointing world pvp


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Well i expected better for a game that suppose to have cost over 120 million dollars - was most of that spent on voice actors i wonder ? certainly not the planets themselves with all the ridiculous instancing


1) its over instanced

2) There is no point to world pvp , no objectives , nothing

3) If you going to use starwars as the point of the game. Fight over pointless planets that no ones ever heard over

in starwars - cant see the point.

4) People want open world all level battles on battles like tattoine or even Dantooine or Dathomir or Naboo, not planets no one who have ever heard of like Illum or Magreb

5) Instancing is just lazy . Designating a game as an MMO (the acronym gives a clue what its suppose to be) - 30 people in one area having a combat is not what i call an MMO


6) Even wow does not have massive use of instancing . It has phasing yes (thats different) but not instancing.


The whole thing is very repetive and cannot see how they will make any profit for their share holders from a game that is a second rate copy of wow with the only added element of any worth ie voice actors (again gets repetive )

Edited by WessexFox
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Think ill probably go back to either


WOW (instead of pretend subsitutes thats use the template of wow and then call it starwars or EVE (which has a bit of complexity to it although boring and repetitive until end game) .

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If you watch the guild summit vids and I've seen it somewhere on these forums in an official post or thread. Open world PvP is coming and since they have some Warhammer people on the team I'm hoping it will be at least equal to that if not better. I read about there being rewards and benefits to it etc... sounded good from what I read but only time will tell.
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its not coming in this year. Their "waiting" on technology that every other mmo has already to do open world pvp. Your better off going to gw or elsewhere for open world. Despite what james ohlen thinks the truth is we dont have the best pvp team.


what we have is

4 warzones you still cant choose which to do

A massive gear grind to to what keep doing the same 4 warzones?

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My Guild is dying at the minute because all we do is pvp and wpvp is our main enjoyment, But Its just non existent in this game, Its a Shame really because I love this game and I don't want to have to find a new game that offers Wpvp. I would be happy if we could Attack the republic/imperial Fleets and home Planets, I'm hoping that the New planet will have both republic and imperial questing in the same area so we can just fight it out when we like, Wpvp is really easy to get but it seems with the way the maps are Republic and Empire don't even cross paths while leveling,
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The worse part is you cant get the point across to bioware. They think they have the best pvp team and believe that. So how are you supose to get the point across other then bieng banned or unsubbing like i have. Talk about high arrogance geesh. This game could have had wows 10 mil players they could have done it but instead "settled" for 1 million and declining now. We should have had the 100vs100 like gabe advertised this game to be instead all we have is the same 4 wz's that we still cant choose 6 months in....
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The sad part is this game has no world pvp since it is not rewarding they need some sort of place were two factions go head to head no repair cost and are very well rewarded we should have npcs at a base and they have to kill the leader of the opposite faction. After the guy is killed they will have to wait a couple of hours for it to reset. Mean while the winning players who attened wil get a bonus to warzone and ranked warzone commendations. Something to encourage the open world pvp in this game since we all know nothing goes on in illum
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They yanked Illum out when all they had to do is make it not a valor grind, but make it Illum comms or cosmetic. I do think more will come just because it is starwars, and the game does have promise for open world pvp since the players are crying for it.


I hope it comes sooner than later, after all we deserve to have open world pvp back. :)

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its not coming in this year. Their "waiting" on technology that every other mmo has already to do open world pvp. Your better off going to gw or elsewhere for open world. Despite what james ohlen thinks the truth is we dont have the best pvp team.


what we have is

4 warzones you still cant choose which to do

A massive gear grind to to what keep doing the same 4 warzones?


got to agree with this but I'd also add they are probably fighting James's Boss who openly HATES on open world PVP.


I just unsub'd before my renewal that was due on the 18th and been playing this game since before guild beta started. I gave them all the time I could afford to waste, but they just kept going in the opposite direction from what I wanted to spend MY money on. And no. not going back to wow because I haven’t been there in several years either. That was a big part of the problem for me. This just became the same stupid gear grind and that is a total waste of my time.


PS no you can have my stuff. none of you left here are deserving.

Edited by Mhorham
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got to agree with this but I'd also add they are probably fighting James's Boss who openly HATES on open world PVP.


I just unsub'd before my renewal that was due on the 18th and been playing this game since before guild beta started. I gave them all the time I could afford to waste, but they just kept going in the opposite direction from what I wanted to spend MY money on. And no. not going back to wow because I haven’t been there in several years either. That was a big part of the problem for me. This just became the same stupid gear grind and that is a total waste of my time.


PS no you can have my stuff. none of you left here are deserving.


Another thing is all this "were making the game for you the fans" So who was the fan that said give me 4 wz's for 6 months and shutdown open world and give us a masive gear grind? To do more the same 4 wz's....Id love to meet this fan b/c thats who their listening to lol.

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World pvp in this game will not happen ever. The reason being the games hero engine.It just cant handle more than 16 people in one area without serious perfromance issues. This is why all you will ever see is 8 vs 8. Its kinda of there way to hide the problem.
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The sad part is this game has no world pvp since it is not rewarding they need some sort of place were two factions go head to head no repair cost and are very well rewarded we should have npcs at a base and they have to kill the leader of the opposite faction. After the guy is killed they will have to wait a couple of hours for it to reset. Mean while the winning players who attened wil get a bonus to warzone and ranked warzone commendations. Something to encourage the open world pvp in this game since we all know nothing goes on in illum


What you describe there is not wpvp. Its pve forced into a pvp environment.

People have fond memories of the old Alterac Valley where the same battles could go on for a very long time but at the same time most pvp'ers hated the pve requirement at the end of it. Resource battles were always the best one's in AV but those old resource battles that did last for days were due to people actually making sure mines were kept, towers defended and armaments were collected. The requirement for a PVE boss at the end of it is NOT desirable.


Even scheduled pvp like the Wintergrasp template was successful. Granted the use of vehicles and fighting over the control of access to a pve boss was inane and more often than not the best pvp in wintergrasp came after the battle was over. I'd personally like it if we got something like a scheduled battle, they could use Ilum as the area (providing they get a better engine) but only if they gave actual pvp rewards. I dont want a boss to pve on to get my rewards, but if the battle ends in a win the victors get RWZ comms and increased WZ comms from doing warzones for a set period of time, maybe with an account wide buff ensuring that if you want to reap these extra rewards you actually have to be in the battle.

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Waiting on technology - what nonsense is that


So what technology has wow and warhammer and even the older swg been using for massed combat.


Their management are really clueless . Well i hope swtor blows up in their face and if the answer comes back

revert to browser games or copy wow even more . Then it shows how stupid they are.


I surprised Lucas hasnt revoked their right to use his copyright. If it still falls short after 2 years. I hear they are using over seas developers . I hope to christ it isnt far east developers like india or china. They dont even know what western mmos are .And are by my experience as a freelancer in IT for the last 25 years , they are incapable of thinking outside the box but masters of copying everything.

Edited by WessexFox
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I better there isnt a standard for what can be classified as an MMO.


I dont call 16 people in one location an MMO, thats no different then some playstation games with 1st shootups.


I wonder if lucas will regret the use of BIOWARE as the company to develop starwars.


as yet i have seen no Star WARS in this game what so ever.

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Well i expected better for a game that suppose to have cost over 120 million dollars - was most of that spent on voice actors i wonder ? certainly not the planets themselves with all the ridiculous instancing


1) its over instanced

2) There is no point to world pvp , no objectives , nothing

3) If you going to use starwars as the point of the game. Fight over pointless planets that no ones ever heard over

in starwars - cant see the point.

4) People want open world all level battles on battles like tattoine or even Dantooine or Dathomir or Naboo, not planets no one who have ever heard of like Illum or Magreb

5) Instancing is just lazy . Designating a game as an MMO (the acronym gives a clue what its suppose to be) - 30 people in one area having a combat is not what i call an MMO


6) Even wow does not have massive use of instancing . It has phasing yes (thats different) but not instancing.


The whole thing is very repetive and cannot see how they will make any profit for their share holders from a game that is a second rate copy of wow with the only added element of any worth ie voice actors (again gets repetive )


sad troll is sad


anyone wanna offer him a hug? i think he needs one

edit - nvm, i found someone

Edited by FourTwent
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yeah i cant stand that the maps are so separated like they are.. everyone should be questing in the same are period.. When designing the maps, pvp was not even though of , and PVE is the main focus..hence why they made warzones.... well now the 50's are left to doing boring dailies on correlia or ilum or whatever, or they just sit on the fleet and hangout till the next que pop... how is that supposed to be end game for for hardcore pvp junkies... its not...


What they should do is keep the first 2 planets like they are , and then once you get to the 3rd planet its fair game from that point on..


Better yet have the PVE "protected areas" on the outskirts of the planet, and make the central area of planets the PVP open world area. Where you have Objective points that would encourage that specific faction to capture.. Example would be , say that imperials captured 3 /4 bases on belsavis.. and the repubs captured 1/4 bases.. Well during that span that the imps captured those bases there overall leveling xp would go up 2% per tower for a total of 8% xp .. Where the pubs would only be getting +2% xp boost for holding 1 tower..


In the above case , PVE and PVP players would get involved because the PVPer's would be actually PVPing , and the PVE's would be getting an xp boost for all there quests.. PLus it would encourage the casual pve'r to try out pvp, and then they might find they like it.... Something like this would be something that a lot of players would probably agree that they would want... Also every planet would carry a different buff , and have different objective points to hold to mix it up a little.

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All they had to do is put pvp bases on all the planets that both imp/rep can go to. Put a sith lord/Jedi mastr with 200k health and have him be a raid boss impossible to kill and have it drop Coms for bh/wh gear and other misc drops. There you go open world pvp.


Instead its just do the 4 wz's over and over to get gear to do more wz's over and over.....

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its not coming in this year. Their "waiting" on technology that every other mmo has already to do open world pvp. Your better off going to gw or elsewhere for open world. Despite what james ohlen thinks the truth is we dont have the best pvp team.


what we have is

4 warzones you still cant choose which to do

A massive gear grind to to what keep doing the same 4 warzones?

This. While class balance is fairly good and classes are fun to play, SWTOR utterly fails at objective-based world PVP, and will continue to fail at it for the foreseeable future.
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World pvp in this game will not happen ever. The reason being the games hero engine.It just cant handle more than 16 people in one area without serious perfromance issues. This is why all you will ever see is 8 vs 8. Its kinda of there way to hide the problem.


I really Hope this is not true, this game needs wpvp, Tatooine should have been natural we both side questing in the same area it would have been awesome, the fist place I ever seen a republic was Voss I was so happy to get some Out of warzone action,

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While thier "waiting" for technology gw2 and EVERY other mmo even swg which doesnt exist anymore had the "technology" to do open world pvp go figure. Hey we can get an overpriced hk droid and you can play as thundercats woohoo! sigh...



Not until I read this did I ever make the connection between Cathar and the Thundercats. How did I not see it before?!

Edited by Abominant
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I really Hope this is not true, this game needs wpvp, Tatooine should have been natural we both side questing in the same area it would have been awesome, the fist place I ever seen a republic was Voss I was so happy to get some Out of warzone action,

Sadly, I think he's right.


It really is a shame that one of the biggest things holding BioWare back, is their game engine. Ilum and the Fleets are a testament to that.


Personally, I would love to see larger Warzones like 16v16 with an Arathi Basin-sized map where we can mount up. Or imagine an Alterac Valley-style Warzone where we fight to kill the other side's Commander/General or take over a keep in the world itself? That would be pretty epic.


Warzones as they are now feel more like arenas. PvP in a box. Even with this patch they are still trying to optimize performance in Alderaan Civil War. I don't think we will be seeing epic-scale world pvp anytime soon.

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