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Staying dark is HARD


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From day 1, ive always been light.


Multiple high level characters as well as multiple 50's later i still didnt have a single dark character.


I told myself I MUST TRY to have a character dark and STAY dark.


Level 17 so far and every dialogue ive chosen the HORRIBLE, NASTY, MANIACAL responses. The novelty wore off very quickly. I keep doing a few missions/flashpoints/conversations.... feel really terrible and log an alt.


Level 17 is the highest dark character ive managed in almost a month. Im still forcing myself to keep going.


Why am i doing this to begin with? I am doing it because i feel i need to experience the other side of the fence before i can say i dont want to be over there.

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I have 3 toons with full dark side points, only 1 with full light side points.


Once you max out your alignment points, you can not try and switch alignments.


So, with all that in mind, I'm failing to see your point.

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I tried to be ''grey'' on my Assassin.


I tried to be ''grey'' on my Mercenary.


Every single time i kept on choosing light side choices. This time, i am going to start a character as dark, and STAY dark.

You're probably getting in touch with your inner good person, whereas I'm happily getting in touch with my inner evil person ;)

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I found it extremly hard to be darkside on Republic chars. Tried really badly to make a dark JK but the options presented were just...nasty. Felt like stealing candy from kids really, maybe because of the situations? Voice acting? No idea. Endend up being semi-neutral as there was so little light side choices to balance out things made in the past :cool:


It kind of flows more naturally on the trooper (hack, you only have to follow orders to boot to get a nice amount of ds ponts :p) but it does not feel as rewarding as being lightside on the Imperial side.

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I tried to be ''grey'' on my Assassin.


I tried to be ''grey'' on my Mercenary.


Every single time i kept on choosing light side choices. This time, i am going to start a character as dark, and STAY dark.


There is currently absolutely no reason for anyone to attempt to stay "grey'. Any gear that has an alignment prerequisite is either light or dark.

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I kind of think either extreme gives me a funny feeling.


while I can definitely say I'm more of a 'light side person', I play one of my jedi chars completely light-side for RP purposes and some of these replies are almost sickening. they aren't even 'good' choices, either. (anyone who thinks the Jedi-codex is really all that great and harmonic is a fool)


I'm currently playing my baby sith DS and am not entirely sure I'll be able to go on picking mostly dark. I wanted her to 'see the light' after a certain point in the story (close to the end of Act I :p) but I'm afraid it's going to happen sooner now. lol



edit: I also hope there will soon be more rewards for staying neutral becaue I plan on playing one of my future chars switching between dark I and light I. I bet that will be a pain aswell. haha

Edited by amnie
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I must admit sometimes I find some of the things I make my empire alts do are so brutal :D, but I like teh diversity of it.


I actually am making my BH in general a Good guy. not a pure angel but a good guy.

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I must admit sometimes I find some of the things I make my empire alts do are so brutal :D, but I like teh diversity of it.


I actually am making my BH in general a Good guy. not a pure angel but a good guy.

My BH is the only light char in my family of chars, and the fact that Mako (who is almost permanently at my side) is in essence a light companion, makes it easier. Just as rolling a dark agent is fairly easy with Kaliyo, who's evilness personified. However, I do tend to find it difficult to let the bad guys go or get captured versus shooting them at the spot.

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Yeah, Dark side is horrible, nasty and maniacal. That's what it is, and the choices reflect that. I have one pure DS character (the rest are LS or grey with strong LS tendencies), and, quite honestly, there are DS choices that make me cringe, but I created one character to be pure evil, and I'm rolling with it, even though the choices are distasteful to me personally (as they should be). ;)


Some DS choices are merely selfish, or about covering up the truth, but yeah, there are a lot (especially on the Imp side) that are really nasty. If you're not comfortable with the way DS plays, that's fine. But if you want a pure DS character, don't expect BioWare to give you DS points just from wearing black and looking menacing.


That being said, if you want to get DS points but don't want to always be pure evil, you might want to have the Diplomacy skill, and level DS points by sending companions on missions that give DS points, or solo some of the lower level Flashpoints at higher levels and always pick the DS choices.

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From day 1, ive always been light.


Multiple high level characters as well as multiple 50's later i still didnt have a single dark character.


I told myself I MUST TRY to have a character dark and STAY dark.


Level 17 so far and every dialogue ive chosen the HORRIBLE, NASTY, MANIACAL responses. The novelty wore off very quickly. I keep doing a few missions/flashpoints/conversations.... feel really terrible and log an alt.


Level 17 is the highest dark character ive managed in almost a month. Im still forcing myself to keep going.


Why am i doing this to begin with? I am doing it because i feel i need to experience the other side of the fence before i can say i dont want to be over there.


I just pretend I'm carrying out the dark actions against people I work with, makes it a lot easier.... :p

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From day 1, ive always been light.


Multiple high level characters as well as multiple 50's later i still didnt have a single dark character.


I told myself I MUST TRY to have a character dark and STAY dark.


Level 17 so far and every dialogue ive chosen the HORRIBLE, NASTY, MANIACAL responses. The novelty wore off very quickly. I keep doing a few missions/flashpoints/conversations.... feel really terrible and log an alt.


Level 17 is the highest dark character ive managed in almost a month. Im still forcing myself to keep going.


Why am i doing this to begin with? I am doing it because i feel i need to experience the other side of the fence before i can say i dont want to be over there.


lol I am so glad I am not the only one with this problem.


Prior to yesterday, every character I had was Republic and Light Side. I am not evil, I do not want to be evil, and I do not want to be affliated with NPCs that are evil but.........I have to have an Imperial character to unlock the HK-51 companion.


So I rolled an Imperial Agent going Light Side, but Im getting frustrated because the NPCs are ridiculously evil. When my choices are Kill someone slowly making them suffer (Dark Side) or Kill them quickly (Light Side), I just yell at the screen because theres no let them live option.

Edited by SajmanPeetee
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I have 3 toons with full dark side points, only 1 with full light side points.


Once you max out your alignment points, you can not try and switch alignments.


So, with all that in mind, I'm failing to see your point.


I guess the OP's point is not about 'it's hard to spacebar through dialogue and click dark side option'. I think that she plays the character from her point of view, and it can be hard to wear the shoes of a really evil character making mean decisions, killing innocents, that kind of stuff.




I couldn't kill a father in front of his little son to get the job done, when I played bounty hunter.

It's a game, and I have to make choices from the POV of my character, whose honor and reputation is based upon delivering what she was hired for. But it was such a disgusting thing to do, even in a game, that I spared the dude and let him escape with his son. So, I guess full dark side is not for me.



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I guess the OP's point is not about 'it's hard to spacebar through dialogue and click dark side option'. I think that she plays the character from her point of view, and it can be hard to wear the shoes of a really evil character making mean decisions, killing innocents, that kind of stuff.




I couldn't kill a father in front of his little son to get the job done, when I played bounty hunter.

It's a game, and I have to make choices from the POV of my character, whose honor and reputation is based upon delivering what she was hired for. But it was such a disgusting thing to do, even in a game, that I spared the dude and let him escape with his son. So, I guess full dark side is not for me.



Oh well, if it's a RP issue...


Must be hard when you guys pull your speeders and companions out of thin air.

Must be hard to see a knife do more damage than a lightsaber.

Must be hard to ....


you get my point.

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I dont see how it would be hard to stay dark considering you can get the alignement meter on every answer in the quests... staying dark is easy.. staying light is harder, b ut again, the meter is easy enough to keep that.


that being said. i have a marauder that is max dark. been that way for a long time,, alignement meter off.. its not that hard to pick the jerk answer all the time.

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Got five 50s so far, only have 1 light V (shadow) and 1 dark V (juggernaut). Both "extremes" were done purposely, everything else falls somewhere in between. It's hard to be uniformly flat in decision making unless you have resigned to making a specific type of decision before the possibility of choice presents itself. That's my experience anyway. Edited by mokkh
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Oh well, if it's a RP issue...


Must be hard when you guys pull your speeders and companions out of thin air.

Must be hard to see a knife do more damage than a lightsaber.

Must be hard to ....


you get my point.


Not really, no.

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Oh well, if it's a RP issue...


Must be hard when you guys pull your speeders and companions out of thin air.

Must be hard to see a knife do more damage than a lightsaber.

Must be hard to ....


you get my point.


Smh, you don't get it do you. It's the person being unable to keep choosing dark side options because they don't like them. It doesn't stop them from picking it, but if you get into your character and their story it can make some choices hard because you think with your conscience, rather then spacebar spacebar and pick the dark side option and space bar again which I'm guessing is you.


Plus making up some points that are extremely irrelevant, make you look so stupid. Ever thought that having speeders pop out of now-where is time saving, what would you rather have go to local garage pick up your speeder, go to location on your speeder, speeder stays where it is, walk away, finish you quest, walk back to your speeder then park it to leave the planet...or just have it pop out of now-where?


And RP has nothing to with how light sabers can't kill people in 1 shot, that is just balance, have you never played an MMO before...

Edited by aVmuse
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Oh well, if it's a RP issue...


Must be hard when you guys pull your speeders and companions out of thin air.

Must be hard to see a knife do more damage than a lightsaber.

Must be hard to ....


you get my point.


I get what you're saying but this doesn't have to do with game mechanics vs real life at all. People often identify with their characters and the choices their characters make in a story can cause cognitive dissonance if they go against what the player would choose. Can you really not see the distinction between playing a character who can pull a companion out of his pocket and having to make a choice between taking a prisoner captive and killing them? Granted, "it's just a game" but there are many people who don't feel comfortable choosing the dark side when making those kinds of choices in a game.

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Smh, you don't get it do you. It's the person being unable to keep choosing dark side options because they don't like them. It doesn't stop them from picking it, but if you get into your character and their story it can make some choices hard because you think with your conscience, rather then spacebar spacebar and pick the dark side option and space bar again which I'm guessing is you.


Plus making up some points that are extremely irrelevant, make you look so stupid. Ever thought that having speeders pop out of now-where is time saving, what would you rather have go to local garage pick up your speeder, go to location on your speeder, speeder stays where it is, walk away, finish you quest, walk back to your speeder then park it to leave the planet...or just have it pop out of now-where?


And RP has nothing to with how light sabers can't kill people in 1 shot, that is just balance, have you never played an MMO before...


I'm glad you see my point.


Yes, I think pulling out a speeder or a companion out of thin air is great for an MMO (and yes, I've played plenty). Likewise, I understand from an MMO balance perspective that knives can hit harder than lightsabers. I also understand though, that if you want to get to max dark side/light side, hard choices like killing someone become easier.


If your that worried about RPing, while trying to get to max dark side/light side, you can easily make up the points by running Diplomacy missions.

Edited by Ignicity
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I couldn't kill a father in front of his little son to get the job done, when I played bounty hunter.

It's a game, and I have to make choices from the POV of my character, whose honor and reputation is based upon delivering what she was hired for. But it was such a disgusting thing to do, even in a game, that I spared the dude and let him escape with his son. So, I guess full dark side is not for me.



A BH kills people he/she doesn't know for reasons he'she doesn't care about for money.....not sure they would care too much tbh.

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If your that worried about RPing, while trying to get to max dark side/light side, you can easily make up the points by running Diplomacy missions.


Thats a good suggestion for people that struggle

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It's easy to go either way.... light/dark.... doesn't matter:


space, space, space, 1, space, 1, space, space, 1, space, choose light/dark side option, space, space, space...


Works really well. Just have to go into preferences and make your light/dark side options show up in dialog choices so you don't make a boo boo.



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